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Girls, boys, join in the fun .... Chicago Wolves Reading Program: Registration is from. January ... watch the Chicago Wolves Hockey Team play at a home game.
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W inte r 2015 / invierno 2015 January throug h Ap r il

Monday - Thursday : 9AM-9PM Friday & Saturday : 9AM-5PM


Scheduled Closings, Shortened Days of Service Monday, February 16: Presidents Day - CLOSED Friday, March 27: Staff Training - CLOSED Lunes, 16 de Febrero: Dia del Presidente - CERRADO Viernes, 27 de Marzo: Entrenamiento Personal CERRADO

Contact Information Colleen Waltman Director 1-708-388-1078 x14 [email protected] Hope Standifer Reference/Technical Services Manager 1-708-388-1078 x21 [email protected] Alicia Diaz Reference & Page Supervisor 1-708-388-1078 x26 [email protected] Sonia Rodriguez Eventos en Español 1-708-388-1078 x18 [email protected] Micah Rademacher Young Adult Services 1-708-388-1078 x31 [email protected] Darren Thompson Tech Annex 1-708-388-1078 x28 [email protected] Deborah Beasley Children’s Services 1-708-388-1078 x22 [email protected] Dan Carroll Public Information 1-708-388-1078 x30 [email protected]

Library Events & Programs

Event codes / Códigos de Eventos: ‘A’ adult / adulto ‘C’ children / niños ‘F’ family / familia ‘YA’ young adult / teen / adultos jóvenes / adolescentes ‘G’ all ages / todas las edades



2433 York Street, Blue Island, IL 60406


Contacta con Sonia Rodriguez / Contact Sonia Rodriguez * Spanish Language events are also offered in English!

EVENTOS DE Enero Get to know your Sewing Machine (A): Thursday, January 22nd & 29th, 12-2 PM. Before we get started on our official Sewing Classes, which start on February 5, we will take time to learn the sewing machine parts with instructor Mary Campa. Must sign up at the Circulation Desk before January 16th. Please bring your own sewing machine and fabric to sewing classes.

* Conoce tú Máquina de Coser (A): Jueves, Enero 22nd & 29th, 12-2 PM. Antes de empezar con nuestras clases de Costura, que iniciarán el 5 de febrero, tomaremos el tiempo para aprender las partes de la máquina con el Instructor María Campa Regístrate en el Escritorio de Circulación antes del 16 de Enero. Debes traer tú propia máquina de coser y tela a las clases de costura.

EVENTOS DE FEBRERO Sewing Classes (a): Every Thursday in February, 5th to 26th, 12-2 PM. Bring your own sewing machine and fabric. Register at the Main Desk before January 16th. * Clases de Costura (a): Todos los Jueves de Febrero 5 al 26, 12-2 PM. Debes de traer tú máquina de coser y tela. Regístrate en el Escritorio de Circulación antes del 16 de Enero.

Curso de Bolsas de Croché (a): Todos los Miércoles empezando el 4 de Febrero al 25 de Marzo, 12-2 PM. El Instructor C. Martinez te enseñará los pasos para hacer tú bolsa de croché. Debes de traer estambre y gancho. Selecciona tú preferencia para hacer tu bolsa. Hilo Cristal y gancho #

6 (o) Estambre/Raffia gancho # 0 (o) # 2. Te puedes registrar durante los dias del curso.

EVENTOS DE MARZO Curso Básico de Bordado (a): Todos los Martes empezando el 3 de Marzo al 28 de Abril. El Instructor M. Hurtado te mostrará desde el punto de cruz al punto de cordón. Materiales que traer al curso: 1. Tela de manta o tela de cuadrillé 2. Hilo de colores a tú gusto 3. Tijeras 4. Aguja grande # 8, 9 o 10 5. Par de Aros O 6. Kit de bordado completo en Walmart Registrate durante los días del curso de borado. Dias de Inscripción para Clases de Inglés Nivel 1 (a): Miércoles y Jueves, Marzo 11th & 12th, de 10 AM-12 PM. * Inscripción requerida para asistir a las clases de Inglés en la primavera. * No se aceptarán estudiantes una vez que comienzen las clases. * Solamente se aceptarán 20 estudiantes * Marqua tú calendario!

EVENTOS DE ABRIL Fourth Annual Children’s Day (a): Saturday, April 25th, 2-4 PM. Girls, boys, join in the fun with clowns Bubbles and Nougat in playing games, dancing, balloons, face painting and many, many more surprises!

* Cuarto Anual Dia Del Niño (a): Sabado, 25 de Abril, 2-4 PM. Niñas, niños, vengan a divertirse con el show de los Payasitos Burbujita y Turrón con juegos, baile, caritas pintadas, globos y muchas sorpresas mas! ESL -Clases de Ingés, Nivel 1 (a): Miercoles y Jueves, Abril 1 a Mayo 21, 9:30-11:30 AM. Para los estudiantes que se

For a complete, updated listing of events and to register, please visit

Schedule of Events

inscribierón solamente. Este curso de 8 semanas le ayudará al principiante con técnicas de la vida diaria. También recibirá ayuda en leer, escribir, pronunciación e hablar Inglés.


The Cradle to Classroom Hour! (0-3yrs) w/Parent or Guardian (F): Mondays, 10 AM. A rich, full hour of songs, games, stories and special activities designed to stimulate early childhood reading readiness! Staffed by School District 130 as part of the “Cradle to Classroom Early Childhood Reading Initiative.” (Sessions do not meet on District 130 holidays). Contact Mrs. Beasley.

Book-O-The Month Club! (A): Monthly first Tuesday, 7 PM. New “Bookies” welcome! Monthly selections at Main Desk for check out. Contact Dan Carroll. Young Adult Events (YA): Contact Micah Rademacher: “Creative Nonsense” – YA Creative Writing/Open Studio (13-21 yrs.): Every Monday, 6-8 PM. Bring in your own creative endeavors, and/or contribute to the group’s Zine project. Talk to the YA Librarian Micah Rademacher if you are interested or have any questions.

• Game Night: First Thursday of every month, 6-8 PM. What

did we do before video games? Bring in the board game of your choice, or sample those that are provided. Bring a friend. Bring a group of friends. Snacks will be provided!!! Talk to the YA Librarian Micah Rademacher if you are interested or have any questions.

• Movie and a Pizza Night: Last Thursday of every month, 6-8 PM. As the title suggests – come eat some pizza and watch a movie. Come early, and help us decide which film to screen. Don’t forget to check out a book on your way out!

• Table-Top Role-Playing Group: Every Saturday, 12-3 PM.

Be a part of an adventure! Whether you’re a veteran gamer or a curious newbie, you are welcome to write yourself into the story. For more information, talk to Mark the DM at gabelm7@, or to your Librarian Micah.

Children’s Events (C) (F): Contact Mrs. Beasley: Board Game Thursday: 3-4:30 PM. Show us your library card and have some fun!

• Chicago Wolves Reading Program: Registration is from

January 5th to January 9th, in the Children’s Dept. The Program starts January 12th and ends February 20th. The program is simple: You read the book; you write the book information down on your book log, you turn in your book log to enter a weekly drawing to win a prize. The grand prize is a set of tickets to watch the Chicago Wolves Hockey Team play at a home game.

• Lap Sit Stories (0-3 yrs): Mondays, 10-10:45 AM. Lap Sit

Stories resumes January 5th with songs, games, bubbles, and stories to stimulate early childhood learning. Please note that Lap Sit will not meet on days when Cook County School District 130 is not in session. Parent/guardian must attend.

• Drop-In-Creativity (5 yrs +): Wednesdays, January 7th until

April 29th, 3-4:30 PM. Stop in and create something fun! We might be painting, making a craft or solving a puzzle.

• Family Friendly Flix (C): Fridays, January 9th through April 24th, 3 PM. BYO snacks! Adults must be accompanied by children. Call Mrs. Beasley for a complete film schedule and film ratings!

• Book Club / Graphic Books We Love (Grades 2-6): 2nd Tuesday of the month beginning January 13th and continuing until April 14th, 3:30‐4:30 PM.

Audio Recording Workshops (A): First Tuesday of each month, 10 AM-12 PM. Learn about all things related to audio recording including microphone techniques, midi signals, instrument recording, vocal effects and mastering using ProTools. Contact Darren.

Open Mic Nights (G): Second Thursday of each month, 5-8 PM. Live music, poetry, comedy, karaoke, spoken word. NOTE: Content must be family friendly. Contact Darren.

Passport to.. (A): Wednesday, January 14th, 4-6 PM - Asia. Wednesday, February 25th, 4-6 PM - Africa. Wednesday, March 11th, 4-6 PM - Ireland. Wednesday, April 22nd, 4-6 PM - South America. Each month we’ll explore a different country through food, music and video. January will be Asia; February will be Africa; March will be Ireland; April will be South America. Contact Darren.

Museum Interactive Design SIG (A): Third Thursday of each month, 3-6 PM. Join us in the Museum/Tech Annex as we explore new possibilities in interactive design using ProTools, Adobe Creative Cloud, 3D software, special effects and other technologies. We’ll use resources including our recording studio, mics, instruments, green screen, lights, cameras and projectors to create interactive exhibit installations. Contact Darren. Digital Filmmaking (A): Wednesdays, January 21st through February 18th, 3:30-5:30 PM. This five-week workshop will integrate the American Film Institute’s (AFI) Screen Education Process. This workshop will empower all kinds of learners to master the skills needed for living and working in the 21st century. Participants will learn how to use audio-visual equipment, shooting and lighting techniques. This workshop will incorporate AFI’s five-step process and be hands-on for the best experience. Week 1 – Script Development (Brainstorm, decide upon project, identify the “Who, What, Where, When, Why”) Week 2 – Screenwriting & Storyboarding Week 3 – Production & Filming Week 4 – Editing Week 5 – Exhibit, Review, & Reflect Contact Darren.

Are You LinkedIn? LinkedIn for Professionals (A): Tuesday, March 3rd, 5­-7 PM, and Tuesday, March 10th, 5­-7 PM. WEEK 1 — LinkedIn basics! Sign up, connect, post resume and profile, and get noticed! An email is required to join LinkedIn.

For a complete, updated listing of events and to register, please visit

Schedule of Events WEEK 2 — Create a LinkedIn profile photo and video resume. Max 10 attendees. Contact Darren.

January EVENTS Gone with the Wind...the “REEL” Story (G): Tuesday, January 20th, 7 PM, Blue Island‘s Historical Society, 13018 Maple. Popular actress, author and historian, Leslie Goddard takes you ‘behind the scenes’ with gossip, film clips and stills of an enduring film in cinema history. By Ticket Only! Free tickets available, while they last, at the Library’s Main Desk. Contact Dan Carroll.

FEBRUARY EVENTS Ideas for Logo Creation (A):

Tuesday, February 3rd, 5­-7 PM. Get ideas, motivation, and inspiration to create YOUR logo. Max 10 attendees. More info at [email protected].

Let’s Take a Picture (G): Wednesday, February 4th, 6-8:30 PM. Bring in objects, family and/or friends for a free photo shoot. We’ll have a large green screen available. Contact Darren.

Black History Event, “Music of the Movement” with Chris Vallilo! (G): Tuesday, February 24th, 7 PM, Blue Island’s Historical Society, 13018 Maple. “We Shall Overcome” engaged and energized the ‘movement’ and the nation. Award-winning folk artist Chris Vallillo performs songs of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Voting Rights Act movements. Funded by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council. By Ticket Only! Free tickets available, while they last, at the Library’s Main Desk. Contact Dan Carroll. RealFlight Simulator Competition (A): Thursday, February 26th, 3 PM. Compete in a piloting skills contest with a remote control flight simulator on a 12ft screen. $20 gift card to the winner! Contact Darren.

March EVENTS Blue Island’s Got Talent (G): Saturday, March 7th, 11 AM. Are you the first winner of the Blue Island Public Library’s “Blue Island’s Got Talent” contest? Do you sing? Dance? Play an instrument? Have a funny comedy routine? Then this contest is for you! It is open to anyone with a Blue Island Public Library Card aged 13 or above. The winner will receive a $100 visa gift card and will be judged by the audience members attending. Singers should provide background tracks or sing a capella; performers use their own instruments. Solo acts only. Acts should be no more than 2-3 minutes in length. Limit of 20 spots for contestants so sign up soon! Contact Colleen at [email protected] or Mike at mbyrne@ blueislandlibrary for more information. eBay Buyers/Sellers Essential Workshop (G): Tuesday, March 10th, 10 AM-12 PM. Learn tips and tricks to getting the best prices from trustworthy sellers, searching for goods, bidding, disputing transactions, and finding help through eBay

Customer Support, educational resources, and communities, Also learn the process of selling on eBay and payment management with PayPal. Max 10 attendees. Contact Darren.

An Evening with Mark Rothman...The Man Behind the “Fonz”...“Laverne” and “Shirley” ”Lenny” and “Squiggy”...“Felix” and “Oscar,” and Many, Many More! (A): Tuesday, March 24th, 7 PM, Blue Island’s Historical Society, 13018 Maple. Mark Rothman was a ‘key’ man the production and writing of some of TV’s most popular shows! He’s written, two books, “Mark Rothman’s Essays” and “I’m Not Garbo.” Mark reads from and signs his books and answers your questions about ‘Fonz’ and all the others! A fun and unique evening you’ll remember for a while! By Ticket Only! Free tickets available, while they last, at the Library’s Main Desk. Contact Dan Carroll. Blue Island Public Library Staff Training Day: Friday, March 27th. The library will be closed all day for a Staff In-Service training day.

April EVENTS Chess Tournament (12yrs+) (G): Thursday, April 2nd, 5 PM. Play for prizes in a timed chess tournament. The championship game will be videotaped from above and uploaded to YouTube. Contact Darren.

Visual Balance - Creating Effective Layouts (A): Tuesday, April 7th, 5-7 PM. Participants will learn how to recognize visually balanced images and ads. Participants will then create a balanced layout. Max 10 attendees. More info at [email protected]. National Library Week 2015: Monday, April 13th through Saturday, April 18th. This year’s theme: “UNLIMITED Possiblites.”

Annual Holocaust Memorial Week Presentation, An Evening with Arnie Bernstein, author of “Swastika Nation: Fritz Kuhn and the Rise and Fall of the German American Bund” (G): Tuesday, April 14th, 7 PM, Christ Memorial United Church of Christ, 2440 York. Arnie Bernstein is an award winning Chicago writer and historian. His latest work Swastika Nation: Fritz Kuhn and the Rise and Fall of the German American Bund, asks “Can It Happen Here?” Bernstein explores the pro-Nazi movement the depression era United States. He will sign and sell copies of his book. By Ticket Only! Free tickets available, while they last, at the Library’s Main Desk. Contact Dan Carroll.

Indian Doll

The NUBS (No Unwanted Birds) Squad (F): Saturday, April 25th, 10:30-11:30 AM. In 2012, Aurora officials made a horrifying discovery when they found more than 300 birds living in appalling conditions. Sadly,

For a complete, updated listing of events and to register, please visit

Schedule of Events there were other birds there that never had a chance. The surviving birds were rescued and Nubs, a special needs bird, found a home with a loving friend. Meet Nubs, his animal companions and read the book: ‘Nubs: A Little Bird with a Big Story’ by his pal Kristin Ludwig. Contact Mrs. Beasley.

Odds ‘N’ Ends New Library Catalog Coming This Spring Members who enjoy using the library catalog to find and order books will have a lot more to like, starting this spring. The Blue Island Public Library, in connection with other public libraries in the SWAN library consortium, will switch over to a new software system in April 2015. The catalog will be easier to search and will offer many new features to enhance your library experience. Our newsletter and other member communications will provide more details as they become available. Using your library is about to get even better.

Original Library ‘Friend,’ Jack Sinise, Passes Jack C. Sinise, First President of the Friends of Blue Island’s Library, passed away this past October in Lena, Illinois. Jack was 90. His wife, Lorraine, predeceased him. Jack graduated from Blue Island Community High School and Northwestern University. He served as a B-17 Navigator during WWII and was also Vice-President of Blue Island’s First National Bank for many years. He will always be remembered as an avid golfer! Jack is survived, and loved, by MANY children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren nieces and nephews. A Memorial Fund has been established in Jack’s memory benefitting the work of the “Gary Sinise Foundation.”

“Friends” Seed Lending Library The Library’s Friends are hoping to start a “Seed Library” in early Spring, 2015. If successful, seeds will be available for dissemination to Blue Islanders for planting. After the Fall Harvest, seeds from the crop can be brought to the Library for distribution and the whole process will start over! For more information, contact the Friends of the Library, c/o Blue Island’s Library, 2433 York St Blue Island, IL 60406, (708) 388-1078. New Items Available For Checkout!!! A selection of board games and a ukulele have been added to our collection! Ask at the reference desk for more information.

Summer Reading We’re getting ready for Summer Reading. This year’s theme is READ TO THE RHYTHM and there will surely be music in the air! The library needs your Legos! Have your kids outgrown them? Or do you have sets lying about, missing too many key pieces to ever be put together again? Or are you just sick of stepping on them in the dark? Bring them on by your local library. We can use them!

So, What are These Things Called “Freegal” and “Media on Demand”? Freegal’s a music service your ‘Favorite’ Library offers. Media on Demand’s like Freegal, except that it offers reading material in an e-book or audio format. Both are free with your Blue Island Library Card. Both download to your computer and /or wireless device. Want to find out more? Contact Hope, or any of our “User Friendly” Reference Librarians.

Children’s Online Databases: Britannica School and Scholastic BookFLIX Britannica School—Three Levels of Learning—Elementary, Middle, and High—for the Classroom, Library, or Home. Improve student performance, strengthen teacher effectiveness, and maximize the use of your technology with Britannica School. Scholastic BookFLIX—A new online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks from Weston Woods with related nonfiction eBooks from Scholastic to build a love of reading and learning. The engaging way to link fact and fiction, BookFlix reinforces early reading skills and introduces children to a world of knowledge and exploration. Children’s Department has a Variety of Games Did you know the children’s department has a variety of games you can play in the library? Give us a library card and borrow one today!

VHS Tapes to DVDs, we do that. Do you have VHS tapes you would like to covert to DVDs? Did you know you can do that at the Blue Island Library? Contact Darren in the Tech Annex, 1-708-388-1078 x12. Blue Island Public Library’s Social Media Links Facebook— tumblr Reference— tumblr YA— YouTube—

Come see our tree!

For a complete, updated listing of events and to register, please visit