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meadows union school district
Work phone (Tel. en el trabajo) ... in field trips, community-based instruction and other student activities sponsored by Meadows Union School/Imperial County.
SCHOOL USE ONLY (Uso escolar) School Year ________________________ Local ID#__________________________ SSID#_____________________________ US School Entry_____________________
(Telefono de celular)
(Do not include pre-school)
Date of Birth:____________________Age:_____Birthplace:_______________________ (Fecha de Nacimiento)
(Lugar de nacimiento)
Court restraining orders?____Yes? Need a copy of restraining orders. (Se encuentra orden
Original Entry Date___________________ Teacher______________________________ Grade_______________Room____________ Bus #: AM _______ PM _________
de restriccion legal? Si? Explique___________________________________)
Language of Correspondence (Correspondencia?)
English (Ingles)
Spanish (Español)
What is your child’s ethnicity?(Etnecidad de su hijo(a)) Hispanic/Latino Not Hispanic What is your child’s race? (Cual es la raza de su hijo(a)?) ___________________________ Parent Education Level:
School History / District Identify attended school/city: (Identifique escuela que asistio y la ciudad) K_________________________________ 1st _______________________________ 2nd_______________________________ 3rd _______________________________ 4th________________________________ 5th________________________________ 6th________________________________ 7th________________________________ 8th________________________________
Check the response that describes the education level of each parent. (M: mother/F: father) (Marque el nivel de educacion de cada padre.) M/F Graduate degree or higher (10) (maestria/doctorado) M/F College graduate (11) (graduado de colegio/Universidad) M/F Some college or AA degree (12) (algunos cursos de colegio hacia un titulo) M/F High school graduate (13) (graduado de prepa) M/F Not a high school graduate (14) (No completó la prepa) Parent’s email address: (correo electronico): M/F Declined to state or unknown (15) (no declaró el nivel)
CHILDREN IN THE FAMILY: (Niños en la familia) Name of the child (Nombre del niño(a))
Birthdate(fecha de nacimiento)
Relationship (relación?)
At home? (en casa?)
School grade if attending (que grado si asiste la escuela)
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS: (Programas Educativos) 1. Has your child been retained? (Ha reprobado?)_____What grade? (Que grado?)_____What school? (Cuál escuela?) ____________________ 2. Are confidential reports available from your child’s former school? (Hay archivo confidencial en previa escuela de su hijo(a)? __Yes __No a. Special Education? SDC/RSP/Speech (Educacion Especial?Terapia del Habla?) _____Yes ____No. If yes, then provide a copy of latest IEP paperwork. (Si, entonces provee una copia del IEP de su hijo/a.)_____________________________________________________________
3. Has there been a change of residency in the last 3 years? (Hubo cambio de residencia en los ultimos 3 años?) ____Yes ___No. If yes, then complete survey for possible Migrant Education services eligibility. 4. Other needs: (Otras necesidades)______________________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE **The information on this form is true and correct. (La informacion en esta forma es veridico y correcta.) **I give my consent for the above named student to take part in field trips, community-based instruction and other student activities sponsored by Meadows Union School/Imperial County Office of Education and photos taken related to school activities. (Yo doy mi consentimiento para que el alumno tome parte en excursiones para la instrucción y otras actividades para alumnos patrocinadas por Escuela de Meadows Union y Oficina de Educación del Condado Imperial y la toma de fotografías relacionadas con actividades escolares.). Parent/Guardian Signature;_______________________________________ Date: _____________
24 ago. 2018 - sobre la salud, visite el sitio web de la EPA en, llame al Centro Nacional de. Información sobre el Plomo al 800-424-LEAD o ...
23 abr. 2018 - Meadows Union Elementary School District has passed a resolution as ... Attached to this letter is a Transfer application for your child for next ...
31 dic. 2013 - First Student School Day ... No School for Students-1/2 day District PD (non-contracted) ... Family Night Earth Day/Science 6:30-7:30 pm.
22 ago. 2019 - July 6 - 31. Summer School. 26 27 28 29 30 31. 19 ... early morning hours if it is necessary to close or delay schools. Sintonizar para Cierres ...
Attendance: The law (EC.48260) states that every child must be in school every day and on time. Parents/guardians need to send their child to school every day ...
La Mesa Directiva acepta responsabilidad de proveer un medio por el cual el público puede sostener a empleados responsables de sus acciones. La Mesa ...
Hot dog del pavo todo natural y papas fritas. Quesadilla *. 100% Queso* or Pep- peroni Pizza. Sandwich de pollo. Parfait de mora y yogur*. Carne de teriyaki &.
Dirección. Código Postal. Correo Electrónico. Para el Uso Solamente de la Oficina. Fecha que se Recibió la Solicitud. Fecha que se Mandó la Carta de Acuse.
A person with a disability is defined as any person who has a physical or mental ... added to major life activities and include the functions of the immune system; ...
25 ago. 2016 - Por favor adjunte una copia del comprobante de residencia (recibo de utilidades, contrato de renta, carta notarizada, etc.) General Information ...
Meadows Union School. Registration Checklist. Original documents (Documentos originales) o Birth Certificate (Acta de Nacimiento) o Immunization Record ...
21 may. 2014 - Él jugó fútbol americano colegial en la Universidad del Norte de Arizona desde 1987 hasta 1991. Kara Kalkbrenner, graduada de Maryvale ...
Traffic flow on Hampton Street during arrival and dismissal times is a challenge. ... permitted to enter the bus circle with their cars to drop their children off in the ...