Gustar and verbs like Gustar 2 Guided Notes and Graphic Organizer ...
Sentences that use verbs like gustar can be broken down into 4 pieces. ... Every sentence that uses a Verb like Gustar follows this sentence structure.
Sentences that use verbs like gustar can be broken down into 4 pieces. Each piece is labeled below as Part A, B, C, and D. Every sentence that uses a Verb like Gustar follows this sentence structure. **It’s essential to follow this structure in order to use this convention correctly**
List of Verbs like Gustar : Find the complete list of vocabulary for this unit. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Gustar to be pleasing (to like) Disgustar to be unpleasant (to dislike) Encantar to love Importar to be important Aburrir to be boring Molestar to bother Fascinar to fascinate Interesar to interest Parecer to seem
Sentence Structure: Each sentence follows a 4 part structure parts A, B, C, and D. A B C
Indirect Object (with the a personal) A mí
indirect object pronoun
you will only ever have 2
To figure out which conjugation
A tí
conjugations of a verb here:
look at what is in part D.
A él/ella/usted
a (AR verbs)
A nosotros
e (ER/IR verbs)
A vosotros
an (AR verbs)
A ellos/ellas/ustedes
en (ER/IR verbs)
singular noun / infinitive
plural noun
Examples: 1. A mí me gusta jugar beisbol. 2. 3. A tí te encanta tocar la guitarra. 4. 5. A él le aburre la clase de matemáticas. 6. 7. A nosotros nos importa la escuela. 8. 9. A vosotros os fascinan los juegos olímpicos. 10. 11. A ellos les disgustan las clases.
Check For Understanding. Complete each sentence with the missing part A, B, C, or D. 1. A __________ me gusta la clase de español. 2. A tí __________ aburre el partido. 3. A ella le _________________ las universidades. (interesar) 4. A ________________ nos molesta el proyecto. 5. A vosotros os _______________ el club de fotografía. (fascinar)
6. A ellas _________ gustan los pasteles chocolates. ANSWERS ON NEXT PAGE Answers to Check for Understanding: 1. mí 2. te 3. interesan 4. nosotros 5. fascina 6. les