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Jam es G u errero A rchitects, In c. 7 52 0 B rid gep o rt

Jam es G u errero A rchitects, In c. 7. 52. 0 B rid gep o rt W ay W . Lakew o od. , W. A. 9. 8499. T el. N o. (25. 3) 581. -60 ... Property line. Easement. 35' transition.
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Property line

8'-0" Easement

PROJECT INFORMATION Address: Parcel No.: Size of lot: Zoning:

XXX 2nd St. NE 7600200051 33,600 S.F. CBD

Building: - 4.0'

44 apartment units

47 Regular Parking Stalls 19 Tandem Parking Stalls

8,250 S.F. / 27% 22,060 S.F. / 73%

2nd St. NE.

Landscape: Impervious Area:

James Guerrero Architects, Inc. 7520 Bridgeport Way W. Lakewood, WA 98499 Tel. No. (253) 581-6000 Web Site:



35' transition buffer setback

5th Ave. NE.

Site Plan


Scale: 1"=40'

Page 1 of 3 January 8, 2019


Site Plan

Existing Fence

Puyallup 2nd Street Apartments

- 4.0'

scale: 1" = 30' garage level first/second floors third/fourth floors

January 8, 2019

Schematic Floor Plans Page 2 of 3

Puyallup Second Street Apartments

James Guerrero Architects, Inc. 7520 Bridgeport Way W. Lakewood, WA 98499 Tel. No. (253) 581-6000 Web Site:

view looking northwest

January 8, 2019

Page 3 of 3

Schematic Exterior Views

Puyallup Second Street Apartments

view looking northeast

James Guerrero Architects, Inc. 7520 Bridgeport Way W. Lakewood, WA 98499 Tel. No. (253) 581-6000 Web Site: