martha woodson rees

1 oct. 2015 - A review of Brian Lynch's The Murals of The Mezquitán .... 2007-08 Charles Phelps Taft Research Center Niehoff Community Scholar Award.
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October 2015 MARTHA WOODSON REES, Professor Emerita


[] Genteel Anthropology: []

Academia: [] EDUCATION 1989 Ph.D. Anthropology. University of Colorado. Dissertation. Losing Ground in Ajusco: Mexico City’s Urban Expansion. 1972 M.A. Anthropology. University of Colorado 1969 B.A. Anthropology. University of Colorado PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2012 Adjunct Professor of Anthropology. Kyung Hee University (co-taught a video course with Jennifer Flinn). 2012 Professor Emerita, Agnes Scott College 2008Professor, Agnes Scott College 2004-8 Head, Department of Anthropology, University of Cincinnati. 2003Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Cincinnati. 2003-04 Visiting Researcher: Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS-Istmo), Oaxaca. 2004 Rockefeller Humanities Fellowship in the “Cultural Dimensions of the Mexican Transition” Program of the Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias– UNAM (National University of Mexico) 1990-03 Assistant and Associate Professor. Department of Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology. Agnes Scott College, Decatur, GA. 2000-01 Fulbright Lecturer. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social-Istmo. Oaxaca, Mexico. 1990-91 Fulbright Lecturer. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico, D.F. 1988-90 Lecturer. Anthropology and Institute of Environmental Studies. Baylor University. 1984-8 Associate Professor. Anthropology Department, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana— Iztapalapa. México, D.F. 1985-7 Acting and Co-Director, Indigenous Technology Project. Centro de Ecodesarrollo, México, D.F. Project Director, Salomón Nahmad. 1986-7 Consultant. Social Systems Modeling Group. Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y Sistemas (IIMAS). National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), México City. 1983 Researcher. Social Evaluation Area. Instituto Nacional Indigenista (INI), México, D.F. PUBLICATIONS (peer reviewed) 2006a Ayuda or work? Analysis of Labor histories of Heads of Household from Oaxaca. Labor in Anthropology. E. Paul Durrenberger and Judith E. Marti, eds. Society for Economic Anthropology Monograph 22:87-110. 2006b Zapotec Women & Migration in Times of Globalization. Pp. 27-50. Research in Economic Anthropology, Volume 25. Donald Woods, Ed. New York: Elsevier. 2006c Working with Numerical Data. Pp. 109-114. Doing Cultural Anthropology. Projects for Ethnographic Data Collection. Second Edition. Michael V. Angrosino, ed. Waveland Press.



2002 2001

2001 2000 2000 1996 1994 1993 1992


1991 1990 1990

1987 1986 1983


El Trabajo y La Migración Femenina en Los Valles Centrales De Oaxaca, 1950-2000. Martha Woodson Rees y Dolores Coronel Ortiz. Los Actores Sociales Frente al Desarrollo Rural. Paola Sesia-Arcozzi-Masino and Emma Zapata M., coordinadores. Mexico: Asociación Mexicana de Estudios Rurales. Pp. 639-670. Working with Numerical Data. Pp. 123-129. Doing Cultural Anthropology. Projects for Ethnographic Data Collection. Michael V. Angrosino, ed. Waveland. How Many Are There? Ethnographic Estimates of Mexican Women in Atlanta, Georgia. Latino Workers in the Contemporary South. Proceedings of the Southern Anthropological Society. Arthur D. Murphy, Colleen Blanchard and Jennifer A. Hill, eds. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press. Pp. 36-43. Plural Globalities in Multiple Localities: New World Borders. Introductory Thoughts. Martha W. Rees and Josephine Smart. In, Local Responses To Globalization. Martha W. Rees and Josephine Smart, editors. Lanham: University Press of America. Pp. 1-18. Rees, Martha W. and Jennifer Nettles. Los Hogares Internacionales: Migrantes Mexicanos a Atlanta, Georgia. Migración Femenina hacia EUA. Ofelia Woo and Sarah Poggie, eds. Mexico: Edamex. Pp. 73-100. Gijón-Cruz, Alicia Sylvia, Martha W. Rees, and Rafael G. Reyes Morales. Impacto de las remesas internacionales en el ingreso y calidad de vida de las familias de los migrantes en el valle de Tlacolula, Oaxaca. Ciudades 47:34-42. Ethnicity and Community in Oaxaca: Nursery, Hospital, and Retirement Home. Reviews in Anthropology 25:107-123. The End of the Agrarian Reform in Mexico. Past Lessons, Future Prospects. Billie R. DeWalt and Martha W. Rees, with Arthur D. Murphy. San Diego: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies. Liberation or Theology? Ecclesial Base Communities in Oaxaca, Mexico. Valerie A. MacNabb and Martha W. Rees. Journal of Church and State, Autumn (34):723-749. Murphy, Arthur D., Mary Winter, Earl W. Morris, and Martha W. Rees. 1992. Chapter Eight Crisis and Change in a Regional City: The Case of Oaxaca, Mexico, The Sociodemographic Effects of the Crisis in Mexico. Edited by Henry A. Selby, University of Texas at Austin and Harley Browning, University of Texas. Los impactos del indigenismo: los programas agrícolas del Instituto Nacional Indigenista en Oaxaca (1977-1982). Hugo Sierra Mondragón and Martha W. Rees. Etnias, Desarrollo, Recursos y Tecnologías en Oaxaca. Oaxaca, MX: Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología-Oaxaca and State of Oaxaca Government. Alvaro González and Marco Antonio Vásquez, eds. pp. 165-204. Migrants To and In Oaxaca City: Martha W. Rees, Arthur D. Murphy, Earl Morris and Mary Winter. Urban Anthropology, 20(2): 15-30. Generative and Regulative Issues in Urbanization: To Plan or Not to Plan. Martha W. Rees and Arthur D. Murphy. City and Society 4(2): 107-113. Informal Sector and the Crisis in Oaxaca, Mexico: A Comparison of Households 1977-1987. With Arthur D. Murphy, Karen French, Earl W. Morris and Mary Winter. In, Making Out and Making Do: The Informal Economy in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Monographs in Economic Anthropology, No. 8. Estellie Smith, ed. Lanham: University Press of America. Pp. 147-159. Publication and Referencing Patterns in a Mexican Research Institute. Social Studies of Science 17(1987):115-33. with Larissa Lomnitz and Leon Cameo. Scientific Research Areas in Mexico: Growth Patterns in the late 1970s. Jaime Jiménez, Marco A. Navarro and Martha W. Rees. Scientometrics 9: 5-6, 209-223. Recruiting Technical Elites: Mexico's Veterinarians. Human Organization 42 (1) Spring 1983: 23-29. Larissa Lomnitz, Leticia Mayer, Martha W. Rees.



OTHER PUBLICATIONS 2014 Aquí estamos y no nos vamos—Adelina Nicholls on the Fight for Immigrant Rights. We’re here and we’re not going away. New Politics. Summer 2014, Vol:XV-1:#: 57. []. 2013 Past, Present and Future in White Shell Water Place (Santa Fe, New Mexico), LAXMagazine Summer 2013. 2012 Salomon Nahmad. Society for Applied Anthropology Oral History project ( 2011 Reflections by the 2011 Malinowski Awardee, Salomón Nahmad, on His Career in Mexican Anthropology: An Interview for the SfAA Oral History Project. Sfaa News []. 2011 Greasy anthropology: Anthropologists, indigenous and the state. A conversation between Salomón Nahmad and Martha Rees. Practicing Anthropology, July 2011 Volume 33, Number 4 / Fall 2011: 4-12. 2009 Migration Costs. Migration Letters. Vol 6 (1):1-2 [] In press Reyes Morales, Rafael G., Alicia Sylvia Gijón Cruz, y Martha W. Rees. 2008. Migración Internacional Zapoteca: Efectos De Género En El Bienestar Familiar. 2008 Immigration – Mexican Female Migrants. Amy Lind and Stephanie Brzuzy, eds. Battleground: Women, Gender and Sexuality. Greenwood Press. Pp. 358-364. 2005 Social Marginization and Survival Strategies of Urban Indigenous Communities in Peru, Mexico, and Ecuador, research report prepared by J. Uquillas, T. Carrasco and M. Rees. World Bank. [,,menuPK:338403%7EpagePK:1 41159%7EpiPK:141110%7EtheSitePK:338397,00.html] 2005 Latino Resources in Cincinnati []. 2005 Bibliografía de Oaxaca (2005 edition). Martha W. Rees. []. 2003 Art Hansen. Oral History Interview []. Society for Applied Anthropology. Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History. 2002 “Buchanan’s ‘Death of the West’” by John Blake, AJC, March 18, 2002 2002 Atlanta Está En Tus Manos: Una Guía De Servicios En Español/A Guide To Services In Spanish. Karen Cleland, LaTisha Cotto, Laura Means, Kristen Parks, Vanja Petricevic, Kathryn Rosenbaum, Kathryn Rubesch, Alison Trendell, Martha Rees, coordinator [] See: [] 2002 Quienes Somos? Que Necesitamos? A report to the Archdiocese of Atlanta. March 15, 2002. [] 2002 La Esperanza. Hispanics in Warner Robbins. Report to the Archdiocese of Savannah. 30 April, 2002. 1988 A Student's Guide To Field Work In Oaxaca, Mexico. Rees, Martha W. and Arthur D. Murphy, eds. [] 1999 Bibliographic Analysis of Oaxacan Anthropology ( 1997 "Those Mexicans," San Diego Union-Tribune. Sept. 23, 1997. 1991 El Desarrollo de los Asentamientos Humanos en el Desierto de Sonora. Ecología Sonora 2:32-35. Arthur D. Murphy and Martha W. Rees. 1983 Gómez Levy, Enrique, Hugo Sierra Mondragón, Martha W. Rees, Ignacio Domínguez, Eréndira Pérez. 1983. Evaluación Social de los Programas Agrícolas de los Centros Coordinadores Indigenistas de Miahuatlan y Tlacolula, Oaxaca. Mexico: Instituto Nacional Indigenista.



EDITED VOLUMES 2001 Plural Globalities: An Anthropological Approach. Martha W. Rees and Josephine Smart, Editors. Lanham: University Press of America. 1991 Urban Anthropology, vol. 20(2). Special issue on Oaxaca with Arthur D. Murphy. 1990 City and Society, vol. 4(2), December 1990. Special issue on generative and regulative planning issues with Arthur D. Murphy. PUBLICATIONS—BOOKS 1988 Tecnología Indígena y Medio Ambiente. Salomón Nahmad, Alvaro González, Martha W. Rees. México: Centro de Ecodesarrollo. REVIEWS 2012 Cemeteries and Contemporary Life. A review of Brian Lynch’s The Murals of The Mezquitán Cemetery Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico [] 2005 Reseña de Michael Chibnik, Crafting Tradition. The Making and Marketing of Oaxacan wood Carving. Cuadernos del Sur .9 (18):101-102. 2005 ¿Oaxaca Profundo o Malentendido? Review of Oaxaca Journal by Oliver Sacks. Cuadernos del Sur, April, 2005. Pp. 81-84. 2004 Crafting Tradition. The Making and Marketing of Oaxacan wood Carving. By Michael Chibnik. Ethnohistory. Ethnohistory 51 (4):852-854 2003 Sobre el libro de Ofelia Woo Morales: Las mujeres también nos vamos al norte. Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara. Review: Cuadernos del Sur año 9 (18):101-102. 2003 Class, ethnicity, and Community in Southern Mexico. Oaxaca’s Peasantries. Colin Clarke. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. Reviewed for American Association of Geographers. 1991 Poverty of Culture: the Impact of Oscar Lewis. A Review of The Culture Facade. Art, Science and Politics in the Work of Oscar Lewis by Susan M. Rigdon. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, vol. 22, 1991. SELECTED PRESENTATIONS AND PAPERS 2014 SfAA session: “Atras de mi, hay cien” Research methods in Latino worker safety. Society for Applied Anthropology annual meetings, Albuquerque, NM 2012 “I’m Undocumented.” Coming out in the struggle for immigrant rights in Atlanta. Eva Cardenas, Georgina Perez and Martha Rees. Society for Applied Anthropology 2012 Annual meetings. SESSION: Arizonafication of the South: New Laws and Old Divisions Across GA, FL and MS. Organizers: John Luque, Martha Rees and Alayne Unterberger. 2011 Ethnography On The Edge: The Legacy Of Michael James Higgins. Organizer and Discussant. American Anthropological Association Annual meetings. December, 2011. 2011 Foro Michael Higgins. Un Académico Desobediente. Noveno Simposio Internacional De Estudios Oaxaqueños, 8 July 2011. Oaxaca, Oaxaca. 2010 Atlanta Immigrant Action. American Anthropological Association. 2010 Roundtable: Letters To Obama. Society for Economic Anthropology annual meetings (Tampa Florida, March 2010). 2010 Presentation: Latina Health Collaboration, in the Session, "Cultures and Health Practices, Beliefs and Disparities" Society for Applied Anthropology annual meetings, March 2010 (Merida, Yucatan) . 2009 Latino Worker Safety Concepts and Practice, the case of Atlanta. Society for Applied Anthropology. Santa Fe, New Mexico. Panel: "Health Disparities among Hispanic Immigrants: Challenges and Approaches". Donald E. Eggerth, chair. Santa Fe, New Mexico. March 16-22, 2009. 2007 Agency or resistance among Mexican migrant workers and counterparts back home. Session:


2007 2006 2006 2005

2003 2003 2003 2003 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001

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2000 1999


“Salud, género y sexualidad” chaired by Maria Elena Ramos Tovar. Chair of the session “Labor practices and resistance.” Latin American Studies Association meetings. Montreal, Canada. 5-8 September, 2007. Culture of Health Disparities in Cincinnati. Session and Introduction. Annual meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Tampa, Florida, March 27-31 Campo Or Hogar: He Says, She Says In The Valleys Of Oaxaca, Mexico. American Anthropological Association. San José, California, Nov 15-19. (with Sheli Delaney). Migrantes y Casa: relaciónes e historias EEUU/Oaxaca. Latin American Studies Association. San Juan: March 19-22, 2006. Destinos Viejos, Destinos Nuevos de los Migrantes Oaxaqueños. Fifth Congreso of the Mexican Rural Studies Association (Asociación Mexicana De Estudios Rurales), La Migración Oaxaqueña, Oaxaca, Oaxaca, 25-28 May 2005. Session: Migración Oaxaqueña, organized by Martha Rees. Comparative Study of the Urban Indigenous Peoples’ Profiles. Urban Indigenous Peoples’ Profiles Workshop. World Bank. June 24, 2003. Cocinar, Cultivar o Vender: el papel del trabajo femenino en los valles centrales de Oaxaca, Mexico. Fourth Congreso of the Mexican Rural Studies Association (Asociación Mexicana De Estudios Rurales, Morelia, Michoacan. Comentarista: Panel on Migration and Development. Annual Meetings of the Latin American Studies Association. Dallas, Texas. March 25-29. Migration in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico 1950-1998. Society for Economic Anthropology Annual Meetings. Monterrey, Mexico. From Tapachula to LA: Female Migration in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico, 19501998. Martha Woodson Rees and Dolores Coronel Ortiz. Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC. ¿La Crisis? o ¿Las Crisis? Respuestas de Oaxaca, México. Latin American Studies Association. Washington, DC. September 5-9, 2001. Session: Globalización, crisis y sectores sociales en México. Organizador: Gustavo Barrientos (U Américas). El Trabajo y La Migración Femenina En Los Valles Centrales De Oaxaca, 1950-2000. Martha Woodson Rees and Dolores Coronel Ortíz. Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Mexicana de Estudios Rurales, Zacatecas, Zacatecas. June 3-6, 2001 ( Ayuda or work? Analysis of Labor histories of Heads of Household from Oaxaca. Annual Meetings of the Society for Economic Anthropology. Milwaukee, WI. April 27-28, 2001 (Invited session). Rees, Martha W. and Dolores Coronel. Tapachula, Oaxaca, San Quintín and LA: Historical Trends in National and International Migration from Oaxaca. Annual meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology. Merida, Yucatán, March 27, 2001. Session: "Separate States, Similar Paths: Guatemalan and Mexican Migration." Etnicidad Regional: Migración y Trabajo en las Comunidades Indígenas de los Valles Centrales De Oaxaca. Primer Congreso Internacional Desafíos del Desarrollo Regional— Hacia el Tercer Milenio. Instituto Tecnológico de Oaxaca. Noviembre. Migración y la Comunidad: Efectos Locales de la Migración en los Valles Centrales de Oaxaca. Paper presented in the IV Simposio Bienal de Estudios Oaxaqueños, Centro Cultural Santo Domingo, Oaxaca, Oaxaca, 6-8 Julio de 2000. Gijón-Cruz, Alicia Sylvia, Rees, Martha W. y Reyes-Morales, Rafael G. 2000. Impacto de las remesas internacionales en el ingreso y calidad de vida de las familias de los migrantes en el valle de Tlacolula, Oaxaca. Paper presented in the IV Simposio Bienal de Estudios Oaxaqueños, Centro Cultural Santo Domingo, Oaxaca, Oaxaca, 6-8 Julio. Hecho En Mexico. Women’s Work In The Central Valley Of Oaxaca. Session: Households, Workers & Migration In Oaxaca, México. Latin American Studies Association Annual Meetings, 2000. Rural Studies Section. Miami, Florida. March 15-19, 2000. Grassroots Development? Migration In The Central Valley Of Oaxaca, Mexico. American



Anthropological Association meetings American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, 1999. Chicago, Illinois. Critical Discussions of Development by Economic Anthropologists. Society for Economic Anthropology, Gracia Clark, organizer. SELECTED RECENT INVITED TALKS, PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS 2014 Perspectivas Antropologicas sobre proyectos comunitarios: Criterios de evaluacion y estudios de caso. Maestria gestion de proyectos para el desarrollo solidaria. Seminario institucional . CIIDIR. 29 Octubre 2014. 2014 Ecoturismo: ejemplos de una vida de antropologia SEMINARIO DE INVESTIGACIÓN. Docente: Dr. Fredy Aldo Macedo Huamán. Maestría en Gestión Cultural y Desarrollo Sostenible. Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset – Ciudad de México 26 Septiembre, 2014. 2014 Introduction to Oaxaca. University of Yucatan Field School 2014 Cost of Serving Civil Papers. Georgia Association of Professional Process Servers. Decatur, GA. 2014 Los Migrantes deportados: efectos sociales y individuales. Conferencia Magistral en el Primer Seminario Internacional. Los nuevos rostros de la Migración: Actores, tendencias y desafíos. 29, 30 y 31 de marzo de 2014, Huatulco, Oaxaca, México. Universidad del Mar, Instituto de la Comunicación. 2013 Homenaje a Cecil Welte. Simposio Internacional de Estudios Oaxaqueños. Oaxaca, Mexico. 2013 Simposio Internacional de Estudios Oaxaqueños. Oaxaca, Mexico Comentarista 2012 Comentarist. Primero Reporte Trimestral en Migración, Puebla. Orograma Observatorio Ciudadano sobre Políticas Públicas para Migrantes-Puebla. 20 septiembre, Puebla, Puebla 2012 IMMIGRATION. North Decatur Presbyterian. 25 March 2012. 2012 Beloved Community Summit 2012. IMMIGRATION TODAY: A HOMETOWN HUMAN RIGHTS CRISIS. The Friends School of Atlanta. 862 Columbia Drive. Decatur, GA 30030. Saturday, January 28. 2011 Latina Activists. Georgia State University. Department of Anthropology. Nov 10, 2011. 2011 Department of Geography at the University of Oklahoma Sustainability Symposium, Norman, Oklahoma. Environmental Studies and Sustainability at Agnes Scott College 2008 Women, Work and Migration: Oaxaca to Ohio. Migration, Transnationalism, and Border Politics. The Ohio State University. 5 May 2008 2008 New Destinations, Old Destinations of Oaxacan Women Migrants. Gender and ImMigration Faculty Workshop on Thursday, April 24th, 2008 in the Class of 1930 Room, Rockefeller Center. WORKSHOPS 2014 Interviews. Migrant and return migrant health techniques. Mexico, DF.: Centro de Derechos de Migrants. 29 September, 2014. CONFERENCES & WORKSHOPS ORGANIZED 2014-5 Annual Meetings of the Society for Latin American Anthropology. Oaxaca, Mexico. 2014 Taller sobre la Entrevista Antropologica. Centro de Derechos de los Migrantes. Mexico, DF> 2014 SfAA Panel 2014. ALEXANDER, William L. (UNCW), LUQUE, John S. (GSU), REES, Martha (Agnes Scott Coll). Health Equity in Anti-Immigrant Times: Impacts and Responses in Key Destinations and Critical Occupations. 2012 Azalea Project Sustainability Curriculum Development Workshop (Agnes Scott College), May. 2010 Azalea Project Sustainability Curriculum Development Workshop (Agnes Scott College), May. 2008 Society for Economic Anthropology. Annual Meetings. April 2008. 2007 Seventh Biennial Oaxacan Studies International Symposium, 4-9 August, 2007 (Oaxaca, Mexico). 1998 Southern Anthropological Society. Decatur, Georgia (with Arthur D. Murphy) 1998 Third Biannual Oaxacan Studies Conference. Oaxaca, Mexico.


1997 1996 1994


Society for Economic Anthropology (with Josephine Smart). Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico. Second Biennial Oaxacan Studies Conference. Oaxaca, Mexico. First Biennial Oaxacan Studies Conference. Oaxaca, Mexico.

PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Anthropological Association Society for Latin American Anthropology Associación Mexicana de Estudios Rurales GRANTS AND AWARDS 2007-08 Improving Partnership between UC and the Greater Cincinnati Latino Community: Cultural Competence in Teaching, Research, and Service (CC-TRS) Program. $20,000. With Tiffiny L. Diers, M.D. (Internal Medicine) 2007-08 Charles Phelps Taft Research Center Niehoff Community Scholar Award 2007-08 Quality Of Life And Neighborhood Sustainabilty In The Center City Of Cincinnati. Center for Sustainable Urban Engineering, University of Cincinnati. $20,000. Joint Proposal with Planning/Architecture and Environmental Engineering. 2005 Latinas in Cincinnati. University Research Council, $6,500. 2004 Rockefeller Humanities Fellowship, Culture and Migration, CRIM, UNAM 2001 Agnes Scott College, Research Scholars Award 2000 Fulbright Lectureship (2000-2001) ($33,400), Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores-Istmo 2002-3 Joseph Gladden Public Lecture award. Agnes Scott College. ($1000). 1998 Vulcan Materials Teaching Award. Agnes Scott College, $1000 1998 Wenner Gren Foundation Conference Grant, $10,000 1994 Outstanding Faculty Award, Agnes Scott College 1993 NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates Supplement, $5,000 1998-9 Research Experience for Undergraduates Supplement, National Science Foundation 1990-91 Fulbright Lecturership to Mexico, $32,000 1990-92 NSF International Collaborative Research Grant, $25,000 1998-00 National Science Foundation (International Collaboration Grant #SBR-9729824) (total $144,000) EXPERT WITNESS 2011-2012 Expert Witness. Ernest Gopar. Law Office of Fernando Quiñones, San Francisco, CA 94110 2009 Expert Witness. Public Defense Services Commission, State of Oregon. CONTRACTS 2013-4 Study of Health Disparities among Building Cleaners-Cincinnati (NIOSH) 2010-14 Evaluation of Informational Interventions for Mexican Immigrant Workers. Michael Flynn. Public Health Advisor. Training Research and Evaluation Branch. CDC/NIOSH. 4676 Columbia Pkwy. M/S C-10, Cincinnati, OH 45226 [513-5338568, [email protected]], #212-2009-M-32004. 2012-13 Cost of Serving Civil Papers. Georgia Association of Process Servers, National Association of Process Servers. 2009-10 Safe System of Work. Work Place Safety Training Evaluation (Latino Construction Workers). Donald Eggerth. Senior Team Coordinator. 4676 Columbia Parkway, MX c-10, Cincinnati, OH 45226 [[email protected]], Michael Flynn, Public Health Advisor. Training Research and Evaluation Branch. CDC/NIOSH. 4676 Columbia Pkwy. M/S C-10, Cincinnati, OH 45226 [513-5338568, [email protected]], #211-2008-M-27974




2003-4 2001 2000


Anthropology and Ethics Literature Review and Interviews. Michael Flynn. Public Health Advisor. Training Research and Evaluation Branch. CDC/NIOSH. 4676 Columbia Pkwy. M/S C-10, Cincinnati, OH 45226 [513-533-8568, [email protected]], #2008-Q-10772. Analysis of Risk Perception. Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment. Michael Flynn, Research Mentor. Research Participation Program. Public Health Advisor. Training Research and Evaluation Branch. CDC/NIOSH. 4676 Columbia Pkwy. M/S C-10, Cincinnati, OH 45226 [513-533-8568, [email protected]], (# 000HVV44-2006-33727). World Bank Consultant: Perfiles Indígenas Urbanos Consultant on Immigrant Juvenile. CASA—Court Appointed Special Advocates ( Archdiocese of Atlanta. Needs Assessment of Hispanics in North Georgia: Diocesan Population.