mechanical engineering will be major assets for the successful completion of these projects, which invariably involve unique and often innovative equipment.
L'Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), implanté à Grenoble, est un centre international de recherche scientifique, leader européen en sciences neutroniques qui accueille chaque année plus de 2000 visites de scientifiques qui viennent réaliser des expériences de haut niveau. Vous êtes intéressé(e) par un nouveau challenge au sein de notre structure internationale ? Notre Bureau Projets et Calculs, rattaché à la Division ‘Projets et Technique’ de l’ILL, recherche actuellement un(e) :
Ingénieur généraliste (H/F) Expérience en neutronique Duties: The Projects and Calculations Office (BPC - Bureau Projets et Calculs) provides engineering support to all the divisions within the ILL. This support may take the form of technical expertise, modelling or project management. The scope of the BPC’s work covers a broad range of fields (mechanics, thermal hydraulics, neutronics, magnetism, etc.) and there is a high degree of interaction between the members of the BPC team. Within the BPC, your duties will involve: * being able to perform, immediately on taking up your duties, neutronics calculations, mainly using the MCNP code. These calculations will concern topics related to the fuel element of our reactor, including its criticality, but also to the safety of the facility and its radiation protection requirements * managing in parallel projects to improve reactor safety and projects for the design of new scientific instruments. Your previous experience and your knowledge of mechanical engineering will be major assets for the successful completion of these projects, which invariably involve unique and often innovative equipment. Your technical skills in conventional engineering will be applied to both general and specific problems relating to the projects under your responsibility, including project management issues. Your “hands-on” attitude will be very useful to you.
Qualifications and experience: You have a Master’s degree or equivalent qualification in general engineering. You must have considerable experience in neutronics and must be perfectly familiar with the use of MCNP. You have nevertheless retained an in-depth knowledge of engineering sciences and mechanical engineering. You also have experience of managing projects, from the design phase right through to final installation. The BPC is a highly responsive department with a high degree of interaction between team members. It is therefore essential that you have excellent interpersonal and communications skills so that you are able to fit smoothly into the team and adapt to its dynamic environment. Language skills: As an international research centre, we are particularly keen to ensure that we also attract applicants from outside France. You must have a sound knowledge of English and be willing to learn French (a language course will be paid for by the ILL). Knowledge of German would be an advantage. Notes: This post is permanent. Medical fitness for work under ionising radiation is required.
How to apply: Please submit your application on line, no later than 28/05/2017, via our website: (vacancy reference: 17/11)
The ILL is an equal opportunities employer and encourages both men and women with the relevant qualifications to apply
maintenance, including data analysis methods and sample environment equipment proving support to users for scientific experiments on D20 but also on other ...
Notes: Fixed-term contract of 5 years. Further information can be obtained by contacting the Head of the Diffraction Group: Dr Maria Teresa Fernandez Diaz, tel.
must have considerable experience in neutronics and must be perfectly familiar with the use of MCNP. You have nevertheless retained an in-depth knowledge ...
Please submit your application online, no later than 08.01.2017, via our website: (Vacancy reference: 16/47). We are committed to equal ...
INSTITUT MAX VON. LAUE. PAUL LANGEVIN International Mobility Consultant (M/F). L'Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), implanté à Grenoble, est un ...
instrumentation & control' technician for the project, you will perform design ... As an international research centre, we are particularly keen to ensure that we ...
information, please consult our employment conditions). How to apply: Please submit your application on-line, no later than 09.04.2017, via our website:.
medical examination prior to taking up duties). In the framework of his/her future duties (after completion of the “Detritiation” project), the successful candidate.
15 jul. 2014 - We wish to inform you that starting from September 1st, 2014, only masks with two independent security devices will be allowed for use at all ...
Puestos localizados en los departamentos 52-Haute Marne y 32-Gers para las ofertas en hospitales y en los departamentos 16-Charente y 75-Paris para las ...
Im Sommer ist das Hotel Gastgeber für Menschen mit Handycap. Im Winter sind Familien mit Kindern im Hotel zu Hause. Ihre Aufgaben: • Servieren von Speisen ...
MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN Real Decreto 1572/2011, de 4 de noviembre, por el que se establece el Título de. Técnico Superior en Transporte y Logística y ...
Hôpital de Jour en Centre de Détention ; Equipe mobile de psychiatrie). Situé dans la région du Limousin, l'établissement bénéficie d'un environnement préservé offrant une bonne qualité de vie. Equipe internationale dont un médecin psychiatre espagno
Il Programma Stage è rivolto a giovani laureati che siano in possesso dei .... les premiers pas vers la vie professionnelle, Air France propose chaque année.
de Indicadores Económicos” del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. 4.000.000. 4.500.000 ... En cuanto a las provincias, el desempleo registrado se reduce en 38, entre las que destacan: Madrid ...... VALLADOLID. 42.557. 275. 0,65.
Gästebetreuung im Rahmen der Möglichkeiten. • Eindecken für Halbpension- / Restaurantbetrieb. • Saugen und Reinigen des Restaurants nach dem Frühstück.
La educación emprendedora, a lo largo del currículum, es posible. * José Manuel Pérez Díaz “Pericles”. * Ex Gerente de VALNALÓN. Valnalón se creó en 1987, ...
INSTITUT MAX VON LAUE. PAUL LANGEVIN. L'Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), implanté à Grenoble, est un centre international de recherche scientifique, leader ...
oficiales de las diecisiete Comunidades Autónomas y el Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea. Los documentos referenciados en este Anuario pueden obtenerse ...
ámbitos geográficos se disponga de la misma información. ...... de Madrid (60,94%), Cantabria (58,43%) y País Vasco (55,77%). Tres son ...... Personas que presentan deficiencias físicas, mentales, intelectuales o sensoriales, previsiblemente.
Tourism is one of the most important economic sectors and therefore a job motor in the country. Thanks to our well- known tourism regions like The Black Forest and Lake Constance there are many hotels and restaurants that constantly seek for skilled
Research Scientists with experience in GMP/GLP. • Biotechnology Engineers with experience in GMP/GLP. • Farmacist and Engineers with experience in Quality control & Quality assessment. • Principal Scientists with a background in biology and the. Medi