[email protected] Linda M. Willem

Butler Academic Grant for archival research at the Casa-Museo Pardo Bazán ... “The Music of Borgesian Destiny in Saura's El Sur,” Bulletin of Spanish .... Naturaleza,” at the Florida International University Symposium: Spanish and Latin.
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[email protected]

Linda M. Willem

(317) 940-9251


Ph.D.--University of California-Los Angeles Specialization: 19th-century Spanish Literature Secondary Field: Spanish Golden Age Literature


M.A.--University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Area: Foreign Languages and Literatures


B.S.--University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Area: Spanish and French Languages and Literatures Teaching Certificate for Spanish and French


Butler University, Indianapolis, IN BETTY BLADES LOFTON PROFESSOR OF SPANISH (2006-Present) Professor of Spanish (1999-Present) Founder & on-site director, Semester-in-Spain Program (2003, 04, 06, 08, 10, 13) Head, Department of Modern Foreign Languages (1997-2000) Associate Professor of Spanish (1993-99) Assistant Professor of Spanish (1988-93) Instructor of Spanish (1987-88)


University of California-Los Angeles Teaching Fellow/Teaching Associate in Spanish (Model Teacher for TA Training Program 1985)


Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI Instructor of Spanish (part-time position)


University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Teaching Assistant in Spanish


National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar for College Teachers, “Performing Dickens: Oliver Twist and Great Expectations on Page Stage, and Screen,” U of California-Santa Cruz.


Secretary-Treasurer of the Asociación Internacional de Galdosistas (first elected term 2007-2011; second elected term 2012-2016)

2007, 12, 14

“Apple for You” Award, Student Government Association, for “outstanding service to students of Butler University.”


Butler Academic Grant for archival research at the Casa-Museo Pardo Bazán (Spain)


First recipient of the Betty Blades Lofton Chair in Spanish.


Edition of Doña Perfecta selected for Spanish Book Discussion at the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.


Elected Member, Executive Committee of the Asociación Internacional de Galdosistas.


Butler Faculty Fellowship


National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar for College Teachers, “Opera: Interpretation, Reading, Staging,” Princeton U.


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Teaching Excellence Award

1997 & 1998

Butler Academic Grants for archival research at the Filmoteca Española Nacional


National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar for College Teachers, “Rhetorical Theory of Narrative,” Ohio State U.

1993 & 1994

Butler Academic Grants for archival research at the Casa-Museo Pérez Galdós (Las Palmas) and the Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid)


Del Amo Endowment Dissertation Fellowship


Nancy N. Wing Award for Outstanding Performance on the Doctoral Qualifying Examinations


James A. Phillips Award for Outstanding Article Published by a UCLA Student


National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar for College Teachers, “Case History and Fiction,” UCLA

PUBLICATIONS BOOKS Editor, Náufragas y otros cuentos de Pardo Bazán (Newark DE: Cervantes&Co., 2010). Editor, Doña Perfecta by Benito Pérez Galdós (Newark DE: Cervantes&Co., 2004); second ed. 2005. Editor, Carlos Saura: Interviews (Jackson: U of Mississippi Press, 2003). Galdós's Segunda Manera: Rhetorical Strategies and Affective Response, North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures 260 (Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina Press, 1998). Editor, A Sesquicentennial Tribute to Galdós 1843/1993 (Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 1993).

ARTICLES “Realidad, Doña Perfecta, and Tormento in Dialogue with the 21st century: Fernando Méndez-Leite’s Galdosiana,” Anales Galdosianos 50 (2016): 45-67. “Revolutionizing La Regenta: Parodic Transformation and Cinematic Innovation in Oviedo Express,” Hispania 97.4 (2014): 623-33. “The Story Not Told: Sex and Marriage in Pardo Bazán’s ‘Los cirineos’ and ‘La argolla’,” Hispania 95.4 (2012) 587-95. “High Fidelity: Scoring the Text in TV’s La Regenta.” Studies in Honor of Vernon Chamberlin (Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 2011) 277-92. “Las dos lunas de miel ‘góticas’ de Fortunata y Jacinta,” Actas del IX Congreso Internacional Galdosiano (Las Palmas: Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2011) 137-44. “Fernando Fernán Gómez,” World Literature in Spanish: An Encyclopedia, vol 1 (Santa Barbara, Denver, Oxford: ABC-ÇLIO, 2011) 391-92. “Saura and Storaro: A Professional Friendship,” [interview with Carlos Saura], Post Script 29.2 (2010): 111-17. “Televisualizando Arroz y tartana,” Historias de la pequeña pantalla: Representaciones en la televisión de España democrática (Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2009) 73-87. “La Africana y Galdós: De La Nación a Fortunata y Jacinta,” Actas del VIII Congreso Internacional Galdosiano (Las Palmas: Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2009) 548-52. “From the Streets to the Screen: The Music of Madrid in Saura’s Deprisa, Deprisa,” Letras Peninsulares 21.1 (2008): 7-17 “The Music of Borgesian Destiny in Saura’s El Sur,” Bulletin of Spanish Studies 83 (2006): 957-69.

“Tristana,” Feminist Encyclopedia of Spanish Literature (Westport, CT: Greenwood P, 2002): 610-12. “Rewriting Rendell: Pedro Almodovar's Carne tremula,” Literature/Film Quarterly 30 (2002): 115118. “Latent Narratives: Sideshadowing in Fortunata y Jacinta,” Anales Galdosianos. 36 (2001): 299-306. “Places in the Mind: Evocative Walks Through Galdos's Madrid,” Letras Peninsulares 13 (2000): 31928. “Almodóvar on the Verge of Cocteau's La Voix humaine,” Literature/Film Quarterly 26 (1998): 142-47. “Encircling Linearity in Carlos Saura's Peppermint frappé,” Romance Languages Annual 10.2 (1998): 859-61. “Text and Intertext: James Whale's Frankenstein in Víctor Erice's El espíritu de la colmena,” Romance Languages Annual 9 (1997): 722-25. “Highlighting the Hidden: Visual Representation in Gutiérrez-Aragón's Demonios en el jardín,” Romance Languages Annual 8 (1996): 678-80. “Metafictional mise en abyme in Saura's Carmen,” Literature/Film Quarterly 24 (1996): 267-73. “Jacinta's 'visita al cuarto estado': The Galley Version,” Anales Galdosianos 31-32 (1996-97): 97-103. “Anticipating Postmodernism in Two Galdosian Fantasies: ‘¿Dónde está mi cabeza?’ and the Final Episodios Nacionales,” A Sesquicentennial Tribute to Galdós 1843/1993 (Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 1993) 249-60. “Moreno-Isla's Unpublished Scene from the Fortunata y Jacinta Galleys,” Anales Galdosianos 27-28 (1992-93): 179-83. “A Dickensian Interlude in Galdós' Rosalía,” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 69 (1992): 239-44. "The Narrative Premise of Galdós's Lo prohibido," Romance Quarterly 38 (1991): 189-96. “The Narrative Voice Presentation of Rosalía de Bringas in Two Galdosian Novels,” Crítica Hispánica 12 (1990): 75-87. “Turning La incógnita into Realidad: Galdós's Metafictional Magic Trick,” MLN 105 (1990): 385-91. “The Narrative Premise of the Dual Ending to Galdós's La Fontana de Oro,” Romance Notes 28.1 (1987): 51-56. “Variations on Engaño and Honra in the Interpolated Novelettes of Guzmán de Alfarache,” Hispanic Journal 8.2 (1987): 7-20.

“Narrative Voice, Point of View, and Characterization in Graciliano Ramos's Vidas Sêcas,” Mester 16.1 (1987): 18-28. “Catálogo de los manuscritos de Galdós y de las galeradas de sus obras en la Casa-Museo,” Anales Galdosianos 21 (1986): 247-49. “Folkloric Structure and Narrative Voice in Bécquer's Leyendas,” Mester 13.1 (1984): 55-63.

TRANSLATIONS “Grab the Fame and Run” (translation of “Toma la fama y corre” by Agnes S. Harguindey) Pedro Almodóvar: Interviews, ed. Paula Willoquet-Maricondi (U of Mississippi P, 2004) 32-39. “Interview with Pedro Almodóvar: The Flower of My Secret” (translation of “Entrevista con Pedro Almodóvar: La Flor de mi secreto,” by Maruja Torres) Pedro Almodóvar: Interviews, ed. Paula Willoquet-Maricondi (U of Mississippi P, 2004) 110-18. “Almost All about Almodóvar” (translation of “Casi Todo sobre mi madre” by Alicia G. Montano) Pedro Almodóvar: Interviews, ed. Paula Willoquet-Maricondi (U of Mississippi P, 2004) 130-38. “The House Guest” (translation of “El huésped” by Amparo Dávila) Latin American Literary Review 18 (1990): 106-10.

BOOK REVIEWS Noël Valis's Sacred Realism: Religion and the Imagination in Modern Spanish Narrative, forthcoming in Anales Galdosianos 46 (2011): 52-54. Nicola M. Gilmour's Transvestite Narratives in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-century Hispanic Authors: Using the Voice of the Opposite Gender, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 88.4 (2011): 602-04. Susan McKenna's Crafting the Female Subject: Narrative Innovations in the Short Fiction of Emilia Pardo Bazán, for the book jacket, Catholic U of America (2009). Teresa Fuentes Peris’s Galdós’s Torquemada Novels: Waste and Profit in Ninteenth-Century Spain, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 32.3 (2008): 538-39. James Whiston’s The Practice of Realism: Change and Creativity in the Manuscript of Galdós’s Fortunata y Jacinta, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 39 (2005): 597-99. Nicholas Round’s Galdós Studies in Memory of John Varey, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 38 (2004): 620-22. Vernon Chamberlin’s “The Perils of Interpreting Fortunata’s Dream” and Other Studies in Galdós: 1961-2002, Anales Galdosianos 38 & 39 (2003 & 2004): 188-189. Timothy McGovern's Dickens in Galdos, Anales Galdosianos 37 (2002): 210-11. Elena Delgado's La imagen elusiva: Lenguaje y representación en la narrativa de Galdós, Revista de

Estudios Hispanicos 34 (2000): 651-652. Cyrus DeCoster's edition of Emilia Pardo Bazán's Crónicas en La Nación de Buenos Aires (1909-1921), Romance Quarterly 43 (1996): 252-53. Lou Charnon-Deutsch's Narratives of Desire: Nineteenth-Century Spanish Fiction by Women, Romance Quarterly 42 (1995): 251-52. Stephanie Sieburth's Inventing High and Low: Literature, Mass Culture, and Uneven Modernity in Spain, Anales Galdosianos 29-30 (1994-95): 183-85. Sebastián de la Nuez's Biblioteca y Archivo de la Casa-Museo Pérez Galdós, Anales Galdosianos 27-28 (1992-93): 225-27.


“Revisioning the Physical and Social Body: From Galdós’s Marianela (1878) to Pablo Messiez’s Los ojos (2011), at the Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Austin, Texas.


“Galdós’s Realidad in Dialog with the 21st-century,” at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, U of Kentucky.


“Adapting Flor de Mayo: Escrivá's Melodramatic Ending to Blasco-Ibáñez's Naturalistic Novel,” at the Cine-Lit VIII, An International Conference on Hispanic Film and Fiction, Portland-State University.


Panelist, “The Poetics of Realism: A Session in Honor of Harriet Turner,” at the Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Chicago.


“Comunicación no verbal: la banda sonora de Arroz y tartana,” plenary, at the Curso de verano: Blasco Ibáñez y las artes visuales, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Valencia, Spain.


“El hiperrealismo descriptivo de Dickens en la escritura de Galdós,” at the X Congreso Galdosiano, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.


“From Page to Screen: Teaching Emilia Pardo Bazán's Pazos de Ulloa and La Madre Naturaleza,” at the Florida International University Symposium: Spanish and Latin American Women Writers from the Enlightenment to Hispanic Modernism.


“Reading the Unnarratable in Pardo Bazán's ‘La argolla’,” at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, U of Kentucky.


“Regenta Redux: Gonzalo Suárez's Oviedo Express,” at the Cine-Lit VII: An International Conference on Hispanic Film and Literature, Portland State University.


“Music as Translation in TV's La Regenta.” Invited lecture at the U of Denver.


“Resisting Resolution: Pardo Bazán's ‘Los cirineos’,” at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature, U of Kansas.


“Las dos lunas de miel ‘góticas’ de Fortunata y Jacinta,” at the IX Congreso Internacional Galdosiano, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.


“Second Story, Second Thoughts: Ethical Engagements in Pardo Bazán’s ‘Presentido’ and ‘En coche-cama’,” at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, U of Kentucky.


“High Fidelity: Translating Text into Music in TV’s La Regenta.” Invited lecture at the U of Kansas.


“Dancing in Hell: Musical Neorealism in Saura’s Deprisa, Deprisa.” Invited lecture at Pomona College.


“Fortunata y Jacinta on TV and in the Classroom,” at the Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Chicago.


“Arroz y la tartana en la página y en la tele: una relación recíproca,” at the XVI Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Paris, France.


“Erase una vez una mariposa blanca: Music in Saura’s Deprisa, deprisa.” Invited lecture for the Hispanic Film Series at the U of Puget Sound.


“Arroz y tartana: The Fidelity of an Unfaithful Adaptation,” at the Cine-Lit VI: An International Conference on Hispanic Literature and Cinematographies, Portland State University.


“La Africana y Galdós: De La Nación a Fortunata y Jacinta,” at the VIII Congreso Internacional Galdosiano, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.


“The Sonic Subtext of Saura’s El Sur,” at the Cine-Lit V: An International Conference on Hispanic Literature and Cinematographies, Portland State University.


“Rewriting Rendell: Pedro Almodovar's Carne tremula,” at the Cine-Lit IV: An International Conference on Hispanic Literature and Cinematographies, Portland State University.


“Objective Places/Subjective Spaces in Galdos's Madrid,” at the Modern Language Association, Annual Convention, Chicago.


“Linearity and Circularity in Carlos Saura's Peppermint frappé,” at the Purdue University Conference on Romance Languages, Literatures, and Film.


“Almodóvar's Postmodernist Parody.” at an International Symposium in Honor of Geoffrey W. Ribbans: Modernism and Modernity in Spain and Spanish America, Brown U.


“Text and Intertext: James Whale's Frankenstein in Víctor Erice's El espíritu de la colmena.” at the Purdue University Conference on Romance Languages, Literatures, and Film.


“Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios: Almodóvar's Intertextual Inversion of Cocteau's La Voix humaine,” at the Cine-Lit Third International Conference on Hispanic Literatures and Cinematographies, Portland, Oregon.


“Highlighting the Hidden: Visual Representation in Gutiérrez-Aragón's Demonios en el jardín,” at the Purdue University Conference on Romance Languages, Literatures, and Film.


“The Fortunata y Jacinta Galleys: Jacinta's view of the Cava Baja,” at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature, U of Nebraska.


“Metafictional mise en abyme in Saura's Carmen,” at Narrative: An International Conference, Ohio State U.


“The Ins and Outs of El amigo Manso.” at the Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Chicago.


“Sleepless in Madrid: Isidora Rufete's insomnio número cincuenta y tantos,” at Galdós y el hispanismo norteamericano: homenaje, a symposium of invited lectures sponsored by the Spanish government in conjunction with NYU, CUNY Graduate Center, & Columbia U.


“Moreno-Isla's Unpublished Scene from the Fortunata y Jacinta Galleys,” at the MidAmerica Conference on Hispanic Literature, U of Kansas.


“Adventures in Realism: Narrative Experimentation in Galdós.” Invited lecture at Brown U.


“Dickens and the Art of the Galdosian Novel,” at the Midwest Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Minneapolis.


“Fantastic Banality: Galdós's ‘¿Dónde está mi cabeza?’,” at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature, Washington U.


“Dickensian Echoes in Galdós's Marianela,” at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature, U of Nebraska.


“The House Guest/El huésped: A Bilingual Reading,” at the American Literary Translators Association Fifteenth Annual Conference, San Diego.


“Tense and Intensity: Galdós's Narrative Present,” at the Pennsylvania Foreign Language Conference, Duquesne U.


“A Dickensian Interlude in Galdós's Rosalía,” at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature, U of Kansas.


“La incógnita: A Detective Story That Isn't,” at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, U of Kentucky.


“Felipe Centeno and Alejandro Miquis: Complementary Protagonists of a Two Volume Galdosian Narrative” at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature, Washington U.


“The Narrative Premise of Galdós's Lo prohibido,” at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature, U of Nebraska.


“Galdós's Structuring of Reader Response through Narrative Voice: The Humanization of Rosalía de Bringas,” at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature, U of Colorado.


“Questionable Guides and Reconstructed Characters in Galdós's Novels,” at the Western Association for Inter-disciplinary 19th-century Studies, Scripps College.


“Implicit Commentary through Irony in Galdós's Marianela,” at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature, U of Kansas.


“The Use of Proverbial Structure in Hispanic Advertising,” at the California Folklore Society Meeting, U of California-Irvine.


“Career Oriented Practical Spanish Course Instruction,” at the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Milwaukee.


“Fantasy and Eternity in the Works of Jorge Luis Borges,” at the Fantastic Literature Conference, Florida Atlantic U, Boca Raton.


“Repetition, Duplication, and Eternity: Jorge Luis Borges's Dual Concept of Time,” at the Florida State University Comparative Literature Circle Conference, Tallahassee.


“Competency Based Learning as Related to Foreign Language Teaching,” at the Central States Conference for the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Minneapolis.


“AIG Memorial to Brian Dendle: Galdós and His Contemporaries, Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, U of Kentucky.


“Late 19th- and Early 20th-century Spain I: Journeys and Encounters” and “Late 19th- and Early 20th-century Spain II: Change and Interchange,” Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature, U of Nebraska.


“Courtship and Betrothal in Galdós's Novels,” Modern Language Association, Annual Convention, Los Angeles.


“Benito Pérez Galdós and Emilia Pardo Bazán: Personal Relations and Literary Dialogues,” Modern Language Association, Annual Convention, San Francisco.


“Asociación Internacional de Galdosistas Tribute to Brian Dendle,” two sessions, Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, U of Kentucky.


“Galdós's Novelas Contemporáneas,” and “Nineteenth-century Spanish Literature,” MidAmerica Conference on Hispanic Literature, Washington U.


“Galdosian Fiction,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, U of Kentucky.


“Galdós clasico y moderno,” Modern Language Association Convention, New Orleans.


“Sound, Silence, Music, and Voice,” for the Asociación Internacional de Galdosistas, Modern Language Association, Annual Convention, San Francisco


“Galdós Studies,” Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature, U of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.


“A Sesquicentennial Session on Galdós,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, U of Kentucky.

ADDITIONAL CONFERENCES ATTENDED 4/10 4/09 6/07 12/06 12/05 12/03 11/03 8/03 12/02 8/01 12/00 9/99 11/97 12/96 12/94 4/94 10/92 8/92 5/92 3/92 4/91 12/90

Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, U of Kentucky. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, U of Kentucky. Simposio: Emilia Pardo Bazán y las artes del espectáculo, A Coruña, Spain. Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA. Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Wash. DC. Modern Language Association Annual Convention, San Diego CA. Congreso Internacional Pedro Almodovar, U de Castilla-La Mancha, Cuenca Spain. Phi Kappa Phi Annual Convention, Toledo OH (Butler Chapter Delegate). Modern Language Association Annual Convention, New York, NY. Phi Kappa Phi Annual Convention, Indianapolis (Butler Chapter Delegate). Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Wash. DC. Cuarto Congreso de Didáctica del Español, IUPUI. 1997 Assessment Conference in Indianapolis, IUPUI Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Washington. Modern Language Association Annual Convention, San Diego. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, U of Kentucky. Spain in the Americas: 1492-1992, IUPUI and Butler U. XI Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, U of California-Irvine. 149 Aniversario del Nacimiento de Pérez Galdós, Casa-Museo Pérez Galdós, Las Palmas. Renaissance Displacements: Enduring Marginality of the Picaresque, Indiana U. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, U of Kentucky. Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Chicago.

10/90 4/90 10/89 8/87 12/85 4/78

Purdue Conference on Romance Languages, Literatures, Linguistics, and Cinema. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, U of Kentucky. Purdue Conference on Romance Languages, Literatures, Linguistics, and Cinema. American Literary Translators Association 10th Annual Conference, U of Texas-Dallas. Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Chicago. Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Chicago.

WORKSHOPS ATTENDED 7/12 7/05-6/06 9-11/99 6/99 11/97 8/96 6/96 8/95 6/90 3/90 6/89 1989-96

Assessment Workshops, AATSP Convention, Puerto Rico. Faith and Vocation Teaching Workshops, Butler U LAS Pedagogy Seminar (directed by Marshall Gregory), Butler U ADFL Summer Seminar, Stanford U ADFL (Association of Departments of Foreign Languages) Summer Seminar Arts Workshop, Change & Tradition Program, Butler U Ameritech Faculty Technology Fair, Butler University England Workshop, Change & Tradition Program, Butler U Islam Workshop, Change & Tradition Program, Butler U Rassias Language Method Workshop, Dartmouth College Nigeria Workshop, Change & Tradition Program, Butler U Annual Week-End Retreats, Change & Tradition Program, Butler U

ACADEMIC SERVICE 1987—Present 2013—Present 2015 2015 2014 2013 2010—2013 2012 2012 2009—2012 2011 2011 2011 2010—2011 2010 2009 2008—2009

Academic Advisor Faculty Advisor, Delta Upsilon Chapter, Sigma Delta Pi Spanish Honor Society LAS Curriculum Committee Manuscript Evaluator: Anales Galdosianos and Hispania Manuscript Evaluator: Decimonónica and Hispania Manuscript Evaluator: Decimonónica, Hispanic Research Journal, Romance Notes, and Hispania External Evaluator: Scholarship Section of Tenure and/or Promotion Dossiers Faculty sponsor for three students at the Butler Undergraduate Research Conference Manuscript evaluator: Hispania Butler Awards Committee member Manuscript evaluator: Hispania and Dissidences Manuscript Evaluator: Hispanic Journal of Theory and Criticism External Evaluator: Teaching Section of Senior Lecturer Dossier Search Committee for Assistant Professor of Spanish, Linguistics specialization Manuscript Evaluator: Hispania Search Committee for Assistant Professor of German Search Committee for Assistant Professor of Spanish, Linguistics specialization

2007—2008 2003—2008 2007 2007 2001—2007 2006—2007 2006 2005 2005—2006 2002—2006 2002—2003 2002 2001 2001 2000—2001 1997—2001 2000 2000 2000 2000 1988—2000 1999 1999 1998—1999 1998 1998 1998 1997—1998 1990—1998 1996—1997 1996—1997 1995—1997 1994—1997 1996 1995—1996 1991--1996 1995 1994—1995. 1994—1995

Search Committee for Assistant Professor of Spanish, Latin American specialization Teacher Education Advisory Committee Featured on a READ poster for Irwin Library External Evaluator: Scholarship Section of Tenure Dossier Faculty Advisor, Delta Upsilon Chapter, Sigma Delta Pi Spanish Honor Society Search Committee for Assistant Professor of Spanish, Linguistics specialization Faculty sponsor for two students at the Butler Undergraduate Research Conference Faculty sponsor for two students at the Butler Undergraduate Research Conference Co-chair, Search Committee for Assistant Professor of Spanish, Latin American specialization President, Chapter 29 of Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society Search Committee for Assistant Professor of French, 19th century specialization Faculty sponsor for one student at the Butler Undergraduate Research Conference Secretary, Chapter 29 of Phi Kappa Phi Manuscript Evaluator: Anales Galdosianos Search Committee for Director of International Programs Faculty Assembly Executive Committee Faculty sponsor for one student at the Butler Undergraduate Research Conference Manuscript Evaluator: Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies Film Reviewer, Indiana Film Society's newsletter Cine Participant: Encuentro de Instituciones Educativas de EE.UU. con Proveedores de Cursos de Español en España (throughout the Comunidad de Madrid, Burgos, León) Departmental Liaison for Library Acquisitions Faculty sponsor for two students at the Butler Undergraduate Research Conference Search Committee for Acquisitions Librarian Chair, Search Committee for Assistant Professor of Spanish Work Group on Full-Time Non-Tenure Faculty Appointments Lecturer, Indiana Opera Guild's "Music, Words, Action" Program Work Group on Butler Internal Grants (HRI/BAG) Assessment Committee Faculty Advisor, Delta Upsilon Chapter, Sigma Delta Pi Spanish Honor Society Search Committee for Assistant Prof. of French, 20th-centuty specialization Search Committee for Assistant Prof. of French, 19th-century specialization Provost's Advisory Group Butler Academic Grants Committee, chair 1995—1997 Faculty sponsor for one student at the Butler Undergraduate Research Conference Library Council LAS Library Committee Faculty sponsor for two students at the Butler Undergraduate Research Conference Faculty Assembly Executive Committee Chairman, Search Committee for Assist. Prof. of Spanish, 20th-century specialization

1990—1992 1988—1992 1991 1990—1991 1989-1990 1989 1986—1987

International Studies Council LAS Committee on Academic Change and Improvement, chair 1988--1990 Selection Committee for Change & Tradition Coordinator Search Committee for Head of Modern Foreign Language Department Faculty Orientation Guide Chairman, Search Committee for MFL Language Center Director Circulation Editor, Mester

LANGUAGES Fluent: Spanish & English Reading Knowledge: French & Portuguese MEMBERSHIPS Asociación Internacional de Galdosistas Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas American Association of Teachers of Spanish & Portuguese Society for the Study of Narrative Literature Modern Language Association Society for Cinema Studies Sigma Delta Pi (National Spanish Honor Society) Phi Sigma Iota (National Foreign Language Honor Society) Phi Kappa Phi (National Honor Society) Phi Beta Delta (Honor Society for International Scholars) REFERENCES: Dr. Larry Riggs, Dept. of Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures, Butler University Dr. Joyce Tolliver, Dept. of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese, University of Illinois-Urbana Dr. Harriet Turner, Dept. of Modern Languages & Literatures, University of Kansas Dr. Stephen Miller, Dept. of Hispanic Studies, Texas A&M University Dr. James Phelan, Dept. of English, Ohio State University