Nombre Secreto: Librito

No loose pages- all papers must be ATTACHED---taped, glued or stapled. 3. Papers must be in order (or VERY close to it) AND NUMBERED. 4. Pages must be ...
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Nombre Secreto: _________________________________

Librito: 1C #


0 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

Índice Librito checklist Saludos Preguntas y Respuestas Introducciones Presentaciones Cortesías Exclamaciones Despedidas La conversacion Roberto y Lorena p. 3 from text Map of Central America & Carribean Latin American geography El vocabulario Review worksheet 1 Review worksheet 2 Everything complete from last librito checks

55 56 57 58


From 2/11/11 vocabulary/notes vocabulary/notes vocabulary/notes vocabulary/notes vocabulary/notes vocabulary/notes vocabulary/notes 2 sided WS Translation WS 4 activities from book Colored & labeled

Points Possible 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 sided worksheet Calendar worksheet 2 sided, A-D 2 sided, E-H See checklists on p. 26 & 43 – check for assignments that were not complete. Are they complete now? TOTAL

2 2 2 2 -2 per missing assignm ent 34

Points Received

1. All” Hazlo” pages must be DATED and LABELED. 2. No loose pages- all papers must be ATTACHED---taped, glued or stapled. 3. Papers must be in order (or VERY close to it) AND NUMBERED. 4. Pages must be COMPLETE or NO credit will be given.

Name ___________________________________________ Period ______________