I have a call in to you. The World Bank and IMF are going
The World Bank and IMF are going to lose many jobs and ultimately leave. Washington if the corrupt business environment in Washington DC is not corrected.
I have a call in to you. The World Bank and IMF are going to lose many jobs and ultimately leave Washington if the corrupt business environment in Washington DC is not corrected. Commander Melvin Gresham may not prevent me from returning to my desk after the Board of Governors reinstated me. On July 3, 2015 E.V. Lescano, Badge No. 3418, responded to a telephone call from Allied Barton, security guards at the World Bank. The security guards are employed by the Network of Global Corporate Control, a private conglomerate that secretly owns 40% of the assets of the 40,000 companies traded on the world's capital markets (including the Federal Reserve and the rest of the 60 central banks that are part of the Bank for International Settlements). The Network of Global Corporate Control is trying to steal the US' monetary gold reserves and the rest of the world's wealth that was placed in a trust called the Global Debt Facility at the end of WWII which is administered by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. I am the lawyer for the Global Debt Facility. When I informed Officer Lescano that I have placed this matter squarely before the Civilian Complaint Review Board established under D.C. CODE § 5-1107(a) (2005), the Board of Ethics and Governance, and the DC Council, Allied Barton deliberately lied to Officer Lescano and said that there was a valid barring notice. There can be no valid barring notice unless it is signed by the Board of Governors that run the World Bank and IMF. Allied Barton illegally refused to admit me on June 30, 2015 at the request of one of the Executive Directors and the World Bank retirees' association, and I reminded Allied Barton that their refusal to admit me was illegal: Allied Barton's security personnel have no authority to prevent me from entering World Bank buildings. The President of the World Bank and the personnel of the World Bank are subordinate to the authority of Board of Executive Directors.
When I asked Commander Gresham to confirm that he would not accept a barring notice unless it was signed by the only officials authorized do sign it, his office informed me that he would not give me this assurance. In 2014 Eric Holder illegally charged me with trespass based on an invalid barring notice. I was never arraigned, because Eric Holder was corrupt and was acting on behalf of the Network of Global Corporate Control instead of doing his job representing the Republic and its citizens. The charges were dismissed. This illegality and state capture and corruption are going to result in permanent gold backwardation, pestilence, another Dark Ages and WWIII. http://wwwwds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2014/03/18/000456288_201403181 22759/Rendered/PDF/833530BR0Bank00Box0382087B00PUBLIC0.pdf
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