I Like to Cook It, Cook It!

classroom teacher (photocopy or email). 2. Post completed drawings in the cafeteria or near the serving line when they are returned to you. Classroom Teachers.
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I Like to Cook It, Cook It!

Chef Name


Your Grade

Your Teacher

Cafeteria Managers


1. Distribute a copy of this sheet to each classroom teacher (photocopy or email).

1. Draw a picture of you making a healthy snack or cooking a healthy meal or provide a recipe.

2. Post completed drawings in the cafeteria or near the serving line when they are returned to you.

2. Return your drawing to your teacher or the cafeteria manager.

Classroom Teachers


1. Please send a copy of this activity home with each student.

1. Cooking with your children is a great family time activity that helps kids learn about health, teaches a life skill, boosts confidence, and is just plain fun.

2. Give completed drawings to the cafeteria manager when students bring them back to you.

2. For more information about family meals and resources, please visit www.mealsmatter.org.

Coordinated Approach To Child Health MS_I Like to Cook It-Eng

¡Me gusta cocinar!

Nombre de Chef:


Tu año escolar:

Tu maestro/a:

Manager de la Cafetería


1. Distribuya una copia de esta hoja a cada maestro (fotocopia o correo electrónico).

1. Dibújate haciendo un bocadillo saludable o cocinando una comida saludable o proporcione una receta.

2. Cuelgue los dibujos en la cafetería cuando se los entreguen.

2. Entrega el dibujo a tu maestro/a.



1. Por favor envíe una copia de esta actividad a casa con cada estudiante.

1. Incluyendo a los niños en la cocina es una gran actividad familiar que les ensena acerca de la salud, una habilidad de la vida, aumenta la confianza y, simplemente, es divertido.

2. Entregue los dibujos al manager de la cafetería cuando los estudiantes los entreguen.

2. Visita estos sitios de web: www.mealsmatter.org

Enfoque Coordinado Sobre la Salud del Niño MS_I Like to Cook It-Spn