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Free Summer Reading Resource - IS 24 Myra S. Barnes School

25 jun. 2018 - New York City families can read all summer long with myON® by Renaissance®. myON Digital Library ... current events. • Available in English,.
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Free Summer Reading Resource New York City families can read all summer long with myON® by Renaissance®

What’s available?

Getting started

myON Digital Library containing more than 6,000 books (Spanish titles are included)

myON NEWS™ powered by News-OMatic, daily news articles published Monday through Friday

• Flexible supports – read-

• Age-appropriate reporting

aloud audio, highlighting, a zoom feature and dictionary • Unlimited access, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on any web-enabled device

on timely topics and current events • Available in English, Spanish, and French, along with optional audio support


Go to and click on the login button


Enter the School Name: NYC Summer Enter the first few letters and select it from the drop-down. Then enter the appropriate Username and Password: Grade


Need assistance?

Preschool: Birth to age 4

Gr. K-2

Gr. 3-5

Gr. 6 and up











Select Library or News from the tab at the top of the screen. Choose a book or news article and start reading!

Contact myON Support Monday through Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm Eastern. Email: [email protected] | Call toll-free: 888-728-1266 Available now through September 30, 2018!

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