Microsoft Band Wrist Clasp Replacement

Remove the metal plate with the serial and model number on it by pulling it straight up around the two hooks.. Microsoft Band Wrist Clasp Replacement.
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Microsoft Band Wrist Clasp Replacement

Microsoft Band Wrist Clasp Replacement This guide will safely replace the spring clasp system.

Escrito por: Chad Steese

© iFixit — CC BY-NC-SA

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Microsoft Band Wrist Clasp Replacement

INTRODUCCIÓN You might try keeping track of the screws with the use of a magnetic mat.

HERRAMIENTAS: T3 Torx Screwdriver (1)

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Microsoft Band Wrist Clasp Replacement

Paso 1 — Wrist Clasp 

Using the T3 Torx Screwdriver, remove the two 2.00mm long screws from the inside of the clasp.

Remove the metal plate with the serial and model number on it by pulling it straight up around the two hooks.

Paso 2

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Microsoft Band Wrist Clasp Replacement

Paso 3 

Pull the two securing pins out of the rubberized part of the band.

To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order. La versión más reciente de este documento fue generada en 2017-10-04 07:10:12 PM .

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