March 2019

Handbook (green booklet) you received during orientation to see a complete list. ... take into consideration that it will be first come, first serve. Before you have ...
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Religious Education Office

March 2019

Schedule subject to change.

Puede que haya cambios al calendario.

(209) 239-4302 Laura Perez, Faith Formation Coordinator [email protected] Mona Acevedo, Assistant, [email protected] Maria Esther Villalpando, Assistant, [email protected]











Session 4:30-6p

6 Ash Wednesday 7 Conf. IIWksp #4 Services in the Church 6pm, Church No Sessions Conf. 2 Docs Due

8 Retreat Conf. 2 9 Retreat Conf. 2 for Parent Only Candidate only Gym 6:30pm-9pm Gym 10am-9pm

10 Retreat Conf. 2 11 Candidate only Faith Formation Gym 10am-5pm Office Closed



Session 4:30-6p


14 Confirmation I Workshop #4 6pm, Church

15 16 HS Conf II MS Conf II 6-8:30p 9-11:30am Cafeteria Cafeteria


18 Faith Formation Office Closed








26 Session 4:30-6p

27 Sessions 28 Com. II Parent 4:30pm & 6:15pm Mtg. 5:30pm Eng, 7pm Spanish






Próximos Eventos: Junta de Confirmación II 4 de Abril, 5:30pm Ingles, 7pm Español Semana Santa -Abril 15-19 Ultima semana de sesiones 23-27 de Abril.

Upcoming Events: Confirmation II Parent Meeting April 4th, 5:30pm Eng., 7pm Spanish Holy week -April 15th-19th Last week of sessions April 23-27.

Confirmation II Families

Familias de Confirmación II

The retreat for Confirmation II candidates is a powerful experience. It allows them time for deep reflection on their relationship with Jesus and explores realities in which their faith can help them throughout all of life’s challenges. Please review your calendar and be sure to mark the date for March 9 and 10, all day.

El retiro para los Candidatos de Confirmación II es una experiencia poderosa. Les permite a los jóvenes reflexionar profundamente como es su relación con Jesucristo y exploran como su fe les ayudara cuando se enfrenten a retos en sus vidas. Por favor revise su calendario y marque la fecha del 9 y 10 de Marzo, el retiro será de todo el día.

As we draw closer to the celebration of the sacrament, please plan to attend the parent meeting on April 4th to discuss the Confirmation masses, and to sign up for a mass. No dates will be given to families unless all required documents, forms and payments have been submitted. Please review your Faith Formation Handbook (green booklet) you received during orientation to see a complete list.

Al llegar cerca de la celebración del sacramento, por favor planee en asistir a la junta de padres de Segundo Año de Confirmación el 4 de Abril para darles la fecha de la misa de Confirmación de su niño. No se les dará fechas a las familias hasta que todos los documentos requeridos sean entregados al igual que pagos finales. Por favor revisen su (paquete verde) que se les dio cuando registraron a su niño.

Communion II Families

Familias de Comunión II

At the parent meeting on March 28th, you will have the opportunity to sign up for a mass date. Please take into consideration that it will be first come, first serve. Before you have selected a date please ensure that all requirements have been met and that fees have been paid in full. The First Holy Communion masses will be on May 18th -11am in English, 2pm in Spanish, May 25th– 11am in English, 2pm in Spanish, and June 1st– 11am in English, 2pm in Spanish. Please email our office if you have questions.

En la junta de padres que será el 28 de Marzo, usted tendrá la oportunidad de apuntarse para una misa. Tome en cuenta que habrá un cierto numero de niños para cada misa. Antes de escoger una fecha favor de cerciorarse que todos los requisitos sean completados y que haya terminado de pagar por la registración de catecismo. Las misas de Primera Comunión serán el 18 de Mayo– 11am en Ingles, 2pm en Español, 25 de Mayo– St. Patrick 11am en Ingles, 2pm en Español, y 1 de Junio– 11am en Ingles, 2pm en Español. Favor de mandar un correo electrónico si tiene preguntas.