I will also be learning how to tell time and how to find time intervals. Here are my vocabulary words that I ... How Tall, How Short, How Far Away by David Adler.
Dear Family, Today my class started the Measurement chapter. I will be learning to estimate and measure capacity and mass. I will also be learning how to tell time and how to find time intervals. Here are my vocabulary words that I will be using during my lessons. Love, p.s. Look on the back of this letter to find some quick practice tips that we can do together in the car, along with an activity and books for us to read at home.
mass: the amount of matter in a object Gram (g) and kilogram (kg) are units for measuring mass.
1 gram
1 kilogram
capacity: also called liquid volume is the amount a container can hold Liter (L) and milliliter (mL) are units for measuring capacity.
time interval: the amount of time that has passed between the start and finish of an activity
11 12 1
9 8
7 6 5 start
Grade 3 • Chapter 11 Measurement
2 3
11 12 1
9 8
7 6 5 finish
2 3
At Home Activity • Go around your house and count every instrument that measures time. How many did you fin d? • Now find all of the instruments tha t measure capacity? What items did you find? What units do they use to measure? • Use the instruments to measure items around the house. Keep track of the measurements in your math journal.
r Away
How Tall, How Short, How Fa
Travel Talk Find the time interval of an activity such as driving to school. Make a note of the time you left the house and the time you arrived at school. Then find the time interval.
Estimada familia: Hoy comenzamos en clase el capítulo Mediciones. Aprenderé a estimar y medir la capacidad y la masa. También aprenderé cómo decir la hora y cómo hallar intervalos de tiempo. Estas son las palabras de vocabulario que usaré durante mis lecciones. Cariñosamente, P.D.: En la parte de atrás de esta carta hay sugerencias prácticas que podemos realizar juntos en el carro, así como una actividad y libros para leer en casa.
masa: La cantidad de materia que hay en un objeto. El gramo (g) y el kilogramo (kg) son unidades para medir la masa.
1 gramo
1 kilogramo
capacidad: También llamada volumen líquido, es la cantidad que un recipiente puede contener. El litro (L) y mililitro (mL) son unidades para medir la capacidad. intervalo de tiempo: La cantidad de tiempo que ha pasado entre el comienzo y el final de una actividad.
11 12 1
9 8
7 6 5 comienzo
Grado 3 • Chapter 11 Mediciones
2 3
11 12 1
9 8
7 6 5 final
2 3
Actividad para el hogar • Recorran la casa y cuenten tod os los instrumentos que miden el tiempo. ¿Cuántos encontrar on? • Ahora busquen todos los instrument os que miden la capacidad. ¿Qué objetos encontraron? ¿Q ué unidades usan para medir? • Usen los instrumentos para medir objetos en la casa. Anoten las mediciones en el diario de matemáticas.
r Away
Para los viajes Hallen el intervalo de tiempo de una actividad, como el recorrido en carro hasta la escuela. Anoten la hora en que salieron de la casa y la hora en que llegaron a la escuela. Luego hallen el intervalo de tiempo.
How Tall, How Short, How Fa de David Adler Mr. Archimedes’ Bath de Pamela Allen Counting on Frank de Rod Clement
People who lived in caves drew _____ on the cave walls. 2. Eohippus lived 38 ____ years ago. 3. Eohippus is a member of the ____ family. 4. Greece went to ...
New Fact: Centimeters and inches are words that tell how long something is. Activity: Measurement Hunt! What to do:Measure small objects at home. Find an.
were adjusted, so as to have the laser light fall upon the ridge of the lamina to the bracket wings. The laser beam reflected upon the graduated templates of the.
We have many PDF Ebook and user guide is also associated with electrical measurement signal processing and displays reprint edition PDF Ebook, include ...
Visser are light weight instruments for measuring wind speed and wind direction. Both sensors are ideal for ... 20 x 10 6 rotations electrical angle. 350 ± 3°.
The article highlights how recent discussions on the need for a new measurement of well-being and social progress and therefore for an extension of national ...