general conditions

ILE reserves the right to use the photos and videos where the students appear provided they have .... Bank name: BANCO DE SABADELL S.A. oficina 1312.
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GENERAL CONDITIONS All students enrolled in the school must read and agree to the conditions listed below. For this, the school will provide this document with the aim of clarifying any type of doubt before starting the course. Le informamos que los datos de carácter personal contenidos en este documento van a ser tratados por INTERCULTURALIDAD Y LENGUA ESPAÑOLA ESPJ, en base a la relación contractual formalizada. Ud. podrá ejercitar los derechos de Acceso, Rectificación, Cancelación, Portabilidad, Supresión o, en su caso, Oposición. Para ejercitar los derechos deberá presentar un escrito en la dirección al pie señalada. Deberá especificar cuál de estos derechos solicita sea satisfecho y, a su vez, deberá acompañarse de la fotocopia del DNI o documento identificativo equivalente. En caso de que actuara mediante representante, legal o voluntario, deberá aportar también documento que acredite la representación y documento identificativo del mismo. Asimismo, en caso de considerar vulnerado su derecho a la protección de datos personales, podrá interponer una reclamación ante la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (

BASIC CONDITIONS • The minimum age to contract an ILE service is 18 years old. • In case of being under age, the consent of their parents must be presented. • Students must follow the rules of conduct set by the school. Otherwise, ILE reserves to dismiss any student. • The school advises that all students (residents and non-residents of the EU) have insurance that can cover them in any situation (illness, theft, accident, loss of luggage…). Otherwise, the school will not be responsible for this. • ILE reserves the right to use the photos and videos where the students appear provided they have consented before. • ILE will always be next to the student so that their stay in Valencia is the most favorable. For this, the student will have at his disposal an emergency telephone number to use in case of need (delay of a flight, accommodation, etc.).

ENROLLMENT • The student who wishes to enroll in one of our courses can choose between two options: ✓ Make a deposit of 150 € (the rest will be paid at the beginning of the course). ✓ Pay the total amount of the course. • Students who required a visa must pay the full amount of the course in advance. In case of not obtaining the visa, ILE will return the amount paid, with the exception of 150 € as a concept of administrative procedures. • The registration to the course and its payment include access to the school and its facilities, internet / wi-fi, level test, class material, support 24 hours and certificate of attendance.

RULES AND PERSONAL DISCIPLINE • From ILE we consider that applying rules in the classroom is fundamental to obtain the best results. Anyone who contributes to the breach of the rules will be subject to expulsion by the school without any financial return. • As an example, there are some behaviors to follow: respect towards colleagues and also towards teachers and work team; the good use of mobile phones; punctuality; respect for the materials and facilities of the school; personal care; ideological tolerance, etc. • In all classrooms you can consult a table with all the rules of conduct.

SCHEDULE • Each lesson has 50 minutes. • Courses can be done both in the morning and in the afternoon. • The beginning of the courses: ✓ Beginners: check dates in the calendar. ✓ Non-beginners: any Monday throughout the year (except if it is a holiday).

HOLIDAYS • Holiday in Valencia for the year 2018 are: ✓ 01/01, 06/01, 22/01, 19/03, 30/03, 02/04, 04/04, 01/05, 15/08, 09/10, 12/10, 01/11, 06/12, 08/12, 25/12. • The school will be closed these days. • The class hours of these holidays will be recovered throughout the following classes.

ACCOMMODATION • ILE offers this service to the student to facilitate their stay in Valencia. • We work with host families, hotels and hostels (if student prefers another type of accommodation the school will help at all times). • Arrival-departure. The accommodation will be available from the Saturday before the start of the course. The departure will take place on the Saturday after the end of the course. • Extra days will be charged as an additional cost. • A deposit of 100 € will be delivered at the beginning. This deposit will be refunded at the end of the course provided that no damage has been caused to the accommodation and the established rules of conduct are complied with.

TRANSFER • The school offers transport service from the airport and information about the combinations that exist (taxi, bus, metro). • To do this, ILE makes available to the students all the telephones and links of interest of the different public transport to move around Valencia. INSURANCE • Student who belong to the EU can use the European Health Card of their country of origin. This card guarantees medical and health care in Spain at no cost. • It is recommended that students who do not belong to the EU hire an international insurance valid for Spain. • It is very important to have insurance that covers any situation (illness, theft, accident, loss of luggage…). • ILE can provide this service to any student who needs it.

POSTPONEMENT • The student may postpone the course by notifying it at least 7 days before the start date. • ILE may assess the postponement in special situations.

ABSENCES • If there is an absence by the student and this has not been notified in advance, there will be no refund of the amount paid previously. • Failure to attend class (except for a major cause that will be assessed by the school) will not be subject to any economic refund. VISA • Citizens of countries belonging to the EU do not need a visa to enter Spain. • Students coming from other countries should obtain information regarding the requirements for obtaining a visa previously to enter to Spain. • The school will always help through information to the students that need it, but ILE will never be responsible for this process, since it belongs to the student.

CANCELLATIONS • Cancellations or modifications prior to arrival should be notify ILE in writing by email [email protected]. Otherwise, the student will not have the right to complain. In any case, there will always be a process of assessment for each circumstance. • If the student cancels his course 15 days before the start, ILE will stay 150 € as a concept of management procedures. The rest of the money contributed by the student (if any) will be returned. • If the student cancels his course once started, there will be no refund. • If the student cancels the accommodation 15 days before the start, ILE will remain 100 € of the deposit as a concept of management procedures.

HOW TO ENROL • • • •

Our website: Email: [email protected] Address: Calle Poeta Mas y Ros 105, 46022 Valencia (España) Phone: +34 688 427 512

HOW TO PAY • • • • • • •

Account name: INTERCULTURALIDAD Y LENGUA ESPAÑOLA ESPJ IBAN: ES49 0081 1312 4200 0127 5535 BIC/SWIFT: BSAB ESBB Bank name: BANCO DE SABADELL S.A. oficina 1312 Bank address: Carrer de Cotanda, 1, 46002 Valencia (España). We require a deposit of 150€ to make a reservation. Full payment is required within 30 days before the beginning of the course by transfer to the account indicated at the top. • It is necessary to write the name and surname in the concept of the bank transfer. • When we receive your enrollment form by email, ILE contact you to confirm the registration and make your book.