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Office of the Superintendent RE: Celebrating the Life and

18 ene. 2019 - This holiday has always had an important spot in my heart because I ... I have worked to care for all students, all parents, and all employees that ...
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Office of the Superintendent Dodge City Public Schools · Unified School District 443 · Dodge City, Kansas

1000 N 2nd Ave / Room 108 · Dodge City, KS 67801-4415 (620) 371-1070 TELEPHONE / (620) 227-1695 FACSIMILE

Dear Staff and Parents,

January 18, 2019

RE: Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This holiday has always had an important spot in my heart because I believe it is core to what I stand for as a Christian and as an educational leader. His work dramatically impacted my career. It shaped how I have worked to care for all students, all parents, and all employees that I have served for over the past thirty-seven years. The battle for social justice was about caring for people regardless of their race, position in society, or status. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood for the importance of unconditional love and acceptance of all and wanted it to last for future generations. That struggle continues and is just as real today! It is also a remembrance of the battle that came with the fight for social justice. His speeches inspired me. I enjoyed listening to them and reading them. Today as Americans, we have the responsibility to carry on the “dream” of courage, truth, justice, compassion, and service to others. He has many famous quotes that I refer to from time to time. Two that I share today are: - Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’ - The time is always right to do what is right. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Este día festivo siempre ha tenido un lugar especial en mi corazón porque yo creo que es la base de mis fundamentos como una persona cristiana y como un líder en la educación. El trabajo del Dr. King ha impactado mi carrera de una forma impresionante. Ha determinado mi comportamiento y cuidado de todos los estudiantes, padres y empleados con los que he tenido el placer de trabajar los últimos treinta y siete años. La lucha por la igualdad social se trataba de de ayudar a las personas sin importar su raza, posición socioeconómica o su estatus. El Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Siempre defendió la importancia del amor y la aceptación incondicional hacia todos y que tuviera un largo impacto en las futuras generaciones. La batalla aun continúa y está muy presente en el día de hoy. Es un recordatorio de la lucha por la igualdad social. Sus discursos siempre me han inspirado. Disfruto mucho al leerlos y escucharlos. En el día de hoy, todos como americanos tenemos la responsabilidad de seguir el legado de ‘soñar’ por el valor, la justica, la verdad, la compasión y el servicio al prójimo. Hay varias frases a las que yo hago referencia a menudo. Hoy quiero compartir dos de ellas. - La pregunta más persistente y urgente en la vida es: ‘¿Qué estás haciendo por los demás?’ - Siempre es el momento correcto para hacer lo correcto. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Warm Regards,

Fred Dierksen, EdD Dr. Fred Dierksen, Superintendent of Schools · [email protected] Deborah Longton, Secretary to the Superintendent · [email protected]

USD 443 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, military status, primary language, and/or disability. This non-discrimination policy applies to admission, employment, programs, activities, and providing equal access to Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. A lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the Career and Technical (vocational) and/or other educational programs of the school.