Huayna Potosí, East Face, 1990. Juan Carlos Vázquez, Enrique Rey ...
Huayna Potosí, East Face, 1990. Juan Carlos Vázquez, Enrique Rey. Julian. Hevia and I made a new route on the east face of Huayna Potosí on July 19,. 1990.
Huayna Potosí, East Face, 1990. Juan Carlos Vázquez, Enrique Rey. Julian Hevia and I made a new route on the east face of Huayna Potosí on July 19, 1990. Our route ascended between the normal route and that of the French. It had a rise of 300 meters and ice up to 75°. We started up the right side of the east face and ascended a ramp of hard snow. We then traversed left under a series of séracs before ascending to the right onto the northeast ridge , which we followed to the summit. E lisa G o n z à l e z , Spain