NB page 38 Articles An article is a determiner. It indicates the kind of ...

Examples: 1. la clase the class. 2. las sillas the chairs. 3. la puerta the door. 4. el libro the book. 5. el gato the cat. 6. las chicas the girls. 7. los examenes the tests.
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NB page 38 Articles An article is a determiner. It indicates the kind of reference a noun has. In English, as well as Spanish, there are indefinite and definite articles. 1. The definite article particularizes a noun. the dog el perro 2. An indefinite article does not fix the identity of the noun. a flower una flor In both situations the article modifies the noun. The definite articles Masculine Feminine Singular el la the the Plural los las the the The indefinite articles Masculine Feminine Singular un una a or an a or an Plural unos unas some some The gender and quantity of the article is based on the noun’s gender and quantity. Examples: 1. la clase the class 2. las sillas the chairs 3. la puerta the door 4. el libro the book 5. el gato the cat 6. las chicas the girls 7. los examenes the tests 8. los padres the fathers 9. un amigo a friend 10. una computadora a computer 11. unos libros some books 12. un/una estudiante a student 13. unas sillas some chairs 14. unas cajas some boxes 15. una pared a wall 16. una carta a letter