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it is a crime under section 37

Page 1 ... acts including, but not limited to, the right to assume any and all support obligation in caring for my child, the right to enroll said child in the school ...
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Guardianship Letter IT IS A CRIME UNDER SECTION 37.10 TEXAS PENAL CODE, TO KNOWINGLY FALSIFY INFORMATION ON A FORM REQUIRED FOR ENROLLMENT OF A STUDENT. IN ADDITION TO POSSIBLE CRIMINAL PENALITIES, THE FAMILY OF AN INELIGIBLE STUDENT IS LIABLE FOR THE MAXIMUM TUITION FEE ESTABLISHED BY THE STATE OR THE AMOUNT THE DISTRICT HAS BUDGETED FOR EACH STUDENT AS MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING EXPENSES. Es un crimen en el código penal del estado de Texas sección 37.10. dar información falsa en la forma de registro del estudiante. Junto con posible penalidad criminal, la familia de un estudiante qué no es elegible será responsable por el costo de la educación que está establecida por el Estado que es el presupuesto por cada estudiante.

Appointment I, ____________________________________being the parent/guardian of (Yo siendo el padre/tutor de) _____________________________born on (nacido el)___________________________in(en) _______________________a minor, do hereby appoint (siendo un menor le doy poder a) ________________________________residing at (quien vive en) _____________________________________P.O Box _________________________ as my attorney-in-fact, to do all acts including, but not limited to, the right to assume any and all support obligation in caring for my child, the right to enroll said child in the school district where the attorney-in-fact resides, the right to discipline and to do all acts necessary in raising said child as I would have the right to do as a parent of said child by law. The right, power and authority of my attorney-infact under this instrument shall commence upon the execution of this document and remain in force until said child ceases to reside with said attorney-in-fact. (Como mi representante, para hacer determinaciones, pero no limitadas a asumir todas las responsabilidades y obligaciones de cuidar a mi hijo(a), el derecho a inscribirlo(a) en el distrito en el que reside, el derecho a disciplinarlo(a) y hacer todas las decisiones necesarias como yo las haría como padre del estudiante. Este documento dará esta responsabilidad mientras que mi hijo(a) resida con esta persona.) ________________________________ Parent’s signature (Firma del Padre)

__________________________ Date (Fecha)

Subscribed and Sworn before me on this __________day of _______________________, to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. Notary Public Acceptance I (Yo) ____________________________________of P.O. Box ________________________ reside at (Reside en) ______________________________________ and do accept all responsibilities concerning (acepto todas las responsabilidades de) ______________________________________ and assume any and all support obligation in caring for said child (Y asumo toda apoyo y responsabilidad por el cuidado de este niño(a). I do hereby swear that I reside at the above stated address and that the above named student is my legal responsibility and resides with me for the duration of his/her enrollment at Presidio ISD. Yo juro que resido en la dirección indicada y que el estudiante mencionado es mi responsabilidad legal y vive conmigo mientras que esté inscrito en el distrito escolar de Presidio. ____________________________________ Attorney-in-fact’s Signature

_____________________ Phone (teléfono)

_____________________ Date (Fecha)

Subscribed and Sworn before me on this __________day of _______________________, to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. Notary Public Presidio Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, gender, national origin, disability or age in its programs and activities. For more information call (432) 229-3275. El distrito Escolar Independiente de Presidio no discrimina en fundamentos de raza, religión, color, genero, origen nacional Incapacidad o edad en sus programas y actividades. Para más información llame al (432) 229-3275.

Revised 04-30-15