graphic design career and technical education

student's education at the post-secondary level. TEA 29.181 ... color, national origin, gender, or disability in providing education services, activities,.
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Our programs will engage every student in high-quality, rigorous and relevant educational pathways and programs developed in partnership with business and industry promoting creativity, innovation, leadership, community service and lifelong learning and allowing students to turn their passions into paychecks — their dreams into careers.


Our mission is to provide industry-linked programs and services that enable all individuals to reach their career goals in order to achieve economic self-sufficiency, compete in the global marketplace and contribute to the nation’s economic prosperity. State Goals for Career & Technology Education (CTE): Each public school student shall master the basic skills and knowledge necessary for: Managing the dual roles of family member and wage earner Gaining entry level employment in a high-skill, high wage job or continuing the student’s education at the post-secondary level. TEA 29.181

Non-Discrimination Policy La Joya Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, or disability in providing education services, activities, and programs, including vocational programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; and section 504 of the rehabilitation Act of 1973; as amended. Política de No Discriminación Es norma del Distrito Escolar de La Joya el no discriminar por razones con base en sexo, edad, religion, raza, color, origen nacional, ni por descapacidad dentro de sus programas educacionales.

THELMA SALINAS STEM ECHS VISION STATEMENT The stakeholder of Salinas STEM ECHS envision a school where: All students are engaged and produce college level work. All students are motivated, independent learners who are accountable for their own education. All students transition successfully to a four year college of their choice to pursue a post graduate education in a STEM field. All students, staff, and parents work collaboratively to achieve the campus mission.



Here at Salinas STEM ECHS our mission is to enable students to graduate high school under the distinguished academic plan while earning an associate’s degree in a STEM-related (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics) field through the implementation of a rigorous/relevant curriculum, a structured system of support, and a strong partnership with South Texas College.

La Joya I.S.D. Board of Trustees Oscar “Coach” Salinas, President Armin Garza, Vice-President Claudia Ochoa, Secretary Johnn V. Alaniz, Member Alejandro “Alex” Cantú, Member Frances Ana Salinas, Member

Stand Alone School Model Classes of 2018-2021

DaLee Garcia, Principal 801 N. College Drive La Joya, Texas 78560

Phone: (956) 323-2240 Fax: (956) 323-2241

Introduction to Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications: This course provides a basic exploration of the elements of design. Students will utilize a variety of media to explore individual expression and will learn to critically analyze their own and others’ work to further their artistic growth. Students will analyze the history and evolution of the arts, audio-video technology and communications in relation to their current place in society and the economy. Learners will be exposed to a variety of careers and cluster foundations knowledge and skills. This may be taught as a career exploration course in conjunction with other foundation Career Cluster courses.

Graphic Design & Illustration In this course students will explore the creation of 2D computer graphics with an emphasis on the visual communication process, basic terminology and principles and elements of design. Industry standard software is utilized for creation of raster and vector based graphics. Through project-based learning, students will develop the knowledge and skills to produce projects such as posters, brochures, flyers and other various graphic design materials. The student is required to apply technical skills for efficiency and is expected to employ planning and time-management skills to complete work task.

Advanced Graphic Design & Illustration The course expands on Graphic Design & Illustration including advanced skills in image editing and vector graphics software focusing on original creation and design of computer graphics for use as ornamentation, illustration, and advertising. Students are expected to interpret, evaluate and justify design decisions. Instruction is project-based and student will develop advanced technical skills needed for success in visual communication industries. Software focus is in Adobe Photoshop. Students will have the opportunity to be certified in Adobe Photoshop.

SAMPLE Occupations Relating to This Pathway Art Director • Artist • Commercial Artist Commercial Photographer: Digital, Still, Video, Film Commercial/Residential and Home Furnishing Coordinator Computer Animator • Curator and Gallery Manager Fashion Designer • Fashion Illustrator • Graphic Designer Illustrator • Interior Designer • Textile Designer

Introducción a las Artes, Tecnología de Audio / Video y Comunicaciones: Este curso proporciona una exploración básica de los elementos del diseño. Los estudiantes utilizarán una variedad de medios para explorar la expresión individual y aprenderán a analizar críticamente su propio trabajo y el de otros para promover su crecimiento artístico. Los estudiantes analizarán la historia y evolución de las artes, la tecnología de audiovideo y las comunicaciones en relación con su lugar actual en la sociedad y la economía. Los estudiantes estarán expuestos a una variedad de carreras y conocimientos y habilidades de fundaciones de cluster. Esto se puede enseñar como un curso de exploración de carrera conjuntamente con otros cursos de la fundación del racimo de la carrera.

Diseño Gráfico y Ilustración En este curso los estudiantes explorarán la creación de gráficos computarizados 2D con énfasis en el proceso de comunicación visual, terminología básica y principios y elementos de diseño. El software estándar de la industria se utiliza para la creación de trama y gráficos vectoriales. A través del aprendizaje basado en proyectos, los estudiantes desarrollarán los conocimientos y habilidades para producir proyectos tales como carteles, folletos, volantes y otros materiales de diseño gráfico. Se requiere que el estudiante aplique habilidades técnicas para la eficiencia y se espera que emplee habilidades de planificación y gestión del tiempo para completar la tarea de trabajo.

Diseño Gráfico Avanzado y Ilustración El curso se expande en Diseño Gráfico y Ilustración, incluyendo habilidades avanzadas en edición de imágenes y software de gráficos vectoriales centrándose en la creación original y el diseño de gráficos por computadora para su uso como ornamentación, ilustración y publicidad. Se espera que los estudiantes interpreten, evalúen y justifiquen las decisiones de diseño. La instrucción está basada en proyectos y el estudiante desarrollará habilidades técnicas avanzadas necesarias para el éxito en las industrias de comunicación visual. El enfoque del software está en Adobe Photoshop. Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de estar certificados en Adobe Photoshop.