Mrs. Martha Veiga 4 D

Mrs. Martha Veiga 4 D. Value of the month: Integrity. Homework Chart. Subject. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. English/. Grammar/. Spelling.
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Mrs. Martha Veiga 4 D

Week # 30 (March 12-16) Value of the month: Integrity Subject


Homework Chart Tuesday

Wednesday Study Spelling words Lesson 22 and practice Using I and me and homophones for tomorrow´s assessment

English/ Grammar/ Spelling

Study Spelling List 23 for assessment


HW # 75 SEP Suma y resta de

HW # 76 SEP Evaluación pg.

HW # 77 SEP Expresalo de otra

fracciones pgs. 58-60

78-80 Autoevaluación pg. 81

forma pg. 97-99


Answer words to Know L3 and 5

Science Social Studies


Study states and capitals of México with the location in the map.

Study states and capitals of México with the location in the map.

Please check for any unfinished class work in the agenda. Changes can be made during the week, any change will be written down on the Agenda.
