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January 31, 2016 - Holy Family Catholic Church

31 ene. 2010 - Mal 3:1-4/Ps 24:7-10/Heb 2:14-18/. Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32. Wednesday: 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17/Ps 32:1-2, 5-7/Mk 6:1-6. Thursday: 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12/1 ...
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Holy Family Catholic Church 14160 Ferndale Road Dale City, VA 22193

January 31, 2016 CLERGY Pastor………..…………...Rev. Gerard Creedon Parochial Vicars………...Rev. Alexander Diaz Amaya Rev. John T. O’Hara Permanent Deacons……Mr. Vincent Einsmann Mr. Joseph L. Santiago Mr. Helio Gomez In Residence……………Rev. Bjorn C. Lundberg


5:00 PM (Folk Choir) 6:30 PM (Misa en Español) Sunday………………… 7:30 AM (Cantor) 9:00 AM (Solemn Mass) 10:30 AM (Children’s Mass) 12:30 PM (Misa en Español) Monday-Friday…………7:00 & 9:00 AM Saturday…………………9:00 AM First Friday…………….. 7:00 PM Federal Holidays……… 9:00 AM RECONCILIATION (Confesiones) Friday…………………… 7:00-7:30 P.M. First Friday……………… 6:30-7:00 P.M. Saturday………………… 8:30-9:00 AM & 4:00-4:30 PM EXPOSITION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT

Wednesday………………9:30 AM -7:00 PM Benediction First Friday………………7:30 PM -8:30 AM Saturday

Telephone……………….. 703-670-8161 Fax ………………………... 703-670-8323 Web Site: E-mail

[email protected]

Office Hours: Mon-Fri………………….. 9:00 AM—5:00 PM Saturday………………….9:00 AM—5:00 PM Sunday……………………9:00 AM—2:00 PM

Holy Family Catholic School Principal…………………. Mrs. Sarah Chevlin Preschool Director………Mrs. Judi Peacott Office Manager…………..Mrs. Kathy Murphy Telephone……………….. 703-670-3138

NEW PARISHIONERS and those with address changes….Welcome to Holy Family Catholic Church! We are very pleased to have you join as a parish member. Simply fill out the information below and return it to us and we will contact you. God Bless, Fr. Gerry Creedon

Name:_____________________________________ Home Phone:_________________ Cell# :________________ Address:________________________________________ City:______________ St:______ Zip Code:__________

El Rinconcito del Padre


Estimados Feligreses,

Dear Parishioners,

El Miércoles de Ceniza esta a la vuelta de la esquina, el 10 de febrero. Con la Cuaresma, a todos nosotros se nos da una nueva oportunidad para renovar nuestro compromiso bautismal. El tema Cuaresmal del Obispo Loverde nos invita a; "Salid como heraldos de la Misericordia de Dios". La Misericordia de Dios nos da una segunda oportunidad en la tarea de discípulo. Nosotros, en torno, tenemos que ofrecer a los demás una segunda oportunidad.

Ash Wednesday is around the corner; Feb 10th. With Lent all of us are given a new chance to renew our baptismal commitment. Bishop Loverde's theme for Lent urges; "Go forth as heralds of God's mercy". God's mercy gives us a second chance at the task of discipleship. We in turn need to offer others a second chance.

Para ayudarnos en nuestra renovación y arrepentimiento la Iglesia nos ofrece las tres disciplinas tradicionales de la oración, el ayuno y la limosna. Les invito a que me acompañen los lunes a las 9:30am para "Reflexiones Cuaresmales de las Escrituras con el Párroco". En el área de la limosna, la Petición Cuaresmal del Obispo nos ofrece la oportunidad de hacer un sacrificio para apoyar los programas de ayuda de nuestra diócesis. El Obispo Loverde, en su último año de servicio antes de su jubilación, quiere dejar a su sucesor una Diócesis bien equipada para hacer las obras de misericordia. Vengan preparados para hacer un compromiso el próximo fin de semana. Aquí, en la Parroquia de la Sagrada Familia nos beneficiamos en muchos aspectos de esta Petición. Yo especialmente deseo engrandecer la ayuda que se le da a nuestra escuela para ofrecer ayuda de matrícula a nuestras familias más necesitadas. La educación que se ofrece en Sagrada Familia es una tremenda mano a las familias cuyos hijos, de otro modo, lucharían. Un símbolo central en nuestro Altar durante la Cuaresma es el Tazón de Arroz. El arroz es el alimento básico de muchas de las personas que más sufren de hambre en el mundo. A través de CRS y nuestra propia Misión de Ayuda utilizamos los fondos de la Operación Tazón de Arroz para llegar a los niños y familias que carecen de las necesidades básicas de todos los continentes.

¡Misericordia! Padre Gerardo

To assist us in our renewal and repentance the church offers us the three traditional disciplines of prayer, fasting and alms-giving. I invite you to join me on Mondays at 9:30 am for "Pastor's Lenten reflections on the scriptures". Location to be announce. In the area of alms-giving, the Bishop's Lenten Appeal offers us the opportunity to make a sacrifice to support the outreach of our diocese. Bishop Loverde, in his last period of service before retirement, wants to leave his successor a Diocese well equipped to do the works of mercy. Come ready to make a commitment next weekend. Here at Holy Family we benefit in many ways from this Appeal. I especially want to raise up the help our school is given to offer tuition assistance to our more needy families. The education offered at Holy Family is a tremendous hand up to families whose children would otherwise struggle. A central symbol on our altar during Lent is the rice bowl. Rice is the staple food of many of the world's hungriest people. Through CRS (Catholic Relief Services) and our own Mission Outreach we use Operation Rice Bowl funds to reach out to children and families who lack basic necessities on every continent.

Mercy! Fr. Gerry Creedon

Nuevos Feligreses y Feligreses con Cambio de dirección ¡Bienvenido a la Iglesia la Sagrada Familia! Estamos muy contentos que se van a inscribir como miembro de la parroquia. Favor de llenar la siguiente información y devuélvalo a la oficina y nos pondremos en contacto con usted. Nombre:_________________________________ Teléfono (Casa):______________ Teléfono Celular:________________

Dirección:______________________________________ Ciudad:______________ Edo:____ Código Postal:______

2016 Bishop’s Lenten Appeal Begins! This month many of us will receive a mailing from Bishop Loverde regarding the 206 Bishop’s Lenten Appeal (BLA). The theme for the 2016 BLA is “Go forth as heralds of God’s mercy.” After reflecting upon the many blessings that God has given you, please prayerfully consider making a pledge of support to this important appeal that funds many programs ministries that serve the people in our diocese. Every pledge is an expression of God’s love a mercy!


Generosity Report

Comienza La Petición Cuaresmal Del Obispo de 2015! Este mes, Monseñor Loverde enviara correspondencia sobre la Petición Cuaresmal del Obispo do 2016. El tema de esta Petición Cuaresmal del Obispo es “Vayan adelante como heraldos de la misericordia de Dios.” Después de reflexionar sobre las muchas bendiciones recibidas de Dios, les ruego que en espíritu de oración y sacrificio consideren la posibilidad de hacer a promesa de contribución para apoyar este importante llamamiento que permite financiar muchos programas y ministerios al servicio de miles de personas de nuestra Diócesis. Cuando nos unimos como un cuerpo en Cristo, podemos hacer tanto para ayudar a tantas personas!

Thank you for your continued support! Offertory Donations For the weekend of 1/23 & 1/24 will be reported next weekend. 2015


Week of : 1/23 & 1/24

Second & Special Collections for January 2016

Faith Direct is the innovative solution that allows you to support our parish using electronic funds transfer from either a bank account or credit/debit card just as you may do now with your mortgage payment, cable bill or other expenses. Faith Direct es la solución innovadora que le permite apoyar a nuestra iglesia mediante transferencia electrónica de fondos desde una cuenta bancaria o tarjeta de crédito/ debito, del mismo modo que puede hacer ahora con las factures de servicios.

Jan Jan Jan Jan

01 10 17 24

The Solemnity of Mary HELP Parish Repairs and Maintenance Latin America

Stewardship Reflections January 31, 2016 4 Sunday in Ordinary Time th

“Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, it is not pompous.” (1 Corinthians 13:4)

Do you get jealous? Do you focus more on the things that other people have than on the gifts that God has given to you? Are you pompous? Do you acquire more possessions to impress others? At times we are all guilty of these things. Pray for more humility. Pray to become less self-centered and more God-centered.

This week at Holy Family Monday, February 1, 2016

February 1, 2016 - February 7, 2016

9:30 6:00 6:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00


Rosary Recitation with the Legion of Mary—Church Admin Use - Data Entry - Liturgy Office School Band Concert - Fr. Griffin Hall Legion of Mary - Immaculate Heart of Mary - Meeting Room Spanish Legion of Mary - Teachers Lounge Reunion de la Familia de Nazaret - Baptistery Cursillo - Deacon’s Office Reunion del Grupo Timon - Room 6 Choir Practice - Church Youth Ministry H.S. Basketball Practice - Fr. Griffin Hall Boy Scout Troop 1392 Meeting - Teen Center E.S.O.L. Winter/Spring Classes - Room 2, 3, 4, 5, 8

9:30 9:45 3:30 7:00 7:00 7:00


Rosary Recitation with the Legion of Mary - Church Legion of Mary Meeting - Baptistery HFCS Varsity Basketball Practice - Fr. Griffin Hall Religious Education Classes - Assigned Rooms Jr. Legion of Mary Meeting - Teachers Lounge Legion of Mary (Spanish) - Liturgy Office

9:30 9:30 9:30 10:30 † Anne Kalis 6:00 † Eileen Dullea 7:00 † Robert Tekampe 7:00 All Holy Family Parishioners 7:00 7:00 Readings for the Week of January 31, 2016 7:00 7:00 He said to them, "Today 7:00 this Scripture passage is 7:30


Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament - Church Rosary Recitation with the Legion of Mary - Church Crafters Gathering - Teen Center Staff Meeting - Baptistery Middle School Dance - Fr. Griffin Hall Benediction - Church - Deacon Gomez Crecimientos - Grupo 2 - Room 1 Ensayo del Coro del Grupo de Oracion - Teen Center Confirmation Retreat Facilitator Meeting - Meeting Room R.C.I.A. Class (Spanish) - Room 7 R.C.I.A. Class (English) - Room 6 E.S.O.L. Registrations - Roon 2,3,4,5,8 Schola Choir Practice - Church

9:30 3:30 5:30 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:30


Rosary Recitation with the Legion of Mary - Church HFCS Varsity Basketball Practice - Fr. Griffin Hall Youth Choir Rehearsal - Church Religious Education Classes - Assigned Rooms Sunday Spanish Choir Rehearsal - Meeting Room Reunion de Ministerios - Room 1 First Communion Parent Only Meeting - Church Pastoral Council Meeting - Liturgy Office

9:30 3:00 7:00 7:00 7:15 8:00


Rosary Recitation with the Legion of Mary - Church HFCS Girl Scout Meeting - Teen Center First Friday Mass - Church Grupo de Oracion y de Jovenes - Fr. Griffin Hall, room 6 & 7 Agape Meeting - Meeting Room All Night Adoration - Church

7:30 9:00 9:30 11:00 7:30


HFCS—Basketball Tournament - Fr. Griffin Hall Women’s Bible Study - Meeting Room Executive Committee Meeting - Pastor’s Office Baptism Preparation Class (Spanish) - Baptistery Convalidaciones - Fr. Griffin Hall, room 7 & 10

8:30 10:30 11:00 12:30 1:30 2:00 6:30


Religious Education Classes - Assigned Rooms RCIA (English) - Room 6 RCIA (Spanish) - Room 7 Youth Ministry HS Basketball Games - Fr. Griffin Hall Social Ministry—Conozca sus Derechos” - Baptistery Baptism’s in Spanish - Church PULSE - Teen Center

† Denotes Mass for Deceased

Monday: 7:00 AM 9:00 AM Tuesday: 7:00 AM 9:00 AM Wednesday: 7:00 AM 9:00 AM Thursday: 7:00 AM 9:00 AM Friday: 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:30 PM

Devon & Krystel August Mary Markish

† †

Robert V. Bernhardt Leo Trynock

Thomas Wheeler Herbert W. Swoope

† †

June Fay Poczatek Douglas Guernsey

† †

Special Intention Julio Lopez Colby Thomas Smith

† †

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Barbara Resnick Eric B. Celis Knights of Columbus

fulfilled in your hearing."




highly of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth. They also asked, "Isn't this the son of Joseph?"

- Lk 4:21-22


Jer 1:4-5, 17-19/Ps 71:1-6, 15-17/1 Cor 12:31--13:13 or 13:4-13/Lk 4:21-30


2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13/Ps 3:2-7/ Mk 5:1-20

Tuesday: Wednesday:

2 Sm 24:2, 9-17/Ps 32:1-2, 5-7/Mk 6:1-6


1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12/1 Chr 29:10-12/ Mk 6:7-13 Sir 47:2-11/Ps 18:31, 47, 50-51/ Mk 6:14-29


Friday, February 5, 2016

Mal 3:1-4/Ps 24:7-10/Heb 2:14-18/ Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32


Thursday, February 4, 2016

1 Kgs 3:4-13/Ps 119:9-14/Mk 6:30-34

Next Sunday: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8/Ps 138:1-5, 7-8/ 1 Cor 15:1-11 or 15:3-8, 11/Lk 5:1-11

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Remember in your prayers... The






Alberta Boakey, Stephen Ritter, Doug Codhran, Michael Kilpatrick, Pete Luisa, Woodrow Costello, Lexie Rucker, Larry Olijar, Lawrence Shannon, Frank Begg, Rita Ligotski, Mary Ash, John Campos, Olivia Bowie, Eric Fuller, Molly Barcalow.

Please pray for our deceased relatives and friends: Franny Callahan, Dorothy Louise Detorie, Phil McFadden, Mary Bathurst, Mauro Reynaldo Rodriguez, Neil Bresnahan, Geraldine Mullins.

Pray for our military men and women and their families, may God keep them safe and out of harms way: Diana Cabrera, Emilio Lopez, Kenny Molina, Zachary Ritter, Erick Noland, Natalie Campos, Capt. Airforce , Ivan Solvado Sanchez, Maria & Cesar Hernandez, Victoria Lopez, Jason Budoya, Nicolas Potter, Lance Corporal Jared E. Middleton, George Frye, U.S. Marine, Dawn Sloan.


 Holy Family School and Parish will follow Prince William County Schools for school closings, delays and early closings.  Masses are not cancelled .  Parish activities also follow Prince William County Schools if schools close early or are closed all day, all parish activities (such as religious education classes, group meetings, etc.) are cancelled.  Holy Family Parish Office and Employees follow the Prince William County Schools for delays or closures.

(Please let us know if your loved one returned safely home.)

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2016 “Before you were born, I consecrated you.” If you think that you may be set apart by the Lord to serve Him as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life, Call Father J.D. Jaffe (703) 841-2514, or write: [email protected].

Altar Flower Donation Program

STAFF DIRECTORY Parish Staff Mrs. Daisy Ramos, Office Manager Mrs. Blanca Sloan, Office Assistant Mrs. Damaris Santiago, Secretary Mrs. Juana Bernal, Receptionist Miss Rosa Rivera, Weekend Receptionist Mrs. Jodi Williams, Bookkeeper Mr. Sergio Gonzales, Facilities Director Mr. Ray Watson, Facilities Assistant Mrs. Elia Rodriguez, Rectory Administrator

703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161

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Liturgy and Music Deacon Gomez & Jeanine Evans, Liturgy Coordinators Ms. Janet Munford, Music Coordinator

Religious Education & Youth Ministry

A lovely way to celebrate a special occasion or honor a loved one. If you would like to donate to our flower program, please come to the front office or email us at [email protected]

Fr. Diaz, Director of Faith Formation Mrs. Toni Papp, Director of Youth Ministry Mrs. Linda Bishop, Secretary Mrs. Patricia Soriano, Secretary

703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161

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703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-670-8161 703-730-1791

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Social Ministry Mrs. Matty Lupo, Director Ms. Guadalupe Thompson, Special Projects Volunteer Mrs. Ana Lemus, Assistant Volunteer Line Food Pantry & Assistance

Bulletin Submissions Deadline: Monday, noon Please email submissions to………. [email protected]

Youth Ministry & Religious Education Jan 24 Jan 24

Jan 24 Jan 26

Jan 31 Feb 07 Feb 09

Facilitator Meeting, 5 pm Basketball—Holy Family 1 vs. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, 2 pm at St. Francis Holy Family 2 vs. St. Francis, 3 pm at St. Francis We want to communicate with you! PULSE, 6:30—8:30 pm ”Proving God’s Existence,” dinner, dessert (8th graders welcome to attend) Flocknote, our newest tool is easy! 2 ways: Mandatory Parent meeting for parents of Confirmation Year 1 students 7 PM, (information regarding the retreats will be covered) Fill in: First name, Last name PULSE, 6:30-8:30 pm, Play Night, games, dinner, Cell phone, Email dessert, dress comfortably & shoes you can run in OR Send a TEXT to 84576, Type in HFRE NO PULSE or Facilitator meeting Confirmation (Year 2) students—First Communion You will receive a text with a link. Click the link or Mass 7:15 pm reply with your email address.

WorkCamp 2016!

Choose which method you want to receive inforOne week of repairing homes, prayer, games, teamwork mation (text or email) and from what groups.

and challenges with 800 teens. Open to all high school Youth Ministry and Religious Education are going to be sending updates and notices through teens. Be involved in something HUGE. LAST CHANCE TO JOIN! Contact the Youth Ministry Office by Feb 2nd for registration details. Next manda-

tory meeting February 9th.

HELP WANTED...We are in need of an adult male (25 years or older) to be a leader for the week.

Basketball Referee Needed


Pilgrim Statue The statue of Fatima is a Pilgrim statue and makes regular visits to the faithful to inspire and lead us closer to our Lord.

Basketball Referees are needed for our Did you know that you can have the Pilgrim Virgin high school league. Games are Sundays bevisit in your home for a week? For more informatween 1-5 PM. Contact Ray Clark at raytion please call Mary Hawkes at 703-772-9908. [email protected]

Works of Mercy Opportunities Packing food in Backpacks for Kids - February 10, March 9 at 4:45 PM in Room 9 (Science Lab)

Seminario sobre los derechos del Inmigrante en Español

Bringing Food for Backpack program (30 minutes credit Caridades Católicas – Hogar Inmigrante, va a preeach time you bring food) – items needed: canned soup, sentar información sobre los derechos del inmiindividual Mac & cheese, granola bars, snack packs of grante, Todos serán bienvenidos. Va a explicar los fruit.

derechos civiles que tiene cada persona presente

Valentine’s Day Dinner/Dance – Feb 13th (sign up for any en este país, sin importar su estatus migratorio. or all) Set up 12-2 PM, Servers 7-10 PM, Clean up 11:30 Aprenda qué hacer si viene la policía, o inmigraPM – 1 AM, contact Laurie Dunlop at [email protected] ción a tu casa o lugar de trabajo, o si un familiar or 254-247-5805

fue detenido o deportado. Reciba consejos sobre cómo preparar un plan de emergencia para su faHelping the Basketball team on Sundays (setting up, milia. El seminario es gratis y se realizará el dominkeeping score, time clock, cleaning up) – contact Ray go, 7 de febrero de 1:30‐3:00pm en el Baptisterio. Clark 703-862-5463 or come to practice on Mondays at 7 PM in Fr. Griffin Hall.

HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL NEWS Dear Parishioners: As we begin Catholic Schools Week, we are excited to share some news about our school. We are having a great year, remain fiscally responsible and continue to offer a premier Catholic education to all who desire one. Our enrollment continues to show a steady increase, and we have many exciting things planned for the year ahead.

From the desk of Mrs. Judi Peacott, In keeping with our Nursery Rhyme theme this month, we will be celebrating “Wee Willie Winkie Day” this coming Wednesday.

This year we are using our new iPads to enhance our classroom instruction. Our school was selected to pilot a The children will attend school in new testing program called Scantron. We were able to assess our students in September and again in Janutheir pajamas, we will enjoy a ary. With this data, we are individualizing our instrucperformance from Peter McCory, the One Man Band tion to each child’s needs. Our hope is to purchase more iPads to expand technology instruction in more class- and chocolate chip pancakes will be served for rooms. snack! It is one of our very favorite days! Our K – 5 grades are hard at work implementing a Word Study program which helps students develop skills neces- If you would like information about our wonderful, sary to address word recognition, vocabulary, and phonics as well as spelling. Our Science instruction continues Christ-center preschool program, please contact to reach new levels with our Lab Learner program. We Mrs. Judi Peacott, 703-670-8161 ext. 314. have enhanced our Robotics program by bringing our alumni back to our school to assist with this afterschool SOCIAL MINISTRY program. Our tuition does not cover the operational costs to educate each child (these costs include salaries, utilities, educational materials, maintenance, etc.) Our tuition rate and fees is $4878 while the actual cost is $5449. This is a $571 difference per child! In our ongoing efforts to assist in defraying tuition costs we rely on our annual fundraisers. We do try to limit these events but it is important to know that the proceeds from these events are allocated to help with tuition costs. Past contributions to our Annual Appeal have played an integral part in our growth and academic success, and we are so thankful. We humbly come to you asking for your support. Our scriptural based theme this academic year is “We are Called; We are Chosen.” We hope you will feel “called” to help enhance our instructional programs. Our focus is always on maintaining our Catholic faith and Christian identity as well as academic excellence. Your continued commitment to these efforts will sustain and ensure an enduring superior education for our students. By supporting us in this endeavor, we will be able to provide a quality education while keeping our tuition costs as low as we possibly can. Whatever gift you can give to our school would be greatly appreciated. Please keep in mind that no gift is too big or too small; it is your demonstration of support that really makes a difference! Each and every gift is truly appreciated and is 100% tax deductible. Thank you and know that we carry you in our hearts and our prayers every day.

God bless, Sarah J. Chevlin Principal

English Classes We offer English classes on Mondays and Wednesdays 7pm9pm at Holy Family Church. Registration fro classes will be on January 25th and January 27th from 7pm-9pm. We offer six levels of classes. The cost is $60 for the semester and includes the textbook. We only accept cash or money orders. For more information call Hogar Immigrant Services at 571-2081572.

Clases de Ingles Ofrecemos clases de ingles los lunes y miércoles de 7pm-9pm. Inscripción para el Nuevo semestre será el 25 y 27 de enero entre las 7pm-9pm en nuestra iglesia La Sagrada Familia. Ofrecemos seis niveles de clases. El precio de estas clases es $60 por 12 semanas y incluye el libro. Solo aceptamos efectivo o giro postal. Si requiere mas información, llame a Hogar Immigrant Services al 571-208-1572.

Volunteers Needed Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington-Hogar Immigrant Service, Education Services is seeking volunteer teachers for ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) to teach at Holy Family . You only teach once per week as a part of a teaching team. Training and materials are provided. No previous experience or second language required! Please help us demonstrate Christ’s love by “welcoming the stranger” in this country. If interested, please call 571-208-1572 or email volunteer. [email protected]. Direct # for Social Ministry & Food Pantry 703-730-1791

Do you want to contribute to us? America’s Charities - ID #558 UNITED WAY COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN (CFC)

~ F. Y. I. ~ Black History Celebration of Faith Valentines Day Dinner Dance Saturday , February 13, 2016 $35.00 per person Ticket includes 1 glass of wine, 1 beer or soda

7:30 pm 8:30 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm

Cocktails Dinner Renewal of vows & Blessing for singles Dancing until midnight Dinner provided by Chef Feliciano No children please

Join our community as we share our Faith Journey "We Come this Far by Faith" The weekend of February 20/21, a poster display along with pamphlets of our History and Heritage will be available in the vestibule. On Sunday, February 21st at 3:00 PM, in the Baptistery, we invite the entire Holy Family community to a showing of our Faith walk in American.

Mornings of Mercy for Divorced Catholics

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 12807 Valleywood Drive, Woodbridge, VA Invites you to attend their Life in the Spirit Seminar 6 Wednesdays during Lent February 17th thru March 23rd, 7—9 PM

Join other members of the diocese who have gone through divorce in a series of morning retreats that deal with topics such as grief, parenting, suffering, and hope. The first retreat will be February 6 at St. John the Apostle in Leesburg, starting at 9 a.m. and ending at noon. The morning will include mass, a featured speaker, time for discussion, and benediction. The morning is free to attend, but please register at divorce. Please contact the Office for Family Life at (703) 841-2550 with any questions.

In the Parish Hall (building across from the Church) Contact: [email protected] or Jim Davis at 703-494-0511

Cruise to Bermuda September 18-25, 2016

Life in the Spirit Seminar

Marriage Help

The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a fundraising 7-day cruise to Bermuda aboard the 3year-old Norwegian Breakaway.

Retrouvaille has helped tens of thousands of couples at all stages of disillusionment or misery in their marriage. This program can help you too. For confidential Leaving from New York, this information or to register for the program beginning cruise will spend three days in February 5th or call (703) 351-7211 or go to Bermuda to enjoy that beautiful island. Best of all, Norwegian Cruise lines will donate money to the Knights Charity Corporation based on the numMarriage Preparation Weekend ber of cabins booked. These funds will enable the Upcoming weekend February 11-14 Knights to continue to assist in their charity efforts, Are you ready? This marriage preparation course is an many of which are tied into Holy Family. intensive preparation experience true to the teachings of the Catholic Church with a convenient one-weekend Round trip bus from the Knights home to New York schedule. FOCCUS Inventory included! The cost is will be available at $75.00 per person. $285 per couple. Registration required. Contact 301365-0612 or for more in- Book early to be eligible for special perks like unlimformation. Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center, 707 ited free beverages or dine in the specialty restauBradley Blvd., Bethesda, Maryland. rants. Three to Get Married,,,