Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento _______________
Male/Masculino ____ Female/Femenino _______
Student ID/ # ID del Estudiante ___________ Grade/Grado
Circle Sport that Athlete intends to participate in.
Girl/Mujer Boy/Hombre
Fall/Otoño CC Go CC
Circule el deporte en que el atleta pretende participar: Fall-Spring/ Winter/Invierno Spring/Primavera Otoño- Primavera BkB SW Soc Ten TR Dance/Baile Cheer/Animación BkB SW WR BaB Go Soc TR Cheer/Animación
Emergency Contact Numbers/Números de Contacto Para Casos de Emergencia:
First Attempt will always be to home
number listed above/ (El primer intento siempre será al teléfono de la casa listado en la parte superior.) Father/Guardian name Nombre del Padre/Guardian_____________________________________ Home Phone/Telefono de Casa __________________ Work Phone/Telefono del Trabajo _______________________ Cell Phone/Telefono de Celular_______________________
Mother/Guardian name Nombre la Madre/Guardian_____________________________________ Home Phone/Telefono de Casa __________________ Work Phone/Telefono del Trabajo _______________________ Cell Phone/Telefono de Celular_______________________ Name of person other than the above to contact in case of an emergency Nombre de otra persona para contactar en caso de emergencia Name/Nombre Relation/Relación __________ Phone/Télefono__________________ Medical Information/ Información Medica: **REQUIRED**Health Insurance Company _________________________________________________________ **REQUERIDO SEGURO de SALUD TENER** Compañía de seguro de gastos médicos _________________ Current Health Information/Información del estado de salud Actual: Do you regularly take medications/¿Regularmente toma medicamentos? Yes/Si
If yes, which ones?/Si la respuesta es si, ¿Cúales? Require eye wear?/¿Requiere usar lentes? No
Contacts/Lentes de Contacto
List allergies or special conditions/ Liste cualquier alergia o condiciones especiales
Record of illnesses that have required doctor care in the past 2 years. Mencione las enfermedades que han requerido de atención medica en los dos años pasados: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Record of any serious injuries or operations/ Mencione cualquier operación o lesiónes graves: We give our consent for coaches, athletic trainers, and team physicians to provide competent care and to use their own judgment in securing medical aid and ambulance service. The team physician, athletic trainer and/or coach will apply first aid treatment until the parents or emergency contact can be contacted. We further give the above listed the consent to disclose medical information only to those that need such information to perform their jobs adequately. A nosotros damos consentimiento equipo de médicos, al entrenador físico y/o entrenador aplicar tratamiento de primeros auxilios hasta que el medico familiar o los padres hayan sido contactados. Damos nuestro consentimiento a entrenadores, físicos y al equipo medico para usar su propio criterio para proveer atención medica y el uso de servicio de ambulancia en caso de que los padres no puedan ser localizados. Damos nuestro consentimiento de compartir la información medica arriba descrita solo para aquellos que necesita dicha información para desarrollar sus trabajos adecuadamente.
Este aviso debe ser colocado en un lugar visible cerca de un teléfono a fin de que la información sea disponible inmediatamente a los empleados en su ...
All prescription medications given at school MUST have a new HFISD Medication Permission form signed by the physician and parent/guardian each school ...
For all students: Active Duty: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard ... American Indian or Alaska Native - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North ... the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. Black or ...
13 abr. 2015 - South Dakota State vs Omaha. Apr 13, 2015 at Omaha, NE. South Dakota State 6, Omaha 1. Singles competition. 1. Andrea Boglic (SDSU) def.
agrees to use these student works and information only in the manner as defined in the Student. Handbook to promote ... crabbing or fishing for commercial purposes? _______No. _______Yes. 2. .... School district staff and parents or guardians of stud
Kendon & Wendy Wheeler. Hogar De Niños, Liga de Vida Nueva. Dirección: 5a. Calle 15-20, Zona 4, La Arada. Villa Nueva, Guatemala. (Tome la Carretera al ...
Results 200 - 300 - band to empower individuals; (5) the cost of broadband;. (6) the role of in-memory technology and analytics to harness ...... of getting access to a wider international Internet band- width (92nd), the country—led by a strong ....
Results 200 - 300 - tiplexing (DWDM) a practical option for services requir- ing high bandwidths. In this way, data packages can be transmitted directly via relatively cheap optical networks, which will reduce the number of routers used and help cons
Name of Caretaker/Day Care: ... must notify the District in writing within 10 school days of student's first day of instruction of this year. ... Honey bees p. Goat farms.
Limited stop service west of 24th street in both directions. Buses serve all stops east of 24th street. Operates Weekdays only funciona sólo los días laborables.
Parents will not be asked to pay for any school health services. I consent for billing to Medi-Cal/Insurance carriers for school health services provided for my child ...
E-mail: [email protected] .... Home language by population group and gender. 1.12 ...... 3/ Deaths in hospital institutions (hospitals, nursing homes, etc.) ...
Name. Relationship. Order of Protection Exists? Yes __ No__. Principal will be notified in writing of any changes to information on this card. Signature of Parent / ...
... discriminación basada en raza, religión, credo, color, origen nacional, edad, honorable - ...... STUDENT INFORMATION: Write the name of the child, date of birth and ... information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number.
*Plan de Crianza [] ..... Vivienda de transición. ☐ ..... Si tiene alguna discapacidad y necesita este documento en otro formato, por favor llame al 1-800-525-0127 ...
If you have questions regarding this form, please contact your school office. ...... Re: Title VI ED 506 Indian Student Eligibility certification form – MSD Indian ...