FAMILY SURVEY Dear Parents, In order to better serve your children ...
8 dic. 2014 - In order to better serve your children, the Dayton Independent School District would like to identify students who may qualify to receive ...
Dear Parents, In order to better serve your children, the Dayton Independent School District would like to identify students who may qualify to receive additional educational services. The information provided below will be kept confidential. Please answer the following questions and return this survey form to your child’s school. If you prefer more information, please call your child’s campus. ***Regardless of your answers, please provide the following information!*** 1. Have you moved within the last 3 years? Yes ______ No______ 2. If yes, have you done agricultural or fishing related work since your move? (e.g., field work, canneries, lumbering, dairy work, meat processing) Yes ______ No______ If you answered “yes” to both of the questions above, an education representative may contact you to find out whether your child is eligible for additional educational services.
Name of Child____________________________________ Age ____ Grade____ Parent/Guardian Name _______________________________________________ Telephone Number __________________________________________________ Best Time to Contact You _____________________________________________ Today’s Date _______________________________________________________
DISD Migrant Worker Survey
Updated 08/12/14
ENCUESTA DE FAMILIA Estimados padres, Para mejorar los servicios educativos de sus hijos, el distrito escolar de Dayton quisiera identificar estudiantes que puedan calificar para recibir servicios educativos adicionales. Toda la información proporcionada será mantenida confidencial. Favor de responder a las siguientes preguntas y devolver esta forma a la escuela de su niño/a. Si usted prefiere obtener más información, por favor llame a la escuela de su hijo. ***Independientemente de sus respuestas, por favor proporcione la siguiente información!*** 1. ¿Ha cambiado de residencia usted o alguien en su familia dentro de los últimos tres años? Sí ______ No ______ 2. Si usted contesto “sí” en la pregunta anterior, ¿ha trabajado usted en la agricultura o en la pesca? (por ejemplo, la labor, fábrica de conservas, explotación de bosques, trabajo en la lechería, el proceso de carne) Sí ______ No ______ Si usted contestó "Sí," en las dos preguntas anteriores, un representante del distrito escolar quizás se vaya a comunicar con usted para averiguar si su niño/a califica para servicios educativos adicionales. Nombre de su Niño/a: ___________________________ Edad ______ Grado ____ Nombre del Padre/Guardián: __________________________________________ Número de teléfono: _________________________________________________ La mejor hora para localizarlo: _________________________________________ Fecha de hoy _______________________________________________________
Parents learn lots of activities that they can do at home with their child. Parents share ... Project Family must live in Arlington. ... How much does it cost? Project ...
26 jun. 2019 - Toda la información puede que este disponible a usted en mi oficina llame al 542-7475. Si a usted le interesa una copia el costo es de $.10 ...
should check in at the office before going to class. ... require all parents to stop by the office if you need your child during school .... with the cafeteria manager.
diploma or General Education Development (GED) certificate? ... ¿Tiene un hijo/a menor de 22 años de edad, que no se ha graduado de secundaria en los Estados Unidos o ha obtenido un certificado de GED? Si es así, el estudiante puede ser elegible para
No fighting or play-fighting. These students will be subject ... Perfect Attendance awards will not be given to students who have five or more tardies in a semester.
Everyone entering the building will need to enter through the south door at the front of the building. Students who come before 7:55 are to report to the cafeteria.
The state of Texas requires that the following information be completed for each student that enrolls for the first time in Texas public schools. This survey shall be ...
3) No se permite que los niños lleven medicina a la escuela o viceversa y ni en el autobús. ... 49408 Información de emergencia. 49423 Administración de ...
... composition books. ○ 1 set of earbuds for computer use (personal use) ... In order to have a uniform set of supplies for our classes we are requesting $5.00 ...
them into their long term memory. When the students return in August they will ... I look forward to working with each of you next school year. God Bless,.
información de identificación personal de Su hijo/a para al Departamento de ... las eSCuelas en el Suministro de personal y los Servicios necesarios para los ...
17 ago. 2018 - Wednesday, August 8, 2018. No cut, no experience ... Monday, August 6, 2018. No cut. No experience ... Monday, October 22, 2018. Cut sport.
hace 2 días - No cut, no experience necessary, summer conditioning helpful. Frosh, Sophomore, JV & Varsity levels. Girls Cross Country Rosette Ochoa: ...
Best wishes for a wonderful and productive summer! Thank you,. McGraw-Hill Education. Register Now and. Receive 25% Off*. Visit:
Su hijo estará tomando la evaluación basada en estándares de Ciencia de NM, que mide la habilidad de su hijo en la materia de Ciencia en el 7º grado, SOLAMENTE los estudiantes de séptimo grado estarán tomando esta evaluación. La NMSBA de la Ciencia e
Press, 2001. Monster Musical. Chairs by Stuart J. Murphy. HarperCollins. Children's Books, 2000. Literature. Look for these books in a library. Reading them together will reinforce your child's learning. Home Activity. Have your child practice counti
Scanner Ready Artwork / arto listo escandeado Jpeg file on CD or Memory Stick / foto en archive jpeg,. CD o memoria Other (please describe) / Otro (por favor ...
make him king, he allowed people to publically ... who taught that God's perfect love extends to everyone ... reverence for God that he is due. Because of who he ...
You are required by law to contact 811, “Call Before You Dig,” at least 48 hours prior to excavating. This will ... The One Call Center notifies Plains All American Pipeline, L.P., .... home or business, do not pull plugs from electrical outlets.
Wheeler, Texas 79096. (806) 826-5795. Queridos Padres,. Nos gustaría saber de su hijo T-talla de la camiseta de su camiseta de la escuela. Por favor, rellene ...