July 7, 2019

7 jul. 2019 - John Grinsell, SDB, DBCC Coordinator of Salesian Mission. Rev. Tomasz ...... Missioner program and/or what do you hope to accomplish thru ...
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Pastoral Staff/Personal Pastoral/Conselho Pastoral

July 7, 2019

260 Westchester Avenue Parish Offices: 16 Washington St. Port Chester, NY 10573 914-881-1400 / Fax: 914-939-2807 Web: www.donboscopc.org

Parish Office Hours/ Horas de Oficina Monday— Friday/Lunes— Viernes 9:00AM - 4:00PM Saturday/Sábado: 9:00AM - 12:00PM Eucharistic Celebration Celebración Eucaristica Sunday/Domingo: English/Inglés: 7:30AM & 11:00AM , (OLM), 12:30PM, (CC) Español/Spanish: 9:00AM, 1:00PM & 5:00PM (OLM) 11:00AM (HR) Portuguese: 9:00AM, (CC) Polish: 11:00AM , (CC) Saturday/Sábado: (OLM) English: 8:00AM, & 4:00PM Spanish: 7:00PM Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes English: 6:30AM, 8:00AM, 12:00PM Spanish: 7:30PM Confessions/Confesiones Saturday/Sábado: English/Spanish 2:00PM-4:00PM Sunday: Polish 10:30 AM (CC) Weekdays/Durante la Semana Antes de la Misa de las 7:30PM

Rev. Patrick Angelucci, SDB, Pastor Mrs. Irma Austin, Coordinator of Religious Education Sr. Ana Maria Causa, SA, Pastoral Associate Rev. Tarcisio dos Santos, SDB, Parochial Vicar Rev. Manny Gallo, SDB, Coordinator of Youth Ministry Rev. John Grinsell, SDB, DBCC Coordinator of Salesian Mission Rev. Tomasz Grzegorzewski, SDB, Parochial Vicar Rev. Jorge Rodriguez, SDB Parochial Vicar Rev. Joseph Vien Hoang, SDB, Parochial Vicar Deacon Ivan Gemio Deacon Michael Gizzo Deacon William Vaccaro Mr. Jorge Camacho, Head of Maintenance Ms. Silvia Inocente, Parish Secretary Ms. Maria Massa, Parish Secretary Mr. Michael McCarthy, Finance Office Mr. John Sullivan, Facilities Manager Trustees: Arlete C. Sasseron Pedro Villanueva

Weekly Novena

Every Tuesday, After all Masses Honor of Mary Help of Christians & Don Bosco Every Monday after 8AM Mass Miraculous Medal Novena Every Wednesday after the 8AM Mass Divine Mercy Chaplet

Baptisms / Bautismos / Batismo

Register in the parish office. / Visite la rectoría. / Passe pelo escritório da igreja.

Weddings / Bodas / Casamento

Contact the parish office at least six months in advance. Please come to the church before reserving your venue. Contacte la oficina de la parroquia seis meses antes. Por favor vengan a la oficina antes de reservar el local. Procure o escritório da igreja, pelo menos com 6 meses de antecedência. Por favor não contrate o buffet antes de reservar a data do casamento na igraja.

Adoration Chapel / Capilla de Adoración/Capela do Santíssimo (23 Nicola Pl.) 7:00AM-9:00PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Don Bosco Religious Education Program

Irma Austin, Coordinator of Religious Education (914) 881-1404 [email protected]

Don Bosco Community Center, Inc.

Ann Heekin, Ph D. Executive Director 914-939-0323 Mrs. Margaret Diaz, Assistant Executive Director 914-939-0323 www.DonBoscoCenter.com / on Facebook at Don Bosco Port Chester

Don Bosco Workers, Inc.

Gonzalo Cruz, Program Coordinator 22 Don Bosco Place. Port Chester 914–305-6060 / 914-433-6666 www.donboscoworkers.org

Don Bosco Community Center Soup Kitchen/Food Pantry

Carmen Linero, Program Director / 22 Don Bosco, Place, Port Chester (914) 552-9541 / [email protected]

Corpus Christi-Holy Rosary Regional School

Sr. Lise Parent, FMA, President / Mrs. Deirdre Mc Dermott, Principal 914-937-4407 135 S. Regent St. Port Chester www.cchrs.org

Holiness for you, too! La Santidad es para ti, también! Santidade para você também! Świętość dla ciebie!

Mass Intentions Saturday, July 6 8:00AM (OLM)(E) +Joseph Macri— Sal & Rose Ann Sabia 4:00PM (OLM)(E) +Leonard A. Russo— Leona & John Russo 7:00PM (OLM)(S) +Ana Luisa, Honorato & Cervio Carderon— Hijos & Nietas Unannounced: (Birth.) Agatha Johnston— Sister Deceased Members of Hagan & Florentine Families Sunday, July 7 7:30AM (OLM)(E) + Frank Dalo (PCPD) — Dom Carlucci 9:00AM (OLM)(S) +Blanca Barrero— Hijos 9:00AM (CC)(P) Pro Populo 11:00AM (OLM)(E) +Santo Tedesco— Friend 11:00AM (CC) (PO) +Eugenia Dybowski— Kazimiera Marczak & Elzbieta Manuli 11:00AM (HR)(S) +Armando Malpartida— Esposa, Hijos & Nietos 12:30PM (CC)(E) +Dec. Mem. of the Embrendo, Bucci & Licata Fam. — Rosemary Embrendo 1:00PM (OLM)(S) +Ausberto Manuel Gonzales— Familia 5:00 PM (OLM)(S) +Steven Rodas— Mamá Monday, July 8 6:30AM (OLM)(E) +Gerardo & Christina DeMarco— Ann & Armando Blessed Mother Candle 8:00AM (OLM)(E) +Albert Anzalone— Concetta Accorinti 12:00PM (OLM)(E) +Mary Wyan— Margaret Antiaris July 7 — July 13 7:30PM (OLM)(S) +Manuel Vara— Hijas & Nietos Tuesday, July 9 In Thanksgiving 6:30AM (OLM)(E) +Gloria Salerino— Tom & Kay Munnelly 8:00AM (OLM)(E) +Rosanne Moore— Cindy 12:00PM (OLM)(E) +Silvio & Cherubina Mazzulla— Daughter Carmela 7:30PM (OLM)(S) +Walter Quiroz— Familia Quiroz Unannounced: +Michael Steven Chavez Vicente— Padres y Hermanos Host And Wine Wednesday, July 10 6:30AM (OLM)(E) Souls in Purgatory— Consuelo Camacho July 7 — July 13 8:00AM (OLM)(E) +Gerardo & Christina DeMarco— Sister In Memory of: 12:00PM (OLM)(E) +John Grosse— Son Ronald Joseph W. Marino 7:30PM (OLM)(S) +Lucy Cecchini— Nick & John Mecca Requested by: Thursday, July 11 Mom, Dad & Brother Bill 6:30AM (OLM)(E) +Joseph Baek— Salesian Community 8:00AM (OLM)(E) +Silvio & Cherubina Mazzulla— Daughter Carmela 12:00PM (OLM)(E) +Donald Rocco— Dolores Catanzaro 7:30PM (OLM)(S) +Francisco Quinde— Su Hijo Friday, July 12 6:30AM (OLM)(E) +Kiyoko A. Watanabe— Evelyn Sunico Our Parish 8:00AM (OLM)(E) +Philomena Di Masi— Family Mission Statement 12:00PM (OLM)(E) +Paul Verrastro— Family 7:30PM (OLM)(S) +Eloisa Saquicela & Juan Jose Delgado Cardenas— Sus Hijos The Parish of St. John Bosco is Unannounced: +Izaltina Dos Santos— SDB Community a multi-cultural, multi-lingual Saturday, July 13 Catholic Faith community that 8:00AM (OLM)(E) +Florence & Teresa Yozzo— Stephanie & Paul proclaims Jesus Christ. In the 4:00PM (OLM)(E) +Kenny Munnick— Wife Peggyann spirit of St. John Bosco, we do 7:00PM (OLM)(S) +? this by being a Home that Unannounced: welcomes all especially the Deceased Members of Hagan & Florentine Families young and the poor; a School +Br. Bruno, SDB— Salesian Community that prepares for life through Sunday, July 14 religious, educational and social 7:30AM (OLM)(E) + Dominick Pennella— Family services; a Parish that 9:00AM (OLM)(S) +Izaltina De Paula Santos— Peggyann Munnick evangelizes through Word & Sacrament, Worship and Faith 9:00AM (CC)(P) +Alfred & Angie Elson— Nick & John Mecca Formation; a Playground where 11:00AM (OLM)(E) +Dec. Mem. Sherlock Family— Bruno & Joann Ponterio lasting friendship and 11:00AM (CC) (PO) +John Dudziak— Peter Zawadzki relationships are formed and 11:00AM (HR)(S) (Cumpleaños—80 Años) Leonel Sanchez— Esposa & Hijos developed through recreational 12:30PM (CC)(E) +Dr. Gilbert Winick— Rosanne Alonzi and social opportunities. 1:00PM (OLM)(S) Por El Pueblo 5:00 PM (OLM)(S) +Fidel Eluterio Sosa— Alex Canas

From the Desk of Fr. Pat

Desde el Escritorio de P. Pat

Many of you know that these past 12 days I have been in the Holy Land. Father Provincial asked me if I would represent the province at the diaconal ordination of one of our young Salesians, Brother John Langan. I was more than delighted to go, especially since Brother John will be ordained a Salesian priest right here in our parish next June 27th! What a great gift it will be for all of us! After the ordination, I remained in Jerusalem to make my annual retreat. These were truly grace-filled days and I was able to visit and pray at so many of the holy sites where Jesus, Himself, lived and walked! I was blessed to be able to celebrate Mass at the Tomb of the Holy Sepulcher, on the Mount of Calvary, in the place of the Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to Mary, on the Sea of Galilee where Jesus multiplied the 5 loaves and two fish and prayed in the house of St. Peter where Jesus cured Peter’s mother-in-law and at the Wailing Wall, where I placed my petitions in the Temple Wall. In all of those places and continually throughout those days, I brought with me all of you: your intentions, your needs and the needs of your families. I prayed for our parish, that we may grow to be a true sign of the presence of Jesus and His Gospel in the world. As I visited those holy sites a thought began to strike me more and more. It is beautiful to go to those places and pray — and I certainly would love to see as many of us who could and have the opportunity to go, go! Certainly, it will make the Gospel come alive in a whole new way. On the other hand, I was thinking, these are the places where Jesus walked, but, the reality is, we actually have Jesus in His resurrected Body every time we celebrate the Eucharist! Jesus is present with us in the Eucharist: His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity; true God and true Man; the Son of the Father and the Son of the Virgin Mary. The very same Jesus who walked and prayed and performed miracles in those holy places in Jerusalem is right here in Port Chester! There is no greater miracle then the Eucharist— and it is ours! I pray that we can be a parish family really centered in the Eucharist. A parish where we are Eucharist to one another, spending ourselves in service out of love for each other. A parish in which we cherish our differences in language, culture, traditions because we recognize we have the same Blood of Christ flowing in our veins and we are truly brothers and sisters to each other. A parish where we come to Mass not simply because we “have to” but because we want to and love to: Jesus the Lord is present in our midst! A parish where the Mass is truly the center of our family lives; where the Sacrament of Confession is our natural preparation for receiving Him into our hearts and, like for the disciples on the Road to Emmaus, we feel our hearts “burn within us” when we are in His Eucharistic presence! This is my prayer and wish as we enter this time of summer, and I ask you please to pray for me as I try to live my retreat experience! God bless you!

Muchos de ustedes saben que estos últimos 12 días he estado en Tierra Santa. El Padre Provincial me preguntó si representaría a la provincia en la ordenación diaconal de uno de nuestros jóvenes salesianos, el hermano Juan Langan. Estaba más que encantado de ir, especialmente porque el hermano Juan será ordenado sacerdote salesiano aquí en nuestra parroquia el próximo 27 de junio! ¡Qué gran regalo será para todos nosotros! Después de la ordenación, me quedé en Jerusalén para hacer mi retiro anual. ¡Estos fueron días verdaderamente llenos de gracia y pude visitar y orar en muchos de los lugares santos donde Jesús, él mismo, vivió y caminó! Tuve la bendición de poder celebrar la Misa en la Tumba del Santo Sepulcro, en el Monte del Calvario, en el lugar de la Anunciación del ángel Gabriel a María, en el Mar de Galilea donde Jesús multiplicó los 5 panes y dos peces y oré en la casa de San Pedro, donde Jesús curó a la suegra de Pedro y en el Muro de los Lamentos, donde puse mis peticiones en el Muro del Templo. En todos esos lugares y continuamente a lo largo de esos días, he traído conmigo a todos ustedes, sus intenciones, sus necesidades y las necesidades de sus familias. Oré por nuestra parroquia, para que seamos un verdadero signo de la presencia de Jesús y Su Evangelio en el mundo. Al visitar esos lugares sagrados, un pensamiento comenzó a golpearme cada vez más. Es hermoso ir a esos lugares y orar, y ciertamente me encantaría ver a muchos de nosotros que pudiéramos y tuviéramos la oportunidad de ir, ¡vamos! Ciertamente, hará que el Evangelio conviva de una manera completamente nueva. Por otro lado, estaba pensando, estos son los lugares donde Jesús caminó, pero, en realidad tenemos a Jesús en Su Cuerpo resucitado cada vez que celebramos la Eucaristía! Jesús está presente con nosotros en la Eucaristía: Su Cuerpo y Sangre, Alma y Divinidad; Verdadero Dios y verdadero Hombre; el Hijo del Padre y el Hijo de la Virgen María. El mismo Jesús que caminó y oró y realizó milagros en esos lugares santos de Jerusalén está aquí en Port Chester! No hay milagro mayor que la Eucaristía — y es nuestra! Ruego que podamos ser una familia parroquial realmente centrada en la Eucaristía. Una parroquia donde somos Eucaristía el uno al otro, pasándonos en servicio por amor el uno al otro. Una parroquia en la que apreciamos nuestras diferencias en el idioma, la cultura, las tradiciones porque reconocemos que tenemos la misma Sangre de Cristo fluyendo en nuestras venas y somos verdaderamente hermanos y hermanas el uno al otro. Una parroquia donde venimos a misa no sólo porque "tenemos que hacerlo", sino porque queremos y amamos a: ¡Jesús el Señor está presente entre nosotros! Una parroquia donde la Misa es verdaderamente el centro de nuestra vida familiar; donde el Sacramento de la Confesión es nuestra preparación natural para recibirlo en nuestros corazones y, como para los discípulos en el Camino a Emaús, sentimos que nuestros corazones "arder dentro de nosotros" cuando estamos en Su Presencia Eucarística! Esta es mi oración y deseo al entrar en esta época del verano, y les pido por favor que oren por mí mientras trato de vivir mi experiencia de retiro! ¡Que Dios te bendiga!

Da mesa do pároco Muitos de vocês já sabem que eu passei as duas últimas semanas na Terra Santa. O inspetor pediu que eu o representasse na ordenação diaconal do John Langan. Eu fiquei radiante de alegria, pois somos amigos íntimos e já marcamos a sua ordenação sacerdotal para o dia 27 de junho aqui em nossa paroquia São Joao Bosco Port Chester. Que honra para todos nós! Após a ordenação dos diáconos, eu fiz o meu retiro anual em Jerusalém, num giro visitando muitos lugares onde o próprio Jesus viveu e percorreu. Eu tive a graça de celebrar a missa no Santo Sepulcro, topo do Monte Calvário; no lugar da Anunciação onde o Anjo Gabriel anunciou a Virgem Maria que ela ia ser a mae de Jesus; no Mar da Galileia onde Jesus multiplicou os cinco pães e os dois peixes e rezei na casa de Pedro onde Jesus curou a sogra dele; no Muro das Lamentações onde coloquei os meus pedidos na fenda do muro. Em todos aqueles lugares por onde passei, e durante todos aqueles dias, eu rezei na intenção de vocês e de seus familiares. Eu rezei pela paroquia para que possamos melhorar no anúncio de Jesus e sua Palavra ao mundo. Visitando aqueles lugares sagrados um pensamento ia cada vez se tornando mais forte em mim. E maravilhoso visitar a Terra Santa e rezar, e eu gostaria que todos vocês pudessem ter essa oportunidade também. Se aparecer uma chance vá porque você vai passar a ver o Evangelho de uma maneira diferente. Por outro lado, eu estava pensando, Jesus caminhou por esses lugares, mas na realidade nos temos Jesus Ressuscitado cada vez que participamos da Eucaristia. Jesus está presente em seu Corpo, Sangue, Alma e Divindade; verdadeiro Deus e verdadeiro homem, o Filho do Pai e da Virgem Maria. O mesmo Jesus que caminhou, rezou e realizou milagres naqueles lugares sagrados, está aqui em Port Chester em cada uma de nossas Missas. Não existe milagre maior do que a Eucaristia! Eu rezo para que nos centremos cada vez mais na Eucaristia. Que possamos ser eucaristia uns para os outros, partilhando os nossos serviços fraternos. Que sejamos uma paroquia onde se respeita as diferenças de linguagem, cultura e tradições porque sabemos que temos o mesmo Sangue de Cristo correndo em nossas veias e somos todos verdadeiros irmãos e irmãs em Nele. Que sejamos uma paroquia onde vamos a missa não simplesmente porque é nossa obrigação, mas porque sabemos que Jesus está presente em nosso meio. Uma paroquia onde a Missa e de verdade o centro de nossas vidas; onde o sacramento da Confissão e a nossa preparação natural para recebermos Jesus em nossos corações e que como aconteceu com os discípulos a caminho de Emaús, que também os nossos corações “queimem dentro de nós” quando nós estivermos na presença de Jesus na Eucaristia. Essas são as intenções das minhas orações e agora entrando no verão eu peco que rezem por mim para que eu consiga pôr em pratica a experiencia do meu retiro. Que Deus te abençoe!



Religious Education/Educación Religiosa


(Next Week’s Bulletin)

The first hour of work each week is for the Lord. Stewardship: sharing the gifts we have been given. ————————————————— La primera hora del trabajo cada semana es para el Señor. Co-responsabilidad: Compartiendo los dones que hemos recibido. —————————————————————A primeira hora del trabalho de cada semana é para o Senhor, Coresponsabilidade: parailhando os dons que recebemos

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Pierwsza godzina pracy każdego tygodnia powinna być poświęcona Bogu.

Please pray for our Troops Por Favor recen por nuestros soldados Robert Gleason, Daniel Ceccarelli, Michael Valencia, Doug Doros, Julian Di Donato, Michael Perez , John Tirone, Matthew Tepfer, Andrew Castro

Come and Spend Time with the Lord English Come and spend a few minutes with the Lord in Our Adoration Chapel, 23 Nicola Place, Port Chester, NY. The Chapel is open Monday—Friday from 7:00AM to 9:00PM, Saturdays 8:30AM-9:00PM and Sundays 8:00AM to 9:00PM. We hope to see you there.

——————————————–———————Spanish Vaya y pase unos minutos con el Señor en Nuestra Capilla de Adoración, 23 Nicola Place, Port Chester, NY. La Capilla esté abierta de lunes a viernes de 7:00AM a 9:00PM, sábados de 8:30AM a 9:00PM y domingos de 8:00AM a 9:00PM. Esperamos verlos.

——————————————————————Portugueses Venha passar alguns minutos com o Senhor na capela de Adoração ao Santíssimo, 23 Nicola Place, Port Chester, NY. A capela fica aberta de segunda a sexta-feira, das 7:00am às 9:00pm, sábado, das 8:30am às 9:00pm, e domingo das 8:00am às 9:00pm. Esperamos ver vloce lá.


Spędź kilka minut z Jezusem i poświeć mu swój czas na adoracje w kaplicy przy 23 Nicola Place w Port Chester. Godziny otwarcia kaplicy: poniedzialek - sobota od 7rano do 9 wieczór . W soboty od 8:30 do9 wieczór. Niedziele od 8 rano do 9 wieczór

In the gospel today Jesus sends his followers out on a mission. They are to cure the sick and spread the good news about the kingdom of God. Jesus wants his followers to help each other, so he sends them out in pairs. They are to bring peace to every home that they enter. Jesus warns his followers that in some homes they may not be welcome. The followers of Jesus go out to spread the good news about Jesus. They cure the sick and expel demons from those who are afflicted. They return to Jesus filled with excitement and joy because they helped to build God’s kingdom on earth. Jesus tells his followers that their names are written in heaven and they will be with God forever. Reflection for the week: Where do you hear the good news about Jesus? How can you spread the good news by your words and actions? Is there someone you know who needs to hear good news? Tell them the good news about Jesus this week. Let us pray. Loving God, we are grateful for those who spread the good news about Jesus throughout the world. Help us to share the good news of Jesus with others by our words and actions. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen. Register for the Religious Education Program which begins this fall! Please stop by the Religious Education Office on South, 135 Regent Street (Gym Foyer Entrance) to register or re-register your children for the 2019-20 Religious Education Program. A copy of your child’s Baptism is required. If you have any questions or need information, contact our office at [email protected] or 914-881-1404. ________________________________________________ En el evangelio de hoy, Jesús envía a sus seguidores a una misión. Deben curar a los enfermos y difundir las buenas nuevas sobre el reino de Dios. Jesús quiere que sus seguidores se ayuden entre sí, así que los envía en pares. Ellos deben traer paz a cada hogar al que entren. Jesús advierte a sus seguidores que en algunos hogares pueden no ser bienvenidos. Los seguidores de Jesús salen a difundir las buenas nuevas acerca de Jesús. Curan a los enfermos y expulsan a los demonios de los afligidos. Regresan a Jesús llenos de emoción y alegría porque ayudaron a construir el reino de Dios en la tierra. Jesús le dice a sus seguidores que sus nombres están escritos en el cielo y que estarán con Dios para siempre. Reflexión para la semana: ¿Dónde escuchas las buenas nuevas acerca de Jesús? ¿Cómo puedes difundir las buenas nuevas con tus palabras y acciones? ¿Hay alguien que conozcas que necesite escuchar buenas noticias? Dales las buenas nuevas sobre Jesús esta semana. Oremos. Dios amoroso, Agradecemos a quienes difundieron la buena noticia. Jesús en todo el mundo. Ayúdanos a compartir las buenas nuevas de Jesús con los demás por nuestras palabras y acciones. En el nombre de Jesucristo oramos. Amén. ¡Inscríbete en el programa de educación religiosa que comienza este otoño! Visite la Oficina de Educación Religiosa en South, 135 Regent Street (Entrada al gimnasio) para registrar o volver a registrar a sus hijos en el Programa de Educación Religiosa 2019-20. Se requiere una copia del bautismo de su hijo. Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita información, comuníquese con nuestra oficina a [email protected] o llame al 914-881-1404.

BE-INFORMED Not on FORMED yet? Go to sjbp.formed.org. Click Register, then enter your name, e-mail address and desired password. You are now registered to enjoy the free parish subscription which gives you 24/7 access to over 300 quality Catholic on line programs, 99+ movies, 101+ audios, & 98+ Ebooks. Yesterday was the Feast of St. Maria Goretti, Virgin & Martyr. Watch: Saint Maria Goretti: Fourteen Flowers of Pardon or listen to: St. Maria Goretti. Thursday is the Feast of St. Benedict, Abbot & Religious Founder. Study Lectio:Prayer, session 2, Guigo’s Ladder or read: The Young People’s Book of Saints.

Let us remember in our prayers the sick of our parish: If you have anyone you would like to include in our Prayer List, please contact the Parish office at (914)-881-1400


Danny Bochicchio, Kay LoParco, Patricia Gallo Perez, Ryan Williams, Rose Petro, Janet Crisi, Fr. John Masiello, Lena Ceruzzi, Peter Sotter, Anthony Rappoccio, Raul Aguilera, Christian Ramirez, Jose Amarillo, Jaxon Williams, Virginia Drago, Maria de Quespe. Virginia Castaldo, Steven Jiamundo, Luis Lozada, Ahn Riess, Tanita Hairston, Luz Isaura Lopez, Rocio Guaman, Justo Cabrera, Santiago Guzman, Carlos Saez, Massimo Zazzara, Kathleen Geretty, Marie Gianguzzi, Ariana Martinez, Herbert Reimann, Julia Bruzzese, Joseph Goldman, Patty Cantrell, Herman Bentimilla, Marie Santos, Charles Opara, Mercedes Montoya, Anthony Guastella, Rose Ahanekut, Ana Tapia, Henry Bast, Anthony Staiano, Julian Alonzo, Charlene Farina, Bonnie Soria, Michael Smith, Felicita Mack, Walter Mallinson, Constance James, Christian John, Sal Piria, William Alamo, Hudson Kalaminsky, Graciela Avalos, Fr. Frank Winn, Rachel (Lena) Luchetta, Mary Ann Babjak, Norma Hernandez, Marie LaPoint , Sue DeVine, Yaretsi Orosco Hernandez, Yazmin Barrios, Kim Groglio & Menita Cuevas,Thomas Saccomanno, Sisters Carol and Teresa Ann, Consepcion Tacuri, Robert Antaki, Audrly Doyette, Tom Battistoni, Bernadette McCan, Joseph Toubia, Joseph Sullivan, Margaret (Peggy) Reilly-Antalec, Victoria Grosse, Wells Janki, Anthony Staiano, Rachel Thomas, Gisela de Enriquez, William Giangrande, Michael Lally, Charlene Farina, Joel Rivera, Grayson Elns, Joseph Cicco, Graciela de Avalos, Lucille Acocella,Boyong Lee, Sally Santora, Pedro Soplapuco, Jose Gomez, Mary Fox, Eugene Fox, Linda Murphy, Ben Saulch, Jessie Straface, Gregory Walker, Erica Moreno Valdovinos, Joseph & Marion Pavone, Joni, Svetko Evano, Luz Marina Betancur, Jorge Mario Villegada, Henry William Boettger, Joan Hanley, Robin Valerio, Nelfa Conanan, Leslie Vitiello, Ed Martin, Mario Scavelli, Chrissy Gonzales, Beatrice Conetta, Fabiola Ayalla, Diana Fung, Raymunda Martins, Margarita Hernandez, Jessup Heekin, Abe Massa, Enrique Cepero, Thomas Smith, Norma Aguilar, Rose Marie Infantino, Donna Orol, Ana Giordano, Shelia Foster, Martin Hernandez, Chelsea Ramirez, Annette Collazo, Ana Rosa Miranda, William (Bill) Hegedus, Cathy Malarkey, Sister Jane Carmel, Humberto Hernandez, Anthony J. Gioffre, Anderson Paul Romero Gutierrez , Benjamin Samuel Wasses, Frank Raffa Jr., Barbara Massa, Jack Zaccara,

Adults who have not had any of the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Communion, Confirmation) or have not completed them and are interested in joining our RCIA preparations classes, please stop by the rectory and register with Sister Maruja (914) 881-1411. ————————————————–—————— Adultos que no han recibido los sacramentos de iniciación (Bautizo, Comunión, Confirmación) o no los han completado y están interesados/as en unirse al grupo de RICA para preparárselos, por favor pasen por la rectoría y regístrense con la Hermana Maruja (914) 881-1411.

Baptisms at Parish St. John Bosco

Baptisms in Spanish are: Every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. Baptisms in English are: Every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month. For more information please contact Sister Maruja at (914) 881-1411. --------------------------------------Bautizos en Español son: Cada Primer y Tercer Sábado de cada mes. Bautizos en Ingles son: Cada Segundo y Cuarto Sábado de cada mes. Para mas información, por favor llame a la Hermana Maruja al (914) 881-1411.

Quinceañera If you would like to celebrate your Sweet Fifteenth Quiñceañera, please call the parish and speak with Sister Maruja at (914) 881-1411 ------------------------------Si quiere celebrar los Quince años de su hija con la misa de quince años, por favor llame a la parroquia y hable con la Hermana Maruja al (914) 881-1411

Holy Matrimony Couples in civil marriages who wish to get married by the Church and receive the Sacrament of Matrimony, please contact Sister Maruja at (914) 881– 1411 ------------------------------Parejas en matrimonios civiles que desean casarse por la Iglesia y recibir el Sacramento del Matrimonio, por favor llamar a la Hermana Maruja al (914) 881-1411

Bi-Lingual Bible Study in July

Upcoming Events Sunday, July 7th Divine Mercy Holy Hour (3PM/ Corpus Christi Church) Monday, July 8th ADMA — Rosary and Novena in Spanish (8PM/ Parish of St. John Bosco)

Introduction course to the bible every Tuesday in July Beginning July 9, 16, 23, and 30! 7:00 PM in the Holy Rosary Basement Hall All are welcomed. To register please call the office at (914) 881–1400 or you can register with Karina at (914) 320-3297. --------------------------------Curso de Introducción a la Biblia Todos los martes de Julio Empezando el 9, 16, 23, y 30 de Julio! 7:00 PM en el salón de la Iglesia de Holy Rosary Todos están bienvenidos. Para registrarse por favor llamar a la oficina al (914) 881–1400 o se pueden registrar con Karina al (914) 320-3297.

Don Bosco Seniors Ever wonder what an archangel is or why it matters to you? now more than ever we can use a little help from on High. Come join our very own Raffael Buccieri for a presentation on this subject and so much more. All are welcome. Any questions contact president Peggyann Munnick (914)450-5950 Date: Sunday, July 14th Time: 2:00PM to 4:00PM Place: Corpus Christi Teen Center (Refreshments to follow in the Corpus Christi Cafeteria)


Reunión de ADMA todos los lunes a las 8 de la noche en la Parroquia San Juan Bosco. Por favor únete a nosotros a rezar el Santo Rosario y Novena.

Tuesday, July 9th Bi-lingual Introduction course to the Bible (7PM to 9PM/ Holy Rosary Basement Hall) Wednesday, July 10th Multi-lingual Rosary only for Men (8PM/ Corpus Christi Church) Thursday, July 11th Brazilian Prayer Group (8PM/ Corpus Christi Church) Friday, July 12th Festa Junina (6PM to 11PM/ Corpus Christi Field) Spanish Young Adult Group Nueva Vida en Cristo (8PM/ Sacred Heart Center) Saturday, July 13th Festa Junina (5PM to 11PM/ Corpus Christi Field) Spanish Adult Prayer Group (8PM/ Parish of St. John Bosco)

Is God Calling Me? “Prayer to Know My Vocation” God, my Father, You created me with a specific purpose for my life; this is my vocation. By following Your plan, I will be happy on Earth, earn the reward of Heaven, and help others do the same. Please help me to hear, understand, and follow Your call with my whole heart, especially when it seems most difficult. Mary, Mother of God and my Mother, pray for me to know and accept God’s will for my life. Amen.


Vocation Prayer Intention Please keep in your prayers Eden Gordon and all those she is serving. Name: Eden Gordon Mission Site: Montero, Bolivia Hogar Sagrado Corazón Hometown: Windermere, FL University: Florida State University What do you expect to do on mission? “I am going to Bolivia in order to serve and show Christ's love to the orphaned girls of the Hogar in Montero, and to learn from them and the Sisters about love, community, and gentleness.” Why have you joined the Salesian Lay Missioner program and/or what do you hope to accomplish thru your SLM mission? “I seek to live out and come to a deeper understanding of Jesus' call to ‘Go and make disciples of all nations.’”


Parish Carnival 2019

It is that time of the year when we start preparing for our Parish Carnival. Our Parish Carnival will run from August 12th through August 17th! We are looking for sponsors for our 2019 CARNIVAL. In order to make our Parish Carnival a great success, we are in need of sponsors for ALL SIX NIGHTS OF THE CARNIVAL! Necesitamos patrocinadores para nuestro CARNAVAL DEL 2019! Con el fin que nuestro Carnaval Parroquial sea un gran éxito necesitamos Patrocinadores para las seis noches. Large Food Booth/Carpa de Comida $2,900.00 Bottled Water/Agua en Bottella $400.00 Ice/Hielo $300.00 50/50 Giant Tent/Carpa Gigante de 50/50 $400.00 Casino Tent/Carpa de Casino $400.00 Dough for Pizza Fritta/Masa para la Pizza Fritta $ 300.00 Expresso Tent/Carpa de Expreso $300.00 Religious ArticleTent/Articulos Religiosos $200.00 Security Night/Seguridad por la noche $400.00 Printing of Raffle Tickets/Imprimir los boletos $200.00 SodaTent/Carpa de Soda $300.00

Entertainment Night/Noche de Entretenimiento $300.00 Dumpster/Contenedor de Basura $800.00 Tee Shirts/Camisetas $400.00 Raffle Ticket Printing/Imprimir boletos 50/50 $200.00 Comfort Station/Estacion de Comodidad $300.00 Dry Goods $300.00 Nightly 50/50 Raffle/Rifa diara 50/50 $175.00 Blessed Mother Tent/Carpa de la Virgen $300.00 Security after hours/Seguridad después $400.00 Wine & Peaches Tent/Vino & Melocotones $300.00

**YOUR SPONSORED VENUE CAN BE MADE IN FULL OR PART. THANK YOU! - SU DONACION PUEDE SER UNA PARTE O EN TOTAL. GRACIAS!** Name/Nombre:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Address/Direcion:________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone/Telefono:_________________________________________________________________________________________ Sponsored Venue/Patrocino: ______________________________________________________________________________ Dollar Amount/$ : _______________________________________________________________________________________ * Please complete the above and return this form. Thank you for your kind support to make the carnival a GRAND SUCCESS! * *(All donations are tax deductibe.) ** Por favor complete el formulario y devuélvalo. ¡Gracias por su amable apoyo para hacer que nuestro carnaval sea un gran éxito! * *(Todas las donaciones son deducibles de impuestos). *