Mi Hoja de Vida (Un proyecto del presente ... - SLIDEBLAST.COM

Use the present perfect to say all the awesome things you have done in your life so you get accepted into. Harvard! Section 1: Background (La información Básica). Harvard wants a diverse group of students. Tell where you have lived, where you have gone to school. You can make this up to make it more exciting! (yo form).
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Mi Hoja de Vida (Un proyecto del presente perfecto) Contenido: Create your résumé in Spanish – and you get to lie!! Use the present perfect to say all the awesome things you have done in your life so you get accepted into Harvard! Section 1: Background (La información Básica) Harvard wants a diverse group of students. Tell where you have lived, where you have gone to school. You can make this up to make it more exciting! (yo form) Section 2: Activities (Actividades) Harvard wants to know that you are well rounded. Tell what activities you’ve participated in, sports you’ve played, community organizations you have attended, etc. You can make it up! Make it good! (yo form) Section 3: Group Projects (Proyectos en Grupo) Harvard wants to know that you can work well with other people. Tell some amazing group efforts you have been a part of. You can totally make this up! Have you and your friends built a new playground? Have you and other students raised money for a charitable organization? (nosotros form) Section 4: Family Legacy (El Legado de la Familia) They say it’s all about who you know, so tell some awesome things your family has done. You can totally make this up! Remind Harvard that your uncle has been governor of Iowa, your 4 older siblings have all attended Harvard, etc. Put the pressure on! (él/ella or ellos/ellas forms)

Requisitos de Gramática: _____ 20 present perfect verbs (underline them on your résumé) _____ At least 5 of them need to have irregular past participles (italicize) (Look to pg. 197 in the textbook for ideas on irregulars) _____ They need to be aligned to the topics above – yo form, nosotros form, etc.

El Plan: Day 1 & 2: Write a complete draft in Spanish Day 3: Edit your draft with a peer and the teacher, type a final copy, mark requirements Day 4: Final editing, last minute touches, read aloud to the class, see who gets accepted, turn in written project Puntos: Contenido: Gramática: Presentación: Total:

20 puntos 20 puntos 10 puntos 50 puntos

Checklist for Peer Editing (Day 3) 1. Finish your rough draft in Spanish. 2. Trade it with a partner. Have them underline your present perfect verbs, circle your irregular past participles, and highlight anything they find in English that needs to be in Spanish. 3. Fix any concerns that the partner finds. 4. Bring your draft up to the teacher’s desk to edit together. 5. Write a new, neat final draft. a. Underline your present perfect verbs b. Italicize your irregular past participles c. Print a nice copy 6. If you have time left over, pair up with a partner and practice reading your résumés to each other to practice pronunciation.

Nombre: ___________________

Mi Hoja de Vida



Presentació n





20 complete sentences, all in Spanish, describing the résumé in detail

Somewhat incomplete maybe short on sentences or a word in English

Incomplete short on sentences or use of English

Did not meet basic content requirement s /20

Met all 3 Met all 3 Met all 3 verb verb verb requirements requirements requirements and they , marked , but there were them, and were correct, but they were all significant did not mark correct errors them

Did not meet basic grammar requirement s

Only minor errors in pronunciatio n and fluency

Pronunciatio n and fluency made it impossible to understand

Excellent pronunciatio n and fluency

Punto s

Significant errors in pronunciatio n and fluency



/10 /50

SAMPLE Hoja de Vida