Malofiej 21 - SND-E snd-e

Folha de S. Paulo (Brasil). What was inside the destroyed buildings. Reportajes / Features. 2AA. Bronce/Bronze. El Telégrafo (Ecuador). Algunos aspectos estudiados sobre el calvario de Jesús. 2AA. Bronce/Bronze. Diario de Pontevedra (España). Siete estados tienen la llave. 2AB. Plata/Silver. La Nación (Costa Rica).
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Malofiej 21 Premios Internacionales de Infografía International Infographics Awards

GRÁFICOS IMPRESOS / PRINTED GRAPHICS Noticias de Actualidad Inmediata / Breaking News 1AC Bronce/Bronze Clarín (Argentina) El fenómeno que causó el temporal 1AC Bronce/Bronze The New York Times (USA) Areas vulnerable to flooding 1CC Oro/Gold The New York Times (USA) Counties Blue and Red Move to the Right Premio Miguel Urabayen Award - Best Map Printed 1CC Plata/Silver The Washington Post (USA) Minute by minute 1CC Plata/Silver The New York Times (USA) Obama was not as strong as in 2008, but strong enough 1DC Bronce/Bronze Folha de S. Paulo (Brasil) What was inside the destroyed buildings Reportajes / Features 2AA Bronce/Bronze 2AA Bronce/Bronze 2AB Plata/Silver 2AB Bronce/Bronze 2AB Bronce/Bronze 2AB Bronce/Bronze 2AC Plata/Silver 2AC Plata/Silver 2AC Bronce/Bronze 2AC Bronce/Bronze 2AC Bronce/Bronze 2AD Oro/Gold 2AD 2AD 2AE 2BA 2BA 2BB 2BB 2BB 2BB 2BC 2BC 2BC 2BC 2BC 2BC 2BD 2BD 2CC 2DA 2DA 2DC 2DC 2DC 2DC 2DD 2EA 2EC 2EC 2EC 2ED 2ED 2ED 2ED 2ED 2ED 2ED 2ED 2ED 2EE 2FD 2FD 2FD 2GA 2GA 2GB 2GB 2GC 2GD 2GD 2HB

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El Telégrafo (Ecuador) Algunos aspectos estudiados sobre el calvario de Jesús Diario de Pontevedra (España) Siete estados tienen la llave La Nación (Costa Rica) La lucha por entrar a la UCR (Universidad de Costa Rica) South China Morning Post (China) Roof of the world on rails La Voz del Interior (Argentina) Shooting history and guns trend in the US La Voz del Interior (Argentina) Tutankamon Tomb X-Ray on its 90th anniversary of discovery The Washington Post (USA) A close-up look at House & Senate wealth The New York Times (USA) Most Face Lower Tax Burden Than in Reagan '80s The Washington Post (USA) Political Geography: The final days The New York Times (USA) Where Americans Most Depend on Government Benefits The Asahi Shimbun (Japan) One Year after the Great East Japan Earthquake National Geographic Magazine (USA) An Army for the Afterlife Premio Peter Sullivan Award - Best of Show Printed Mundo Estranho (Brasil) Titanic tragedy Suomen Kuvalehti (Finland) Shrinking Palestine Golden Section Graphics for Die Zeit Divided Islands El Telégrafo (Ecuador) Carondelet, el palacio donde se gobierna desde la época realista Diario de Pontevedra (España) Así é a Ponte das Correntes South China Morning Post (China) Wiring the City Gulf News (UAE) Al Ahmadya School Gulf News (UAE) Grand Masters of the Dow La Voz del Interior (Argentina) Our newspaper's statistics on deadly crashes in Córdoba Clarín (Argentina) Túneles aliviadores del arroyo Maldonado The New York Times (USA) Assesing the Damage Along the Battered Coast The New York Times (USA) In Some Parts of the City, a Common Police Practice The New York Times (USA) A Survey of the Destruction by Hurricane Sandy in New York City U-T San Diego (USA) San Diego's Voting Compass O Globo (Brasil) Sugar Loaf cable car National Geographic Magazine (USA) The March to Gettysburg In Graphics (Germnay) Museum Island Berlin The New York Times (USA) The 1% Next Door Times of Oman (Oman) The Olympic Medallion i (Portugal) Messi e Ronanldo: Relatório e contas The Washington Post (USA) Washington Nationals Season in Review O Estado de S. Paulo (Brasil) 2014 FIFA World Cup, Maracana O Estado de S.Paulo (Brasil) 2014 FIFA World Cup, Arena de Brasília The Washington Post (USA) When Strategy Trumps Speed In Graphics (Germany) Stairway to Heaven Moskovskie Novosti Newspaper (Russia) The Mars rover Curiosity: journey from Earth to Mars La Vanguardia (España) El cinematógrafo de los hermanos Lumiére La Vanguardia (España) Formación de tormentas solares Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung The Clefts of the River Blue Cave System National Geographic Magazine (USA) Penguins Hit the Gas Mundo Estranho (Brasil) Cut pull and stretch-Medicine's bloody history National Geographic Magazine (USA) Birds of Paradise National Geographic Magazine (USA) Playing his Wings Fortune Magazine (USA) Mapping the Internet National Geographic Magazine (USA) How did they Move? Scientific American Magazine (USA) Space Age Wasteland Scientific American Magazine (USA) Planets Everywhere Revista Galileu (Brasil) The nature creates, we copy Ole Haentzschel for Fluter (Germany) So viel its malsicher El Mundo (España) 75 aniversario del accidente de Hindenburg National Geographic Magazine (USA) Who's Been to Space National Geographic Magazine (USA) Billion-Dolar Weather i (Portugal) Há 35 anos, numa galaxia muito, muito distante… i (Portugal) Batman South China Morning Post (China) Picasso's Paintings South China Morning Post (China) A Question of Taste The Washington Post (USA) The illusion of Joey In Graphics (Germany) 3 classics National Geographic Magazine (USA) The Art of Memory Gulf News (UAE) Olympic Venues

Portafolios / Portfolios 6AC Oro/Gold 6BB Oro/Gold 6BB Plata/Silver 6BB Plata/Silver 6BB Bronce/Bronze 6BC Oro/Gold 6BC Bronce/Bronze 6BC Bronce/Bronze 6BD Bronce/Bronze 6CB Bronce/Bronze 6CC Oro/Gold 6CD Plata/Silver 6CD Plata/Silver 6CD Bronce/Bronze

The New York Times (USA) El Correo (España) Corriere della Sera (Italia) Gulf News (UAE) Corriere della Sera (Italia) O Estado de S.Paulo (Brasil) The New York Times (USA) The New York Times (USA) Scientific American Magazine (USA) South China Morning Post (China) The New York Times (USA) Fortune Magazine (USA) National Geographic Magazine (USA) IL-Il Sole 24 Ore (Italia)

Breaking News Portfolio 'Sandy' Juegos Olímpicos Londres 2012 Orizzonti-Nuovi Linguaggi (DensityDesign Research Lab) Features infographics Visual Data Portfolio 2014 FIFA World Cup, twelve Brazilians Stadiums Features Portfolio 'Elections' Olympic Games London Graphic Science Simon Scarr Archie Tse Nicolas Rapp Fernando Baptista Rane

Especiales / Specials 7AB Oro/Gold 7AB Plata/Silver 7AC Bronce/Bronze 7AD Oro/Gold 7BD Bronce/Bronze 7BD Bronce/Bronze

El Correo (España) Al Bayan (UAE) Welt am Sonntag (Germany) In Graphics (Germany) Magazine, El Mundo (España) National Geographic Magazine (USA)

Juegos Olímpicos Londres 2012 On Your Marks Rowing eight with nine men Olympia-Coverstory El Titanic. Un mundo por dentro Death of the Titanic

Promocionales / Promotionals 8B Oro/Gold Prensa Libre (Guatemala) 8C Bronce/Bronze La Vanguardia (España) 8D Oro/Gold In Graphics (Germany) 8E Oro/Gold Golden Section Graphics (Germany)

Guatemala Paraíso Vivo Columnas dominicales In Graphics vol. 4 Deutschland Verstehen

GRÁFICOS ONLINE / ONLINE GRAPHICS Noticias de Actualidad Inmediata / Breaking News 9CB Bronce/Bronze (USA)

How Mariano Rivera Compares to Baseball’s Best Closers

Reportajes / Features 10AA Bronce/Bronze 10AA Bronce/Bronze 10AB Oro/Gold 10AB Oro/Gold 10AB Plata/Silver 10AB Plata/Silver 10AB Plata/Silver 10AB Bronce/Bronze 10AB Bronce/Bronze 10AB Bronce/Bronze 10AB Bronce/Bronze 10AB Bronce/Bronze 10BA Bronce/Bronze 10BB Plata/Silver 10BB Plata/Silver 10CB Plata/Silver 10DB Oro/Gold 10DB Bronce/Bronze 10DB Bronce/Bronze 10DB Bronce/Bronze 10EB Plata/Silver 10EB Plata/Silver 10EB Bronce/Bronze 10EB Bronce/Bronze 10EB Bronce/Bronze 10EB Bronce/Bronze 10FA Plata/Silver 10FB Bronce/Bronze 10FB Bronce/Bronze

Periscopic VG Nett (Norway) (España) (USA) (USA) (USA) (USA) (USA) (USA) Guardian (UK/USA) Folha de S.Paulo (Brasil) ProPublica The Times (UK) (USA) Wahington Post (USA) (USA) (USA) Wahington Post (USA) Wahington Post (USA) Wahington Post (USA) (USA) (USA) (Brasil) RIA Novosti (Russia) Wahington Post (USA) (USA) (Chile) (España) (USA)

Hewlett Foundation Grant Tool The government quarter-one year after 10 aniversario del petrolero Prestige 512 Paths to the White House The Electoral Map Over the decades, how the States have shifted What Will Swing the Swing States? At the National Conventions, the Words They Used Events Leading to the Shooting of Trayvon Martin Gay Rights Folhacóptero Segregation Maps The Queen's Diamond Jubilee, January 2011 A Survey of the Flooding in N.Y.C. After the Hurricane Damage to the Washington Monument The Facebook Offering: How It Compares Where the Heat and the Thunder Hit Their Shots Why short guys can dunk Profiles in speed: Technology Are you over the hill for Olympic sports? The iPhone Economy For Software, Cracks in the Patent System Sao Silvestre X-Ray - Everything about the 15km race Ostankino TV Tower Discovery Shuttle Signing Science 60 años del trolebús en Valparaíso 75 aniversario del accidente del Hindenburg What Could Disappear

Portafolios / Portfolios 11BB Plata/Silver (USA)









Portfolio Feautures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (USA) Olympics portfolio 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (USA) Lolo Jones, Cleared for Takeoff Premio Peter Sullivan Award - Best of Show Printed (USA) Elections Portfolio 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Washington Post (USA) Portfolio: Profiles in speed 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Washington Post (USA) Portfolio: Election 2012 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Criterios / Criteria 12AA Bronce/Bronze 12BB Plata/Silver 12CB Oro/Gold 12CB Plata/Silver 12CB 12CB 12CB 12CB 12CB

Plata/Silver Plata/Silver Plata/Silver Plata/Silver Bronce/Bronze

G1, (Brasil) IPO Facebook Washington Post (USA) Homicides in the district (USA) Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek ProPublica (USA) Stateface Premio Miguel Urabayen Award - Best Map Online Guardian (UK/USA) America Elect! (Colombia) Cada año, bogotanos desembolsan más de 12 mil millones de pesos… (Brasil) ´Freed ´ (USA) Obama’s Diverse Base of Support Guardian (UK/USA) Is Mitt Romney the President (Is Barack Obama the President)

Aplicaciones / Apps 13CA Plata/Silver 13DA Oro/Gold 13DA Oro/Gold 13DA Plata/Silver 13DA Plata/Silver

National Geographic Magazine (USA) National Geographic Magazine (USA) National Geographic Magazine (USA) National Geographic Magazine (USA) National Geographic Magazine (USA)

Cheetahs on the Edge Cheetahs on the Edge Unseen Titanic Terra-cotta Warriors in Color Bringing the Civil War to Life

Especiales / Specials 14AB Plata/Silver 14AB Plata/Silver 14AB Plata/Silver 14AB Bronce/Bronze 14AB Bronce/Bronze 14BB Plata/Silver

Wahington Post (USA) Wahington Post (USA) (USA) (Brasil) Folha de S.Paulo (Brasil) RIA Novosti (Russia)

Olympians by Age Dressed for a world record The Toughest Vault for Female Gymnasts The secrets of Cesar Cielo in the 50m freestyle 100 meters in 100 years Centenary of the Titanic Sinking 1, 2