Francisco Ibañez Mora

Manager, steeluniversity. Professor, Mechanical Department at. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Jorge Muract. TenarisUniversity Director. Rolando Lange. Escuela Técnica Roberto Rocca Director. Santiago Bonfanti. HONOR CODE CERTIFICATE. Verify the authenticity of this certificate at. CERTIFICATE. HONOR ...
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Jorge Muract Manager, steeluniversity Professor, Mechanical Department at Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto

Santiago Bonfanti

Francisco Ibañez Mora successfully completed and received a passing grade in

CNC.ETRRx: Introducción al Control Numérico por Computadora a course of study offered by TenarisUniversityX, an online learning initiative of TenarisUniversity through edX.

HON OR COD E CE RTI F I CATE Issued June 10, 2015

Verify the authenticity of this certificate at

Escuela Técnica Roberto Rocca Director

Rolando Lange TenarisUniversity Director