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European Guide for Good Hygiene Practices in the production of ...

the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed took place on 13th December 2016. Working team. The team who prepared this guide was ...
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European Guide for Good Hygiene Practices in the production of artisanal cheese and dairy products Target: Farmhouse and Artisan producers

Revised version of 20th December 2016


INTRODUCTION Framework FACEnetwork is a European association which aims to represent and defend the interests of farmhouse and artisan cheese and dairy producers on a European level. FACEnetwork has been mandated to prepare the present document, in the framework of a specific project financially supported by European Commission, through the contract referenced: SANCO/2015/G4/SI2.701585, signed on 12th March 2015. This contract requested the development of an endorsed community guide for good hygiene practices, dedicated to farmhouse and artisan dairies and cheese houses. The legal basis used is the article 9 of Regulation (EC) N°852/2004 on the hygiene foodstuffs, which states that: “Community Guides for good hygiene practices and for the application of HACCP principles” (…) should help food business operators to implement good hygiene practices and permanent procedures based on the principles of HACCP. They should be drafted by producers in the relevant sector and assessed and endorsed by the public authorities at European level, under European Commission’s supervision.” In this context, FACEnetwork has written this guide between March 2015 and March 2016. After an assessment period coordinated by DG SANTE within the EU MS, the official endorsement by EUMS at th the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed took place on 13 December 2016.

Working team The team who prepared this guide was composed of [names/organisations, country]: A group of 5 technical-experts from the sector responsible for writing the document:  Marc Albrecht-Seidel / VHM - Verband für handwerkliche Milchverarbeitung im ökologischen Landbau e.V, Germany  Remedios Carrasco / QueRed - Red Española de Queserias de Campo y Artesanas, Spain  Cécile Laithier / Idele – Institut de l’Elevage, France  Miroslaw Sienkiewicz / Agrovis & Stowarzyszenia serowarow rodzinnych, Poland  Paul Thomas / SCA - Specialist Cheesemakers Association, United Kingdom A group of 4 producers and 1 local veterinary inspector who working closely with the technical-experts:  Frédéric Blanchard / FNEC – Fédération Nationale des Eleveurs de Chèvres, France  Kerstin Jurss / Sveriges gardsmejerister, Sweden  Jane Murphy / CAIS - Irish Farmhouse Cheesemakers Association, Ireland  Angel Nepomuceno / QueRed - Red Española de Queserias de Campo y Artesanas, Spain  Irene Van de Voort / BBZ - Bond van Boerderij-Zuivelbereiders, Netherlands A group of 11 others technicians and producers to proof read the draft chapters all along the program and contribute to corrections, precisions about products or practices:  Brigitte Cordier / MRE - Maison Régionale de l’Elevage, France  Sophie Espinosa / FNEC - Fédération Nationale des Eleveurs de Chèvres, France  Maria Jesus Jimenez / QueRed - Red Española de Queserias de Campo y Artesanas, Spain  George Keen / SCA - Specialist Cheesemakers Association, United Kingdom  Marc Lesty / FNEC - Fédération Nationale des Eleveurs de Chèvres, France  Paul Neaves / SCA - Specialist Cheesemakers Association, United Kingdom  Bertram Stecher / Sennereiverband Südtirol, Italy


 Katia Stradiotto / ARAL - Associazione Regionale Allevatori della Lombardia, Italy  Guido Tallone / Casare Casari - Associazione delle Casare e dei Casari di Azienda Agricola, Italy  Angel Valeriano / QueRed - Red Española de Queserias de Campo y Artesanas, Spain  Erkki Vasara & Risto Siren / Suomen Pienjuustolayhdistys ry, Finland General coordination of the project was carried out by: Yolande Moulem, Co-secretary of FACEnetwork

Involvement of stakeholders During the preparation of this document, structures identified as stakeholders, in different European countries as well as at European level, have been informed and/or consulted. Around 400 stakeholders have been identified among the following types of representative organizations: - producers associations, - small dairies, - consumers associations, - competent authorities, - technical centers. The information of these 400 stakeholders has been organized in 2 steps: - the sending of a first information letter in June 2015. - the sending of a second information letter, and for some relevant European stakeholders, the sending of the complete draft guide itself, in April 2016.




Section II - GOOD HYGIENE PRACTICES (GHP)  GHP staff: general hygiene, training and health  GHP premises and equipment  GHP cleaning  GHP disinfection  GHP pest control  GHP water quality

11 13 17 21 22 23

Section III – GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES (GMP)  GMP cultures  GMP coagulants: production, storage, use  GMP additions to the milk and curd  GMP salting  GMP product storage and transport  GMP direct sale

25 27 30 32 33 35

Section IV – Risk analysis for Primary Production  Milk production and storage on the farm


Section V - HACCP-based Plans  HACCP-based Plan milk collection, storage in the dairy and treatment  HACCP-based Plan lactic coagulation cheeses  HACCP-based Plan enzymatic and mixed coagulation cheeses  HACCP-based Plan cheeses and milk products made by evaporation and precipitation  HACCP-based Plan pasteurized milk for consumption  HACCP-based Plan raw milk for consumption  HACCP-based Plan butter and cream  HACCP-based Plan fermented milk products  HACCP-based Plan non fermented dairy products

48 52 57 65 68 70 72 75 77





Section VIII - NON CONFORMITY MANAGEMENT  Summary of Regulation (EC) 2073/2005 applicable to dairy products covered by this guide  Non conformity management  Withdrawall, recall



83 86 88

89 98

Section I – THE PURPOSE AND APPLICATION OF THE GUIDE What type of guide is this? This guide is a voluntary tool intended for application to the specific practices of the sector of farmhouse and artisan cheese and dairy production. This Guide contains details of good hygiene practices; as practical and preventive recommendations, to help producers to be confident that their products are safe. These specifications comply with the general hygiene requirements (Regulation (EC) N°852/2004), as well as with the conditions for milk production (section IX of annex III of Regulation (EC) N°853/2004). The Guide also applies the principles of HACCP, following a specific and adapted method, and presents a collective analysis of the hazards concerning the sector. In addition, as the Guide benefits from the experiences of several EU countries, it provides examples of derogations for small businesses and/or for operators using traditional methods.

Who is this guide designed for? This voluntary guide aims to be applicable to farmhouse and artisan dairy processors. This sector is generally composed of: 

“Farmhouse” cheese and dairy producers, who process milk for the major part, produced by their own livestock, according to traditional methods

“Artisan” cheese and dairy producers, who collect milk from local producers, and process it using small-scale equipment, according to traditional methods.

Thus, in this sector, each food business operator combines at least two or three activities, as he/she is at the same time: 1- (often) farmer / milk producer (concerned by annexe III of Regulation (EC) N°853/2004 and annexe I of Regulation (EC) N°852/2004) – (primary production) 2- (always) processor transforming milk into a final product ready to be eaten by the consumer (concerned by annex II of Regulation (EC) 852/2004 and by annexe III of Regulation (EC) N°853/2004) – (beyond primary production)” 3- (often) seller of all or part of his production to final consumer or to retailer (concerned by annexe II of Regultion (EC) 852/2004) – (beyond primary production) In the following pages of this guide, the expression “food business operator” will be replaced by the word “producer”, which is more used in the field and which generally designates the operators in their several “dimensions” (farmer, processor, seller). Regarding production methods, the milk can come from cows, sheep, goats, buffalos or domestic solipeds and may be pasteurised or unpasteurised. The main characteristic of the sector is that the milk is typically processed in the farm of origin or in a manufacturing site in the locality- a feature that can contribute to the high standards of hygienic quality necessary for traditional processes, and to a very close relationship between the milk producer and the dairy operator (when they are separate). To trade their products, farmhouse and artisanal producers often prefer direct or short supply chains, but, they also use longer and indirect routes (“affineurs”, wholesalers or supermarkets), in accordance with increasing consumer demand.


Section I – THE PURPOSE AND APPLICATION OF THE GUIDE Giving these characteristics of the sector, the scope of this guide is to cover hygienic recommendations for producer’s activity, which goes until the point when products leave the cheese plant. It comprises milk production, milk processing and the sales by the producer himself. Apart from the producers who are intended to be the principal users of this document, it will also be of interest to other stakeholders, including: - Technical experts of the sector who are in regular contact with the producers and can effectively disseminate the Guide and ensure producers’ training adapted to it. - Competent authorities: in line with Regulation (CE) 882/2004 (article 10), this Guide, once endorsed by EU MS, might be taken into consideration during official controls. This guide provides for examples of derogations and adaptations specifically related to this sector as well

What does the Guide contain? The guide describes a complete Food Safety Management System (FSMS) composed of the 3 following parts: 1- “Good Hygiene Practices” (GHP - section II) and “Good Manufacturing Practices” (GMP section III). In the production of farmhouse and artisan cheese and other dairy products, the management of these good practices is essential to control risk posed by the relevant hazards, providing a foundation for the effective implementation of the HACCP-based plans. To set their own procedures, producers can refer directly to the GHP and GMP procedures of the Guide. 2- HACCP-based procedure, including: - “Hazard analysis”, presented in appendix in order not to weigh on the operational part of the document. This section details the main chemical, physical and microbiological hazards that concern dairy products, and lists the more relevant ones that are referred to in the other sections of the document. For each hazard, the section details its nature, its characteristics and provides concise advice for prevention or control. - “HACCP-based Plans” (section V) At the level of each type of process flow (milk and products processing), a specific analysis is made, presented as a table (see below), and detailing: - the hazards to focus on for each step concerned, - the preventive means adapted to each of these specific hazards. Some of these preventive means are to be considered as Operational Prerequisites, when they are known as crucial for the hazard management at the step concerned. These Operational Prerequisites appear within the key steps pointed out in the guide (see below). - the checking procedures that prove that this prevention has been made - the corrective actions corresponding to the hazards and measures described. 3- Other management policies, including: “Risk analysis at milk production’s level (section IV), “Traceability” (section VI), “Self-Monitoring Plans” (section VII) and “Non-conformity Management” (section VIII)


Section I – THE PURPOSE AND APPLICATION OF THE GUIDE  How to use them? Each HACCP-based Plan is presented as a separate “sheet” to make it easy for the user to select only the sheets that are related to his products and practices. The sheets are presented in standard tabular format for easy reading. Their expected use is described below: Process steps Why do we Preventive Checking /monitoring Corrective actions to monitor have to be actions careful? Each row of this This column This column This column describes This column describes column gives proposes the means of checking the appropriate action corresponds to a information on actions to that the preventive following failure of the process step or the nature and prevent or actions were carried out preventive measures in an operation. cause of the control the risk efficiently. In most order to restore a cases, several options satisfactory situation. hazards at each at the step are proposed. Some rows may step. (M: concerned. be optional and microbiological Actions are The corrective actions some steps may contamination or based on good The checks can be may be: measurements or not apply to a growth, C: hygiene - immediate to be made more subjective specific product. chemical, P: practices or while production physical). other technical actions, based on the continues, and/or producer’s experience, - Longer-term,: to be advice. for example: “visual made before the next inspection”, production batch “organoleptic inspection The producer The producer When several options The producer has to must review has to take are proposed, take into account the producers must select corrective actions each step into account keeping only at least one of them the preventive indicated. the steps actions. corresponding The legal requirements to their described must be practice followed deleting steps which are not applicable.

How to use the column?

Content of the column

Focus on the HACCP-based plans

In summary, when using these tables, the producer has the responsibility for keeping the steps applicable to their products and practices and the checks appropriate to them. Despite the efforts put into this Guide, there may be regional and national variations in styles of processing and some products or practices may not have been specifically mentioned in the document. Where a producer adds specific solutions adapted to their system, they should be able to explain and justify them. In these HACCP-based Plans, some steps are highlighted, colored in grey, because they are more important actions for the management of a hazard. Within these “key steps”, information of major importance is written in bold letters. Although advice given at the key steps, based on the experience of experts of the sector, is important to consider, it remains principally technical advice and not a regulatory obligation. It is important to note that the notion of a key step is different from the HACCP notion of Critical Control Point (CCP). Indeed, a CCP is a specific point, procedure, or step in food manufacturing at which control can be exercised to “reduce, eliminate, or prevent the possibility of a food safety hazard”. If it is not fulfilled, a CCP may require that the process is to be stopped – with possible destruction of the batch. When CCPs are defined, they are required to be monitored and recorded for each batch.


Section I – THE PURPOSE AND APPLICATION OF THE GUIDE In accordance with DG SANTE’s guidelines: “guidance document on the implementation of food safety management systems covering prerequisites programs (PRPs) and procedures based on the HACCP principles, including the facilitation/flexibility of the implementation in certain businesses” our system is based on the correct implementation of good hygiene and good manufacturing practices, and also on preventive and corrective measures towards some specific hazards identified at some specific steps. Thus, it is based in an adapted way of HACCP principles without the necessity of identification of CCPs in raw milk dairy products. 


In farmhouse and artisan cheese dairies, as only one or a few people control all the processes, it may be sufficient to record only non-conformities and the measures taken to correct them. In large food production businesses, the high number of employees makes it necessary to keep comprehensive records, in order to assure effective food safety management. Non-conformities identified during routine checks carried out during processing (for example temperature; pH; cleaning procedure; organoleptic quality...) may be recorded only when atypical results are indicated, along with any corrective actions taken. However, the results of the verification tests intended to check the effectiveness of the HACCP-based plan (such as results of microbiological analysis) should be kept in every case. These constitute “historical data”, which demonstrate effective food safety management or allows upward trends to be identified. The Guide does not propose models or templates for records; producers should instead adopt records appropriate to their business. It may be possible for producers to meet their obligation using simplified documentation. 

Verification of the efficiency of the Food Safety Management System (FSMS)

Self-monitoring procedures - based on both microbiological analysis and on other checks (pH, taste, flavor …) throughout the production process – allow the producer to verify the general effectiveness of the plan prepared following this Guide. Examples are given in the section “Self-monitoring plans” for illustration

In the event that sanitary problems are encountered during the process or identified at end-product level, the plan should be updated. Evolution of the production processes must be followed by review and, if required, update of the plan.

Which are the hazards taken into consideration? In the APPENDIX 1 of this guide is presented the hazard analysis made by the team who wrote this guide, and on which is built the rest of the document. This analysis is based on the experience of the producers, technicians, and experts involved in previous guide’s preparation and implementation (at national levels). It leads to the identification of several significant hazards, evaluated in terms of either the ubiquitous nature of the hazard or the severity of its effects, and listed on page 97.


Section I – THE PURPOSE AND APPLICATION OF THE GUIDE How the Guide takes “flexibility” criteria into account? Flexibility can be defined as the possibility to exempt/derogate or adapt some of the content of the hygiene package, particularly in relation to buildings, layout, equipment and operational practices, in some circumstances. Member States are given the possibility to authorise food business operators not to apply specified requirements of the Hygiene Package. Specific derogations can be granted for foods with traditional characteristics. It is interesting to note that, in some countries, all farmhouse and artisan dairy products are recognised as businesses producing food with traditional characteristics. Member States can also adapt the requirements laid down in the Annexes of the Hygiene Package in specified circumstances, for example, to enable the continued use of traditional methods of production, or to accommodate the needs of food businesses situated in regions that are subject to special geographic constraints. Exceptions and adaptations are highlighted within the Guide. The guide provides examples on how they can be implemented in practice in farmhouse and artisan dairies, but before that, the producers should know if they are allowed by national rules. If it is not the case, they can request it, individually or collectively making contact with their competent authority. Nevertheless, where the annexes of the regulation use terminology as "where necessary", "where appropriate", “sufficient”, etc., it is up to the food business operator in first instance to decide. In this case producers don’t need special flexibility provisions from national authorities; it is a matter of interpreting the requirements in an appropriate way. This is very important for artisan producers because their methods are generally less well understood than those of industry and there are sometimes barriers to applying measures introduced by this terminology. It is the intention of the Guide to disseminate information to producers on this kind of measures, that are mainly documented in the “Premises and Equipment” chapter.



RESUME- HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE? 1. Read all of the Good Hygiene Practices and Good Manufacturing Practices (GHP – section II and GMP – section III) These are suggestions for best practices and procedures which could be adopted. GHP and GMP are the foundation on which safe food production is based. The producer should select and adopt the recommendations which are appropriate to the products made by their dairy. 2. Choose from Risk analysis for “milk production and storage on the farm” or HACCPbased Plan “milk collection, storage in the dairy and treatment” for the recommendations about milk as raw material Risk analysis for “milk production and storage on the farm” (section IV) is relevant to those with their own milking animals while those buying-in milk may benefit from showing it to their supplier. HACCP-based Plan “milk collection, storage in the dairy and treatment” (in section V) applies to those buying-in milk or any producer who is heat-treating the milk. The producer should read the appropriate sheet and adopt the preventive actions adapted to their situation. The producer should follow their adapted plan and carry out the necessary checks and corrective actions. Records should be kept for non-conformities. 3. Choose from the HACCP-based Plans for products (section V) The producer should read the appropriate sheet and adopt the preventive actions adapted to their situation. The producer should follow their adapted plan and carry out the necessary checks and corrective actions. 4. Explain information to the inspecting authorities The producer should be able to explain his FSMS and to prove that he applies it, for example by showing his records (non- conformities and corrective measures related; results of testings…)”. 5. Validate the food safety system and ongoing verification Microbiological and chemical analysis can be used to validate (prove the effectiveness of) the plan. Where testing is intended to specifically assess the acceptability of a certain batch of foodstuffs or of a process, the number of sample units set out in Annex I shall be respected as a minimum. The frequency of tests is not set by Regulation but by each producer and this should be based on factors such as historical data or the microbiological sensitivity of the product. It is recommended that new producers carry out tests more frequently on products until sufficient historic data is available to prove the built up effectiveness.


Section II - Good Hygiene Practices

STAFF: GENERAL HYGIENE, TRAINING, HEALTH Hazards posed by food handlers are easily controlled through simple good hygiene practices and the limited risk posed by the small number of personnel typically working in a small dairy/food production business may allow for some flexibility in the interpretation of regulatory requirements. These hygiene requirements apply to all food handlers – either working alone or with others. General Hygiene for any Food Handler Effective handwashing with soap and water is the principal means of infection control in a food production business. Fingernails should be clean and unvarnished and false fingernails should not be worn. Care should be taken to wash the thumbs and between the fingers. Arms should also be washed where they will come into contact with food. In the case of outdoor milking where water is not available, hand-gel or wipes can be used. However, hands should be sanitised by washing with soap and water at the next opportunity. Staff should wash their hands:  Before milking animals.  Upon entering the food production area.  Before handling food or ingredients or starter cultures.  After going to the toilet.  After using the phone.  After handling potentially contaminated material.  Whenever they are dirty. Staff should, through their behaviour and practices, seek to avoid contamination and crosscontamination of products. In particular:  Cuts and abrasions should be covered with a waterproof dressing or glove.  Food handlers should refrain from smoking, spitting, chewing or eating.  Food handlers should avoid sneezing or coughing over food products.  Jewellery should not be permitted in production areas though sometimes exceptions are made e.g. for a plain wedding band or small earrings.  Where accidental release may pose a risk of contamination, allergens (including cereals containing gluten, crustaceans, molluscs, eggs, fish, peanuts, nuts, soybeans, celery, mustard, sesame, lupin and sulphur dioxide) should not be brought into the food-handling area unless as a declared ingredient. Clothing Staff should wear designated clothing for milking and clean clothes for food production; clothes worn in the dairy should not be the same ones worn for working on the farm. A change of outer clothing (overcoats or aprons) should be provided when entering the food production area and should be removed before leaving the premises or going to the toilet. Clothing should be in good condition - free from rips, fraying and loose buttons. A change of footwear (or a footbath) should be provided when required to prevent dirt being brought into the dairy. Where a disinfectant footbath is used, the contents should be refreshed regularly to ensure their effectiveness. Training All food handlers and milking staff should be trained; this may be by obtaining a formal food hygiene qualification or through direct instruction by a more experienced colleague. Training should address the food safety hazards encountered in dairy production and promote understanding of good hygienic practice.


Section II - Good Hygiene Practices

STAFF: GENERAL HYGIENE, TRAINING, HEALTH Health To reduce the presence of infectious disease on the premises, staff should be in a good state of health. In many member states, formal certification of fitness-to-work in the form of a pre-employment health check is not available; in this case, staff may confirm fitness-to-work by their attendance and should exclude themselves either under a doctor’s instruction or in the case of:  

Diarrhoea and/or vomiting within the previous 48 hours. Infectious disease likely to be transmitted through food handling – such as Salmonella.

Staff may exclude themselves if infected skin or discharge from the ear, eyes or nose cannot be adequately covered and poses a risk of food contamination. Visitors Where their clothing poses a contamination risk to products, visitors to the food production area should be provided with a protective overcoat, hairnet (where used) and footwear and should be accompanied by a member of staff to ensure compliance with the general hygiene requirements. Visitors who are suffering from vomiting, diarrhoea or infectious disease should be excluded from the food production area.


Section II - Good Hygiene Practices

PREMISES AND EQUIPMENT Requirements for Equipment and Premises Used for the Production of Dairy Products The location, design, dimensions and construction of buildings and adjacent areas intended for the production, storage and sale of dairy products, should allow these activities to be carried out in hygienic conditions by preventing direct contact with or proximity to waste materials, dirt, foreign bodies and pests including insects and rodents. The area adjacent to the premises should be kept clear of elements that could attract pests. The cheese dairy should be as close as possible to the point of milking so as to minimise risks during the milk transport. Where possible, factors such as the direction of prevailing winds and the relative position of the sun (to maintain desired temperatures) will be taken into account when choosing a location for the dairy. 

General layout and process-flow. The premises should be suitable for the activities taking place at the dairy, taking into consideration factors such as production volume, cheese varieties produced and the number of operators.

The design of rooms should, where possible, follow the principle of process-flow from raw materials to dispatch of goods, avoiding counter flow; however this principle is not always essential in dairy production because high hygienic standards are required for the milk and the processed products. It is possible for the dairy to use: o a single entry and exit door for personnel, raw materials and finished products, o the same room for different purposes (eg. production, packing, labelling, cleaning) o separate buildings for some operations (eg. storage of packaging materials, maturation of cheese, sales etc.) The producer instead takes measures to avoid cross contamination such as washing hands and materials between different steps, separating processes by time or carrying them out simultaneously with sufficient space between them, or protecting (eg. covering) products during processing and/or during moving them (or packaging materials) into the premises... 

Storage and transport of milk. While milk is commonly stored in a bulk tank, it is possible to use other containers such as hermetically sealed buckets or churns which may be refrigerated by alternative means (eg.: use of an in-can cooler, depositing cans in cold running water, etc.). Milk may be transported by churn, can, jar, tanker, pallecon or by any other container suitable for food contact. Transport may be made by foot, car, bike, trailer, pipe or other means so long as milk transport conditions are respected.

Changing area and toilets. A designated area should be provided for changing into protective clothing before handling foods, however this does not need to be a separate room. Protective clothing should be stored so as to prevent contamination (eg hooks, lockers, etc.). A footbath is not compulsory but outdoor footwear should be replaced or sanitised before entering food production areas. An adequate number of flush toilets will be provided though these may be in an annexed building (eg. cheesemaker house).

Food handling areas: production, drying, maturation, refrigeration, packing and sales. The premises will be maintained in such a way so as to ensure ease of cleaning and to reduce the risk of contamination. Premises and equipment that are poorly maintained can be a source of physical contamination and provide an environment where pathogens can colonise.

Walls and floors should be smooth, impervious and easy to clean. Suitable materials may include tile or plastic panels though smooth painted surfaces (as long as the paint is non-toxic) may also be acceptable. Surfaces should be free from damage such as chips, cracks, holes or flaking paint. Where possible, the floor in the production area may be inclined to facilitate drainage. In areas without a drainage gully, precautions should be taken to avoid the formation of standing water except in maturation rooms when it is poured on to the floor for technological reasons. To avoid condensation, it is desirable to avoid cladding the ceiling with metal.


Section II - Good Hygiene Practices


Windows and doors should have smooth surfaces, which are easy to clean, and should be maintained in good condition, especially if they are made with materials such as wood. Windows which can be opened must be protected with an anti-insect mesh. Outside doors and windows will close correctly to avoid the ingress of dirt.

Ventilation should be provided to avoid condensate and allow air exchange. Whether achieved naturally or artificially, air intake should be located away from potential sources of contamination such as stables or barns.

Lighting could be natural or artificial but has to be adequate. while not compulsory, bulb shields can help to prevent breakage.

Machinery and tools should be easy to clean. Food contact surfaces should be made with foodgrade materials such as stainless steel or approved plastics. Tools will be stored off the floor.

Area or receptacle for storage of ingredients and packaging. Adequate provision should be provided for the storage of ingredients, in a clean, dry and, if appropriate, temperature controlled area. This may be within the production area, in an adjacent or in a building annexed to the dairy as long as the stated conditions of storage are fulfilled and ingredients and packaging (including bottles and glasses) are protected from contamination. The use of sealed containers permits the storage of ingredients and packaging in the same area.

Cleaning area: An adequate number of easily-accessible sinks should be provided with hot and cold water supplied. One sink may be used for cleaning instruments, cheeses and hand-washing provided that cross-contamination is avoided. Cleaning products may be kept in a separate room or a cupboard within the production area. Chemicals will be clearly marked. Tools and clean equipment can be stored in the processing room on open shelves.

Packing and labelling area. This may be carried out in the processing room provided that crosscontamination is avoided.

Sales area (optional). The floor, walls and ceiling must be in good conditions but do not require the same standards as the processing room. If needed the sink of adjacent room can be used for washing hands and tools.

Waste handling. Food waste, non-edible by-products and other refuse should be removed from the production areas as quickly as possible, deposited in containers and disposed of in a hygienic way according to national legislation.


Section II - Good Hygiene Practices

PREMISES AND EQUIPMENT ADAPTATIONS European regulation gives the opportunity to cheese dairies with traditional characteristics to have: o Walls, floors, ceilings, windows and doors made with materials, which are not smooth, resistant to corrosion or impermeable (ripening natural caves, stone walls and floors, etc.). o

Equipment used for the production and/or packing made of materials that are not smooth, easy-to-clean and resistant to corrosion such as wooden equipment (shelves, tools, etc.), plant material (shelves of bamboo, raffia, coating plant leaves, reed etc.), stones for pressing, equipment made of copper and brass (moulds, cutters, presses etc.), cloths for draining and for packaging, aluminium foil, etc.

‘Cheeses with traditional characteristics’ means those that, in the Member State in which they are traditionally manufactured, are 

Recognised historically as traditional products.

Or protected as traditional food products by a Community, national, regional or local law. Eg: PDO, GPI, PAT, etc.

Or manufactured according to codified or registered technical references to the traditional process, or according to traditional production methods. In some countries, farmhouse and artisan cheeses are recognised as traditional.

Dairies making products with traditional characteristics, who want to take advantage of these adaptations must be sure that their competent authority has notified the European Commission of their use. If it is not the case dairies can request it, individually or collectively making contact with their competent authority.

Maintenance of Equipment and Installations The condition of premises and equipment should be periodically inspected by the producer and maintenance work, undertaken in case of deficiency. Maintenance should preferably take place outside of production time. This may include: 

Refurbishment of items in disrepair (due to wear and tear): repainting of walls, floors, ceilings or doors, replacement of broken or missing tiles in walls and floors, replacement of air-conditioning or refrigeration equipment filters, condition of insect screens, cleaning and maintaining of water deposits, tools (knives, tables….) doors and windows, slat curtains, revision and cleaning of drainage systems (sinks, traps/syphons), electric panels, lights, etc. Checking the performance of machinery according to the manufacturers recommendations or own rules. Some recommendations: o

Milking machine:  Teat cups: check regularly  Final Unit: to check if it is clean after each cleaning.



Section II - Good Hygiene Practices


Where disposable change after every milking’ Vacuum Guage: check before milking. In case of problem check oil level, belt tension, control valve and vacuum line. Pulsators: clean air admission valve (tires). A general inspection once per year. If necessary, call a technician.


Pasteurizer: check the diverter valve, the flow and the temperature sensor.


Thermographs and thermometers may be checked:  Using a reference thermometer or checking with multiple thermometers.  Using iced-water (0°C) and steam/boiling water (100°C).


pH meter: calibration with two buffer solutions.

The equipment or machinery that deteriorate or show anomalies in their operation and could affect the products’ security must be replaced or repaired immediately. The frequency of routine maintenance will depend on the intensity of use, the recommendations made by manufacturers or technical staff, the condition of installations and equipment. The routine maintenance and calibration of devices for monitoring of CCP or for parameters defined in regulation will be done according to manufactures instructions with the following recommended frequency:  Pasteurizer: annually  Thermographs or thermometers: annually.

The producer can carry out the verification and calibration, seeking external advice in case of noncompliance.


Section II - Good Hygiene Practices

CLEANING The principles of cleaning Cleaning means to eliminate visible dirt deposits of which there are two types: 

Organic deposits such as fat, protein, lactose as far as milk deposits are concerned

Mineral deposits such as limescale or milk stone which is a mixture of milk fats, protein, lactose and limescale)

In cheese production, thorough cleaning without disinfection is better than systematic disinfection of equipment and materials in order to preserve the natural flora and the balance of the microbial ecosystem. The use of disinfection is a decision for the professional cheesemaker. Choice of detergents (cleaning products) A detergent used in an aqueous solution helps to remove deposits (soiling) from surfaces and trap them as a suspension in the cleaning fluid. Several types of detergent exist:  Alkaline detergents which remove organic materials 

Neutral detergents which are products for manual cleaning and must not be harmful to the skin.

Acid detergents which remove mineral deposits such as limescale and milk stone.

Enzymatic detergents which contain enzymes that are designed to remove a specific substrate and which constitute a possible alternative to alkaline detergents.

Other additives may be present in the product, to help in the detachment of different types of soiling which may depend on the surfaces to be treated. Examples include:  Wetting agents (surfactants) neutralize surface tension and enable better contact with the deposits, 

Chelating agents limit the formation of limescale,

Foaming agents enable the cleaning solution to be applied as a foam which can increase the contact time

Disinfectants such as chlorinated alkali or peracetic acid can be combined with a detergent.

Do not mix an alkaline cleaning product with an acidic product because this neutralizes their effectiveness. In cases where preservation of the natural microflora in the environment is desirable and the products manufactured comply with EU legislation, it may be possible to clean production equipment by rinsing only with water at a defined frequency. All cleaning chemicals must be suitable for use in the food industry and compliant with current EU legislation. When choosing cleaning products, it is important to consider: 

The type of soiling or deposit: an alkaline detergent should be selected for organic deposits or acidic detergents for mineral deposits.

The type of surface: chemicals should not corrode the surface to which they are applied. Equipment constructed from stainless steel or food-safe plastic has the highest resistance to cleaning products and disinfectants whereas cookware category aluminium and aluminium alloy (almasilium) do not tolerate alkaline chemicals well. Avoid using cracked, scratched or pitted equipment as it is hard to clean. Cleaning products that contain hypochlorite (bleach) are not recommended for aluminium surfaces and should be used only with cold water to avoid inactivation of the disinfectant. It is not recommended to soak stainless steel in hypochlorite.


Section II - Good Hygiene Practices


Hardness of water: the efficacy of detergents depends on the hardness of the water used for cleaning. Very hard water can reduce the efficacy of the detergent which can necessitate the addition of chelating agents. The frequency of acidic cleaning must take into account the hardness of the water, the condition of the surface and the process for which the equipment is used. More acid must be used with older equipment which is harder to clean while equipment that becomes hot in use is more prone to milkstone deposits than equipment that is used when cold.

The cleaning method (eg. automatic or manual) - being careful to achieve a scrubbing action on the equipment surfaces.

Clean with “TACT” When a detergent is used, it is necessary to define and apply the following parameters: Time The chemical should be in contact with the surface for sufficient time. Action The mechanical effects of turbulence, scraping or scrubbing actions must be sufficiently vigorous to detach the deposits from the surface, Concentration Chemical dose must be sufficient to ensure its efficacy, Temperature Cleaning solution must be used at an appropriate temperature and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. For all these factors, follow the recommendations on the cleaning product labels. Ensure to respect temperature recommendation according to the equipment and practices used. It is recommended, particularly when establishing procedures, to fully check the parameters used for cleaning such as temperature, dose, time and quantity of rinse water. Cleaning equipment to be used: 

To avoid damaging equipment during cleaning and to avoid encouraging the development of undesirable germs: abrasive scouring pads that scratch the material should not be used. Sponges and cloths can remain damp or wet after use and thereby encourage the development of germs. Rather, use scrubbing brushes or scrapers with a plastic handle and edges or bristles made of nylon for small equipment in cheese production areas or the external parts of milking equipment.

In order to avoid spraying dirty water on the products or the equipment during cleaning, avoid the use of high-pressure sprays in premises where dairy products are present and rinse preferably with cold water to avoid condensation.

Water quality: Refer to the recommendations of chapter GHP Water quality. Protocol for cleaning Cleaning includes the following stages:

Rinse or prewash in warm water

Acidic or alkaline cleaning OR Rinse in hot water *



* In case where preservation of the natural microflora in the environment is desirable and the products manufactured comply with EU legislation. Particular care must be taken to provide sufficiently hot water and ensure sufficient mechanical action and contact time.


Section II - Good Hygiene Practices

CLEANING During the prewash, where there are high levels of soiling on equipment, it may sometimes be necessary to pre-soak or apply mechanical action to remove them. It is essential to rinse equipment well, using sufficient quantities of water to avoid leaving behind residues of cleaning products. The draining and drying stage should ensure an absence of standing water, which can encourage undesirable bacteria to multiply. Equipment must be arranged (by suspending it or placing it on a shelf, table, or draining board) so as to allow for easy draining. Avoid pooling of water on the ground. Recommendations for cleaning traditional materials Traditional materials must be cleaned using traditional methods - which have been (empirically) proven as being effective. Cleaning production equipment made of wood: The wood must be cleaned by brushing with water of drinking-quality (some machines exist for maturation boards with the use of water at ambient temperature) or by using soda crystals or by soaking in an alkaline product. Effective drying is important to the cleaning process. Cleaning of copper vats: A small quantity of water or whey (0.5-1.0L) should be left in the vat and an abrasive kaolin powder applied to the surface. Brush, rinse thoroughly and drain completely before heating the vat to drive off remaining moisture. A very dilute acid may be used in place of the powder though concentrated acids should be avoided as they can oxidise the copper. Recommended Frequencies for Cleaning Surfaces and Equipment Surfaces and equipment Milking equipment Milking machine

Recommended frequency

clean after every milking session and with acid detergent at least once a week Milk tank Clean after draining Individual wipes Clean after every milking Cheese-making equipment and premises Equipment (moulds, trays, tables, Clean after each use cheese harps, tubs, ladles...) Floor of the production premises Clean at least once for every day of production Remove and clean regularly the wastewater drains and/or the syphons (traps). Walls of the premises and the Clean when necessary maturation room (*) Cleaning of the maturation room must be carried out when it is empty of cheese Floor of maturation room Clean when necessary Small maturing equipment Clean when necessary Clean cloths, wipes, buckets, brushes, gloves each day of use Wood in maturation room Clean the maturation boards after each maturation cycle Clean shelf-frame when necessary Equipment for air conditioning, Regularly dust the grille and filters ventilation, insect traps Clean them at least once a year Check regularly that the condensation waters of evaporators are correctly evacuated and are not dripping onto dairy products Storage equipment (refrigeration Clean regularly chambers, shelves) Reusable packaging material Clean after each use Transport material (transport Clean after each use bins, containers, coolers...) Vacuum packaging machine Follow the supplier's recommendations Clean when necessary


Section II - Good Hygiene Practices

CLEANING (*) Correct cheese maturation can only occur with the right atmospheric conditions (temperature, humidity & presence of air-borne mould propagules). Cleaning and disinfecting this room too frequently can upset this equilibrium and may lead to maturation defects. Cleaning plans The producers must have procedures to clean their premises and equipment (including milking equipment). It is not compulsory to document or display these procedures. However the producers must be able to explain them. Should a written document be prepared, it may include the entire site (milking equipment included). It would be necessary to:  Identify the premises, equipment and material to clean.  Define the protocols for cleaning suitable for the premises, equipment and material taking into consideration the recommendations shown below.  Ensure the personnel responsible for the cleaning operations are trained for the task – though training can be provided internally. Examples of tables Plan for cleaning the premises: Rooms in the Cleaning workplace materials (Specifying (scraper, floors, walls or brush, foam ceiling). gun etc.)

Plan for cleaning equipment: Equipment Cleaning (specify the materials type of (brush, potequipment) washing machine etc.)

Name and type of the cleaning products

Products used where necessary (specify the type)

Dosage, temperature (cold, warm or hot water) and contact time

Dosage, temperature (cold, warm or hot water) and contact time

Frequency of operations

Frequency of cleaning

Person responsible

Frequency of disinfection (where necessary)

Person responsible

Where necessary, the specifications for the cleaning product can be added to this plan. Non–regular cleaning operations (eg: following a non-conformity) may be recorded based on the following model: Date Type of Product name Equipment or premises Name of the person carrying action concerned (must be out the operation exact)


Section II - Good Hygiene Practices

DISINFECTION The principles and frequency of disinfection Disinfection means to eliminate or reduce to acceptable level microorganisms. In cheese production, and more for raw milk cheeses, thorough cleaning without disinfection is better than systematic disinfection of equipment and materials in order to preserve the natural flora and the microbial ecosystem balance. The use of disinfection is a decision for the professional cheesemaker. Disinfection may be necessary in the short term to clear up accidents in production facilities or in case of sanitary problems. In such cases, the equipment and premises must not be disinfected all at the same time, but rather follow a progressive disinfection procedure, spread out over several days. For dairy products other than cheese, and in particular for non-fermented products, regular disinfection is recommended. Choice of disinfectant A disinfectant kills the microorganisms present on surfaces after the visible dirt deposits have been removed. The most frequently used products are sodium hypochlorite solution (bleach), chlorinated alkaline products (with the combined action of a detergent and a disinfectant), oxygenated water or hydrogen peroxide (that can be combined with acid as peracetic acid). Disinfectants must be suitable for use in the food industry and must comply with current European regulations. Disinfection can also be achieved by the heat treatment of equipment. Safety notice: never mix chlorinated chemicals with acid products as this may release highly toxic chlorine gas. Protocol for disinfection Disinfection includes the following stages: Rinse or prewash in warm water

Acidic or alkaline cleaning




Draining/ drying

Where it is practiced, disinfection always follows cleaning because only clean surfaces can be disinfected effectively - however it is possible to use combined products such as chlorinated alkaline products that enable cleaning and disinfection in a single step. Concerning the quality of water used for the disinfection of food contact surfaces, refer to the recommendations of chapter GHP Water quality. Disinfection plans Disinfection plans use the same principles as cleaning plans (see GHP cleaning). Checking the disinfection plan It is advisable, particularly when establishing procedures, to fully check that the parameters specified for cleaning are satisfied:  Temperature of cleaning solutions,  Dose of disinfectant and contact time,  Quantity of rinse water. It is possible to monitor the effectiveness of disinfection through the analysis of products rather than surface swabbing. In cases where maintenance of a positive microflora is desirable and where, consequently no disinfection is carried out, it is not necessary to monitor the efficacy of disinfection as a large number of microorganisms would of course be found.


Section II Good Hygiene Practices

PEST CONTROL PLAN Producers should prevent pests from gaining access to the plant and products. Cheese mites are not considered to be pests in this context. However, control of undesirable cheese mites must be included in the cleaning procedures. Rodents, insects and birds, once inside the premises, can be a source of pathogenic microorganisms causing contamination of raw materials or products (both part-made and finished) or infectious disease among workers. The hazards posed by pests outside the premises may be prevented by:        

Keeping the surroundings clean and dry; harden and improve drainage of ground surfaces where necessary. Installing traps against rodents around production premises. Preventing wild birds from nesting in the roof space and around the farm. Visual inspection of traps and roof space and removal of dead pests when they are found. Carefully sealing the joins in the structure of the premises to prevent the entry of insects. Where traps are already installed, increasing the number of traps or calling a specialist pest control company. Spraying insecticide outside the plant where insects are present in high numbers. Using appropriate and approved pesticides within their shelf life.

The hazards posed by pests within the premises may be prevented by:  

        

Visual inspection of the premises. The use of UV insect killers or fly-papers in production areas, warehouses and auxiliary facilities. Fly-paper and UV insect killers should be located to ensure dead flies do not fall off into vats, into product or packaging. Cleaning UV lamps periodically and changing bulbs according to manufacturer’s recommendation. The replacement of fly-papers when full. Installing dense insect-proof mesh in all opened windows, doors or inlets/outlets (e.g. extractor fan vents) and changing mesh when damaged. Keeping unprotected windows and doors closed during production. Placing adequate screens or gates on drains in order to prevent rodents’ and pests’ entry. Keeping packaging materials in dry places inaccessible to rodents, flies and other pests. Not leaving unpackaged products exposed for longer than necessary. Using exposure rodenticides in dark nooks and unused spaces like caves, lofts etc. Using only proper and approved rodenticides, within their shelf life.

Where pest activity is identified in the premises, products or packaging, it is recommended to:    

Remove of dead pests and scattered or partially eaten poison. Remove products with visible signs of pest activity from the premises - as well as pestdamaged packaging materials. Thoroughly clean and disinfect the premises, ripening rooms or stores (including shelves and racking). Review procedures.

Whether in order to prevent pests or when pest activity is identified, the producer can choose to commission a professional pest control contractor.


Section II - Good Hygiene Practices

WATER QUALITY Water used in farmhouse and artisan dairies can be a source of contamination. Measures taken to ensure that water meets the criteria of Directive 98/83/EC, depend on the source of the supply. Clean water can also be used in primary production, if the competent authority so permits and its characteristics have been defined. Public Network Supply The water is supplied from the public mains, however the dairy may:  Store water in external tanks or use containers to carry water from the public network to the dairy.  Subject the water to simple treatments such as pH neutralization or ‘softening’ of hard water. Sampling When the water comes from the public network supply it may be considered that hazards are already controlled and sampling and analysis are not required to be carried out. Some Member States do not require the food business operator to carry out analysis of water where it is supplied from the public water network and the results of official water tests are available from the water supplier. See: “DG(SANCO)/2010-6150 - MR FINAL“, point 5.1.3: “Flexibility with regard to the implementation of procedures based on the HACCP principles in four of the visited MS”.

Transport, storage or simple treatments and maintenance of the water installation 

  

Equipment used in the transport, storage or treatment of water should be clean, should not contaminate the water with pathogenic microorganisms and should be made of materials which will not contaminate water either with chemical substances in quantities greater than those permitted or with prohibited substances. Storage or transportation vessels should be covered to avoid contamination and should be kept in good condition, free from cracks or fissures which can harbour microbiological contaminants. The internal water installation (pipes and taps), shall be kept in good conditions so as to avoid any source of contamination. Some Member States may ask for water analysis to prove that those eventual transport, storage or simple treatments do not change the characteristics of potable water. If this is the case, an annual analysis will be carried out.

Own supply Other sources of water used in dairy production across European Union include wells and bore holes, surface water, rainwater, snow, etc., and may be with or without elements of storage, transport or treatment. The chemical and microbiological quality of the water should be ensured by protecting and maintaining the source of the water, if possible, and the distribution system. In any case, sampling and analyses will inform about the quality of the water. Sampling 

Water analysis should be carried out to ensure chemical and microbiological quality before starting to use water from sources other than the public supply.

Annual analysis shall be carried out for both microbiological and chemical parameters determined in each Member State, however based on historical results of water analysis by the dairy or data supplied on national drinking water information systems, it may be possible for the producer, if permitted by the national competent authority: o not to monitor those parameters that are unlikely to be present in the water in concentrations in excess of permitted levels.


Section II - Good Hygiene Practices


to reduce the frequency of analysis (eg. every two years instead of annually).

Some member states allow for the relaxation of frequency or requirement for testing for chemical parameters in geographical areas in which no particular environmental pollution has been identified. In cheese dairies which produce hard, firm/semi-hard cheese, it is considered that the non-conformity of water due to an excess of nitrate is unlikely to be relevant, given that the use of nitrate is permitted, according to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008, in a maximum quantity of 150 mg/L of milk intended for processing, or in an equivalent dose where it is added after the elimination of the whey and the addition of water. Microbiological hazards control Microbiological quality may be guaranteed by:  Disinfection. (Compulsory in some Member States). Where chemical disinfection is carried out, the efficiency of the treatment will be verified and the amount of disinfectant residues will be checked periodically to ensure compliance with any national limits. The concentration of disinfection by-products should be as low as possible.  UV filtration, heat treatment, (including boiling the water) or other means. Water intended to spin the mozzarella curd is treated at 80-90ºC for technological purposes. This heat is sufficient to inactivate the microbiological hazards of concern which may be present in the water

Corrective measures The non-conformity of water tested for ‘indicator’ parameters (eg. Colony count 22º or sulphates), as defined in national legislation, should not be considered, in itself, to pose a safety concern to the dairy products, although the cause should be investigated and remedied on a case-by-case basis. In the event of failure to meet a parameter which is not used as an ‘indicator’ and which may present a risk to food safety of the dairy products, use of the water should be suspended until the issue has been corrected. In the meantime, water should be obtained from an alternative source (eg. bottled water, transported water, etc.).


Section III – Good Manufacturing Practices

CULTURES The use of acidifying cultures is not compulsory but where they are employed for technological or hygiene purposes, the following good practices are recommended.

Because they must be efficient in managing acidification some technical recommendations are detailed here, providing information necessary to complete the HACCP-based plans Cultures that enable the acidification of a product may be: indigenous cultures such as those obtained from whey, made up from the milk microflora; commercially available direct-to-vat inoculation (DVI) cultures (in freeze-dried, liquid or frozen form); semi-direct (selected strains used as a preliminary inoculum in order to obtain a quantity of bulk starter) or the (liquid) bulk starter itself. Whilst frozen cultures should be stored at -45°C, this is rarely possible in a small dairy context. Indigenous cultures such as whey, contribute to product ‘typicity’ by bringing varied and specific flora which can make them less susceptible to bacteriophage than other cultures. Where adjunct cultures (non-acidifying cultures) are used the good hygiene practices and hygiene recommendations outlined should also be followed. Origin and Supply of Cultures The culture used should be suited to the technology being employed in order to enable successful acidification. Do not use suspect cultures, those which are badly preserved or which have passed their expiry date. When ordering commercial cultures, ask to avoid dispatch over weekend. Check the condition of the culture upon arrival; especially when the delivery time exceeds 3 days. For frozen cultures, ensure that they are still frozen on arrival. In lactic technology, whey used as a culture must come from good quality curd, being rated by its appearance, odour, colour, taste or pH, acidity of the supernatant whey and its storage temperature. Where curd is used as a culture it must meet the same criteria. Indigenous cultures can also be created directly from the milk of hand milked animals. This technique can be used in an environment in which pathogens and spoilage flora are controlled - but which is not sterile. The milk is taken from animals which do not present signs of mastitis and must be performed using clean equipment and after hand-washing. The incubation takes up to 48 hours, preferably in a production room (~20°C) and a gel must form within that time. It should be more or less firm with the characteristic odour, appearance and homogeneity of a wellmade curd and sufficient acidity (>75°D, 32-34 °SH, or pHm)


No further action. Continue to monitor trends in results. END Does any value exceed big M? OR does c=0?

Checking quality of raw materials and milk production hygiene; where applicable, investigation of the possibility of intra-mammary infection. (See Milk Production) Checking transport and storage temperature. Checking the efficiency of heat treatment and possibility of recontamination in the case of pasteurised liquid dairy products. (See Milk Collection, Storage & Treatment). Evaluating good hygiene practice/good manufacturing practice as outlined in this guide:  Review of Staff hygiene, training & health, cleaning etc.  Evaluating the activity of starter cultures in the case of cheese (eg. correct technological parameters, bacteriophage infection or antibiotic contamination).


No How many sample results are available for the batch?

Review procedures according to actions outlined in (EC) 2073/2005. This may include:

Fewer than 5

Is the result unsatisfactory? (by the definition of the alternative criterion designed by the FBO and accepted by the competent authority)

Where Coagulase-Positive Staphylococci are 5 identified at levels >10 /g, the product must be tested for the presence of staphylococcal enterotoxin. See food safety criteria flow chart


No 5 or more

No >2 samples exceed small m?


Result is Acceptable Continue to monitor trends in results. Take action to avoid unsatisfactory results. END



COAGULAS Withdrawal, recall ‘Withdrawal' is the process by which a product is removed from the supply chain, with the exception of product that is in the possession of consumers. 'Recall' means the process by which a product is removed from the supply chain and where consumers are advised to take appropriate action, for example to return or destroy food. In case of suspicion of the safety of a dairy product that is no longer under the control of the cheese dairy, the traceability system should allow the producer to track the products for the purposes of facilitating withdrawal or recall. The producer must:  Collect the following information on the affected food: o Food name and description o Batch codes involved o Quantity of food implicated o Distribution details o Whether the food may have reached consumers.  Notify the competent authorities in order for them to supervise the action plan decided by the producer.  Perform a withdrawal or (where the product poses a significant hazard to consumers) a recall. In case of non-conformity and in addition to the above measures, follow the guidance of the Non Conformity Management. Decision tree: How to conduct a product recall/withdrawal? Food is unsafe and Food is unsafe but can has reached the final consumer be guaranteed not to have reached the final consumer Notify the competent authority

Food is unsafe but can be guaranteed not to have reached any customer

Notify the competent authority

Nominate Coordinator (1)

Nominate Coordinator (1)

Nominate Coordinator (1)

Carry out Recall

Carry out Withdrawal

Suspend distribution

Notify trade customers and consumers

Notify trade customers

Remove food from the distribution chain and where necessary to protect public health, remove food from consumers

Remove food from the distribution chain

Communicate information to the consumer (Point-of-sale notice, press release, website notice, …)

Communicate information to customers

Identify non-conforming products and segregate them from conforming products Ensure non-conforming products are identified to staff to prevent accidental use or dispatch Establish special handling requirements and training of employees Record non-conformities and all actions taken Identify the source of contamination and/or the way in which control (e.g. bacterial growth) was lost Non-conforming products should be disposed of in line with regulation (EC) 1069/2009 (1) To ensure efficiency, it is recommended to nominate a single person within the business to coordinate the recall/withdrawal or make contact with customers or the press.



HAZARD ANALYSIS CHEMICAL HAZARDS Additives, Enzymes and other Ingredients (1) Dairy products may become contaminated by the addition of additives and enzymes which are not authorised or by the use of inappropriate doses of authorised additives. Products may also be contaminated by the addition of ingredients which are chemically contaminated. Preventive Measures: Use only additives and enzymes permitted for use in dairy products under EU legislation. Obtain additives, enzymes and ingredients from a reputable source and keep delivery documents as a record of batch numbers received. Follow the supplier’s instructions for use and measure quantities accurately.

Allergens (2) The presence of allergens may pose a significant risk to consumer health. Preventive measures: Herbs, nuts & other ingredients should be evaluated for the presence of allergens including: gluten, crustaceans, molluscs, fish, peanuts, nuts, soybeans, celery, mustard, sesame, lupin, sulphur dioxide and eggs. The presence of allergenic ingredients, including milk, in dairy products must be declared to the consumer in line with Regulation (EU) 1169/2011. The presence of allergens in an ingredient may not be obvious, for example, lysozyme is often produced from egg white.

Antibiotics, other veterinary medicines and biocides Residues from veterinary medicines, including antibiotics and parasite treatments such as antiprotozoal or anti-helminthic drugs that have been administered to milking animals, can pose a risk to consumer health if they contaminate the milk supply. Antibiotics may also inhibit the growth of starter cultures. Preventive Measures: Teat dips and sprays should be authorised for use as veterinary products. Identify milking animals undergoing treatment, milk them separately and exclude the milk from supply into the food chain. Clean/rinse the milking equipment after such animals are milked. Veterinary medicines must be administered in accordance with the label instructions unless authorised for ‘offlabel’ use by a veterinarian. Observe the correct withdrawal period following treatment of a milking animal and note that this may be extended by ‘off-label’ use. Suitable monitoring procedures may include i) inspection of farm records detailing veterinary medicines administered or ii) screening for the presence of antibiotics. Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for permitted substances are stated (and prohibited substances listed) in Commission Regulation (EU) 37/2010 as amended. Further prohibited substances are listed in Council Directive 96/22/EC as amended.

Pesticides Residues from pesticides contaminating feeds or grazing land may contaminate the milk supply. Preventive Measures: Use pesticides according to the manufacturer’s instructions, observing the specified period between application and harvesting or grazing.



HAZARD ANALYSIS Detergent and disinfectant residues Chemicals used in the cleaning and disinfection of the milking equipment, bulk tank, churns, road tankers or pipelines and cheesemaking equipment should be considered as a possible source of contamination of the milk supply. Chemical residues may pose a direct risk to consumer health or, at lower levels, may inhibit starter activity which may compromise the safety of the product. Preventive measures: When purchasing chemicals (eg. disinfectants) make sure they are licensed for this application. Follow the correct cleaning procedure and the correct dose of chemical. After cleaning and disinfection, rinse equipment with potable water according to manufacturer’s instructions.

Dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (3) Dioxins are a group of chlorinated organic compounds which may be present as environmental contaminants. They can be produced by uncontrolled incineration and industrial processes. Dioxins cause a number of health problems including immunological, neurological and reproductive disorders and cancer. They are persistent in the environment and are fat soluble, becoming concentrated by the cheesemaking process. Preventive measures: Industrial releases are a more significant source of dioxins than agricultural activities and monitoring is carried out at national level rather than by farms. Farmers should however avoid the unauthorised incineration of waste materials which can increase the levels of dioxin present in the vicinity of the milking herd or flock. Contaminated land should not be used for grazing or growing of feed crops.

Heavy metals (3) Lead and other heavy metals can accumulate in the body; chronic toxicity can cause a range of gastrointestinal and neurological symptoms in milking animals and humans, children being particularly at risk. The principal sources of contamination are through environmental contamination or contaminated feed. Soils in some areas may contain high levels of lead and care should be taken to avoid overgrazing. Preventive measures: Exclude milking animals from grazing areas that contain illegally-dumped waste, car batteries, burnt-out vehicles, old machinery, mine-workings and bonfire ash. Avoid the use of runoff water from land with high levels of lead. Seek veterinary advice in the event of suspected lead poisoning in a milking animal. Food contact surfaces and the water supply may also be possible sources of heavy metal contamination (see Good Hygiene Practices Water Supply).

Aflatoxin M1: Some genera of moulds including species of Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium are able to produce toxins such as Aflatoxin (B1, M1, B2, and M2), Ochratoxin and Citrinin which have carcinogenic (cancer-promoting) and nephrotoxic (kidney-damaging) properties in humans if consumed over a long period of time. Aflatoxin B1 may be found in animal fodder and is the most important of the aflatoxins. Following ingestion by milking animals, it is excreted in the milk as aflatoxin M1. Directive 2002/32/EC sets maximum levels for Aflatoxin B1 in feed. Aflatoxins are thermostable. Regulation (EC) N°1881/2006 sets a maximum level for aflatoxin M1 in milk, heat-treated milk and milk destined for the processing of dairy products of 0.050 μg/kg. Concentration and dilution criteria must be applied in order to establish the maximum level that is acceptable in dairy products.



HAZARD ANALYSIS Chronic ingestion of mycotoxins by milking animals may manifest in symptoms such as loss of reproductive health, digestive disorders, skin lesions and abortion. Animal feedstuffs can be contaminated in the field or during storage. Although Aflatoxins can be excreted in the milk, they are mostly excreted in faeces and urine. During separating of the milk fat, most aflatoxins are eliminated in the skimmed milk and the aflatoxins always present in cream are eliminated during churning in the buttermilk and cleaning water. In cheese making, the distribution depends on the technology employed which determines the quantity of whey lost from the curd. For yoghurt, almost all of the aflatoxin remains in the product. The most harmful mycotoxins are not usually formed to a significant degree in low carbohydrate foods, such as cheese, under conditions typically encountered during ripening. Aflatoxin that is already present in milk due to contaminated feed may become concentrated in the curd during cheese production though its retention in the curd depends on the technology employed and prevention of contaminated feed remains the principal control. Preventive measures: practical ways to reduce or to avoid mycotoxin production in fields are limited. Good practices for harvesting and storage of feeds can help to maintain low levels of mycotoxins in animal feed as low moisture, anaerobiosis and low pH are not favourable for their development. Where necessary remove moisture from feeds.

Miscellaneous Hazards: Migration of chemicals from food contact materials can occur. This can be prevented by only using approved food contact materials. For smoked cheese and other smoked products the smoking step must be considered in the hazard analysis.

1) At the time of writing, the list of authorised enzymes is still in preparation. 2) Histamine and other biogenic amines produced by lactic acid bacteria during the maturation of some long-aged hard and blue cheeses has been implicated as a cause of allergy-like symptoms in susceptible consumers. It is not considered to be a significant hazard in farmhouse and artisan cheese: there are no preventive measures which can be applied by producers to guarantee the absence of histamine and currently there are no criteria in EU legislation for acceptable levels in cheese. 3) Commission Regulation (EC) 1881/2006 lays down maximum levels for dioxins and dioxin-like PCB’s in raw milk and dairy products including butterfat and for lead and Aflatoxin M1 in raw and heat-treated milk, including that intended for processing into dairy products.



HAZARD ANALYSIS PHYSICAL HAZARDS Glass, wood, plastic and metal from equipment and premises Splinters from damaged equipment pose a risk to consumer health. Fragments of glass from broken items and metal shards from damaged equipment pose significant risks to consumer health. Packaging from starter cultures and other ingredients may pose a choking hazard. Preventive measures: Premises should be maintained in good condition. Equipment should be free from damage and checked to ensure that glass and metal components are intact before and after use. Glass items should not be present in the dairy unless their use is unavoidable. Glass breakage should be recorded and production suspended while the breakage is cleared up. Glass particles can travel up to ten metres from the point of breakage and potentially contaminated batches of milk, curd or cheese should be destroyed. Protective clothing, including shoes, should be changed after clearing up a glass breakage. Dispose of packaging from starter cultures and other ingredients immediately after use. Miscellaneous Foreign Bodies While posing a minor physical hazard, milk may be contaminated by grass and dirt from the teats which poses a risk of microbiological contamination. Physical contamination of dairy products arising from pest activity can be a source of microbiological contamination by pathogenic or spoilage bacteria. Damaged food contact materials surfaces can pose a risk of physical contamination while unsuitable materials may pose a risk of chemical contamination. Cheesemaking personnel and visitors should be considered a significant source of possible physical contamination. Physical contaminants may pose a choking hazard to the consumer or can be a source of microbiological contamination. Examples include: buttons, jewellery, coins, pens, mobile phones, gloves, nail varnish, false fingernails and hair. Preventive measures: Careful preparation of the teat for milking. Filter the milk before storage or processing. Protect the production space or the vat from pests including flying insects. Inspect ingredients and packaging upon receipt. Follow a documented Staff and Visitor Hygiene policy. (See GHP Staff Hygiene and Training). Ensure that clean protective clothing is provided by the dairy and is fit for purpose. Use appropriate food contact materials.



HAZARD ANALYSIS MICROBIOLOGICAL HAZARDS Brucella spp (except B. ovis which is not pathogenic for humans) Brucella is the agent responsible for brucellosis, an infectious disease which is contagious to both animals and humans and is present all over the world. The main animal reservoirs of Brucella are cattle (B. abortus), sheep and goats (B. melitensis) and domestic swine (B. suis). Brucellosis is a zoonosis and human infection can occur by:  consuming contaminated food (principally raw milk and raw milk products)  contact with infected animals and particularly: o genital secretions, aborted foetuses and placentas o skin (even when apparently healthy) o digestive, conjunctival or nasopharyngeal mucosa o infected organs, particularly the liver, spleen and udder o contaminated manure or wool. Regulation (EC) n°853/2004 sets specific hygiene rules applicable to foodstuffs of animal origin and indicates what action to take regarding brucellosis in relation to raw milk. National regulations set out technical and administrative measures regarding collective prophylaxis and sanitary surveillance of cattle, sheep and goats. The prevention of human brucellosis is based on programmes of prevention and eradication of infection among livestock. The aim of these programmes is to reduce the prevalence of infection in herds by implementing sanitary and/or medical controls (vaccination of animals) and, as far as possible, to achieve eradication of the infection, initially farm by farm, then at a wider regional or national level. Preventive measures: In the cases of cow, goat and sheep herds, the control of Brucella contamination of milk production requires the use of raw milk solely from herds (in the case of cows) or from farms (in the case of goats and sheep) that are brucellosis-free or officially brucellosis-free. On-farm control of this risk requires the management of animal movements, monitoring and recording of aborted foetuses and the application of compulsory prophylaxis measures. In herds or farms that are not brucellosis-free or officially brucellosis free, milk from sick animals or from animals who show a positive reaction to tests for brucellosis must never be used. Milk from the rest of the herd must be treated to ensure its safety, in accordance with the regulation (EC) 853/2004 (section 9, chapter 1, art.3) and with approval from the competent authority. Mycobacterium bovis and M. tuberculosis Two main species are known to be pathogenic to man: M. tuberculosis causes human tuberculosis while M. bovis (bovine tuberculosis) causes infection in cattle. Mycobacterium caprae has also been recently involved in human infection. The natural reservoirs of M. tuberculosis are humans and primates and, occasionally, other mammals. Transmission in humans most often occurs by prolonged exposure to sick people. The natural reservoirs of M. bovis are cattle, goats, pigs and, very rarely, sheep, humans and various wild mammals. Animals that are sick or have latent infections can transmit the disease to humans through:  Inhalation of contaminated aerosols (generated by coughing animals) or infected dust in the environment  Infection of wounds while handling contaminated objects or tuberculous lesions in the abattoir  Ingestion of raw milk or insufficiently heat-treated milk. Regulation (EC) n°853/2004 sets specific hygiene rules applicable to foodstuffs of animal origin and indicates what action to take regarding tuberculosis in relation to raw milk. National regulation sets out technical and administrative measures regarding collective prophylaxis and sanitary surveillance of cattle, sheep and goats.



HAZARD ANALYSIS Preventive measures: The prevention of M. bovis in human is principally based on programmes of prevention and eradication of infection among livestock. Control of this risk requires the management of animal movements; sanitary controls on introductions to the herd, and the application of compulsory prophylaxis measures (i.e. herd screening and removal of infected animals). In herds not tuberculosis free, milk from animals who show a positive reaction to tests for tuberculosis, nor any symptoms of these diseases must never be used. Milk from the rest of the herd must be treated to ensure its safety, in accordance with the regulation (EC) 853/2004 (section 9, chapter 1, art.3) and with approval from the competent authority. Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a group of diverse bacteria normally present in the digestive microflora of humans and warm-blooded animals. Most E. coli strains are harmless but some of them are pathogenic because they have acquired virulence factors. These are, in particular, the Shiga toxinproducing E. coli (STEC, also known as VTEC), which have acquired the stx virulence gene and are therefore capable of producing Shiga toxins. Among these, some serogroups which carry additional virulence genes are considered highly pathogenic. Infections caused by STEC constitute a major problem for public health, due to the severity of clinical symptoms that they can generate, in particular haemorrhagic colitis and haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). HUS affects primarily young children and elderly people. It constitutes the main cause of acute renal failure in children under 3 years old. The infectious dose is very low and a few bacteria can result in infection. Article 14.1 of Regulation (EC) n°178/2002 requires that no foodstuff may be placed on the market if it is hazardous. Shiga toxin-producing E. coli are on the list of agents to monitor by EU Member States (Directive 2003/99/EC). STEC, like all E. coli are heat-labile bacteria. Vigilance is recommended in processing of raw milk. The contamination of products rarely occurs from the factory and the prime source of STEC is the milk itself. While humans can carry STEC, domestic ruminants, and in particular cattle (sheep and goats), are the main carriers. They are asymptomatic carriers and contribute to the contamination of the environment by spreading the bacteria present in their faeces. Other wild animals, vermin and birds can also be carriers of these bacteria and thereby contribute to its circulation on farms. Animal feed (grass, forage) and drinking water can also become contaminated in this way. STEC can survive for several weeks or even several months in a farm environment, in drinking trough sediment, faeces or manure on the ground. Intra-mammary contamination with STEC cannot be discounted. . Contamination of milk occurs during milking due to unclean teats or unclean milking areas. Contamination can also occur indirectly via contaminated water. STEC can also be present in the milking machine if this is poorly designed, poorly maintained and/or inadequately cleaned. Preventive measures: As stated in point 14 of the preamble to Regulation (EC) 2073/2005, it was the opinion of the Standing Committee on Veterinary Measures relating to Public Health that "microbiological guidelines aimed at reducing the faecal contamination along the food chain can contribute to a reduction in public health risks, including VTEC." Risk of contamination of products with STEC may be reduced by control of faecal contamination during milk production. By following good hygienic practices at this stage, as described in the section IV of this guide, the producer is able to prevention faecal contamination and reduce the risk of contamination by STEC. Listeria monocytogenes The genus Listeria comprises several species of which the species Listeria monocytogenes is pathogenic to humans and animals while the species L. ivanovii is pathogenic to animals and, rarely, to humans. L. monocytogenes is responsible for a disease affecting humans and animals (a zoonosis) called listeriosis which can - in people more susceptible to Listeria infections - leave serious permanent damage and leads to death in 15 to 30 % of human cases. Infection mainly occurs by ingesting contaminated foodstuffs.



HAZARD ANALYSIS Regulation (EC) n°2073/2005 requires L. monocytogenes to be absent in 25 g of dairy products or it permits it to be present at < 100/g where studies have shown that the organism will not exceed this level during the entire life of the product. Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 also requires, in its article 5, the monitoring for L. monocytogenes on contact surfaces and the production environment, as a part of the sampling scheme to be established by the producer (testing frequency decided by the producer in the context of their procedures based on HACCP principles and good hygiene practice – see article 4 point 2 of Regulation (EC) 2073/2005). L. monocytogenes is destroyed by pasteurisation and inhibited by good acidification. Listeria spp are soil-borne and salt-tolerant bacteria, ubiquitous in the external environment and able to grow at cold temperatures (