notice of deadline to file application for place on the
14 dic. 2018 - 800 North Williams. Spur, TX 79370. Address to mail application for place on the ballot (If filing by mail):. (Direccion a donde enviar las ...
AW3-2a Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 141.040, Texas Election Code 10/2011
NOTICE OF DEADLINE TO FILE APPLICATION FOR PLACE ON THE BALLOT (AVISO DE FECHA LIMITE PARA PRESENTAR SOLICITUDES PARA UN LUGAR EN LA) Notice is hereby given that applications for a place on the Spur ISD School Board Regular Election on May 4, 2019 may be filed during the following time: (Se da aviso por la presente que las solicitudes para un lugar en la bolete de la Eleccion Regular de Spur ISD School Board se pudedn presenter durante el sigulente horario:)
FILING DATES AND TIMES: (Fechas y Horario para Entregar Presntaciones)
START DATE: January 16, 2019
END DATE: February 15, 2019 @ 5pm
(Fecha Inicio)
(Fecha Limite)
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Horario de la Oficina)
Physical address for filing application in person for a place on the ballot: (Direccion a fisica para presenter las solicitudes en persona para un lugar en la bolete)
Spur ISD 800 North Williams Spur, TX 79370 Address to mail application for place on the ballot (If filing by mail): (Direccion a donde enviar las solicitudes para un lugar en la bolete (en caso de presenter por correo))
Spur ISD PO Box 550 Spur, TX 79370
Amy Tagle _____________________________
Amy Tagle Printed Name of Filing Officer
(Nombre en letra de molde del Official gle de Archivos)
Amy Tagle _____________________________ Signature of Filing Officer (Firma del Oficial de Archivos)
December 14, 2018 _____________________________ Amy Tagle glePosted Date