lahabana. com magazine

4 ago. 2017 - MOBILE, 2017 by photographers Chip Cooper. (US) and Julio Larramendi (Cuba), is a collection of pictures taken during the traditional Fat Tuesday Parade in Mobile, ...... excellent new sound system. The legendary beer garden where. Arsenio tore it up. Look for a salsa/ timba gig on a Sat night and a Sun.
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BEST EVENTS THIS MONTH WITHOUT MASKS: C on tempora r y Afro-Cuban Art Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. Edificio de Arte Cubano, throughout the month

THE LÓPEZ-NUSSA FAMILY IN CONCERT Gran Teatro de La Habana Alicia Alonso (August 26, 8:30pm)

AUG 2017


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Gonzalo Rubalcaba August 19, 8:30pm Gran Teatro de La Habana Alicia Alonso

Chucho Valdés August 12 8:30pm Gran Teatro de La Habana Alicia Alonso

AUG 2017


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ART EXHIBITIONS C e n t r o de A r te C on tempor á neo W ifredo Lam Th rou gh August 25

Memorias. Grabado cubano ‘80 ‘90 presents 50 prints belonging to the Wifredo Lam Center Collection, of Cuban artists José Julián Aguilera, Ángel Alfaro Echevarría, Abel Barroso, Pablo Borges, Yamilis Brito, Luis Cabrera, Tamara Campo, José M. Contino, Salvador Corratgé, Antonio Espinosa, Moisés Finalé, Gilberto Frómeta, Isabel Gimeno, Julio Girona, Nicolás Lara, Israel León, Isolina Limonta, Aldo Menéndez, Ibrahim Miranda, Isary Paulet, Enrique Pérez Triana, Pablo Quert, Ángel M. Ramírez, Alexander Richardm, Juan Carlos Rivero, Ángel Rivero Sierra, Elio Rodríguez, Carlos A. Rodríguez Cárdenas, Agustín Rolando Rojas, Leandro Soto, Israel Tamayo, Rubén Torres Llorca, Zenén Vizcaíno and Rafael Zarza. AUG 2017


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C e n t r o d e A rt e C on tempor án eo Wifr ed o Lam T hr o u g h A u g u st 26

Valor de uso has proposed to the participating artists that they work their pieces with instruments that at the end of the exhibition can recover their original function, which implies the collaboration of the workers of the Center in the conformation of the exhibition.


B iblio t eca Pública Rubén M art ínez Villena Thr oug hout A ug us t

¡Guernica de Picasso, 80 años! exhibits the posters selected as finalists in the competition of the same name.

Casa Víct o r Hugo A ug ust 1 5-S e p t e m b e r 1 5


C e n t r o d e A rt e C on tempor án eo Wifr ed o Lam T hr o u g h A u g u st 26

La anatomía del cero, by Spanish artist Jaime de Lara, exhibits pieces that, according to the artist, “thanks to fiction, absurdity and rhetoric, as if they were mathematical operations or equations, result in the same product. Thanks to this, they can be understood as anatomies of Zero. And Zero as a concept of infinite forms.”.

Exhibition by Cuban artist Alejandro Alexis García Núñez, pays homage to the Belgian surrealist artist René Magritte. Prior to the exhibition, the art gallery has organized a performance on August 15, at 5pm, while the exhibition proper will open on August 18, at 6pm. On August 21, at 2pm, the artist will offer a tour through his exhibition and a discussion on the life of Magritte.

AUG 2017


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C en tr o Hispan o Am ericano de Cult ura Throughout August

LA ESTAMPA CONTEMPORÁNEA EN LA COLECCIÓN ARTE DE NUESTRA AMÉRICA HAYDÉE SANTAMARÍA DE CASA DE LAS AMÉRICAS, is a collection of works by young engravers who exhibit a variety of techniques and content, and richness in their work, as well as a continuity of the tradition of Latin American printing.

C en tr o Pr ovin c ial de Art es Plást icas y D iseño August 2- 31

ESTACIÓN CUBA, group show of works by artists Carlos René Aguilera, Abiney Barrios, Ariel Broche, Jamnael Casanova, Yasiel Elizagaray, Yeremy Guerra, Agustín Jiménez, Daniel Madruga, Sergio Marrero, Tania Mesa, Jesús Agustín Rebull, Yoxi Velázquez and Manuel “Manolo” Vidal.

Fac tor ía Haban a Throughout August

ÍNDICE DE IMÁGENES, by José Manuel Mesía, who using painting and installation and through a process marked by the study of episodes of the Cuban wars of independence, examines the mechanisms of rewriting history, the apocryphal, the construction of imaginaries and the myths that are created around facts AUG 2017


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Ga l e rí a C a s a 8 T hr o u g h A u g u st 27

SOLO SHOW by Moisés Acosta. This creator of humidors, now painter, brings together works of surreal atmosphere populated by strange anthropomorphic beings.


Cent ro de D esarro llo de las Art es Visuales Thr oug h A ug ust 7

CAÍDA LIBRE, solo show of paintings and drawings of Havana landscapes by Katarzina Badach, a Polish painter who lives and works in Havana and Berlin. Thr oug h A ug ust 2 7

SUDORACIONES, solo show of paintings by Cristóbal Herrera. GROUP SHOW of works that belong to the catalogue of the gallery of the Center for the Development of Visual Arts.

Ga l e rí a C o l l a g e Haban a

G alería G aliano

T hr o u g h A u g u st 1 3

Thr oug h A ug ust 1 0

CUARTA DIMENSIÓN exhibits works by artists from the province of Ciego de Ávila, who seek to express concerns and aesthetics from different points of views coming from the “periphery,” which may be the province, but also the country itself in relation to the major “legitimizing” art centers.

GROUP SHOW exhibits paintings, photographs, prints, objects and sculptures belonging to the Galería Galiano collection.

AUG 2017


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Ga l e rí a O rí g e n e s

Fábrica de Art e Cubano

T hr o u g h A u g u st

Thr oug h A ug ust 2 4

KRAKEN Kraken is artist Ibrahim Miranda’s proposal, who for the critic Orlando Hernandez “is probably the only major mythical monster in Cuban art, which is full of domestic (or domesticated) animals and brightly colored fish swimming in their fishbowls. This is about the inhabitant of the oceanic darkness, a legitimate son of Triton, a Kraken, the gigantic squid of Norwegian mythology that every so often appears on the surface snorting and vomiting ink and blood to show us…the landscape that is under the luminous and confused surface of this island that we inhabit, to our joy or terror, to us, the drowned and the survivors.

DISEÑO DE AUTOR, works by Abel Camejo, Carlos Joel y Marango.


Thr oug h A ug ust 2 7

PUNTO Y LÍNEA SOBRE EL PLANO, works by Jorge Gody, Víctor M. Gómez, Josignacio, Donis Llago, Antoine Mena, Osy Milián, Onay Rosquet, Gabriel Sánchez Toledo and Nelson Villalobo Thr oug h S e p t e m b e r 30

MAURICE RENOMA, an exhibition showing an unknown stage design by the artist in the course of his photographic experience and installations created on site with salvaged materials.

AUG 2017 10

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Ga l e r í a S e r va n d o C a br er a T h r o ug h Au g u st 20

OBRA EN PROCESO, by Yornel Martínez, is an exhibition of a conceptual nature, made up by an installation, in the form of a scale model, that occupies the gallery’s space.

Ga l e r í a V i l l a M a n u e la T h r o ug h ou t A u g u st

SOLO SHOW by avileño Elías Henoc Permut, an artist from Ciego de Avila, who has said of his art: I am a self-taught artist…. When I was 15, I received a course on engraving taught by Miguel Chamorro. Since then, I have not stopped working and studying, so I have accumulated knowledge and a large number of icons and symbols that I reconstruct to give them a new meaning in my paintings.”

Mu s e o N a c i o n a l d e B ellas A r tes. Ed i fi ci o d e A r t e C u b an o T h r o ug h Sep te mb e r

RITA LONGA. CENTENARIO celebrates 105 years of the birth of one of the great figures of Cuban sculpture. Longa assumed the codes of modernity without giving up the fluid communication with the recipient. She is the author of emblematic pieces such as the Family Group at the entrance of the Zoo in Nuevo Vedado, the Virgen del Camino, the Ballerina at Tropicana and the Taino Village within the Guamá tourist center, in Zapata Swamps. The exhibition includes 29 pieces, from the first one she created to the one she completed on the year of her death. AUG 2017


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Mu s e o N a c i o n a l de Bellas A r tes. Edificio de Art e Cubano T hr o u g h Octo b er 23

SIN MÁSCARAS. ARTE AFROCUBANO CONTEMPORÁNEO. WITHOUT MASKS: CONTEMPORARY AFRO-CUBAN ART, probably the National Museum of Fine Arts exhibition of the year, is made up of works from the Von Christierson Collection (Watch Hill Foundation, London). The 149 pieces by 40 Cuban artists from the past 60 years include paintings on canvas and wood, watercolors, glass and enamel on aluminum foil, drawings, engravings, collages, patchwork, bronze and iron sculptures, soft sculptures, wooden sculptures, photographs, installations, video installation and video art. The exhibition El último cabildo de Yemayá, by Cuban photographer Roberto Salas, will be presented in the lobby of the museum’s Antonio Rodríguez Morey Documentation Center. A program of lectures (with simultaneous translation) by guest experts will be held during the exhibition.

PROGRAM Augu s t 1

A u gu st 1

August 2

August 2

T h e a ter / 10 a m

Salón de Audiovisuales / 2:30pm

The a t e r / 1 0 a m

S a lón d e A ud iov isua le s / 2 :30 p m

Lecture by Professor Charles Daniel Dawson: “Zé Diabo, Mimito y Detinha de Xangô: tres artistas religiosos en Brasil”

Talk with artists Santiago Rodríguez Olazábal, Elio Rodríguez and Alexis Esquivel

Lecture by Professor Bárbaro Martínez Ruiz “Kongo, arte sansala, cultura visual y tradición gráfica”

Talk with artists Douglas Pérez, José Ángel Vincench and Yoan Capote

AUG 2017


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Au gu s t 3

A u gu st 4

S al ó n de A u di o v i su a l e s / 2: 3 0 pm

Salón de Audiovisuales / 2:30pm

Talk with artists Juan Carlos Alom, Carlos Garaicoa and Rolando Vázquez.

Screening of the documentary Diálogos con mi abuela (2016, 40’), by Gloria Rolando.



T hr ou g h O c t o b e r 1 M us e u m h ou rs / 2nd and 3rd f l o o r t emp o ra ry e x hibition h al l s Continuous screening of documentaries • Raza (2010, 46’) • 1912: Voces para un silencio, episodes 1 (2010, 46’), 2 (2011, 58’) and 3 (2012, 58’) • El Alacrán (2000, 20’) • Oggún: presencia eterna (1991, 52’), • Los Marqueses de Atarés (2003, 46’) • Reembarque (2014, 58’ • Videos on the work of artists Belkis Ayón, Manuel Mendive, Alexis Esquivel, the exhibition Queloides, among others.

T hr ou g h O c t o b e r 1 M us e u m h ou rs / Lobby o f t he D ocu me n ta t ion Center Continuous screening of the documentary “Roberto Salas y El último cabildo de Yemayá” directed by art critic Orlando Hernández (curator of the exhibition and of the Von Christierson Collection) and by the Sin máscaras team. AUG 2017 13

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PHOTO GRAPHY Fot ote ca d e C u b a T h r o u gh A u g u st 6

Expo MS Atlantic presents works by the German photographer Heinrich Heidersberger, who travelled to Havana in 1954 as photographer of the cruiser that gives name to the exhibition. Snapshots of New York, where the trip began, of the passengers and the Caribbean islands included in the tour are all an exciting testimony of the time.

Ga l e r í a E l R e i n o d e Este Mu n do

Fábrica de Art e Cubano

T h r o u gh A u g u st 13

Thr oug h A ug ust 2 7

MIRADAS REVELADORAS, group show by Cuban photographers on the figure of Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Gevara.

MIRADAS REVELADORAS, group show by Cuban photographers on the figure of Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Gevara. AUG 2017 14

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Galer ía Julio Larram endi. Hostal Co nde de Villanuev a Throughout A ug us t

MARDI GRAS. MOBILE, 2017 by photographers Chip Cooper (US) and Julio Larramendi (Cuba), is a collection of pictures taken during the traditional Fat Tuesday Parade in Mobile, Alabama.

Memor ia l Jo sé M art í Through A ug ust 1 1

EXPO III CONCURSO DE FOTOGRAFÍA LENTE ARTÍSTICO exhibits 35 pictures selected by the jury on Havana monuments and architecture.

AUG 2017 15

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RESERVE ONE FLIGHT AND TRAVEL TO THREE DESTINATIONS It’s now possible to take one flight and unite three popular Cuban destinations. To save time, you can now take advantage of the daily Boeing 737 departure from Havana and travel to Holguín and Cayo Coco. This offer lasts until October 2017. Two daily flights, one in the morning, the other in the afternoon, will transport you to explore these three destinations. Havana. The cultural and nightlife epicenter of Cuba. Holguín. Known as the city of parks, we suggest you visit the emblematic Hill of the Cross. Cayo Coco. Known for its exotic nature and beautiful beaches, here you’ll find comfort and rest in its modern resorts.

ENJOY YOUR VACATIONS TO THE MAX WITH ONE FLIGHT AND THREE DESTINATIONS US - [email protected] | 1 800 282 2468 (Toll Free) Europe - [email protected] | +31 (0)20 794 7962 Asia - [email protected] | 1800 198 150 (Toll Free) Rest of the world - [email protected] | +53 (0)7 214 0090

AUG 2017 16

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DANCE C onc e rt p ro g ra m A u gu st 13 , 11a m T e a t ro Na ci on a l . Sala Avellaneda

Performances by the students of the Lizt Alfonso Dance Cuba Summer Course.


B allet Co nt em po ráneo de Cam agüey , Endedans A ug us t 4 & 5, 8:30 p m ; A ug us t 6, 5p m , Te a t r o M a r t í

The Ballet Contemporáneo Endedans, from Camagüey, will celebrate their 15th anniversary with a program made up of works by Cuban-American choreographer Pedro Ruiz, which includes the world premiere of Paseando mi alma. The piece is inspired by the energy and sensuality of today’s Cuban youth, and combines elements of popular culture and jazz. The music has been inspired by the Cuban composer and percussionist Dafnis Prieto.

AUG 2017


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The contemporary fusion and electronic music scene has expanded recently as new bars and clubs have opened party promoters have organized events in parks and public spaces. To enjoy good live music there is, first and foremost, Fábrica de Arte Cubano (FAC), whose director, X Alfonso, is one of Cuba’s greatest composers and musicians. Every week at FAC (Thursday-Sunday, 8pm-3am), there are DJ sessions and presentations by soloists and groups that perform the latest trends in fusion music, especially in combination with jazz and rock.


Other good live music venues include El Sauce (check out the Sunday afternoon Máquina de la Melancolía) and the popular Salón Rosado de La Tropical featuring DJs and electronic music on Friday nights. Don Cangrejo always has good contemporary music, as well as Corner Café, Submarino Amarillo, Sarao’s Bar, Barbaram Pepito’s Bar, King Bar and Bar Melem, all featuring singers and acts in smaller more intimate venues. AUG 2017 18

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C arpa T r o mpoloco Sa t ur d a y s / 10 p m

Electronic music and alternative bands

C asa de la Am ista d Su n da y s / 5p m

Rock ’n’ Roll with Vieja Escuela.

C en tro Cultural B ert o lt Brecht

C en tr o Cu l t u r a l Los S i t i o s

B alneario Univ ersit ario El Co ral

We d n e s da y s / 10 : 3 0p m

August 2 5 / 4 p m

Elaín Morales

Hip hop performances

F r id a ys & S a t ur d a ys / 1 p m -1 a m

F ri da y s / 10: 3 0p m

Track F ri da y s / 10: 3 0p m

The Shepal

D i a b lo T u n T u n Fridays / 1 1 p m

Electronic music with rapping, DJaing, Vjaing, Djproducers, breakdancing and graffiti writing, among other urban art expressions.

Nube Roja

C orn e r C af é

Saturdays / 5p m

T h u r s da ys / 9 : 3 0 p m


Vieja Escuela. AUG 2017 19

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Fá b r i c a d e A r t e Cu ba n o T hursdays / 1 0 p m

Café Co ncert El Sauce

Dj Productores Session.

We d ne s d a ys / 8p m

/ 11pm

Concerts by fusion and alternative music soloists and bands. Fridays / 9pm

Dj Productores Session. / 1 1 pm

Concerts by fusion and alternative music soloists and bands.


Young talents of Cuban music from the University of the Arts S und a ys / 5p m

La Máquina de la Melancolía, with Frank Delgado and Luis Alberto García.

Saturdays / 9p m

Ha v a n a Ha r d R o c k

Dj Productores Session: Iván Lejardi.

E v e r y ot he r F r id a y / 6p m

/ 11pm

Concerts by fusion and alternative music soloists and bands. / 12 p m

Soul Train, a show of soul music

Rock and Roll at FAC.

S a t ur d a ys & S und a ys / 6p m

Sundays / 9p m

Rock cover bands

Concerts by fusion and alternative music soloists and bands.

Teatro Mella

/ 11pm

Rock and Roll at FAC. / 12 p m

A ug us t 31 / 8:30 p m

Qva Libre

Hip Hop at FAC.

AUG 2017 20

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J a r di n e s de L a T r o pi c a l F r id a ys / 8p m

Electronic music and DJs

Bar bar a m P e p i t o ’ s Bar

Museo Nacional de Be l l a s A r t e s . Edi f i c i o de A r t e Cu ba n o

Annie Garcés

Pa r q u e H i s t ó r i c o Milita r La Ca ba ñ a . Bar El Cañonazo

Su n da y s / 7 p m

Thursdays / 6p m

T h u r s da ys / 7 p m

Barbaram Discoteque

La Ca sa Española

BudaBarte Project (trova, fusion, flamenco…)

A ug us t 2 6 / 7 p m

The Band Extraño Corazón promotes their new album Confesiones de un náufrago

We d n e s da y s / 6 p m


S u b m a r i n o A ma r i l l o M ondays / 9 p m

P abellón Cub a

The Sheppal

A u g us t 2 6 / 5p m

Sundays / 5 pm


Eddie Escobar

AUG 2017


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MUSIC VENUES Cas a d e l a M ú s i c a de Mir amar M o nd a y s / 5p m

W ednesdays / 5 pm

F r id a ys / 5p m

S und a ys / 5p m

Popular dance music (Maykel Blanco y su Salsa Mayor)

Popular dance music (Juan Guillermo y su grupo)

Popular dance music (El Niño y La Verdad)

Popular dance music (Lazarito Valdés y Bamboleo)

/ 11p m

/ 1 1 pm

Popular dance music (Sur Caribe)

Adalberto Álvarez y su Son

T ue s d a ys / 5p m

Thursdays / 5 pm

Popular dance music (Alexander Abreu y Havana D’ Primera)

Popular dance music (Manolito Simonet y su Trabuco)

/ 11p m

Popular dance music

/ 11pm

Popular dance music (NG La Banda) S a t ur d a ys / 5p m

Popular dance music / 11pm

Popular dance music

/ 1 1 pm

Popular dance music AUG 2017 22

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Café C a n t a n t e . Teatro Nacional

C asa de 18

M o nd a y s / 11p m

Iván y Fiebre Latina

Popular dance music (Manana Club)

Saturdays / 8p m

T ue s d a ys / 5p m

Popular dance music (El Noro y Primera Clase) We dn e sd a y s / 5p m

Popular dance music F r i d a ys / 5p m a n d 11p m

Fridays / 8:30 p m

Ahí Namá

J ar din es del 183 0


Habana Café, H ot el Choíba M ond a y t hr u We d ne sd a y / 9p m

Teté and her group Son Caturla

Fridays / 5p m

La Piragua

Grupo Moncada

Ev e r y ot he r S a t ur d a y / 10pm

Pabellón Cuba

One of the most popular spaces of popular dance music.

August 1 2 / 5p m

Arnaldo y su Talismán

Popular dance music

Diablo Tunt ún

S a t ur d a ys / 5p m

Caba r e t Tu r q u i n o. H ot e l H a b a n a L i br e

M ondays / 8 pm a nd 1 1 p m

Popular dance music (Manana Club)

M o nd a y s / 11p m

Popular dance music

El Chispa y los Cómplices

W ednes d a ys / 5p m

Popular dance music / 1 1 p m (Combinación Cubana)

T ue s d a ys / 10 p m

Thursdays / 1 1 p m

Fiebre Latina

Popular dance music (NG La Banda)

We dn e sd a y s / 11pm

Caribe Girls

Popular dance music

Fridays / 1 1 p m

Popular dance music (Vacilón)

AUG 2017 23

lahabana. com






Malecón y 22, El Vedado (+53) 7838-3091

Obispo esq. a Cuba, Habana Vieja (+53)7862-4127

Calle 23 e/ O y P, El Vedado (+53) 7836-9320

Outdoor terrace of the old mansion on the waterfront at the end of Malecón. Very popular to dance salsa. Not the best floor, but the sea breeze and the great dancers make it all worth it.

Hotel bar. Very small, but popular with salsa dancing crowds. Best on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays (when 1830 is open)—less crowded.

T u e s da ys, 8p m T h ur sd a ys, 8p m S u nd a y s, 6 p m–1a m E n t r a n ce : 5 C U C

M on- Sun Opens at 9:30 p m Entrance: 5 C U C (incld. drink )

Basement club. A good spot to dance salsa on Wednesdays. Includes a dance performance and a salsa competition. AC still broken, so it can get hot. We d ne sd a ys O p e ns a t 9:30 p m E nt r a nc e : 3 C U C

AUG 2017 24

lahabana. com


As oc i a c i ó n C u b an a de Der ec h os de A u t o r M u s i c a l A ug u st 17 / 6 p m

Alexis Bosch (pianist) and Proyecto Jazz Cubano

Casa del Alba A ug u st 12 / 8p m

Ruy López-Nussa (percussionist) & La Academia

Ce nt ro H i s p a n o A mer ic an o de C u l t u ra


A ug u st 12 / 5p m

Yadasny Portillo (pianist) and her group

G r an Te a t ro d e La Haban a Al i cia A l o n s o A ug u st 12 / 8: 3 0 pm

Chucho Valdés A ug u st 19 / 8: 3 0 pm

Gonzalo Rubalcaba A ug u st 26 / 8: 3 0pm

The López-Nussa family in concert: Hernán, Harold Ruy and Ruy Adrián AUG 2017 25

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M useo Nacio nal de B ellas Art es. Edificio de Art e Cubano A ug us t 1 0 / 7 p m

Alejandro Meroño (pianist) and guests A ug us t 1 7

Dayramir González (pianist) A ug us t 31 / 7 p m

José Portillo (pianist)

Pabelló n Cuba A ug us t 1 9 / 5p m

Cucurucho Valdés (pianist)

Teat ro Nacio nal. Sala Co v arrubias A ug us t 5 / 8:30 p m

Ruy López-Nussa (percusionist) and La Academia

UNEAC J uly 1 3 / 5p m

La Esquina del Jazz, hosted by showman Bobby Carcassés

AUG 2017 26

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BOLERO, FOLKLORE, SON AND T R O VA Ca s a de 1 8 W e dn e s da y s / 8p m

Héctor Téllez T h u r s d a ys / 5p m

José Valladares

C asa de la Bombilla Ver de

Palacio de la Rum ba Tue s d a ys / 4 p m

B arbaram Pepit o ’s B ar

M ondays- Sundays / 8 pm

Septeto Habanero

F r id a ys / 1 1 p m

Performance by singer songwriters

S u n d a y s / 5p m


Café Can t a n t e , Teat ro N a c i o n a l Sa t u r da ys / 5p m

Waldo Mendoza


F r id a ys / 1 0 p m

Yoruba Andabo

Trova A ug us t 1 7 / 1 1 p m

Candil de Nieve Project

S und a ys / 6p m

Delir io Haban er o Fridays / 1 0pm

Son en Klab Saturdays / 1 0pm

Traditional music


Saló n Ro sado de La Tro pical Tue s d a ys / 8p m

Son Yoruba and Timbalaye

Cent ro Cult ural Fresa y Cho co lat e Thur sd a ys / 9p m

Trova with Frank Martínez S und a ys / 6p m

Singer Leidis Díaz AUG 2017 27

lahabana. com

Pabe l l ó n C u b a

En Gu ayaber a

F r i d a ys / 4 p m

T hursdays thru Sundays / 7pm

Trova with Silvio Alejandro. A ug u st 13 / 5p m

Trovador Pepe Ordaz and guests

Miguel Faílde Band T ue s d a y s th ru S un da y s / 4 p m

El Tablao T hursdays / 1 0pm



G a t o Tu e rt o

Sundays / 7:30pm

Fr i da ys / 5p m

Ivette Cepeda

Music, visual arts, literature and more.

Diablo Tu n Tu n

L e S el e c t Fr i da ys / 5p m

Yaima Sáez

W ednesdays / 5 pm

Osaín del Monte T hursdays / 5 pm

Trova with Ray Fernández


M useo Nacio nal de B ellas Art es. Edificio de Art e Cubano A ug us t 3 / 7 p m

Concert with singersongwriter Luis Franco A ug ust 1 9 / 7 p m

The internationally renowned Cuban percussion group Los Papines present their new album, Rumbeando a mi manera

Parque Alm endares S a t ur d a ys / 6p m

Frank Delgado

Sarao ’s B ar We d ne s d a ys / 1 0 p m

Kelvis Ochoa

AUG 2017 28

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Aso ciació n Yo ruba de Cuba

Casa de la Cult ura de Plaza

F r id a ys / 8:30 p m

A ug ust 2 6 / 3p m

Obbiní Batá (folkloric group)

Pianist Ana Martin and trovador Jesús del Valle

B iblio t eca Nacio nal de Cuba A ug ust 1 2 / 5p m

Raúl Torres and his group

A ug u s t 17 / 6 p m

C en tr o Hispan o A mer ic an o de C u ltu r a

Trova with Vicente Feliú and guests


Cas a de l A l b a Cu l t u r al

Cas a de l a Am i s tad Sa t u r da ys / 9 p m

August 26 / 5 pm


Cent ro Cult ural Pablo de la To rrrient e B rau A ug ust 2 6 / 5p m


Cine Yara

Rev ist a La Jiribilla

A ug ust 1 8 & 1 9 / 8:30 p m

A ug us t 2 5 / 6p m

Eliades Ochoa

El Patio de Baldovina Project

Club Co co drilo

Teat ro M ella

We d ne sd a ys / 1 0 :30 p m

A ug us t 1 2 / 8:30 p m

Dos Gar den ias Tuesdays thru Sundays / 1 0pm

Roberto Javier

Performance by soloist vocalists

Cas ona d e L í n e a

C lu b A man ec er

Su nd a y s / 8p m

Fridays / 5 pm

Sala Av enida


Conjunto de Arsenio Rodríguez

A ug us t 2 7 / 5p m

Singer Osdalgia and comedian Otto Ortiz

Cuban All Stars, a band made up by Cuban and Puerto Rican musicians Martínez

AUG 2017 29



Ba s í l i c a M e n o r d e San F r anc i s c o d e A sís

C asa del Alba

A u gu st 5 / 6 p m

La Cámara de la Música Project, conducted by violinist Alfredo Muñoz.

Performance by the New Life Foundation Orchestra.

lahabana. com

August 6 / 5p m

August 1 3 / 5p m

F á br ic a d e A rt e C u ba n o

En Confluencia, dedicated to guitar.

T hu r s d a ys / 8: 4 5pm

August 20 / 5p m

Concerts by chamber music soloists and ensembles.

Tardes Líricas project, directed by the soprano Milagros de los Ángeles.



A ug ust 2 6 / 6p m

Concert with Annie Garcés. A ug ust 2 7 / 5p m

Música de Nuestra América, a project directed by guitarist Zuleida Suárez.

M useo Nacio nal de B ellas Art es. Edificio de Art e Cubano A ug us t 5 / 7 p m

Concert by pianist Karla Martínez AUG 2017 30

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T H E AT R E LUNA NUEVA Sa l a R aq u e l R e v u e l t a

CHICAGO Sala Tito J u n co

V it a l T e atro / Prod u ction: Ale j a nd r o Pa l omi n o F ri da y s , S a tu rd a y s a nd S u n d a y s , 8: 3 0p m

Mefisto T eatro / P roduction: He id y D ía z d e Villegas Fridays and Sat ur d a ys, 8 :30pm; Sundays, 5p m

An honest view of a paradigmatic author of our national scene of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the recently deceased Amado del Pino. Palomino has gathered several of Del Pino’s fundamental characters from his plays, along with texts by the playwright.

Adaptation of the famous Broadway musical, with its cynical foray into the underworld, and an intentional eroticism.

¿POR QUÉ LAS PLANTAS MUEREN? Café Teat ro B ert o lt B recht Pe q ue ño Te a t r o d e L a Ha b a na / Pr od uc t ion: J os é M iliá n, F r id a ys a nd S a t ur d a ys, 8:30 p m ; S und a ys, 5p m

Premiere by the company directed by José Milián, National Prizewinner for Theater.

HARRY POTTER: LA HISTORIA NO CONTADA Teatr o Tr ianó n T eatro El P úblic o / Pr od uc t ion: C a r los D ía z Fridays and S a t ur d a ys, 8:30 p m ; S und a ys , 5p m

The fantastic world of Harry Potter, brought, in the manner of a social satire, to a music school in Cuba. (Please, before going, check if the AC issues have been solved) AUG 2017 31

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LA LECCIÓN Sala Teatr o A do lfo Llau r adó Aras Teatro / Pr od uc t ion: M ichaelis Cué Fridays and Satur d a ys, 8 :30pm; Sunday s , 5p m

Premiere of The Lesson, a one-act play by FrenchRomanian playwright Eugène Ionesco.


TRIUNFADELA Sala El Cierv o Encant ado E l C ie r v o E nc a nt a d o / Pr od uc t ion: Ne ld a C a st illo A ug us t 1 8-2 0 & 2 5-2 7 , 8:30 p m

Delirious on-stage performance that presents an analysis of imaginaries and behaviors that single out the existence of the Cubans from the 1960s to the present day, focusing on the psychosocial response to the official rhetoric of progress and victory.

DELIRIO HABANERO Sala A dolfo Llauradó Teatro de la L una / Pr od uc t ion: R a úl M a r t ín Fridays and Satur d a ys, 8:30 p m ; S und a ys , 5p m

Successful play by Cuban playwright Alberto Pedro in which three delirious characters who believe to be Varilla (an old bartender from La Bodeguita del Medio), Benny Moré and Celia Cruz, meet every night in a ruined place to evoke a Havana that no longer exists or to plan a future that will never be.

AUG 2017 32

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EEUU - [email protected] 1 800 282 2468 (Toll Free) Europa - [email protected] +31 (0)20 794 7962 Asia - [email protected] 1800 198 150 (Toll Free) Rest of the world - [email protected] +53 (0)7 214 0090

PALACIO AZUL A PRETTY BAYSIDE BLUE PALACE A small boutique hotel, the duck-egg blue Palacio Azul faces the Bay of Cienfuegos, and is 10 minutes by foot to the UNESCO-crowned historic city center. Built in 1920, the domed hotel features 7 rooms, a marble staircase, and beautiful original art nouveau tiled floors. Catch the breeze on the rooftop terrace, and enjoy the neighboring architectural stunners — the Club Cienfuegos and the Palacio del Valle.

AUG 2017 33

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LA MUCHACHITA DEL MAR T e a t r o d e t í t e re s El A r c a Fr i da ys, Sa t u rd a y s & Sundays, 3pm

Play based on Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Little Mermaid.”

LOS ZAPATICOS DE ROSA Teatro Martí A ug u st 12-13 , 5p m

Adaptation of the poem of the same name written by José Martí, directed by Rubén Darío Salazar for Teatro de las Estaciones of Matanzas. The play combines puppets, actors and an exceptionally effective use of music, imagination, good taste and sensitivity.

CHIVO QUE ROMPE TAMBÓ S al a A d o l f o L l a u r adó S a t a urd a ys a n d Sundays, 1 1 am

With this play, the Barco Antillano group reminds viewers of the consequence of their actions

LOS TRES CERDITOS T e a t r o N a c i o n a l de Gu iñ ol Fr i da ys, 5p m; Sa t urdays & Sundays, 11am y 5p m

Four versions of the fable The Three Little Pigs by the Papalote Group (4-6), Guiñol from Holguín (11-13), Teatro de la Villa (1820) and Teatro Nacional de Guiñol ( 25-27).

for kids AUG 2017 34

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FESTIVAL DEL TÍTERE Ex poc u b a . P a b e l lón de la C u ltu r a


A ug u st 19 -20 , 11a m & 2pm


Puppet performances by the following groups: La Tintalla (Al son de la Ma Teodora, August 19, 11am, and Estampas cubanas, August 20, 11am), PalabrAbierta (Tiburcio, el alma de la fiesta, August 19, 2pm) & Adalet (El pez de plata, August 20, 2pm).

C ult ur a l inst it ut ions in O ld H a v a na

FANTASÍAS. CIRCO NACIONAL DE CUBA Ci ne Y a ra S a t u r da y s a n d Su ndays, 3pm

The First Havana Puppet Festival, for the entire family. AUGUST 7 Te a t r o-m use o d e t ít e r e s El A r c a / 3p m El hijo del viento (Teatro El Arca) Á t ic o d e l t e a t r o-m use o d e t ít e r e s E l A r c a / 6p m

Historias bien guardadas (Grupo Salamandra)

Circus show with magic tricks, pole dance, aerial ribbons, lassos, whips, acrobatics, hula-hoop, juggling, clowns and much more.

AUGUST 8 C a s a d e la Poe s ía / 1 0 a m Historia de burros (Grupo Papalote)

ECOS DEL FESTIVAL Car pa Tro mp o l o co

Te a t r o d e l M us e o d e A r t e C olonia l 1 1 a m -2 p m

W e dn esd a ys-Su n d ays, 4pm & 7pm

Show featuring artists from Havana Circus Company


Como la noche y el día (Alas Teatro) C a sa V íc t or Hug o / 3p m

Érase una vez un pato (CREATI AC from Mexico) Te a t r o-m us e o d e t ít e r e s E l A r c a / 3p m

Federico y María, una historia de seda y aluminio (Grupo Caña Brava) Á t ic o d e l t e a t r o-m use o d e t ít e r e s E l A r c a / 6p m

Historias bien guardadas (Grupo Salamandra) AUG 2017 35

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A U G U S T 11 Mu seo Casa Natal de José M artí / 10am

Nace una estrella (Grupo La Tintalla) Te a tro del M u seo de Arte Colon ial / 11am-2 pm


La farsa del buey (Teatro Viajero) Te a tro-mu seo de títeres El Arc a / 3pm

C a s a d el Benem éri t o d e l as A mé r i c as B e n it o Juá rez / 1 0 a m

Titiritero (Teatro del Puerto)

Érase una vez un pato

Á t i c o del teatro-mu seo de títeres El Arc a / 6pm

M u s e o C a s a Na t a l d e José Mar t í / 1 0 p m

Historia de burros (Grupo Papalote) T e a t ro d el M useo d e A r t e C ol oni al / 1 1a m - 2p m

Historias bien guardadas (Grupo Salamandra)

A U G U S T 12 C asa de la Poesía / 10am

Como la noche y el día (Alas Teatro)

Las descabelladas historias (Grupo Polichinela de La Habana)

C a s a V í ct o r H ug o / 3 p m

Museo Casa Natal de José M artí / 10am

Títeres GabymarK (puppeteer Gabymar from Venezuela)

La Cuca (Teatro El Arca)

T e a t ro -m us eo d e t í t e r e s E l A r c a / 3 p m

Te atro del M u seo de Arte Colon ial / 11am-2 pm

Bastián y Bastiana (Teatro El Arca)

Mowgli, el mordido por los lobos (Teatro La Proa)

Át ico d el t ea t ro - m use o d e t í t e r e s E l Arca / 6 p m

Te atro-mu seo de títeres El Arc a / 3pm

Historias bien guardadas (Grupo Salamandra)

En fin, el mar (Grupo Pálpito) Á t i co del teatro-mu seo de títeres El Arc a / 6pm


Historias bien guardadas (Grupo Salamandra)

T e a t ro d el M useo d e A r t e C ol oni al / 1 1 am2pm

A U G U S T 13

Títeres bufos son (Hilos Mágicos)

Museo Casa Natal de José M artí / 10am

C a s a d e l a Po esí a / 2 p m

Los dos ruiseñores (Grupo Escambray)

Girasoleando (Grupo Girasol) T e a t ro -m us eo d e t í t e r e s E l A r c a / 3 p m

Te atro del M u seo de Arte Colon ial / 11am-2 pm

Bebé y el señor Don Pomposo (Grupo Okantomí) AUG 2017 36

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L AT E S T MUSIC NEWS A new venue, especially designed for young audiences, has just been opened for good live Cuban music. Bule-Bar 66, on the corner of San Rafael and Prado, in the heart of Havana, features a cafeteria and bar, with a capacity for 80 people. Soloists and small and mediumsized groups and bands play from 10pm to 2am. The entrance fee is 2 CUC or 50 pesos. The Moncada group will be playing every Saturday, while Los Zafiros will perform on August 3, and a group of musicians and vocalists, who have gotten together under the name of Descarga Cubana, will perform on August 4.

SEPTEMBER 8-18 Cultural venues in Havana


Habanarte is an event that involves the participation of hundreds of artists of all kinds: musicians, dancers, visual artists, actors... With special performances added to the usual cultural program in Havana, Habanarte aims to give a true picture of what is happening in Cuban culture today, from the traditional to the most innovative and avant-garde.

FESTIVAL NACIONAL METAL HG SEPTEMBER 14-17 Holguín This one-of-a-kind festival held in the eastern part of the country, promotes a space in which different generations of Cubans, who decades ago defended a music considered as “resistance music,” can exchange experiences with more recent bands under absolute freedom of expression and aesthetics.



Convened by the Ukrainian Vladimir Malakhov, undisputed star of world ballet, and under the auspices of Codanza, a contemporary dance company based in Holguín, participants in the 4th Atlántico Norte International Dance Competition, will be eligible for prizes for best soloists and best companies during this dance festival in which audiences will be able to enjoy the performances of young figures of Cuban classical ballet and contemporary dance.

17 F E S T I V A L D E T E A T R O DE LA HABANA OCTOBER 20-29 Theater and plazas in Havana Founded in 1980, the Havana Theater Festival takes place every two years. All trends of the contemporary stage converge in this event which presents a selection of the most outstanding present-day Cuban theater, along with international theater companies. Workshops, seminars and lectures complete the program of the festival. AUG 2017 37


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El Techo [ The Roof ], the first film directed by Patricia Ramos—one of the very few Cuban women filmmakers who has been able to make a feature film—brings together a very young cast and crew. Yet their very youth is perhaps their best asset when making this film about three friends in Havana who, like many of their peers, take the plunge and open a small business on the roof of a house, from where pizza orders are brought down to the street by a rope. Andrea Doimeadiós—who is already creating a lot of talk in the theater and television world in Cuba—plays the role of Ana, who is pregnant and whose mother lives in Miami; She embarks in this new adventure in her life with two friends, whose roles are played by Emmanuel Galbán and Jonathan Navarro. On the roofs of Centro Habana, this film speaks not only of dreams and yearnings (success in business, emigration, future birth), but also of more earthly and everyday realities seen through the eyes of people who have recently left adolescence behind.

In the words of the director, she wanted to “avoid banalities and have a sincere and attractive visuality, a story narrated with simplicity and a certain subtlety, in contact with certain types of stories that are very common in the cinema of every country, about the arrival of adulthood, and about ordinary people…” The movie is not a masterpiece. Sometimes it can get a little repetitive. In addition, the director faced the challenge of filming in a very small space and with a small and inexperienced cast. It also revisits some topics that have been addressed on many occasions in Cuban art and literature. However, El Techo is a film that the viewer enjoys without great effort, it has aesthetic and conceptual proposals that are worthy of consideration, it refreshes the national screen with new young faces, and creates confidence in future endeavors by this young creative team. AUG 2017 38

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MESÓN DEL REGIDOR - INTIMATE HOTEL IN THE HEART OF UNESCO CITY STUNNER This tiny hotel, with just four rooms, is found in a restored ochre and blue Spanish colonial building in the heart of Trinidad, a UNESCO World Heritage site. It’s a cobblestone’s throw from the palaces-turned-museums, and main square and church, of this beautiful city, and the growing number of private restaurants. EEUU - [email protected] 1 800 282 2468 (Toll Free) Europa - [email protected] +31 (0)20 794 7962 Asia - [email protected] 1800 198 150 (Toll Free) Rest of the world- [email protected] +53 (0)7 214 0090

AUG 2017 39

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T e atr o N a c i o n a l de C u ba The two-week long International Workshop on Cuban Modern Dance, Cubadanza, aimed at professional dancers and students, teaches different Cuban popular rhythms and dances from which Cuban modern dance draws on and shows how the pelvic region and the undulation of the torso, among other characteristics, are the fundamental basis of the Cuban technique of modern dance. According to the availability of the company for the period in which the workshop will take place, it will possible to attend rehearsals and demonstrative lessons with top dancers of Danza Contemporánea de Cuba.

AUG 2017 40

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RAP FESTIVAL A ug ust 1 3-1 8

Cuban Rap Agency (Z anja, ent re G erv asio y Esco bar, Cent ro Habana) Besides the usual well-attended concerts, this rap festival, which is organized by the Cuban Rap Agency, proposes an interesting program of workshops, lectures, Q&A with musicians on the situation of the genre today and its future.

FERIA DE ARTE EN LA RAMPA T hr o u g h Se p te mber 3 T ue s d a ys-F ri d a ys, 2- 8 pm; Saturdays & Sund a ys , 10 am-8p m. C l o sed M ondays and July 30

Pabe l l ó n C u b a , Havan a As is customary every summer since the year 2000, the Art at La Rampa Crafts Fair opens its door at the Pabellón Cuba, emblematic building of 1960s Cuban architecture, with an attractive offer that includes the sale of serigraphs, footwear, clothing, costume jewelry, fans, household goods, furniture, ornaments, and much more. Fashion shows, concerts, plays and dance performance, as well as activities for the kiddies will also take place during the Fair. This year Arte en la Rampa will be dedicated to youth and the 29th World Festival of Youth and Students to be held in the Russian city of Sochi in October. AUG 2017 41

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H a v a n a a n d e i g ht oth er pr ovin c es Created and organized by the international promoter of Cuban culture known as Timbalaye to delve into the patrimonial basis of rumba, the 9th International Cuban Rumba Festival: The Rumba Route 2017, will be dedicated to the Inscription of Rumba on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Rumba is one of the most authentic manifestations in Cuban culture. Widely popular and 100% Cuban, it was born as a process of hybridization of elements of different origins, in which the legacy of African cultures played a predominant role while it exhibited significant Spanish components. It emerged in Cuba in the late 19th century, and developed after the abolition of slavery. More than a music and dance representation, rumba is a way of life, a philosophy that contains a mystique connected to religions and affiliations. For the people in the neighborhoods and in the streets, rumba is suited to their lives, to their emotions. And this is what Timbalaye, a yoruba word that refers to feasible dreams and projects, is all about. Activities include shows, concerts, music and dance community projects, popular dance lessons by teachers and experts in Cuban folkloric dances, and much more.

Rum ba Ro ut e 2017 it inerary : Thursday, Aug 17: Havana (pre-festival) Friday, Aug 18: Pinar del Río–Havana Saturday, 19: Havana Sunday, Aug 20: Havana Monday. Aug 21: Havana–Matanzas Tuesday, Aug 22: Matanzas Wednesday, Aug 23: Matanzas–Cienfuegos Thursday Aug 24: Cienfuegos Friday Aug 25: Cienfuegos–Trinidad Saturday Aug 26: Ciego de Avila–Camagüey Sunday, Aug 27 Camagüey Monday, Aug 28: Camagüey–Santiago de Cuba Tuesday, Aug 29: Santiago de Cuba Wednesday, Aug 30: SC–Guantánamo–SC Thursday, Aug 31: Santiago de Cuba–Havana

AUG 2017 42

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AROUND CUBA 41 J O R N A D A D E L A C A N C I Ó N POLÍTICA A u gu st 1-4 , Gu a n tánamo

The 41st Political Song Festival will include concerts by young singer-songwriters, trova get-togethers, visits to communities, exhibitions, talks, poetry recitals and meetings with guest musicians.

FERIA DEL DISCO EN LA PLAYA LA BOCA T hr o u g h A u g u st 31 , P laya L a B oca, Trinidad

Trinidad’s La Boca Beach will host fun activities throughout the month at the Casa de la Música tent right on the beach, plus dance matinées in the afternoons and early evenings.

FESTIVAL DE MÚSICA ELECTRÓNICA STEREO G A ug ust 4 -6, fr om 4 p m t o 7 a m Pla ya C a le t one s , G ib a r a

Gibara seems to be a town that has great sensitivity for the arts. Not only is it the headquarters of the International Cine Pobre Film Festival, it is also home to the Stereo G Electronic Music Festival, a one-of-a-kind festival in Cuba that was chosen Cultural Event of 2016 in Holguín Province. AUG 2017 43

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Be greeted by imposing colonial fortresses at the bayside entrances to the cities of Cienfuegos, Santiago, and Havana. Onboard, experience how vibrant and cool Cuba is at first hand. You’ll love the dynamic, musical and joyful spirit of the Cubans which infuses the island’s way of life.


The Celestial Crystal offers a quality all-inclusive service plus suites, cabins, elegant rooms, restaurants, open spaces, and a whole variety of services to enjoy during your trip. Set sail with Cuba Travel Network and SAVE 15% on early bookings. OFFER VALID UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30 2017

US - [email protected] | 1 800 282 2468 (Toll Free) Europe - [email protected] | +31 (0)20 794 7962

Asia - [email protected] | 1800 198 150 (Toll Free) Rest of the world - [email protected] | +53 (0)7 214 0090 AUG 2017 44

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EXPERIMENTAL FUSION Interesting décor, interesting menu.

INDIAN Brilliant combination of authentic Indian food and live Cuban jazzy music every night.

HOMELY ITALIAN Great service, good prices. A real home from home.

Calle 5ta e/ Paseo y 2, El Vedado (+53) 7836 2025

Tejadillo #24 esq. a Cuba, Habana Vieja (+53) 7862 7379


EL CAFÉ CAFÉ Charming little European style café with sourdough sandwiches and breakfast served all day. Amargura #358 e/ Villegas y Aguacate, Habana Vieja (+53) 7861 3817

CORTE DEL PRÍNCIPE ITALIAN Sergio’s place. Simple décor, spectacular food. Calle 9na esq. a 74, Miramar (+53) 5255 9091

Calle 19 y 72, Playa (+53) 7206 1406

CAFÉ BOHEMIA CAFÉ Bohemian feel. Great sandwiches, salads & juices. Calle San Ignacio #364, Plaza Vieja, Habana Vieja (+53) 5403 1568, (+53) 7860 3722

INTERNATIONAL Industrial chic alfresco rooftop with a buzzing atmosphere Calle 26 e/ 11 y 13, Vedado. (+53) 7832 2355

T I E N TA N M I R A M A R CHA CHA CHA INTERNATIONAL Vibrant restaurant across the street from the Granma Memorial. Nice décor. Fusion Cuban cuisine. AC for hot days is a plus. Monserrate #159 e/ Tejadillo y Chacón, Habana Vieja (+53) 7867 2450

CHINESE The most popular place among Chinese community. This is a little upscale to its sister restaurant in Barrio Chino Calle 44 #4406 e/ 3ra & 5ta, Miramar (+53) 7206 2543

AUG 2017 45

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HAVANA’S BEST PLACES TO EAT LA GUARIDA CONTEMPORARY FUSION Cuba’s best known restaurant. Professional and charming. Concordia #418 e/ Gervasio y Escobar, Centro Habana (+53) 7866 9047




TRADITIONAL CUBAN Absolutely charming. Excellent traditional Cuban cuisine.

FUSION, ITALIAN Beautiful mansion in the heart of El Vedado serving excellent food.

TAPAS BAR Cuban hipster place with innovative cocktails and tapas on the rooftop.

Callejón del Chorro #60C, Plaza de la Catedral, Habana Vieja (+53) 7861 1332, (+53) 5281 5883

LA HABANERA INTERNATIONAL AND VEGETARIAN Excellent food and veggiefriendly menu. Lovely, majestic house. Calle 16 #506 e/ 7ma y 5ta, Miramar, Playa (+53) 7202 9941

L A M PA R I L L A TAPAS BAR Friendly spot with creative drinks and tapas in the middle of old Havana Lamparilla #361 e/ Aguacate y Villegas, Habana Vieja (+53) 5289 5324

Calle Paseo #206, El Vedado (+53) 7831 3423, (+53) 5360 0384

NAZDAROVIE SOVIET Well-designed Soviet décor, excellent food & service Malecón #25 3er piso e/ Prado y Cárcel, Centro Habana (+53) 7860 2947

OTRA MANERA INTERNATIONAL Beautiful modern décor. Interesting menu and good service. Calle #35 e/ 20 y 41, Playa. (+53) 7203 8315


O’Reilly #303 e/ Habana y Aguiar, Habana Vieja (+53) 7863 0206

R Í O M A R INTERNATIONAL Contemporary décor. Great sea view. Good food. Ave. 3raA y Final #11, La Puntilla, Miramar (+53) 7209 4838

SAN CRISTÓBAL TRADITIONAL CUBAN Deservedly popular. Consistently great food. Kitsch décor. San Rafael #469 e/ Lealtad y Campanario, Centro Habana (+53) 7860 1705

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HOTEL SAN BASILIO - STYLISH SPANISH-COLONIAL HOTEL IN HISTORIC CITY CENTER The small sage-and-cream Hotel San Basilio, reached by a pretty double staircase, is the only boutique hotel in the historic center of Santiago de Cuba. With its 1920s ambience, and its eight rooms featuring handsome colonial furniture, guests can retreat from the buzz of the city streets to the quiet of the hotel. Night owls can enjoy the evening entertainment at the Rooftop Bar-Terrace of the nearby Hotel Casa Granda, compliments of the San Basilio Hotel.

EEUU - [email protected] | 1 800 282 2468 (Toll Free) Europa - [email protected] | +31 (0)20 794 7962 Asia - [email protected] | 1800 198 150 (Toll Free) Rest of the world - [email protected] | +53 (0)7 214 0090

AUG 2017 47

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SEAFOOD/SUSHI Authentic fisherman’s shack servicing world-class seafood.

CONTEMPORARY CUBAN Calm quality place in old Vedado mansion.

Calle 240A #3023 esq. a 3ra C, Jaimanitas (+53) 5286 7039



Calle 29 #205 e/ B y C, El Vedado (+53) 7830 0711

NAUTILUS MEDITERRANEAN/SEAFOOD Delicious meals. Lovely veranda great for long lunches.

INTERNATIONAL Beautiful sea view from terrace overlooking pool. Great place for drinks by the pool at sunset.

Calle 84 #1116 E/ 11 y 13, Playa (+53) 5237 3894, (+53) 5400 1068 Closed on Tuesdays

Ave. 1ra #2206 e/ 22 y 24, Miramar (+53) 7203 8328 Noon to midnight

CAFÉ LAURENT Beautiful penthouse restaurant with lovely terrace. Calle M #257 e/ 19 y 21, Vedado (+53) 7831 2090

NERO DI SEPPIA ITALIAN Walter’s place. Great pizza. Quick & reliably good. Calle 6 #122 e/ 1ra y 3ra Miramar, Playa , Noon to midnight (+53) 5478 7871 AUG 2017 48

lahabana. com


Going to Cuba but short on time? These are the best two-day-and–one–night excursions, for you to discover the Island´s history, culture and nature. • Private Tour of Trinidad, Cienfuegos and Santa Clara, from Havana • Nature in the Valle de Viñales, from Havana • Topes de Collantes Overnight (Trinidad, Santa Clara and Cienfuegos), from Havana and Varadero Make your online reservation

For further information, please contact us

EEUU - [email protected] | 1 800 282 2468 (Toll Free) Europa - [email protected] | +31 (0)20 794 7962

Asia - [email protected] | 1800 198 150 (Toll Free) Resto del mundo - [email protected] | +53 (0)7 214 0090 AUG 2017 49

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PICK EL COCINERO Te r ra c e Style of food: International/Caribbean Cost: Moderate Type of place: Private restaurant (Paladar) BEST FOR: Buzzing atmosphere on the rooftop of an old factory, great lounge music. DON’T MISS: Gin & tonic, mango daiquiri. It’s best to share the variety of dishes. Calle 26 e/ 11 y 13, El Vedado (+53) 7832 2355

E C L É C T I C O Style of food: Fusion, Italian Cost: Expensive Type of place: Private restaurant (Paladar) BEST FOR: Quality decor, fine service and great food. DON’T MISS: Fresh pasta, the fish and the ice cream of innovative flavors! Paseo #206, El Vedado (+53) 7831 3423, (+53) 5360 0384 AUG 2017 50

lahabana. com

LA GUARIDA Style of food: Contemporary fusion Cost: Expensive Type of place: Private restaurant (Paladar) Best for: Authentic, charming and intimate atmosphere in Cuba’s best known restaurant. Great food, professional. Classy. Don’t Miss: Uma Thurman, Beyoncé or the Queen of Spain if they happen to be dining next to you.

Concordia #418 e/ Gervasio y Escobar, Centro Habana (+53) 7866 9047


BVCC Buena Vista Curry Club Style of food: Indian Cost: Moderate Type of place: Private restaurant (Paladar) BEST FOR: Authentic and delicious Indian dishes in a lovely ambience. Outstanding live Cuban bands every night take you back in time in the heart of Old Havana. Cigar friendly. DON’T MISS: Butter chicken, fresh naans from tandoori oven.

Tejadillo #24 esq. a Cuba, Habana Vieja (+53) 7862 7379



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CASTLE IN THE CLOUDS, A MEDIEVAL MANSION IN CUBA A beautiful hotel with outstanding views of Soroa’s forests. A peaceful, romantic and luxury retreat — ideal for escaping stressful city life. Enjoy the heights of El Fuerte Hill, walk to the largest orchid garden in Cuba, and embrace Cuba’s lush nature. Exclusive access through Cuba Travel Network

US - [email protected] | 1 800 282 2468 (Toll Free) Europe - [email protected] | +31 (0)20 794 7962 Asia - [email protected] | 1800 198 150 (Toll Free) Rest of the world - [email protected] | +53 (0)7 214 0090

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CAFÉ BOHEMIA Style of food: Traditional Cost: Moderate Type of place: Private restaurant (Paladar) Best for: Taking a break from long walks and seeking shelter from the stifling Cuban heat. Don’t miss: Location in the cool inner courtyard of the colonial building.

Ground floor of the Palacio de la Casa del Conde de Lombillo San Ignacio #364, Plaza Vieja, Habana Vieja (+53) 5403 1568, (+53) 7836 6567, (+53) 7860 3722 www.



CORTE DEL PRÍNCIPE Style of food: Italian Cost: Expensive Type of place: Private restaurant (Paladar) Best for: Cozy atmosphere, excellent service. Don’t miss: Spectacular homemade Italian pastas.

Calle 9na esq. a 74, Playa (+53) 5255 9091 AUG 2017 53

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BVCC Buena Vista Curry Club E C L É C T I C O

Paseo #206, El Vedado (+53) 7831 3423, (+53) 5360 0384

Tejadillo #24 esq. a Cuba, Habana Vieja (+53) 7862 7379


Concordia #418 e/ Gervasio y Escobar, Centro Habana (+53) 7866 9047


Calle 26 e/ 11 y 13, El Vedado (+53) 7832 2355

CAFÉ BOHEMIA CORTE DEL PRÍNCIPE Calle 9na esq. a 74, Playa (+53) 5255 9091

Ground floor of the Palacio de la Casa del Conde de Lombillo San Ignacio #364, Plaza Vieja, Habana Vieja

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Driving around the island is a great way to discover places off the tourist trail helping you make the most of your trip to Cuba. It’s always a good idea to make reservations in advance, especially during the months September to December. Right now we have vehicle availability for that date. By doing so you’ll save time and avoid wasting days of your vacation looking for a car available for rent. This is the best time to review our offers and book the car that best suits your itinerary. GUARANTEED FROM NOW FOR YOUR CUBA VACATION!

US - [email protected] | 1 800 282 2468 (Toll Free) Europe - [email protected] | +31 (0)20 794 7962

Asia - [email protected] | 1800 198 150 (Toll Free) Rest of the world - [email protected] | +53 (0)7 214 0090

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TRENDING BARS E S PAC I O S Laid-back contemporary bar with a real buzz in the back beer garden. Calle 10 #510 e/ 5ta y 31, Miramar (+53) 7836 3031

KING BAR Popular night spot for locals. Thursdays and Fridays also live music. Calle 23 #667 e/D y E, El Vedado (+53) 7833 0556

SIÁ KARÁ CAFÉ Charming bohemian bar where Paris meets Havana. Barcelona esq. a Industria, Centro Habana (+53) 7867 4084

O ’ R E I L LY 3 0 4 Trendy little tapas bar with innovative cocktails. Don’t miss the fresh fruit daiquiris. O’Reilly #304 e/ Habana y Aguiar, Habana Vieja (+53) 7863 0206, (+53) 5264 4725

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BEST BARS WHITH LIVE MUSIC CORNER CAFÉ Great live music every day, very popular among locals. Good tapas. Calle B y 1ra, El Vedado (+53) 7837 1220

FAC FÁBRICA DE ARTE CUBANO Place of Cuban culture with industrial scale of hipness. This literally is an art factory–multiple art galleries and endless performance venues. Always packed with funky crowds. There are several bars and a newly opened restaurant. Check website for FAC’s opening and closing schedules.

EFE BAR Currently hot bar with live music and DJs. Calle 23 y F, El Vedado (+53) 584 3229

Calle 26 e/ 11 y 13, El Vedado (next to the Puente de Hierro) (+53) 5-329-6325

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BEST CLUBS SANGRI-LA Basement bar/club that gets packed by locals especially on weekends. Best for: Hanging out with the cool kids of the Havana Farándula in the most popular bar/club. Don’t Miss: The best gin and tonic in Havana.

FA N TA XY BAR Hot new bar/lounge frequented mostly by fashionable Cubans.

SARAO’S BAR Modern white bar in Vedado with live concerts. Calle 17 esq. a E, El Vedado (+53) 7832 0433

BOLABANA Popular bar with music where everyone ends up dancing. Calle 39 e/ 48 y 50, Playa

Calle 7ma A e/ 70 y 66, Miramar Opens at 10pm

Ave. 21 e/ 36 y 42, Miramar (+53) 5359 6517 AUG 2017 58

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BEST TRADITIONAL BARS SLOPPY JOE’S BAR Beautifully renovated. Full of history. Popular. Lacks a little ‘grime’. Ánimas esq. a Zulueta, Habana Vieja (+53) 7-866-7157


E L F LO R I D I TA Hemingway’s daiquiri bar. Touristy but always full of life. Great cocktails. Obispo #557 esq. a Monserrate, Habana Vieja (+53) 7-867-1299

Microbrewery overlooking the restored docks. Simply brilliant. Avenida del Puerto y San Ignacio, La Habana Vieja

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H AVA N A’ S BEST SPOTS FOR A SUNSET DRINK BELLA HABANA POOL BAR The best place for a sunset drink overlooking Old Havana is this brand new and chic 5* hotel roof. Gran Hotel Manzana Kempinski La Habana San Rafael e/ Monserrate y Zulueta, Habana Vieja (+53) 7869 9100

LA GUARIDA ROOFTOP BAR Great cocktail bar overlooking Centro Habana rooftops. Concordia #418 e/ Gervasio y Escobar, Centro Habana (+53) 7866 9047

V I STA M A R POOL Tranquility by the sea at this 1950s villa with a beautiful pool. Ave. 1ra #2206 e/ 22 y 24 Miramar (+53) 7203 8328

H. NACIONAL TERRACE The garden terrace overlooking the Malecón in this historic hotel is the best place for the late afternoon mojito. Calle 21 y O, El Vedado (+53) 7836 3564

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CONCERT VENUES KARL MARX THEATRE World class musicians perform prestigious concerts in Cuba’s best equipped venue. Calle 1ra esq. a 10, Miramar (+53) 7-203-0801

BASÍLICA SAN FRANCISCO DE ASÍS A truly beautiful church, which regularly hosts fabulous classical music concerts. Oficios y Amargura, Plaza de San Francisco de Asís, Habana Vieja

FÁBRICA DE ARTE Great concerts inside (small and funky) and outside (large and popular!). Calle 26 e/ 11 y 13, Vedado (next to the Puente de Hierro)

SALA COVARRUBIAS Teatro Nacional One of Cuba’s most prestigious venues for a multitude of events. Paseo y 39, Plaza de la Revolución.

SALSA/TIMBA CAFÉ CANTANTE MI HABANA Attracts the best Cuban musicians. Recently renovated with an excellent new sound system. Ave. Paseo esq. a 39, Plaza de la Revolución (+53) 7-878-4273




A little rough around the edges but spacious. This is ground zero for the best in Cuban salsa.

Smaller than its newer twin in Centro Habana. An institution in the Havana salsa scene.

The legendary beer garden where Arsenio tore it up. Look for a salsa/ timba gig on a Sat night and a Sun matinee.

Galiano e/ Neptuno y Concordia, C. Habana (+53) 7-860-8296/4165

Calle 20 esq. a 35, Miramar (+53) 7-204-0447

Ave. 41 esq. a 46, Playa (+53) 7-203-5322 AUG 2017 62

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Think MTV Unplugged when musicians play. Hip, funky and unique with an artsy Cuban crowd.

Love it/hate it—this is the oldest Friday night party place and is still going strong. Outdoor by the sea.

Great outdoor concert venue to hear the best in contemporary & Nueva Trova live in concert.

Calle 13 e/ I y J, Vedado (+53) 7-830-1354

Ave. 1ra e/ 16 y 18, Miramar (+53) 7-204-3837

Ave. 9na #12015 e/ 120 y 130, Playa (+53) 7-204-6428

TEATRO DE BELLAS ARTES Small intimate venue inside Cuba’s most prestigious arts museum. Modern. Trocadero e/ Zulueta y Monserrate, Habana Vieja.

T R O VA & T R A D I T I O N A L BARBARAM PEPITO´S BAR Some of the best Cuban Nueva Trova musicians perform in this small and intimate environment. Calle 26 esq. a Ave. del Zoológico. Nuevo Vedado (+53) 7-881-1808



Late night place to hear fabulous bolero singers. Can get smoky. Calle O entre 17 y 19, Vedado (+53) 7-833-2224

The 1950s traditionals, a project created over 10 years ago, pays tribute to the Golden Era of Cuban music: the 1950s. Sociedad Rosalia de Castro, Egido #504 e/ Monte y Dragones, Havana Vieja (+53) 7-861-7761

SALÓN 1930 COMPAY SEGUNDO Buena Vista Social Club style set in the grand Hotel Nacional. Hotel Nacional Calle O esq. a 21, Vedado (+53) 7-835-3896

JAZZ CAFÉ JAZZ CAFÉ MIRAMAR Clean, modern and atmospheric. Where Cuba’s best musicians jam and improvise. Cine Teatro Miramar 10:30pm – 2am Ave. 5ta esq. a 94, Miramar

A staple of Havana’s jazz scene, the best jazz players perform here. Somewhat cold atmosphere-wise. Galerías de Paseo Ave. 1ra e/ Paseo y A, Vedado

LA ZORRA Y EL CUERVO Intimate and atmospheric, which you enter through a red telephone box, is Cuba’s most famous. Calle 23 e/ N y O, Vedado (+53) 7-833-2402 AUG 2017 63


Luxury hotel overlooking Parque Central



Beautifully restored colonial house. Obispo #252, esq. a Cuba, Habana Vieja (+53) 7-862-4127

Neptuno e/ Prado y Zulueta, Habana Vieja (+53) 7-860-6627

SANTA ISABEL Luxurious historic mansion facing Plaza de Armas Narciso López, Habana Vieja (+53) 7-860-8201


Stunning view from roof-top pool. Beautiful décor. Paseo del Prado #603 esq. a Dragones, Habana Vieja (+53) 7-860-8201

PALACIO DEL MARQUÉS DE SAN FELIPE Y SANTIAGO DE BEJUCAL Cuban baroque meets modern minimalist Oficios #152 esq. a Amargura, Habana Vieja


Immensely charming, great value. Oficios #53 esq. a Obrapía, Habana Vieja (+53) 7-867-1037



Wonderful ocean front location. Newly renovated. Malecón esq. a Lealtad, Centro Habana (+53) 7-862-8061

Delightfully small and intimate. For cigar lovers. Mercaderes #202, Lamparilla (+53) 7-862-9293



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Oasis of polished marble and professional calm.

Attractive design & extensive facilities.

Good value, large spacious modern rooms.

Cascades of glass. Good wi-fi. Modern.

Ave Paseo e/ 1ra y 3ra, Vedado (+53) 7- 833-3636

Ave. 3ra y 70, Miramar (+53) 5-204-8500

Ave. 5ta. e/ 70 y 72, Miramar (+53) 7-204-3583

Ave. 3ra. y 70, Miramar (+53) 7 204-0100


A must for Hemingway aficionados Calle Obispo #153 esq. a Mercaderes, Habana Vieja (+53) 7- 860-9529




Stunning views from the roof garden restaurant.

Eclectic art-deco architecture. Gorgeous gardens.

Spectacular views over wave-lashed Malecón

Trocadero #55 entre Prado y Zulueta, Habana Vieja . (+53) 7-860-8560

Calle O esq. a 21, Vedado (+53) 7-835 3896

Paseo y Malecón, Vedado (+53) 7-836-4051


On the banks of the Río Almendares. Calle 28-A e/ 49-A y 49-B, Reparto Kohly, Playa. (+53) 7-204-9232


Lack of pretension, great location. Galiano e/ Sán Lázaro y Malecón, Centro Habana . (+53) 7-866-8812



Lively disco, tiny quirky pool. Popular.

Good budget option with a bit of a buzz

Calle O e/ 23 y 25, Vedado (+53) 7-833-3740

Calle O e/ 23 y 25, Vedado (+53) 7-836-4072



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M I D RA N G E - C A SA PA R T I C U L A R ( B & B ) 1932 Visually stunning, historically fascinating. Welcoming. Campanario #63 e/ San Lázaro y Laguna, Centro Habana (+53) 7-863-6203



Beautiful colonial townhouse with great location.

Cluttered bohemian feel. Hospitable.

Calle Habana #209, e/ Empedrado, y Tejadillo, Habana Vieja. (+53) 7-861-0253

Consulado #162 e/ Colón y Trocadero, Centro Habana ( +53) 7-861-8027

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Old palace carefully restored, seven rooms, suites with bathrooms and featuring 24 hour service. Calle Santa Clara número 66 entre Oficios e Inquisidor. Habana Vieja 53 78660109 / 39 339 1817730

5 luxurious rooms in a renovated colonial mansion . The tropical garden in the courtyard, ideal to eat, drink and relax.


Calle 2 entre 21 y 23 numero 508. Vedado, La Habana [email protected] (53) 7 8335244

Paseo, 206 – Vedado. (+53) 7 8313423, (+53) 5 3600384

Incredible boutique hotel and restaurant. Luxury and comfort combined.




San Ignacio #364 e/ Muralla y Teniente Rey, Plaza Vieja (+53) 5- 403-1 568 (+53) 7-836-6567

Galiano #60 Penthouse Apt.10 e/ San Lázaro y Trocadero (+53) 5-254-5240

Gorgeous 1-bedroom apartment beautifully decorated apartment overlooking Plaza Vieja.

A luxurious penthouse with huge roof terrace and breath-taking 360 degree views of Havana and the ocean.


Elegant 2-bedroom apartment in restored colonial building. Quality loft style décor. Lamparilla #62 altos e/ Mercaderes y San Ignacio, Habana Vieja (+53) 5-829-6524

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