Join the “HealthyMoms2Be” Twitter Storm Thursday, May 12 (2 to ...

12 may. 2016 - It's also important to gain the right amount of weight for your body. Learn what's right for you. #HealthyMoms2Be.
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Join the “HealthyMoms2Be” Twitter Storm Thursday, May 12 (2 to 3 pm Eastern) Use any of the following sample messages and include #HealthyMoms2Be in your tweets NOTE: More than a dozen Spanish-language messages are included. These messages are indented and offer a Spanish version of the preceding message in English.

Nutritional Needs A lack of vitamin D during pregnancy could increase risk of MS in children, suggests new study #HealthMoms2Be Folic acid is a B vitamin to help prevent birth defects. Here’s how much to take during #pregnancy #HealthyMoms2Be How to plan healthy meals during pregnancy and answers to other Q’s: #HealthyMoms2Be @ACOGnews Are there any foods women should avoid during #pregnancy? Good tips from @ClevelandClinic #HealthyMoms2Be Which health and nutrition goals would you choose? English: Spanish: #HealthyMoms2Be WIC supports Moms w/ healthy foods, referrals, nutrition education & breastfeeding support. Visit: #HealthyMoms2Be Before pregnancy, take a multivitamin w/400 micrograms of folic acid in it every day to prevent certain birth defects. #HealthyMoms2Be Ácido fólico es una vitamina esencial. Ayuda a prevenir ciertos defectos de nacimiento. 400 mcg a diario antes del embarazo. #HealthyMoms2Be

Folic acid reduces the chance of having a baby with a neural tube defect: #HealthyMoms2Be Ácido fólico reduce su riesgo de tener un bebé con un defecto del tubo neural: #HealthyMoms2Be Once you are pregnant, take a prenatal vitamin with 600 micrograms of folic acid daily. #HealthyMoms2Be Durante el embarazo, tome una vitamina prenatal con 600 mcg de ácido fólico todos los días. #HealthyMoms2Be You only need about 300 extra calories a day during pregnancy to support your baby’s growth and development. #HealthyMoms2Be Sólo necesita unas 300 calorías extra por día en el embarazo para ayudar a que su bebé crezca y se desarrolle sano. #HealthyMoms2Be It's also important to gain the right amount of weight for your body. Learn what’s right for you. #HealthyMoms2Be Es importante aumentar la cantidad adecuada de peso durante el embarazo. Aprenda más. #HealthyMoms2Be There are some foods you should avoid or limit while pregnant. Check out our list #HealthyMoms2Be Hay ciertos alimentos que debe evitar o limitar en el embarazo. Échele un vistazo nuestra lista #HealthyMoms2Be Certain kinds of fish are OK to eat in limited amounts. Learn which ones are safe #HealthyMoms2Be Usted puede comer ciertos pescados en cantidades limitadas. Aquí le informamos cuáles puede comer #HealthyMoms2Be Zika Virus #Zika virus: What pregnant women should know about it #HealthyMoms2Be 2

#Zika is spreading in several places around the world. @CDC is tracking the spread of Zika: #HealthyMoms2Be #Zika se está propagando a varios lugares del mundo. @CDC está vigilando la transmisión del Zika #HealthyMoms2Be If you’re pregnant & have recently visited a #Zika-affected area, talk to your health care provider. #HealthyMoms2Be Si está embarazada y recién ha visitado una zona afectada por #Zika, avísele a su proveedor de salud. #HealthyMoms2Be If you’re pregnant or trying to get pregnant, avoid travel to #Zika-affected areas. If you must go, talk to your provider 1st. #HealthyMoms2Be Embarazada o intentando quedarlo, no viaje a un área afectada por #Zika a menos que sea necesario. #HealthyMoms2Be Smoking & Alcohol Use According to @CDCChronic: “When you drink alcohol, so does your unborn baby.” Learn more at #HealthyMoms2Be Did you quit smoking during pregnancy? Congrats! Stay smoke-free to keep you & your family healthy. Tips: #HealthyMoms2Be Babies born to women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to be born prematurely. #HealthyMoms2Be Si fuma en el embarazo, el bebé tiene más probabilidades de nacer prematuro. #HealthyMoms2Be Tips & Recommendations If you’re a woman with #diabetes, you can still have a healthy #pregnancy. Here is Erin’s story: #HealthyMoms2Be If you’re trying to get pregnant or thinking of it, see these tips to plan for a healthy #pregnancy #HealthyMoms2Be


DYK? The flu vaccine is safe during #pregnancy. Get more details at #HealthyMoms2Be Tips for pregnant women in Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese #HealthyMoms2Be Bright Futures preventive oral health supervision and anticipatory guidance for pregnant women #HealthyMoms2Be A crying baby can stress you out! Need a break? Put baby in a safe place to cry & ask for help. More ideas: #HealthyMoms2Be Manage the stress of being a new mom by setting realistic expectations each day. More info: #HealthyMoms2Be If your partner shoves, slaps, or hits you or your baby, it's abuse. Call 800-799-7233 to get help. It's never your fault. #HealthyMoms2Be Create a family fire escape plan (you can ask your fire dept for help). Practice it twice a year. Info: #HealthyMoms2Be Wash your hands to keep you & baby healthy! If you don't have soap and water handy, use hand sanitizer: #HealthyMoms2Be It’s ok to feel a bit sad/anxious after baby. If you have lots of worries or troubling thoughts, get help: 800-944-4773. #HealthyMoms2Be Send your Qs to [email protected] or [email protected] (in Spanish). A health education specialist will reply. #HealthyMoms2Be Envíe sus preguntas: [email protected] o [email protected]. Nuestras educadoras de la salud están disponibles. #HealthyMoms2Be Risk factors for premature birth include being pregnant w/ multiples & uterine or cervical issues. #HealthyMoms2Be


Factores de riesgo para parto prematuro incluyen: embarazo de múltiples y problemas del útero. #HealthyMoms2Be Know your family health history to help your doc determine if you are at risk for preterm labor. #HealthyMoms2Be Conozca su historial médico familiar para ayudar a determinar si corre riesgos para el parto prematuro. #HealthyMoms2Be If YOU were born prematurely, you’re more likely than other women to give birth early. #HealthyMoms2Be Before getting pregnant again, it’s best to wait at least 18 months to give your body time to recover. #HealthyMoms2Be Lo mejor es esperar al menos 18 meses entre dar a luz y quedar embarazada de nuevo. #HealthyMoms2Be Oral Health during Pregnancy A pregnant women’s oral health is a strong predictor of her newborn child’s risk for tooth decay #HealthyMoms2Be The experts agree: Getting dental care during #pregnancy is both safe and important. Learn more at #HealthyMoms2Be VIDEO: What #pregnant women can do to protect their oral health #HealthyMoms2Be Two Healthy Smiles: Tips to Keep You and Your Baby Healthy / Eng: Spanish: #HealthyMoms2Be Grantees in 11 states are working to connect more pregnant women with dental services. is your state one of them? #HealthyMoms2Be Changes in your body can affect your gums and teeth causing problems during pregnancy. Seeing a dentist is best. #HealthyMoms2Be Los cambios durante el embarazo pueden afectar sus dientes y encías. Vaya a sus chequeos dentales en el embarazo. #HealthyMoms2Be


If you haven’t been to the dentist recently, see your dentist early in pregnancy. #HealthyMoms2Be Si no ha visitado a su dentista recientemente, visite a su dentista temprano en el embarazo. #HealthyMoms2Be Dental organization: Oral health “plays a crucial role in the overall health” of pregnant women #HealthyMoms2Be Survey: Only 42% of women know getting dental care during #pregnancy is safe Let’s raise awareness. #HealthyMoms2Be Did you know? Oral health is essential to overall health in the prenatal period. More key facts: #HealthyMoms2Be Browse this collection of resources with high-quality information about pregnancy and oral health. #HealthyMoms2Be Oral Health Care During Pregnancy: A National Consensus Statement info for health professionals and #HealthyMoms2Be Learn about federally-funded activities in the states to improve oral health in pregnancy #HealthyMoms2Be Doctor: Pregnancy causes hormonal changes that increase a woman’s risk of developing gum disease #HealthyMoms2Be New Moms: When should your child visit a dentist for the 1st time? The answer may surprise you: #HealthyMoms2Be