Florence Elementary School Supply List 2016-2017

3-refills packages of baby wipes, 80 count. 1 package of construction paper. 1-box sandwich slider bags. Girls-1 box quart size slider bags. Boys-1 box of gallon ...
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Florence Elementary School Supply List 2016-2017 Pre-Kindergarten 2016-2017

Pre-Kindergarten (Bilingual) 2016-2017 1-pair of blunt-tip Fiskar scissors (tijeras)

Please write your child’s first an last name on the items below 1-green, plastic pocket folder

2– packages of 8 count Crayola crayons, skinny type (2 paquetes de 8 colores) 1-pair blunt-tip Fiskar scissors (please no beginner scissors) 1-set of water colors (tintas-pinturas) 3-packages of 8 count Crayola crayons, (please no fat or beginner crayons) 1– bottle of Elmer glue (goma-pegamento) 1– set of watercolors 4-glue sticks (barras de pegamento) 1-plastic school box (please no zipper style) 1-package of 9x12 color construction paper (papel de color para contruccion) 1-package of 9x12 manila paper(papel bronceado)

3-Composition notebooks (these can have pictures on the front or the black and white style or colored style, please no spiral notebooks)

1-box of Kleenex tissues (panitos de papel)


2-rolls of paper towels (toallas de papel de rollo)

1-nap mat

2-individual containers 80 count or higher of baby wipes (paquetes de toallitas para bebe)

1-small blanket or beach towel that will fit into 2.5 gallon Zipoc

1-package of quart size Ziploc bags (bolsas tamano quarto)

(Bag which will be provided by the teacher at back to school night)

1-package of gallon size Ziploc bags (bolsas tamano galon)

Please do not write your child’s name on the items below

1-backpack (please big enough to hold a bath towel ) (mochila)

6-glue sticks

1-bath towel for rest time (no blankets, quilts or pillows) (una toalla para el descanso)

1– package of 9x12 color construction paper 1-package of 9x12 manila paper 3-boxes of Kleenex 3-rolls of paper towels 5-individual containers 80 count or higher of baby wipes 1-package of mini-size play dough 1-package of quart size Ziploc bags 1-package of gallon size Ziploc bags

Kindergarten 2016-2017 1-full sized backpack 1st Grade 2016-2017 1-small plastic school box (approximately 8 1/2 x 5 1/2) Note from teachers-Please label folders, school box and headphones with your child’s first name. 1-box of #2 pencils (solid colored, sharpened) 1 of each-Red, blue, green, and black PLASTIC folders with brads & pockets 1-large pink eraser 2-spiral notebooks Wide Ruled (1 red/1 blue) 1-pair of blunt tipped scissors 1-primary Writing Tablet (Learn to Letter PreK-1st) 1-package manila paper (12 x18) or (9 x 12) 1-plastic school box 1-package multi-colored construction paper (9 x 12) 2-boxes of 24 crayons 1-ream of white copy paper (8.5 x 11) 1-pair of scissors 2-composition notebooks (primary) 12-Elmer’s glue sticks 2-Boxes of 24-count Crayola crayons (no florescent, scented, or glitter) 1-Elmer’s liquid glue bottle (8 oz) 1-box of 8-count Crayola crayons (no florescent, scented, or glitter) 24-yellow No. 2 Pencils 1-box of broad-tip washable markers (Crayola Classic only) 2-large pink erasers 2-Bottles of white Elmer’s glue (4 oz) 4-dry erase markers (low-odor ) 3-Elmer’s glue sticks 1-pack of WHITE 3X5 Index Cards 1-set of classic watercolor paints (Prang or Crayola) 2-rolls of Paper Towels 1-package dry erase markers 2-boxes of tissue 1-set of headphones (audifonos) for IPad/computer use 1-bottle of hand sanitizer 2-rolls of paper towels 2-packages of manila paper (1 pack-11x14 size, 1 pack-8x11 size) 2-boxes of tissues 3-refills packages of baby wipes, 80 count 1-box of Ziploc bags- QUART SIZE 1 package of construction paper 1-box of Ziploc bags-GALLON SIZE 1-box sandwich slider bags 3-Boxes of baby wipes Girls-1 box quart size slider bags 1-bottle of hand sanitizer (8 oz. or larger) Boys-1 box of gallon size slider bags

$2 for clear plastic pocket folders (Teachers will order these folders)

1-Set of headphones for computer time (optional)