immaculate conception catholic school

up our feet, close our eyes, and be MINDFUL of what our life is really like? Are we ready to be transformed through daily mental prayer? "Daily mental prayer is ...
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“Mental prayer is nothing else than an intimate friendship, a frequent heart-toheart with Him by whom we know ourselves to be loved.” St. Theresa of Avila August 17, 2019 Dear Parents, Welcome to another year at Our Lady’s School! We are so very grateful that you are partnering in one of the greatest missions on the face of the earth—to form these precious children in the way that they should go so that they will be mindful of why they are here on this earth. WE are here to know, to love, and to serve our God and our neighbor. It seems that ” I'm in a hurry to get things done. Oh I rush and rush until life's no fun. All I really gotta do is live and die.” Well the country music group Alabama was almost right in prescribing our challenge today through those lyrics. We have so much more to do than JUST live and die. We have one life which is finite. Are we MINDFUL of how we are filling those minutes, or are we just anxious? Our theme this year is to NOT be afraid of HOLINESS. What does that look like? Our Virtue for this month is CONSTANT MENTAL PRAYER. What does that look like, and how are these two things connected? The American Psychological Association published an article which found that we work longer hours, are more stressed out, seek the pursuit of wealth over social relationships, and are less healthy in the long run than most of our counterparts in other developed countries. Do we ever sit back, kick up our feet, close our eyes, and be MINDFUL of what our life is really like? Are we ready to be transformed through daily mental prayer?

"Daily mental prayer is transformative. A car won’t drive without fuel; daily mental prayer is the fuel of the spiritual life. It’s possible that, without knowing it, you’ve been driving on fumes for years. By mental prayer, we fill up our tank as we invite the Holy Spirit to animate our thoughts, words, and deeds throughout the day. The Holy Spirit will respond! Daily mental prayer will also give you an increased hunger and thirst for the Sacraments. And your mental prayer will properly dispose you so you obtain the full grace and merits of the Sacraments.” Once we, as parents, “get it” how can we then pass along our mindfulness and constant mental prayer to these precious children AS FAMILY? Maybe a tool such as “Guided Reflections for Children” might be a good beginning. We find ourselves in quite a world with so many voices; some are electronic, some are acrid, and some are just constantly noisy. Unless we control this anxious world, the anxiety of the world will only build within us. If we are mindful that our peace comes from within, and we begin to build our world of peace around constant mental prayer, then maybe we can stay calm in the midst of the storm. May we partner during this 2018-2019 school year to be truly mindful of who is in control. God bless you all. In Him, Elaine Schad, ICCS Principal (OVER)

Dean’s Dispatch AND WE’RE OFF!! Well, school has started, everyone is back in the routine, and the 2018-2019 school year is off and running. Let’s take stock that we are off to a good start! Are we checking planners each night? Are we setting aside a time and place to do homework? Are we being reading role models for our children? Do we communicate with them, showing an interest in their day? Do we check their papers? Do we check the school website? Fast Direct? Are we developing their faith with family prayer? Are we giving them praise when deserved? Encouragement? Are we monitoring and limiting their time on electronics? These are things all our ICCS parents do, but it’s a good idea to revisit this checklist occasionally to validate that we are doing what is right for our children. Being a parent is a daunting task and the most important responsibility that we have. How much easier it would be if each baby came with a manual! With a strong faith, common sense, and lots of love we can all be successful parents. Thank you parents for making the sacrifices you do to send your children to Our Lady’s School. As you see your children grow academically, physically, and spiritually, you will know that you made the right decision. God bless you on your journey this 2018-2019 school year! Paul Cuttica Dean of Students (OVER)

Hola!! Cecy Miranda (Former ICCS Director of Hispanic Services from her home in Georgia) Padres de familia, Feliz regreso a clases! Deseo que hayan disfrutado al máximo las vacaciones de verano y que estén listos para comenzar un nuevo año escolar. La participación de los padres en las actividades escolares ayuda a que los niños puedan tener éxito en sus estudios. Los niños se desenvuelven mejor en el Colegio cuando los padres participan en su educación. Lo ideal es que los maestros y los padres trabajen juntos en la formación de los niños. No olviden repasar el reglamento escolar con sus hijos, revisen puntos relacionados con las tareas, la asistencia, el uniforme, y la disciplina. Te invito a asistir a los eventos que organizan la Escuela y los maestros de tus hijos, a las reuniones de padres y profesores, y a la Misa de los Jueves. Si tu horario te lo permite, participa como voluntario en el Colegio. Siempre hay oportunidad de ayudar en las diferentes actividades que se planean a lo largo del ciclo escolar. Mantente en contacto con la escuela y con los maestros. Si necesitas ayuda con el idioma siempre hay alguien en la oficina para ayudarte. No olvides que la lectura juega un papel importante en el estudio de nuestros hijos. Elijan una hora al día para leer un libro juntos. Y por último recuérdale a tus hijos que debemos tratar a todos con respeto, que sean educados y amables. ORACION PARA INICIAR EL AÑO ESCOLAR: Aquí estamos Señor, dispuestos a caminar de tu mano durante este año escolar que hoy pones en nuestras manos, para crecer en responsabilidad, en sabiduría, y sobre todo en fraternidad. Venimos con el corazón dispuesto a vivir como hermanos que siendo diferentes estamos unidos por un mismo ideal. Queremos avanzar a la luz de los Valores que tú mismo has colocado en nuestras manos. Ayúdanos a caminar en busca del conocimiento que nos permita valorarte cada día más. Que en cada página que investiguemos, podamos descubrir tu grandeza y tu generosidad. Que en cada rincón de nuestra Escuela sintamos tu presencia que nos invita a la unidad y la fraternidad. Danos la gracia de respetarnos sin desconocer que las diferencias constituyen nuestra riqueza y nos permiten valorar la individualidad en cada uno de nuestros compañeros. Señor, que nuestra alegría sea autentica y sincera y que sepamos vivir en solidaridad cuando algún compañero pase por un momento difícil. Que podamos ser testimonio de verdad y sinceridad, y que la mentira nunca tenga cabida en nuestras aulas. Te pedimos que los maestros preparen su lección de cada día con amor y responsabilidad. Ilumina el entendimiento de los estudiantes para que crezcan cada día en la verdadera sabiduría. Señor te pedimos que guíes y acompañes nuestros pasos cuando vamos de camino; aleja de nosotros cualquier peligro que pueda dañarnos en el cuerpo o en el alma. Danos la gracia de ser fieles al proyecto de nuestra institución y que cada día de este año escolar sea un espacio para hacer el bien, y un escalón para acercarnos a Ti. Bendícenos y protégenos…Amen. Que Dios los bendiga hoy y siempre! Cecy Miranda


ICCS Theme of the Year: "Do not be afraid of holiness. It will take away none of your energy, vitality, or joy," Pope Francis __________________________________________________________

VIRTUE OF THE MONTH FOR AUGUST: Constant Mental Prayer "But Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart." Luke 2:19

PARENT-TEACHER (ONLY) MEETINGS FOR KINDERGARTEN THROUGH FIFTH GRADES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, FROM 7:30 TO 8:30 P.M. IN YOUR CHILD’S CLASSROOM PARENT-TEACHER (ONLY) MEETINGS FOR GRADES SIX THROUGH EIGHT THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, FROM 7:30 TO 8:30 P.M. IN YOUR CHILD’S CLASSROOM **This is our annual opportunity to give parents an introduction to their child’s classroom on a more individual basis. Your child’s teacher will meet with the parents first as a group, going over classroom procedures, curriculum, Title I, Learning Lab, and other special services, and will then answer specific questions. This meeting is for parents only.** **ENTER THROUGH THE GYM AND PROCEED DIRECTLY TO YOUR CHILD’S CLASSROOM** ________________________________________________

--THE ICCS SPIRIT SHOP IS OPEN ON SCHOOL DAYS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FROM 7:45 A.M. TO 8:15 A.M. --VERY IMPORTANT: E-MAIL: If you are still not receiving the school’s weekly e-mail, be sure to call the office and give us an updated e-mail or e-mail at [email protected] (OVER)

--See the hot lunch, pizza, and chicken strip forms in this month’s Brown Envelope. IMPORTANT: BE SURE TO PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO ALL DEADLINES AS WE CAN ACCEPT NO LATE FORMS. If paying with cash, please send EXACT amounts. The office does not make change. We accept cash or check only. --Remember: -- If cash is sent for pizza, milk, hot lunch, or chicken strips, be sure to put the money in an envelope with the child’s name on it. Also, make sure the EXACT AMOUNT of cash is sent for each item. --Remember: If writing a check and the parent’s last name is different from the child’s, please put the child’s name in the memo section of the check. Also put in the memo section what the check is paying for; i.e., pizza & milk. --Remember: *******Make sure you get your forms in by the deadline****** --IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN STRING INSTRUMENT ENRICHMENT CLASSES: We are thrilled to have Angeline Park offer our students in grades 4-8 string classes. This is an additional charge. Please contact the school office if you would like more information. Our string students have done extremely well since leaving ICCS!! --DURING DISMISSAL OUR PERSONNEL ARE FOCUSED ON THE SAFETY AND SECURITY OF THE CHILDREN. If you have business at the end of the day in the School Office, we ask that you come a little before dismissal or immediately after dismissal so that our office employees can assist with dismissal. The office is closed from 3:00-3:20 p.m. for dismissal on regular school days, and from 11:55 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. on noon dismissal days. Thank you for your help. --PARKING: Thank you so much for your wonderful help this week in making sure our campus is safe for the children by driving CHILD FRIENDLY!! Our traffic pattern is one-way entering from Bonnie Brae and exiting Windsor. --SECURITY: Thank you for helping us keep your children safe as we will continue to check ID’s as deemed necessary. Please keep the office informed when there is a change regarding who will be picking up your children. --EDUCATIONAL HALLWAYS: Thank you for your assistance in helping us get school underway promptly each day by arriving at school on time. Only students and staff are allowed in the educational hallways after 8 a.m. so please begin exiting those hallways as soon as the 7:55 a.m. ready bell rings. In addition, no one is allowed in the educational wings between 3 and 3:20 p.m. during dismissal so we can assure the children are safely dismissed. --COME JOIN US EACH THURSDAY AT 8:15 A.M. FOR OUR SCHOOL MASS!!! ****HELP US HELP OUR COMMUNITY FOOD BANKS**** As part of our schoolwide service, every FOURTH THURSDAY OF THE MONTH is a time when the children are asked to bring nonperishable food and toiletry items so we can help the community food banks and soup kitchens which are always in need. If you can, please send an item with your child Thursday, Aug. 30. Thanks for caring.*** (OVER)

--UNIFORMS: Thank you for assisting your children with the various uniform requirements. Some reminders: BE SURE your children are wearing shoes with NON-MARKING soles so we can maintain our floors. Also, SHOES: please read uniform requirements carefully. Shoes must be solid white, black or oxfords only. DOES YOUR CHILD HAVE HIS/HER SCHOOL SWEATER WITH PATCH? Sweaters are required for Mass beginning November 1, and are required for school pictures. Individual yearbook pictures will be taken on Tuesday, September 4th. Order your sweater today at Allow plenty of time for shipping! Patches may be purchased in the Spirit Shop. --SPIRIT FRIDAYS: For those of you who are new, our school gets in the spirit each Friday with Spirit Fridays! Our students and staff may wear ICCS spirit shirts with school uniform shorts or pants (refer to handbook for guidelines). --KEEPING CHILDREN SAFE WORKSHOPS: Several people have asked about the VIRTUS Keeping Children Safe workshops that are required by the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth for volunteers and employees who work directly with children and vulnerable adults. Please contact Safe Environment Coordinator Terry Scaggs in the Parish Office at (940) 565-1770 or call the school office for information. We have already had two trainings in the last two weeks. Thanks to those of you who are already trained and ready to go as volunteers!!


*Quarter Book Sale September 4-7** (If you have any books to donate, bring them in! Proceeds benefit the ICCS Library!! (OVER)

Upcoming Dates: --August 18: --August 22: --August 23: --August 27: --August 30: --Sept. 3: --Sept. 4: --Sept. 4: --Sept. 8: --Sept. 7: --Sept. 10-14: --Sept. 12: --Sept. 14: --Sept. 14: --Sept. 14: --Sept. 17: --Sept. 23: --Sept. 28;

ICCS Advisory Council Retreat Parent-Teacher Meeting for grades kindergarten-fifth 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in your child’s classrooms. Parent-Teacher Meeting for grades six through eight 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in your child’s classrooms. ICCS Girls Volleyball at home 5 p.m. versus Sacred Heart. Go Lady Knights! Monthly Food Drive for the Poor…please be generous!! Labor Day: NO SCHOOL Glamourcraft Individual Photos…DRESS UNIFORM WITH SWEATER REQUIRED Lady Knights Volleyball away Texoma Christian in Sherman Blessed Mother’s Birthday! Grade Cutoff for First Quarter Progress Reports IOWA Achievement Testing grades 1-8 ICCS Advisory Council Meeting 7 p.m. in the library. Visitors are welcome! ICCS Family Picnic in the back of the school 6 p.m. (gym if raining) September Brown Envelope Goes Home Progress Reports Go Home ICCS Lady Knights at home versus St. Mary’s of Gainesville Immaculate Conception Parish Picnic Teacher Inservice….NO SCHOOL


SAVE THE DATE! 2018 NORTH TEXAS GIVING DAY is SEPTEMBER 20! Donate between 6 a.m. and 12 Midnight to Immaculate Conception Catholic School via Donations $25 and above will be muliplied in bonus funds and prizes. We will be sending out information over the next month on how you can participate in this online donation campaign. Our goal this year is to continue to upgrade our technology to use in classroom instruction and other technology improvements as well as for financial assistance. Get up and give!" --THERE WILL BE NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY, SEPT. 3, TO CELEBRATE THE LABOR DAY HOLIDAY. (OVER)

SIMPLE WAYS TO HELP Immaculate Conception Catholic School Fundraising and Development Opportunities Help ICCS raise funds throughout the year. Your friends and family can help, too! Every little bit helps! - Box Tops for Education—Clip, clip, clip!!! --Coke Rewards…safe your bottle tops and put them in the box by the office. --Amazon Smile: Order from Amazon? Sign up to help ICCS and Amazon will make a donation to Our Lady’s School every time you log on to - Gift Cards through can be purchased for more than 40 retail, restaurants, grocery, entertainment and gas establishments with a percentage going back to our school. Some of the cards include WalMart, Chili's, Starbucks, Exxon, Target, iTunes, Game Stop, Cinemark and more. ORDER FORMS GO HOME MONTHLY IN BROWN ENVELOPE. SCRIP GIFT CARDS ARE SOLD IN THE SCHOOL OFFICE. Get 1 volunteer hour for every $100 purchased. - Recycle your papers, catalogs, newspapers (drop in recycle bin in the north end of the parking lot). - Ink and toner cartridges, cell phones and digital cameras (drop off at school office). - Coupons/rewards card deals from Office Max/Office Depot and Staples (drop off at school office). - Spirit Shop sales: open Monday through Friday 7:45 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. - Point Bank BuzzPoints – Have a Point Bank checking account and Buzz Points card? Give your Buzz Points as a donation to ICC School. - Knights of Columbus spaghetti suppers and breakfasts that are designated for the school: look for dates and announcements during the school year. - Home & School Association and Athletic Booster Club fundraisers: support HSA events through the year. -Meet your required donation and attend the ICCS annual school auction. Proceeds benefit Our Lady’s School. This year’s auction will be held on Saturday, February 23, 2019. - Donations to any of the school's endowment funds that go to help with tuition assistance for qualifying families. Donations accepted year-round for the “Touching Tomorrow Forever” endowment fund. - Advertising opportunities are available in the gymnasium. See the school office for information.

Thank you for a wonderful first week of school!