Next Club Dinner Meeting 6 PM Monday, Jan.16 --- Sizzlers in Goleta ...

1 ene. 2012 - The Club's Ecumenical Yuletide Seasonal Party, December 19, 2012. BMW Bikers Gang President and Party Secretary Looking ---- Like ...
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Jan. 2012 NEWSL

A. E. Keir Nash, editor -- [email protected]

2012 New Year's Riders to, and at, Guadalupe's Far Western Cantalupe Ristorante -- Photo by H. Rawn

Next Club Dinner Meeting 6 PM Monday, Jan.16 --Sizzlers in Goleta, at 5555 Hollister Avenue


James Chen's Foto Bueno de Filosofo-parecidos Bikeros, Senor Cribbage y Esposa Elegante -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Club's Ecumenical Yuletide Seasonal Party, December 19, 2012

BMW Bikers Gang President and Party Secretary Looking ----

Like Dickensian Ghosts of Christmas Sometime to Come


What does Madame contemplate re the presents?

Ricardo Cabeza growing an Eastern Orthodox priest's beard to celebrate


3 of the more restrained party-goers doing their varying bests not to appear flummoxed by what they are observing.

AS OF GOING TO PRESS --- Some 55 photos of the party remain trapped somewhere in or near Person X's camera. If they are ever transmitted to the editor's e-mail inbox, they may appear in a later issue.

________________________________________________________________________________________ Place stamp here

From: Santa Barbara BMW Riders P O Box 6532, Santa Barbara, CA.
