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FORM C Gadsden Independent School District BILINGUAL ...

The Bilingual Program has been explained to me and I choose to waive my child's right to bilingual instruction, and I understand that he/she will be placed in the ...
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FORM C Gadsden Independent School District BILINGUAL PROGRAM WAIVER Student’s Name: _____________________________

ID: ____________Grade: ________

The Bilingual Program has been explained to me and I choose to waive my child's right to bilingual instruction, and I understand that he/she will be placed in the English Curriculum.



Parent/Guardian’s Signature


I have explained the district’s Bilingual Education Program to the parent(s).

___________________________________ Principal’s Signature

____________________ Date

***************************************************************** FORMA C Gadsden Independent School District RENUNCIA A LA INSTRUCCIÓN BILINGÜE Nombre del estudiante: ________________________ ID: _____________Grado: ________ Se me ha explicado el plan de Estudios Bilingüe y renuncio el derecho de mi hijo/a de participar en la instrucción bilingüe. Entiendo que mi hijo/a será ubicado/a en un plan de estudios exclusivamente en inglés.

___________________________________ Firma del Padre de Familia/Tutor

____________________ Fecha

He explicado el Programa de la educación bilingüe del distrito al/a los padre/s de familia.

______________________________ Firma del Director/a

____________________ Fecha

GISD: AY 2010-2011