Never leave a child alone in a car! Not even for a minute! - Arlingtonva

Place your purse, briefcase or other personal item in the back with the child, to serve as an additional reason to look in the back seat. * Remember to use the ...
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Never leave a child alone in a car! Not even for a minute! Left alone in a vehicle, even for a short time, a child is in danger of heat stroke, injury, abduction or death.

Look Before You Lock: 

Place your purse, briefcase or other personal item in the back with the child, to serve as an additional reason to look in the back seat. Remember to use the drive-through convenience offered by banks, dry cleaners, pharmacies, and other service providers. Pay at the pump at gas stations. Leave your pets at home.

Department of Human Services Child and Family Services Division

Did you know even in a cool day, the temperature inside a parked car can rapidly climb to dangerous zones?

Outside Temperature

Inside Temperature











If you see a child left unattended in a vehicle, call 911 To report child abuse and neglect, call 703-228-1500

Nunca deje a un niño solo en un auto!

Ni siquiera por un minuto! Solo en un vehículo, aunque sea por un corto período, un niño esta en peligro de insolación, lesiones, rapto o muerte.

Mire bien antes de poner el seguro al carro: 

Coloque su bolso o cartera, maletín o cualquier otro articulo personal en la silla de atrás con su niño, para que le recuerde siempre revisar el asiento trasero. Recuerde usar las ventanillas ofrecidas por lavanderías, farmacias , bancos y otros proveedores de servicios para evitar dejar su auto. Pague en la bomba en las estaciones de gasolina, así evita entrar a la tienda de conveniencia.

Sabía usted que hasta en días frescos, la temperatura dentro de un auto estacionado puede subir rápidamente a niveles peligrosos?





70 (21 ◦C)

100 (37.7 ◦C)

75 (23 ◦C)

110 (43.3 ◦C)

80 (26 ◦C)

120 (48.8 ◦C)

85 (29 ◦C)

130 (54.4 ◦C)

90 (32 ◦C)

140 (60 ◦C)

Deje las mascotas en casa. Department of Human Services Child and Family Services Division

Si ve un niño solo en un vehículo, llame al 911 Para reportar abuso o negligencia infantil, llame al 703-228-1500