14 ago. 2016 - Let me know if this is helpful - or if you need any other info. Good luck tonight!! Sent from my iPhone. Begin forwarded message: From: "Melissa ...
Veronica Escobar Sunday, August 14, 2016 10:26 AM Melissa M. Carrillo (Human Resources) Wallace Hardgrove RE: PSPC EO Survey Notes.xlsx
This is it. Thank you! Veronica Escobar El Paso County Judge 500 E. San Antonio, Suite 301 / El Paso, Texas 79901 915.546.2098 voice / 915.543.3888 fax www.epcounty.com ________________________________________ From: Melissa M. Carrillo (Human Resources) Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2016 9:44 AM To: Veronica Escobar Cc: Wallace Hardgrove Subject: Fwd: PSPC EO Survey Notes.xlsx Actually, it was he excel sheet that showed the positions by county. Let me know if this is helpful - or if you need any other info. Good luck tonight!! Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Melissa M. Carrillo (Human Resources)" Date: August 10, 2016 at 4:57:26 PM MDT To: Wallace Hardgrove Subject: PSPC EO Survey Notes.xlsx