notice of general election (a viso e eleccion general)

Sections 4.004,83.010, 85.004, 85.007, Texas Election Code ... the registered voters of Pewitt Consolidated Independent School District Naples/Omah!!,Texas:.
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AWl-II Prescribed by Secretary of State Sections 4.004,83.010, 85.004, 85.007, Texas Election Code


NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION (A VISO E ELECCION GENERAL) To the registered voters of Pewitt Consolidated Independent School District Naples/Omah!!,Texas: (A los votantes registrados de Pewitt Consolidated Independent School District Naples/Omaha.


Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., on May 6, 2017, for voting in a general elections to elect three (3) school board members for a three year term. (Notifiquese, por las presente, que las casillas electorales citados abajo se abriraDn desde las 7:00 a.m. hast alas 7:00 p.m. del

Q de Mayo de 20l.1._para votar en la EleccioDn General para elegir tres(3) miembros por un taDrminode de tres anDos y

On Election Day, voters must vote in their precinct where registered to vote.

(EI D Cia de Eleccio D [J n, los votantes debera D n votar en su precinto donde estan inscritos para votar.) Precinct Number(s)

Location of Election Day Polling Places Include Name of Building and Address

(UbicacioOn de las casillas electorales de votacioOn ade lantada) (NuDmero de precinto) (Incluir Nombre de Edificio y DireccioO On)

Naples Community Building 104 Daingerfield St Naples, Texas 302, 402 103,303,6 City of Omaha 305 Whiteoak Omaha, Texas 8,9,10 Marietta Community Association 308 North Central Hwy 250 Marietta, Texas


For early voting, a voter may vote at any of the locations listed below:

(Para Votaclon Adelamada, los votantes podran volar en cualquiera de las ubicaciones nombradas abajo.) Days and Hours of Operation

Location for early Voting Polling Places Include Name of Building and Address (UbicacioOn de las casillas electorales de votacion adelantada)

Pewitt CISD Administration Building 1330 US Highway 67 W Omaha, Texas

Dias y Horas Habilies

8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: (Los solicitudes para boletas de votacion adelantada por correo deberan enviarse a:)

Karla Davlin Name of Early Voting Clerk (Nombre del Secretario de la VotacioL:;n Adelantada)

1330 US Highway 67 West Address (DireccioDn) Omaha 75571 City (Ciudad) Zip Code_(CoDdigo Postal) Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on: April 24, 2017 (Las solicitudes para boletas de votacioD n adelantada por correo debera D n recibirse para elfin de las horas de negocio el: 24 de abrill de 2017

Issued this the 17th day of February, 2017 (Emitida este dia 17 de febrero, 2017)