Notification of a Body in the framework of a technical harmonization

19 abr. 2016 - B-1049 Brussels. Other Member States. Reference : Legislation : 2014/68/EU Pressure equipment. Body name, address, telephone, fax, email, ...
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Notification of a Body in the framework of a technical harmonization directive From :

Subdirección General de Calidad y Seguridad Industrial / Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad Paseo de la Castellana, 160 28071 Madrid Spain

Reference :

To :

European Commission GROWTH Directorate-General 200 Rue de la Loi, B-1049 Brussels. Other Member States

Legislation : 2014/68/EU Pressure equipment

Body name, address, telephone, fax, email, website : OCA INSPECCION, CONTROL Y PREVENCION, S.A.U. Via de las dos Castillas, 7 Edificio OCA Group 28224 POZUELO DE ALARCON Spain Phone : +34:91:799 48 00 Fax : +34:91:352 18 08 Email : [email protected] / [email protected] Website :

Body :

NB 0058

Created : Unknown (Notifications pre-dating 2006 are not available in these lists) | Last update : 09/04/2015

The body is formally accredited against : EN 45004 - EN ISO/IEC 17020

Name of National Accreditation Body (NAB) : ENAC The accreditation covers the product categories and conformity assessment procedures concerned by this notification : Yes


Tasks performed by the Body : Created : 19/04/2016 | Last update : 19/04/2016

Product family, product /Intended use/Product range ALL

Procedure/Modules Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised pressure equipment checks at random intervals Conformity to type based on pressure equipment verification EU-Type examination – production type Conformity based on unit verification EU-Type examination – design type Internal production control plus supervised pressure equipment checks at random intervals European approval for materials Approval of permanent joining personnel Approval of permanent joining procedures

Annexes or articles of the directives Annex III - Module C2 Annex III - Module F Annex III - Module B Annex III - Module G Annex III - Module B Annex III - Module A2 Article 15 Annex I, 3.1.2 Annex I, 3.1.2
