Mario Jesus Reyes

Funeral Services Held. 11:00 am ~ Tuesday ~ July 14, 2015. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Wendell, Idaho. Conducting. Bishop Donald Egbert.
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Demaray Funeral Service Gooding ~ Shoshone ~ Wendell Main Office 737 Main Street Gooding, Idaho 83330

(208) 934-4406

In Memory

Mario Jesus Reyes July 6, 1995 ~ July 5, 2015

In Memory Of

Mario Jesus Reyes Born

July 6, 1995

Twin Falls, Idaho

Order of Service

Juan Quintanilla

Family Prayer

Janell Tschannen


Hymn #293 “Each Life That Touches Ours For Good”

Opening Hymn

Entered Into Rest

July 5, 2015

Wendell, Idaho Funeral Services Held

11:00 am ~ Tuesday ~ July 14, 2015 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Wendell, Idaho Conducting

Bishop Donald Egbert

Starla Barnes

Opening Prayer

Maya Lopez

Life Sketch

Juan Quintanilla

Speaker Musical Duet


Lisa Nelson and Chancellor Slavens Accompanied By Joyce Cox Luke Kelsey

Speaker Bishop’s Remarks

Casket Bearers

Diego Aguilar Juan Quintanilla Santiago Flores

Javier Medrano Giovanni Reyes Danny Diaz

Closing Hymn

Sylvester Gonzales Efrain Gonzales Genero Reyes

Bishop Donald Egbert

Hymn #102 “Jesus, Lover Of My Soul” Doyle Hope

Closing Prayer Interment

Honorary Casket Bearers

Efren Gonzalez Patrick White Hawk Marco Torres

Gary Cox

Prelude and Postlude Music

Jerome Cemetery Dedicatory Prayer

Jerome, Idaho Heath Henderson

Demaray Funeral Service Gooding ~ Shoshone ~ Wendell Main Office 737 Main Street Gooding, Idaho 83330

(208) 934-4406

En Memoria de

Mario Jesus Reyes July 6, 1995 ~ July 5, 2015

En Memoria de

Mario Jesus Reyes Nacido

July 6, 1995

Twin Falls, Idaho

Orden del Servicio Funebre

Juan Quintanilla

Oración Familiar

Janell Tschannen


Himno #293 “Each Life That Touches Ours For Good”

Himno de apertura

Entró en el Descanco

July 5, 2015

Wendell, Idaho Lugar del Servicio Funebre

11:00 am ~ Tuesday ~ July 14, 2015 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Wendell, Idaho Oficial

Bishop Donald Egbert

Starla Barnes

Oración de aperture

Maya Lopez

Historia de su vida

Juan Quintanilla

Orador Dúo musical


Lisa Nelson y Chancellor Slavens Acompañada por Joyce Cox Luke Kelsey

Orador Declaraciones del Obispo

Portadores del Feretro

Diego Aguilar Juan Quintanilla Santiago Flores

Javier Medrano Giovanni Reyes Danny Diaz Sylvester Gonzales Efrain Gonzales Genero Reyes

Bishop Donald Egbert

Himno #102 “Jesus, Lover Of My Soul”

Himno de clausura

Doyle Hope

Oración final Entierro

Portadores del Feretro Honorificos

Efren Gonzalez Patrick White Hawk Marco Torres

Gary Cox

Preludio y postludio de música

Jerome Cemetery Oración dedicatoria

Jerome, Idaho Heath Henderson