Jalisco Institute of Migration Avenida Alcalde 490, Centro, Guadalajara, Jal. 44280 September 24, 2015
Ms. Denisse Montiel, Legal Manager Centro de Justicia para la Paz y el Desarrollo A.C. Calle Madero 836, Americana Oriente Guadalajara, Jal. 44160
Dear Ms. Montiel:
On behalf of Jalisco Institute of Migration, it is my pleasure to invite you to our 2nd biannual meeting of 2015. The topic of the meeting is “Human Rights of Migrants: Challenges and Opportunities”. We believe that the participation of CEPAD in this meeting will provide important contributions from a social and legal perspective. This meeting involves the participation of many organizations and individuals that work on the migration issue.
The purpose of this biannual meeting is to share the progress that has been made towards migration since the 1st biannual meeting of 2015. The meeting will strengthen and increase the organization’s communication. We hope to promote a dialogue between all the different organizations taking part in the meeting from the human rights perspective. Although it will be a private meeting, on the last day there will be a public conference in which any participating organization will be able to contribute with previous request.
This 2nd biannual meeting will take place from November 18 to November 20, 2015 in our facilities. The daily schedule will be from 10:00 to 17:30 hours, including coffee breaks. We would really appreciate the confirmation of attendance in order to provide the specific program of the meeting. We hope that CEPAD will be able to attend this meeting and also contribute to it.