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june 24, 2018 the nativity of saint john the baptist

24 jun. 2018 - Communion Service. 6:45 AM. Masses. 9:00 AM ..... Phone (928) 782-9865 ... ADVANCED PLANNING. 170 E. 17TH ... Mobile: 928-388-9746.
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PARISH INFORMATION An Arizona Non-Profit Tax Exempt Corporation Address .................................. 1815 S. Eighth Avenue, Yuma AZ 85364 Phone ................................................ 928-782-1875 Fax: 928-329-9479 Web ................................................................... Email ............................................................. [email protected] Office Hours ................................ 9:00 AM TO 5:30 PM Monday - Friday

CLERGY Fr. Emilio Chapa, Pastor Fr. Rajeev Bobba, Parochial Vicar Msgr. Carlos Romero, Parochial Vicar Rev. Deacon George Fischbach Rev. Deacon Rick Hernandez Rev. Deacon Don Larson (Ret) Rev. Deacon Larry Maude Rev. Deacon Paul Muthart

Rev. Deacon Douglas Nicholls Rev. Deacon Mark Nixen Rev. Deacon Gary Pasquinelli Rev. Deacon Arturo Sanchez Rev. Deacon Jose Valadez Rev.Deacon Rafael Vidal (Ret)

PARISH STAFF Office Manager ........................................................ Evelia Villegas, LEM Parish Secretary ......................................................... Elizabeth Gallegos Business Manager ................................................................. Todd Taylor

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE Phone ................................................................................. 928-782-1875 Director ........................................................................... Jesus Navarrete CCD Secretary .................................................................. Delia Boutwell

ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI SCHOOL Address .............................. 700 West 18th Street, Yuma, Arizona 85364 Phone ................................................................................. 928-782-1539 Fax ..................................................................................... 928-782-0403 Principal ........................................................................... Veronica Lopez Admininistrative Secretary ..................................................... Alma Lopez

COUNCIL & BOARD LEADERS Corp. Board Member ................................................................ Rick Holtz Corp. Board Member ......................................................... Kelly Rowland Finance Committee ................................................ Deacon Paul Muthart Parish Council ......................................................Alicia Zermeno Aguirre School Advisory Commission ................................................... Rick Holtz Home & School ............................................................... Maria Raymond Compliance Officer …………………………………...Evelia Villegas, LEM


Holy Days Saturday Sundays

Communion Service 6:45 AM Masses 9:00 AM, 6:00 PM Spanish Masses M/W/F 6:00 PM Vigil 6:00 PM 6:45 am, 9:00 am, 12:10 pm, 6:00 PM 8:00 AM Vigil Mass 5:00 PM 8:00 am, 11:00 AM, 6:00 PM Spanish 9:30 AM, 12:30 PM

CONFESSIONS Saturdays: 11:00 am-Noon Tuesdays: 5:00 pm, or call the office for an appointment.

BAPTISM OF INFANTS The Diocese of Tucson requires parents and godparents to participate in Baptism preparation classes. Please call the office to arrange for the pre-Baptismal interview and the required class. Godparents must be confirmed, practicing Catholics in good standing with the Church. For further information, please call Deacon Pasquinelli at 783-8987 and for Spanish please call the Parish Office at 782-1875.

MARRIAGES Marriage preparation is a requirement of the Diocese of Tucson. Those contemplating marriage must contact the priest or deacon at least 6 months before the proposed date. At least one party to the marriage must be a practicing Catholic registered at St. Francis Parish.



JUNE 24, 2018


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We are a community of disciples of Christ Jesus gathered together to pray, teach, serve and live our baptismal promises by worshiping God, supporting one another in our Christian values, and providing opportunities for members to use their gifts and talents for the Lord. As a diverse family of God, we strive to become closer to God and one another through faith, love and forgiveness. Somos una Comunidad de Discípulos de Cristo, que juntos nos reunimos para orar, enseñar servir y vivir nuestras promesas bautismales adorando a Dios, apoyándonos unos a otros con nuestros valores Cristianos y proporcionando oportunidades a los miembros para que usen sus dones y talentos para Nuestro Señor. Como diversas familias de Dios, nosotros nos esforzamos en llegar más cerca de Dios y entre uno y otro, a través de la fe, el amor y el perdón.

DIRECTORY OF PARISH GROUPS AND CONTACT PERSONS ADULT CONFIRMATION Deacon Rick Hernandez ~726-8357 AMSIF Josefina Escobar ~ 259-1404 ARCOIRIS (ESPAÑOL) Abel & Rosa Ramirez 581-5310 ARCOIRIS (ENGLISH) Karl Peterson ~ 502-9849 Angelica Peterson ~ 502-9850

CORO NUEVO AMANECER Tony De Anda ~ 580-9895 CORO EL SHADDAI Hidelfonso Encinas ~ 726-9789 CUB SCOUTS Justo Caro ~ 287-2137 DIVINE MERCY Bob Hyams ~ (928) 750-4559 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Cathy Castro ~ 257-5243

BIENVENIDA Y HOSPITALIDAD Emilio & Luisa Barajas ~503-3327

ENDOW GROUP Marlene Loroña ~ 502-1665

CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Victoria Trujillo (LEM) ~ 726-2130

HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Victoria Trujillo (LEM)~ 726-2130


HORA SANTA Amparo Marquez ~ 726-6750

CHOIRS 8:00 A.M. & 5:00 P.M. Mass Tony & Cathy Castro ~ 257-5243

LECTORS & COMMENTATORS Maria Plante ~ 503-9532

6:00 P.M. Mass Todd Taylor ~ 257-0153

LECTORES Y COMENTADORES Silvia Jacquez ~ 550-0825


KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Tom Rush ~ 210-2187

CONFIRMATION (YOUTH) Religious ED Office ~ 783-4761



MINISTERIO DEL ROSARIO Manuel Reyes ~ 783-6719

CORO EN DIOS CREO Mario R. Lopez ~ 920-2806

Tony Demara ~ 550-3961

NURSING HOMES VISITATION Deacon Arnulfo Carbajal ~ 782-7491 Deacon Rick Hernandez ~ 726-8357 PERPETUAL ADORATION Frank Moran ~ 344-0279 RACHEL’S VINEYARD Karen Medel ~ 919-3559 RCIA Art Sanchez Jr. ~ 210-8509 RICA SACRAMENTOS PARA ADULTOS Evelia Villegas ~ 782-1875 SECULAR CARMELITES Carolyn Renzy ~ 502-1376 SECULAR FRANCISCANS Donald Sada ~ 581-1779 ST. FRANCIS SCHOOL DADS CLUB Mike Clements ~ 941-4312 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL (928) 271-5546 YOUNG ADULTS Stephen Janusewski ~ 304-3754 Isabel Garcia ~ 366-9618 YOUTH GROUP (C.A.N.A.) Mike Diel ~ 920-4328 YOUTH GROUP (C.A.N.A. JR) Sabrina Ernst ~ 920-5097



SUNDAY, JUNE 24, THE NATIVITY OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST 8:00 AM (Eng) Jesus V. Chavez 9:30 AM (Sp) Juan P. Matus † Angie Chinchillas† 11:00 AM (Eng) Cy & Gladys Leeper † 12:30 PM (Sp) Yulissa Sanchez & Familia 6:00 PM (Eng) Jennie Allec † Angie Chinchillas† MONDAY, JUNE 25, Weekday 6:45 AM (Eng) 9:00 AM (Eng) 6:00 PM (Sp) TUESDAY, JUNE 26, Weekday 6:45 AM (Eng) 9:00 AM (Eng) 6:00 PM (Eng)

Communion Service Doris Applehans Merlin Boutwell †

Communion Service Julia Valdez †

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, Weekday/Saint Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop and doctor of the Church 6:45 AM (Eng) Communion Service 9:00 AM (Eng) Elena Gonzales † 6:00 PM (Sp) Domitilia Delgado † THURSDAY, JUNE 28, Saint Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr 6:45 AM (Eng) Communion Service 9:00 AM (Eng) San Judas Tadero Accion de Gracias 6:00 PM (Eng) Mike Williams † FRIDAY, JUNE 29, Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles 6:45 AM (Eng) Communion Service 9:00 AM (Eng) Josefina Moore † 6:00 PM (Sp) Julia Valdez † SATURDAY, JUNE 30, Weekday 8:00 AM (Eng) 5:00 PM (Eng)




Jesús, nuestro anfitrión en el banquete (Misa), nos ha llamado a cada uno de nosotros a servir a los demás. -Monseñor Comiskey

MONDAY, JUNE 25, 5:00 P.M. Ministerio del Rosario 6:00 P.M. Eng. Arcoiris 7:00 P.M. CANA Youth Group Renovacion Sp. Arcoiris Prep.

Iglesia Hall Rm 8 P.Lib Rm 7

TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 5:00 P.M. Confessions/Confesiones Church 6:30 P.M. Eng. Charismatic Group Church Sp. Cursillo Hall 7:00 P.M. Coro Trovador Rm 5 Sp. Arcoiris Rms 7 & 8 Quinto Encuentro Rm 6 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 9:00 A.M. Divina Misericordia-RF Crying Rm 10:00 A.M. Divine Mercy P.Lib 5:00 P.M. Ministerio del Rosario Church 7:00 P.M. Sp. Arcoiris Prep Rm 8 AMSIF Rm 6 Eng. Cursillo Rm 7 Intersecion Rm 5 THURSDAY, JUNE 28, Arcoiris Retreat in Session 9:00 A.M. Divina Misericordia-RF Crying Rm Hora Santa Church 7:30 P.M. Renovacion Church FRIDAY, JUNE 29, Arcoiris Retreat in Session 5:00 P.M. Ministero del Rosario

Con esto en mente: El Ministerio de Bienvenida y Hospitalidad les invita a integrarse y poner sus talentos al servicio de los demás en este hermoso Ministerio. Para mas información o apuntarse a la salida de Misa con un integrante del Ministerio. ¡Gracias por atender al llamado de nuestro Anfitrión, Jesús!

OFFERTORY The regular collection for the weekend of June 16th & 17th was $8,038.83 OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS St. Francis School $2.00 Peter Pence $1,812.35 St. Vincent de Paul $35.00


SATURDAY, JUNE 30, Arcoiris Retreat in Session 11:00 A.M. Confession/Confesiones Church SUNDAY, JULY 1, Arcoiris Retreat in Session

Religious ED Programs $0

Build. & Maint. $71.00

A/C $83.00 The Second Collection this weekend will be for the A/C. The Second Collection for the weekend of June 30th & July 1st will be for Building and Maintenance Thank you for your generosity.

S.J. Applehans Frank Nides

SUNDAY, JULY 1, THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 AM (Eng) Deborah Bezdicek † 9:30 AM (Sp) Refugio De Anda † Alberto Lopez Rios † 11:00 AM (Eng) For the Benefactors of St. Vincent de Paul 12:30 PM (Sp) Guillermo Gomez † 6:00 PM (Eng) Julia Valdez †

Online Donations: For those who don't know, we can now accept online donations through our website. One time, or ongoing donations can be set up. Please remember your parish while away on travels. Thank you! The address is:


The parishioners scheduled to clean the church on June 23rd are: Kathy Felix, Monica Sabori & Family, Elva Nuñez, Jose Carbajal & Raul Galaviz


JUNE 24, 2018


PRAY FOR THE SICK Armando Villegas Cecilio Rodriguez Cody Culpepper Rita Cortez Lois Davis Armilo Garcia Melvin Thomas Eddie Huff Melissa Perez Mia Jones Mary Schwab Helen Freitas Gina B. Bahrenburg Jose Maria Romero Kathy Eckert Helen Verdugo Linda Easley Nubia Gamez Mary Waller Shawn Jenkins Max George Mary Helen Herrera Juana Lopez Victor Bajas Driana Hilbink Alan Easley Fred Zosa Magdalena Medina Charlotte Barnes Martin Barnes Abelardo Amillano Emilio Becerril Rodolfo Piñon Angel Gomez Doris Fox Oren Fox Alfredo Ibarra Jim Lenertz Estela Silva Jose Manuel Lopez Suzy Abril Steve Gomez Marcia Flores Kimberley Dierdurf Rosa Meilke Louie Gonzales Juan Pablo P. Lara Oscar Keeme Sylvia Valenzuela John Quintero Pearl Rodriguez

Leticia Gomez Jim Doyle Gabino Santana Juana Banderas Jeannine Berube Leilani Lee Stevan Gardner Margarita Madrid Rosy Ozuna David Cruz Johnny H. Rodriguez Maria Elena Lara Olga Soto Marie R. Ballesteros Samuel Reyes Irene Sanchez Yulissa Sanchez Nick Shald Lindsay Stromback Claire Burgoyne Sari Diaz Deacon Don Larson Don Kovacs Jim “J” Phipps Gonzala Hoffmann Guadalupe Burgstrom Martha Martin Joey Mendoza Juan R. Cortez PRAYER FOR THE SICK Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ, rest your weary ones. Soothe your suffering ones. Pity your afflicted ones. Shield your joyous ones, and for all your love’s sake. Amen.


June 24: CANA & CANA JR July 1: NO CANA OR CANA JR/ Celebrate 4th of July July 8: Steubenville Prep July 15: NO CANA OR CANA JR/Steubenville Retreat “Revealed” 1John 4:9 We invite any and all High School students to CANA and Middle School students to CANA Jr. Sunday afternoons at 4:00 P.M. Follow us on Twitter @CANAANDCANAJR and NSTAGRAM2CANAANDCANAJR

I AM GOD’S MASTERPIECE Women’s Weekend of Worship Retreat July 27th 6:00 pm - July 29th 1:00 pm Raddison Suites Hotel – Tucson Offered by Vine of Grace Retreat Ministry Opening Mass with Bishop Edward Weisenburger Guest Speaker: Sister Linda Koontz SNJM Music Ministry: Janna Todd Don’t miss out on this very special weekend! Invite your friends to join you! For more information & to register: [email protected] 520.631.1408

PERPETUAL ADORATION The Perpetual Adoration is in need of adorers. Is there any better way to honor Christ, than with an hour in his presence? Winter visitors have left, and this cause a gaps within our scheduled adorers. We need of these hours to be filled with commitment adorers, of Christ, are you ready to step up? Friday: 12midnight to 1:00 AM Saturday: 2:00 to 3:00 PM Saturday: 4:00 to 5:00 PM Tuesday: 5:00 to 6:00 PM For more information please contact Frank Moran at 928 928--210 210--2704. PLAESE LEAVE A MESSAGE.



ENCUENTRO DE PAPAS Y JOVENES ARCOIRIS El Grupo de Jóvenes Arcoíris en Español te invita a ti joven de 14 a 17 años a conocer a Dios con juegos y dinámicas divertidas. Ven todos los Jueves de 7:00 P.M. a 8:45 P.M. Pre-Encuentros 24 de Junio de 12-3 P.M. Encuentros de Jóvenes 28 de Junio al 1ro de Julio Encuentros de Papas del 5 al 8 de Julio Para mas información favor de Llamar al (928) 581-5310.


PERPETUAL ADORATION CHAPEL WILL BE TEMPORARILY MOVED Dear parishioners, this is to inform you that our perpetual adoration chapel will be temporarily moved to the Theater room from Tuesday, June 26th at 10:00 am to Monday, July 9th at 10:00 am. This is due to Arcoiris retreats that will take place that weekend and they need to use the chapel area. The theater will have a key lock and the code will be the same. The hall restrooms will also be closed during that time period, but the church restrooms will be open for emergencies. Thank you for your understanding and patience and please pray for our youth who will be on retreat.

Fr Emilio Chapa Diocese of Tucson Catholic Bible Institute 2018-2021 - REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! The Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona (CBISA) ) is a three-year program that involves a comprehensive study of the Sacred Scriptures, with particular focus on methods of biblical study, sharing and praying with scripture, and application of skills in LA CAPILLA DE LA ADORACION Bible-study leadership. ENROLLMENT OPTION: Certification - Satisfactory completion PERPETUA SERA MOVIDA of all requirements for all six semesters: Year I, Year II, & Year III Enrichment: TEMPORALMENTE Participation in Year I and/or Year II, without earning a certification. Sessions: One Saturday each month, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Location: Our Mother of Sorrows Queridos Feligreses, les informamos Parish, 1800 S. Kolb Rd, Tucson, AZ 85710-Tuition: $300.00 per year registration and que la Capilla de Adoración Perpetua information: Please contact Isabel Madrid at [email protected] or se moverá temporalmente al teatro 520 838-2544.

ADULT CONFIRMATION Are you an adult who has been baptized in the Roman Catholic Faith, but have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation? St. Francis Church will be starting an Adult Confirmation Class with Deacon Rick Hernandez on Wednesday, September 5th at 7:00 P.M. in Classroom #8 of St. Francis School. The Parish office will start taking registrations on Monday, July 30th. A copy of your Baptismal certificate and First Holy Communion certificate are required in order to register. There is a $75.00 fee which will cover the cost of the books that will be provided to you. Also your sponsor's name must be turned in as soon as possible. For more information, please call the Parish Office at 782-1875.


empezando el Martes, 26 de Junio a partir de las 10:00 am hasta el Lunes, 9 de Julio a las 10:00 am. Esto debido a los Retiros de Arcoíris que se llevara acabo esa semana y se necesita usar la área de la Capilla. El teatro tendrá un candado de combinación que será la misma de la Capilla. Los baños del salón parroquial también estarán cerrados durante esos días, pero los baño de la Iglesia estará abierto para emergencias. Gracias por su paciencia y por compresión. Por favor ore por nuestros jóvenes que estarán viviendo su retiro.

Habrá un retiro pre-matrimonial para novios que se casaran por la Iglesia este 9 de Septiembre del 2018 en la Parroquia Inmaculado Corazón de Maria en Somerton, AZ. Favor ir a registrarse al Oficina Parroquial. Para mas información llamar al Padre Emilio Chapa (928) 627-0320 de 3:00 p.m. a 7:00 p.m. o al (928)627-2918.

JUNE 24, 2018


ATTENTION PARISH GROUPS The Parish and School Facilities will be closed during the summer as follows. We thank you all for your understanding during the retreats as well as the summer cleaning. Parish Hall-Kitchen-Library-Theater Closed June 25th - July 8th (Youth Retreats) School Classrooms Closed June 28th - Aug 19 Theater Closed July 9th - 13th Library July 16th - 20th Parish Hall & Kitchen Closed July 23rd - Aug 12th Church available throughout summer Scheduling requests for next year must be submitted in writing to Liz in the Parish office via email to [email protected]. Emails submitted prior to July 13th will take priority We will do our best to accommodate each group's request once we confirm the calendar for all Parish, Religious Ed, School and Diocesan events. Thank you for your assistance as this year's calendar is set to accommodate the many great works being carried out for our Lord.



A week long overnight retreat for High School students who gather to pray and serve in the community. The mission experience is meant to assist our youth to deepen and strengthen their faith by serving others in our communities around our diocese. 1st Week-Immaculate Conception Parish, Yuma, AZ Sunday, July 8th to Friday, July 13th. 2nd Week-Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Tucson, AZ Sunday, July 15th to Friday, July 20th.

Rediscover Your Marriage – The Married Singles Lifestyle describes couples that may have lost a sense of closeness they once had as marriage partners and are living more like roommates. Retrouvaille teaches couples how to survive times like these in their marriages. This program has helped thousands of couples experiencing difficulty at all levels of marital distress from disillusionment to deep misery. For confidential information about or to register for the Retrouvaille Weekend Program in Tucson beginning Friday evening, August 17th - Sunday, August 19th. Call 520-686-1598 or Visit:

For more information please call Fr. Jorge Ricardo Farias-Saucedo at 520-838-2531 or email at [email protected] “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have; “God is pleased by sacrifices of that kind.”

BECOME A HOSPICE VOLUNTEER Serves Patients and their Families in you neighborhood. Want to have more meaning in your life? Do you want to do something that is satisfying and of great service to your community? Then become an Arizona Best Hospice Volunteer! The only qualification required is your desire to help someone in need. You don't need any medical skills; you don't even need a college degree; you don't even need to know what to say. All you need will covered in our free training sessions. Volunteers are the Heart of Hospice: We offer Volunteer education classes throughout the year. Patient assignments are made in consultation with the volunteer. “Sometimes all a person needs is a Hand to Hold and a Heart to Understand.” For more information and for the upcoming training, please contact Chantal Gonzalez at 928-750-1890 or 928-503-5817.

Yuma Catholic High School

A health coach acts as mentor to educate and support for healthy living.


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Gary J. Pasquinelli
