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GCSE Spanish Specimen question paper Paper 4 - The Hart
Cross through any work you do not want to be marked. Information. ⢠The marks for questions are shown in brackets. ⢠The maximum mark for this paper is 60.
Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Fill in the boxes at the bottom of this page. You must answer three questions. You must answer either Question 1.1 or Question 1.2. Do not answer both of these questions. You must answer either Question 2.1 or Question 2.2. Do not answer both of these questions. You must answer Question 3. Answer all questions in Spanish. You must answer the questions in the spaces provided. Do not write your answers on blank pages. Do all rough work in this answer book. Cross through any work you do not want to be marked.
Information • • • •
The marks for questions are shown in brackets. The maximum mark for this paper is 60. You must not use a dictionary during this test In order to score the highest marks for Question 1.1/Question 1.2, you must write something about each bullet point. You must use a variety of vocabulary and structures and include your opinions. In order to score the highest marks in Question 2.1/Question 2.2 you must write something about both bullet points. You must use a variety of vocabulary and structures and include your opinions and reasons. Please write clearly, in block capitals, to allow character computer recognition. Centre number
Candidate number
Surname Forename(s) Candidate signature
2 Answer either Question 1.1 or Question 1.2. You must not answer both of these questions.
EITHER Question 1.1 0
Tu amigo español acaba de celebrar su cumpleaños. Te escribe para preguntarte sobre tu colegio y tus planes para el futuro. Escríbele una carta. Menciona: •
qué hiciste con tu familia para celebrar tu último cumpleaños
tus opiniones sobre tu vida en el colegio
cómo van tus exámenes
qué vas a hacer el setiembre que viene.
Escribe aproximadamente 90 palabras en español. Responde a todos los aspectos de la pregunta. [16 marks]
Turn over
4 OR Question 1.2 0
Acabas de pasar tus vacaciones en España. Escríbele una carta a tu amiga española. Menciona: •
qué hiciste en España
qué diferencias hay entre la vida en España y en Inglaterra
dónde vas a pasar las vacaciones este verano
por qué son importantes las vacaciones.
Escribe aproximadamente 90 palabras en español. Responde a todos los aspectos de la pregunta. [16 marks]
Turn over
6 Answer either Question 2.1 or Question 2.2. You must not answer both of these questions.
EITHER Question 2.1 0
Lees un blog sobre la vida de los jóvenes y se lo mandas a tu amigo español. Escríbele un mensaje. Menciona: •
algo que hiciste recientemente que fue muy divertido
qué haces para mantenerte feliz, en forma y saludable.
Escribe aproximadamente 150 palabras en español. Responde a los dos aspectos de la pregunta. [32 marks]
Turn over
8 OR Question 2.2 0
Una revista española que sale en línea tiene un concurso sobre ‘los mejores amigos’. Hay un premio de 100 euros. Decides participar. Escribe a su sitio web con esta información: •
algo que hiciste que confirma que tú eres un buen amigo/una buena amiga
qué vas a hacer con los 100 euros si ganas el concurso.
Escribe aproximadamente 150 palabras en español. Responde a los dos aspectos de la pregunta. [32 marks]
Turn over
10 0
Translate the following passage into Spanish.
I went to the cinema yesterday and I did not do my homework. Now I cannot visit my grandparents’ house because I have to study. They live in a city where there is a lot to do. I like to go shopping there. The shops are better. I want to buy a mobile phone. I am going to look on the Internet.
[12 marks]
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Instructions. ⢠Use black ink or black ball-point pen. ⢠Fill in the boxes at the bottom of this page. ⢠You must answer four questions. ⢠You must answer Question 1, ...
Higher Tier Paper 4 Writing. Specimen 2018. Morning. Time allowed: 1 hour 15 minutes. Materials: • You will need no other materials. Instructions. • Use black ...
Centre number. Candidate number. Surname. Forename(s). Candidate signature .... C She realises how lucky she is. D It is very often disappointing. [2 marks].
You must answer all the questions in the spaces provided. Do not write ... Your teacher has given you this profile of your new Spanish exchange partner. Answer the ... E Get plenty of sleep. F Don't take ... about the place where he was born.
The maximum mark for this paper is 60. • You must ... Answer the questions in English. 0 1 . 1. What is Diego's family like? [1 mark]. 0 1 . 2 .... Lee lo que dicen.
Foundation and 3 minutes at Higher), followed by a General Conversation. The General ...... Allow the candidate to say what he/she ordered as a main course.
Foundation and 3 minutes at Higher), followed by a General Conversation. .... Allow the candidate to say what his/her favourite school day is. Ask the candidate ...
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