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Homework due Tuesday October 9, 2018 Practice

9 oct. 2018 - pattern with whatever you find at home. Look at yourself in the mirror and draw yourself. Go out to the park and play. Pick some of your toys and.
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Student Name:___________________________ Parent Signature:__________________________ Choose 3 activities that connect vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Color the activities as you complete them with your child. This homework is for the reinforcement of skills and to motivate students to enjoy homework. HAVE FUN!

Homework due Tuesday October 9, 2018 Make 2 color pattern with whatever you find at home

Look at yourself in the mirror and draw yourself

Pick some of your toys and sort them out by color

Practice writing your name with big markers

Practice using scissors to cut a circle

Sing the ABCs to your parents every night

Practice writing the numbers 1-5

Practice counting as high as you can with your family

Go out to the park and play

Nombre de Estudiante:___________________________ Firma de la familia:__________________________ Escoja 3 actividades que se conecten vertical, horizontal o diagonal. Colorea las actividades cuando hayan completado la actividad con su hijo/a. Esta tarea es para reforzar las destrezas y promover el interés del estudiante. ¡Que disfruten!

Tarea para el martes 9 de octubre 2018

Haga un patrón de dos colores con lo que encuentres en la casa Escoja algunos de sus juguetes y clasifícalos por color Cante la canción de ABC a tu familia cada noche

Mire en el espejo y dibújate

Vaya al parque para jugar

Practique escribiendo su nombre con marcadores grandes

Practique usando tijeras para cortar un circulo

Practique escribiendo los números 1-5

Practique contando a un numero alto con su familia