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of the medical records prior to the start of the program vs 9.5% 6 months later. * Before the program was introduced, information on the most recent medical ...
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MY HEALTH LOG 10th Congress of the European Federation of Internal Medicine Authors: Carmen Manzano Badía, Ana M. Escribano Dueñas, Olga M. Murillo Martínez, José A. Ramírez Ruiz, María José De Lucas.

To improve the exchange of information between health workers and patients given the difficulties arising from the constant transfer of Inmates between Spanish prisons, the absence of updated medical records and ignorance on the part of the inmates regarding their own clinical situation.

100 80 60 40 20 0

We created a personalised and easy-to-use health log to provide the health worker and HIV+ patient, held in the 4 prisons of Cádiz Province,with useful information that can be used in further medical visits either inside or outside the prison context

100 No Si Constancia de la última revisión médica Constancia de la última revisión médica previa posterior





Recogida últimas analítica previo

Recogida última analítica posterior

* Before the program was introduced, information on the most recent medical examination and blood tests, whether conducted inside or outside prison, was 44.2% and 31.6%, respectively, vs 94.7% and 94.7% after its introduction.

100 80 60 40 20 0


Si Repetición analítica al ingreso previo


100 50 0 Recogida últimas analítica previo

* 92.6% of patients, at admision in prision , analytical control was repeated to determine inmunovirológica situation, serological and HLAB5701, from 6.3% that required after the program began

No Si



Recogida última analítica posterior

Ausencia de serologías y otros previo Ausencia de serologías y otros posterior

* The results of blood tests (HLA-B5701, serum tests, biochemical parameters, immuno-virological data) were missing from 95.8% of the medical records prior to the start of the program vs 9.5% 6 months later.


100 80 60 40 20 0

No Si Constancia en hª de TARGAs previos y Constancia en hª de TARGAs y motivo de motivo de modificación modificación posterior

Repetición analítica al ingreso posterior



* Information on previous HAART and reasons for treatment modification was 22.1% before the program vs 85.3% after its introduction.




Si Cumplimentación del calendario vacunal Cumplimentación del calendario vacunal previo posterior

* Correct completion of the immunization schedule prior to the start of the program was 9.5% vs 94.7% afterwards.

* The results of all the analyses were statistically significant at P