new certificate of origin requirements for exports to mexico

The document can be free form and does not have to be authorised by Mexican ... Box 7: Choose the appropriate letter (A - F) which describes the way you are ...
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There has been a certain amount of confusion over recent months in connection with new Certificate of Origin (COO - see attached draft example of document) requirements for goods entering Mexico. The Standard European COOs are no longer satisfactory. In addition to the information included in the standard EU certificate exporters are now required to include The Harmonised System Tariff Classification number of the goods, make available on request of the Mexican authorities the details of the producer of the goods (including the origin of the various components comprising the finished article), plus they must include a declaration stating that the document is complete and accurate. The document can be free form and does not have to be authorised by Mexican authorities in this country before departure. Although the Mexican Authorities require the document to be authorised by an approved issuing body in the UK (ie an authorised Chamber of Commerce), European Law as it stands will not allow certificates other than standard EU certificates to be authorised. All Chambers can do at present is to attest to the company signature. It would also be prudent to affix a Spanish translation of the completed certificate to minimise the likelihood of any delays at customs. A Spanish version of the form is also attached.

DTI / Mexico Desk

Instructions for Completing Certificates of Origin 1 All COOs must be loosely similar in format to the attached example and should contain all the same information. 2

All Boxes 1 - 9 must be completed by the UK exporter.

Box 1: Full name, address, telephone and fax numbers and UK tax registration number of the Exporter. Box 2: Full details (as in Box 1 above) of the producer(s) of the goods. That is the person(s) / company who carried out the last major production process other than minor processing. To preserve confidentiality, however, as the UK is a signatory to the GATT the words “available to the authorities on request” may be inserted here instead. All details must be made available to the Mexican authorities on request. Box 3: Full details (as in Box 1 above) of the person importing the goods into Mexico. Box 4: Give the six-figure Harmonised System Tariff number. Box 5: Description of the goods covered by the COO which must correspond with the description on the invoice and any other documents accompanying the goods. Box 6: Invoice number or other suitable reference to identify the invoice and goods to which the COO refers. Box 7: Choose the appropriate letter (A - F) which describes the way you are defining the origin of the item(s) described in Box 5, as followed: Criteria: A

The country where the items are wholly obtained or produced.

B The country where the items were produced from national materials of that country (ie where the item is wholly manufactured in one country from domestically produced materials). C The country where there is a substantial change to each of the foreign materials / components in an item after the manufacturing process. D Where there are no specific rules for determining the country of origin of particular goods the country of origin is where the last substantial processing took place. E Where the country of origin does not fall amongst the descriptions at A - D above the country of origin will be the country / countries of origin of the raw materials which give the goods their essential nature.

F Where the country of origin can not be determined by A - D above the country of origin of the goods shall be the country / countries of origin of the materials likely to be taken into account for the purpose of classifying the goods. Box 8:

Give the country of origin of the goods.

Box 9:

To be completed by the Producer / Exporter.

Box 10: Must be completed by the importer of the goods on their arrival of Mexico. Box 11: To be completed by Chambers of Commerce or other bodies empowered to authorise COOs. At present due to European Union Law such bodies can not authorise certificates as the law will need to be changed or the Mexican requirements altered. All Chamber can do at present is attest that the signature on the document is valid.


1 Exporter


4 Tariff Classification

2 Importer

5 Description and quantity of the good(s)

9 Certifying person or entity

6 Invoice

7 Origin Criterion

Country of Origin

10 Importer’s Declaration

I declare that the information on this document is complete and I declare that the information on this certificate is true and accurate. I assume the responsibility to inform, in writing to all accurate, and I assume the responsibility for proving such persons to whom the certificate was given of any changes that could representations. I understand that I shall be liable for any false affect the accurary or validity of this certificate. This certificate statements or material omissions made on or in connection with consists of ________ pages, including all this annexes. this document. I agree to maintain and to present upon request of the competent authority information, documentation and necessary proof to support this certificate and to inform such authority in writing, of any changes that could affect the accuracy or validity of this certificate.

(Name and signature) 11 Foreign authority or organization.

(Name and signature)

I declare that I have seen sufficient information, documents and prooves, to the best of my knowledge, to guarantee that the information on this certificate is true and accurate.

(City, country, date, signature and seal)


1 Exportador:

2 Productor:

3 Importador:

4 Clasificación Arancelaria

5 Descripción y cantidad de las mercancías

6 Factura

7 Criterio de Origen

8 País de Origen

9 Persona o entidad que Certifica

10 Declaración del importador

Declaro, bajo protaeta de decir verdad, que la información contenida en ésta documento es verdadora Y correcta. Me compromento a comunicar por escrito a todas las personas a quienes entregue el presente certificado, do cualquler cambio que pudiers afectar is exactitud o validez del mismo. Este certificado ae compone de __________________ hojas, incluyendo todos sus anexos.

Declaro, bajo protesta de decir verdad, que la información contenida en ésto documento es verdadera Y exacta Y me hago responsable de comprobar lo aquf declarado. Estoy conscionto que seré responaable por cualquier declaración falsa U omision necha en o relacionada con el presente documento. Me compromeso a conservar Y presentar a la autoridad compatente la información, documentos Y pruebas necesarias que respalden el contenido del presante certificado, asf como comunicar por escrito a dicha autoridad de cualquier cambio que pudlera afectar la exactitud o validez del mismo.


(NAME AND SIGNATURE) _______________________ (nombre y firma)

(nombre y firma)

11 Organismo o autoridad extranjera Declaro que he tenido a mi vista la información, documentos y pruebas suficientes a mi buen entender, para com probar que la información contenida en el presente certificado as verdadera y exacta.

(Ciudad, país, fecha, firma y sello)



9 Persona o entidad que Certifica

Declaro, bajo protasta de decir verdad, que la información contenida en éste documento es verdadora y correcta. Me compromento a comunicar por escrito a todas las personas a quienes entregue el presente certificado, do cualquier cambio que pudiero afectar is exactitud o validez del mismo. Este certificado se compone de ________________________ hojas, incluyendo todos sus anexos



10 Declarción del importador

Declaro, bajo protesta de decir verdad, que la información contenida en éste documento es verdadera y exacta y me hago responsable de comprobar lo aqui declarado. Estoy conscionto que seré responsable por cualquier declaración falsa u omision necha en o relacionada con el presente documento. Me compromero a conservar y presentar a la autoridad competente la información, documentos y pruebas necesarlas que respalden el contenido del presente certificado, asi como comunicar por escrito a nicha autoridad de cualquier cambio que pudiera afectar la exactitud o validez del mismo.