This morning a bed bug was found crawling across an area where students were ... The best defense against bringing pests into your home is a good defense.
INTERNATIONAL CHARTER SCHOOL OF TRENTON 105 Grand Street Trenton, New Jersey 08611 609-394-3111 Fax 609-394-3116
Hello Families and Friends, This morning a bed bug was found crawling across an area where students were unpacking their back-packs. Cooper Pest Control was notified, and they sent a technician. As always, they suggest using something to keep backpacks, coats, and other personal items separated. We have large plastic bags, available for $4.00, for this purpose. The best defense against bringing pests into your home is a good defense.
Hola familias y amigos, Esta mañana se encontró un chinche arrastrándose a través de un área donde los estudiantes estaban desempacando sus mochilas. Cooper el control de plagas fue notificado, y enviaron a un técnico. Como siempre, ellos sugieren usar algo para mantener las mochilas, abrigos y otros artículos personales separados. Tenemos bolsas plásticas grandes, disponible por $ 4,00, con este fin. La mejor defensa en contra de traer plagas a su hogar es una buena defensa.