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Taller GIT
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.gitignore clone ssh-keygen
Taller GIT
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remote push pull fetch
Taller GIT
- Colaborativo -
fork? = github para clone remoto
Git hooks Github powered hooks Git based devops
mucho mas..... ej. http://codetag.me
https://github.com/kuryaki/LearningGitHub Este tutorial http://gitimmersion.com Uno práctico http://git-scm.com/book/es/ El libro en español
This does a one-time pull and doesn't save the URL as a re- mote reference: $ git pull https://github.com/onetimeguy/project. From https://github.com/onetimeguy/project. * branch. HEAD -> FETCH_HEAD. Merge made by recursive. Determining What Is Intro
Gracias a los enlaces duros (http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enlace_duro), los clones locales requieren ..... corre una sola vez, migrando el proyecto de un solo tiro.
28 abr. 2015 - borar o guardar cambios en archivos en los que hayan estado trabajando. .... De hecho, Git guarda todo no por nombre de archivo, sino por.
10 mar. 2015 - d - do not stage this hunk nor any of the remaining hunks in the file g - select a hunk to go to. / - search for a hunk matching the given regex.
Sólo deberías usar git apply para parches anti- guos y cosas ...... Finally, if you specify the --patch flag, Git will not stash everything that is modified but will ...
cable makes it an ideal all-in-one solution for work, school, traveling and much more. Is My Smartphone ... Works with all OTG-enabled smartphones and tablets.
12 ago. 2015 - para Mar en http://mac.github.com. Instalación en ...... If you are sure you want to delete it, run 'git branch -D testing'. Si realmente deseas borrar ...
ring to an Issue or Pull Request in a fork of the repository you're in, or user- name/repo# to ...... Git-p4 tries to honor your. Git and Perforce settings ...
2 may. 2009 - Si estás en una distribución basada en Debian como Ubuntu, puedes usar apt-get: $ apt-get install git. Para opciones adicionales, la página ...
24 ago. 2015 - Esto significa que es imposible cambiar los contenidos de cualquier ...... nación con tu trabajo debes hacerla manualmente cuando estés listo. ...... ta con incluir una URL y una clave secreta, y pulsar en “Add webhook”. ...... mismos;
cd ticgit. $ git remote origin. También puedes pasar la opción -v, la cual muestra ...... We now have three unique commits that live only on the master branch and.
(0-9 y a-f), y se calcula en base a los contenidos del archivo o estructura del di ...... The negative aspect of SSH is that you can't serve anonymous access of your.
2 sept. 2015 - want to set up Git inside your organization or on your own personal ...... command to generate their patch, then your job is easier because the ...
3 sept. 2015 - Preparas los archivos, añadiéndolos a tu área de preparación. 3. .... Algunas personas desean instalar Git a partir de su código fuente ...... tros pueden utilizarse para realizar todo tipo de acciones útiles. Git Attributes. 405 ...
10 mar. 2015 - Gran soporte para desarrollo no lineal (miles de ramas paralelas) ...... The book's first nine chapters deal almost exclusively with porcelain com-.
1 jul. 2015 - When I wrote the first edition, Git was still a relatively difficult to use and .... You're about to spend several hours of your life reading about Git.
want to set up Git inside your organization or on your own personal server for ...... will add merge conflict markers into your code and mark the file as conflicted.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed ... information about recycling of this product, contact your local city ...
stems and computer holders. Top: HPL and veneer, underpainted glass with sanded finish on the side re- sting on the frame. Struttura: Struttura modulare in allu-.
1 With your device ON, connect the Hub. The Hub will automatically be detected. 2 Insert a memory card or thumb drive or keyboard, mouse, etc. into the ...
Plug your keyboard, mouse, Webcam or other device into the hub's USB 2.0 ... original donde se mencione claramente el modelo, número de serie (cuando aplique) .... 7-F No. 125, Section 2, Da Tong Rd. Shijr, Taipei. Taiwan, ROC. Europe.