EURAXESS CELAC Funding opportunities

2 oct. 2017 - Dear readers,. "EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion" is a European Commission initiative focused on researcher mobility and career development. EURAXESS is active in 40 European countries and has representatives in six countries/regions around the world, including Brazil since 2013. Since March ...
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2017 October Issue 3

EURAXESS CELAC Funding opportunities Dear readers, "EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion" is a European Commission initiative focused on researcher mobility and career development. EURAXESS is active in 40 European countries and has representatives in six countries/regions around the world, including Brazil since 2013.

EURAXESS CELAC Funding opportunities is a list of open calls to fund researchers’ mobility, compiled by the EURAXESS CELAC team. The information contained in this publication is intended for personal use only. It should not be taken in any way to reflect the views of the European Commission nor of the Delegations of the European Union in the region. Please email [email protected] with any comments on this list, contributions you would like to make, if you think any other colleagues would be interested in receiving this document, or if you wish to unsubscribe. Editors: Charlotte GRAWITZ, EURAXESS CELAC, Country Representative, Ingrid Le Van, Programme Officer

Since March 2017, EURAXESS Brazil has turned into EURAXESS Latin America and Caribbean States and is gradually extending some of its activities to other countries of the region. Our flagship publication, the EURAXESS Brazil list of funding opportunities is now gaining a CELAC version for researchers from Latin America and Caribbean States (in addition to the Brazilian edition). In this document, we compile a list of open calls to fund researchers mobility. The jobs, grants and fellowships announced are funded by the European Commission, EU member states or associated countries as well as private institutions. This list is published on a regular basis. This edition is valid for July and August. To find more opportunities, we invite you to consult the EURAXESS Portal, and more specifically the: 

EURAXESS Job database that lists thousands of vacancies from more than 40 European countries and other regions in the world.

And the Funding database allowing you to search for the funding programme you need for your mobility or research cooperation project.

Please note that individual researchers can upload their CVs on the portal, register their searches and create alerts to be informed when a vacancy matching their profile has been published. Funding organisations can publish their funding opportunities and scholarships on the EURAXESS website to increase their visibility and reach the best candidates worldwide. We hope this list will help you turn your interest in research mobility into reality and remain at your disposal to discuss your projects. Your EURAXESS CELAC Team


Contents Grants & Fellowships ....................................................................................... 4 1

European Union ........................................................................................ 4 Horizon 2020 – Work programme 2018-2020 to be released soon 4 ERC Synergy Grants ....................................................................... 4 Call to select Innovative training networks (ITN/MSCA) to be released in ocotober........................................................................ 5 TOMOCON - 15 Early Stage Researcher / PhD Positions in Smart Tomographic Sensors for Advanced Industrial Process Control (Incoming) ........................................................................................ 7 European Molecular Biology Laboratory – International PhD programme (Incoming) .................................................................... 7 European Respiratory Society - Post-doctoral Research fellowships RESPIRE 3 (Incoming) ................................................. 7 EURAXESS Jobs ............................................................................. 8


EU Member States and Associated Countries ............................................ 8 National EURAXESS Portals ........................................................... 8 AUSTRIA - Institute of Science and Technology (IST) PhD programme (Incoming) .................................................................... 8 AUSTRIA - Young Scientists Summer Programme at IIASA (Incoming) ........................................................................................ 8 AUSTRIA – Marietta Blau PhD Grant (Outgoing) ............................ 9 ESTONIA - Archimedes Foundation Scholarships for international students (Incoming) ........................................................................ 9 FINLAND – Finish Foundations’ (Outgoing) Post Doc Pool .......... 9 FRANCE - Institut Pasteur – Paris University International Doctoral Programme ....................................................................... 9 FRANCE - REFEB Scholarships (Outgoing)Error! defined.



FRANCE - ATIP-AVENIR 2018 programme CNRS-Inserm (Incoming) ...................................................................................... 10 GERMANY - PhD at Berlin Mathematical School (Incoming) ....... 10 GERMANY – Humboldt Foundation International Climate Protection Fellowship for young climate experts from developing countries (Incoming) ..................................................................... 10 GERMANY – PhD in Infection Biology and Immunology ............. 11 GERMANY- Rosa Luxemburg Foundation PhD Scholarships on Global Social Rights (Incoming) ................................................... 11 GERMANY - Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants (Incoming) .......... 12 GERMANY/ FRANCE - Make Our Planet Great Again – FrancoGerman Fellowship Programme (Incoming)................................. 12

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EURAXESS CELAC IRELAND - EDGE Fellowships in ICT and Materials (Incoming) .. 13 IRELAND - Sandwich PhD scholarships at Dublin Institute of Technology ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. NETHERLANDS - ‘All eyes on the Amazon’ PhD positions at ISS (Incoming and on the field in the Amazon)................................... 14 NETHERLANDS - International Heineken Prizes Call for Nominations................................................................................... 14 SPAIN – P-SPHERE postdoctoral Fellowships............................. 15 SPAIN – CDTI Programme for International Cooperation on Research and Development .......................................................... 15 SPAIN - BIST Post-doctoral Fellowship Programme (Incoming) . 16 SWITZERLAND - CERN Non-Member State Postdoc Fellowship Programme (Incoming).................................................................. 16 UK - CSSP Brazil research grants (Outgoing)Error! Bookmark not defined. UK - Imperial College President’s PhD Scholarships (Incoming) 16 UK - Eight Fellowships at Warwick University's Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) (Incoming)................................................. 17 UK - Newton Fund Researcher Links Biodiversity Travel Grants (Latin America, both incoming and outgoing).............................. 17 UK - Newton Fund Researcher Links Regional Biodiversity Workshops (Latin America) .......................................................... 18 UK – Chevening scholarships (master’s level) (Incoming) .......... 18 UK (University of Cambridge) - Gates Cambridge Scholarship... 19 UK - Wellcome Trust awards and fellowships .............................. 19 Doctoral studentships (Incoming) ....................................................... 19 Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowships (Outgoing) ................ 19 UK - The Royal Society International Exchanges 2017 Standard Programme (Incoming and outgoing) ........................................... 19 International - IARC Senior Visiting Scientist Award for Cancer Research ........................................................................................ 20 3

Brazil ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. BRAZIL – EU INCOBRA Call for Bilateral Cooperation Networks EU-BR..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. BRAZIL – SPRINT (FAPESP) third call for proposals in 2017 (Incoming and outgoing) ....................... Error! Bookmark not defined. BRAZIL - GERMANY Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowship (Incoming) .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. BRAZIL (FAPESP) – UK (King’s College London) call for joint research projects................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.


Calls still open ......................................................................................... 21 European Union ............................................................................. 21

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EURAXESS CELAC EU Member States and Associated Countries ............................. 21 Brazil ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Grants & Fellowships 1European Union Useful links: Horizon Portal.



International cooperation ALL H2020 calls are open to international participation. For more details on funding of applicants from non-EU countries, click here.

Horizon 2020 – Work programme 2018-2020 to be released soon The European Union’s Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020, including preliminary information on all calls to be launched until 2020 will be published on Friday 27 October 2017. Horizon 2020 is the EU funding programme for research and innovation running from 2014 to 2020 with a €80 billion budget. H2020 supports scientifically-excellent research, innovation, and technological development, through collaborative research projects as well as grants and fellowships to individuals. It is open to the world, so researchers from CELAC are very welcome to get involved. Horizon 2020 offers a large variety of funding opportunities for research and innovation activities through calls for proposals that are set out in the Horizon 2020 work programme. Access all open calls on the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal.

ERC Synergy Grants WHAT? European Research Council ERC Synergy Grants are designed to tackle truly bold scientific challenges by funding groups of up to 4 excellent PIs who jointly address the frontier of knowledge. WHO? This action is open to researchers of any nationality with early achievement or a 10-year track-record who intend to conduct their research activity in any Member State or Associated Country. The ERC's frontier research grants operate on a 'bottom-up' basis without predetermined priorities. ERC Synergy Grants in brief: European Research Council (ERC) funding schemes are open to top researchers of any nationality or age who wish to carry out their frontier research in the 28 EU Member States or associated countries.

 

  

Fund a small group of PIs (2 to 4) with a designated corresponding PI who applies. Research projects must tackle ambitious scientific challenges through a unique combination of skills and knowledge of the PIs. Applications must demonstrate that the proposed research cannot be carried out by a single PI working alone. Any field of research. For researchers of any nationality presenting an early achievement track-record or a ten-year track-record Research must be conducted by all PIs in public or private research organisation(s) located in one of the EU Member States or Associated Countries (including Switzerland). PIs can apply within the same host institution (HI) or through different HIs.

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    Participation of members from countries:

team other

ERC grants support projects carried out by an individual researcher ('Principal Investigator') in the case of Starting Grants, or 2 to 4 individual researchers (under Synergy Grants) who can employ researchers of any nationality as team members. It is also possible to have one or more team members located in a non-European country. Vacancies for team members of an ERC project can be published on the EURAXESS Jobs portal. Please also check out - information on the recent ERC workshop that took place in Rio de Janeiro here - our focus on ERC and what's in it for Brazilian researchers here (most info also relevant for researchers from other countries in the region).

Find the ERC National Contact Points in Celac here.

Each of the PIs shall spend a minimum of 50% of their total working time in an EU Member State or Associated Country,and a minimum of 30% of their total working time on the ERC project.. Funding per grant: up to EUR 10 million (in some circumstances up to EUR 14 million) Duration: up to 6 years Sole evaluation criterion: scientific excellence of the proposal Calls for proposals: published once a year

Deadline: 14 November 2017 About ERC: Set up in 2007 by the EU, the European Research Council is the first panEuropean funding organization for frontier research. It aims to stimulate scientific excellence in Europe by encouraging competition for funding between the very best, creative researchers of any nationality and age. The ERC also strives to attract top researchers from anywhere in the world to come to Europe. It funds young, early-career top researchers ('ERC Starting grants'), already independent excellent scientists ('ERC Consolidator Grants'), and senior research leaders ('ERC Advanced Grants'). Please, note that ERC grants support projects carried out by an individual researcher ('Principal Investigator') who can employ researchers of any nationality as team members. It is also possible to have one or more team members located in a non-European country. Vacancies for team members interested in joining an ERC led research project, can be published on the Euraxess-Jobs portal.

Call to select Innovative training (ITN/MSCA) to be released in October


Innovative Training Networks (ITN) is the main European doctoral training programme, putting a special emphasis on non-academic sector participation and the innovation dimension. Innovative training networks bring together universities, research centres and companies from different countries worldwide to train a new generation of researchers. It is funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions/ Horizon2020 European Union funding programme. The call will be open to consortia of organisations such as universities, research centres or companies, that propose a research training network, including Brazilian institutions that can join a consortia to submit a proposal. There are three types of Innovative Training Networks 1.

European Training Networks (ETN)

Joint research training, implemented by at least three partners from in and outside academia. The aim is for the researcher to experience different sectors and develop their transferable skills by working on joint research projects. The organisations should be established in at least three different EU or associated countries. Additional participants from any organisation anywhere in the world, including Brazil can also join a network. 2.

European Industrial Doctorates (EID)

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EURAXESS CELAC Joint doctoral training delivered by at least one academic partner entitled to award doctoral degrees, and at least one partner from outside academia, primarily enterprise. Each participating researcher is enrolled in a doctoral programme and is jointly supervised by supervisors from the academic and non-academic sector, where they spend at least 50% of their time. The aim is for the doctoral candidates to develop skills inside and outside academia that respond to public and private sector needs. The organisations should be established in at least two different EU or associated countries. A wider set of partner organisations from anywhere in the world may also complement the training. 3.

European Joint Doctorates (EJD):

A minimum of three academic organisations form a network with the aim of delivering joint, double or multiple degrees. Joint supervision of the research fellow and a joint governance structure are mandatory. The aim is to promote international, intersectorial and multi/interdisciplinary collaboration in doctoral training in Europe. The organisations should be from different EU or associated countries. The participation of additional organisations from anywhere in the world, including from the non-academic sector, is encouraged. The maximum duration of an ITN project is four years. Calls are annual. Read the guide for applicants for more details (link to the guide for 2017. Be sure to read the updated guide for the 2018 call as soon as it is available). Expacted deadline: 16 January 2018. Please, note that the call is not open to individual researchers/students. Researchers from CELAC countries interested in high quality doctoral-level training in and outside academia can apply to the PhD positions created by these networks, including Industrial Doctorate and Joint Doctorate. They are advertised on the Euraxess Job portal.

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EURAXESS CELAC TOMOCON - 15 Early Stage Researcher / PhD Positions in Smart Tomographic Sensors for Advanced Industrial Process Control (Incoming) The European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) TOMOCON joins 12 international academic institutions and 15 industry partners in the emerging field of industrial process control using smart tomographic sensors. Doctoral researchers will be trained and work in the fields of process tomography hardware, software and algorithms, control systems theory and design, industrial process design, multi-physics modelling and simulation, human-computer interaction, and massive parallel data processing. Check position details of each European institution for duration and other details here Deadline: 25 October 2017

European Molecular Biology Laboratory International PhD programme (Incoming)

As Europe’s only intergovernmental research organisation in life sciences and as a leading laboratory in molecular biology, EMBL is dedicated to promoting excellence in molecular life sciences throughout Europe. One of the best ways to achieve this goal is by inspiring and fostering talented young scientists to turn them into skilled and creative future leaders. The EMBL International PhD Programme is Europe’s ‘best in class’ PhD programme for the life sciences. Two-hundred and forty students from over 40 countries are carrying out PhD research at EMBL at any time. WHAT: advanced, interdisciplinary training in Molecular Biology and its associated scientific disciplines. WHO: Applicants of all nationalities with a university degree that would formally qualify them to enter a PhD or equivalent programme in their home country. Registration deadline: 16 October 2017. Application deadline 23 October 2017

European Respiratory Society - Post-doctoral Research fellowships RESPIRE 3 (Incoming) Find many other calls funded by the European Commission, Member states and associated countries and Brazil in the still open section below.

ERS/EU RESPIRE3 postdoctoral Marie Curie Fellowships offer opportunities in the broad field of respiratory science, co-funded by the European Union. The programme is aimed at early stage scientists with the potential to become the leaders of tomorrow in the respiratory field. It offers 2-year European and 3-year Global fellowships and requires transnational mobility. Nationality: For European Fellowships, applicants of any nationality can apply to come to Europe (EU Member States or H2020 Associate Country). For Global Fellowships, only nationals or long-term residents of EU Member States or H2020 Associate Country can apply. Candidates from any disciplines can apply with a project in respiratory medicine/science at one of more 85 pre-registered host centres worldwide; PhD or at least 4 years of full-time research experience, with at least one first author publication;

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EURAXESS CELAC Deadline: 1 December 2017

EURAXESS Jobs There are currently around 7400 research jobs (all over Europe, but also in other countries such as in Latin America and in all disciplines) announced on the EURAXESS Jobs database. Opportunities can be viewed by country, level of seniority, field or research or via free text searches. Please note that these jobs also include doctoral positions, including those funded by the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA – ITN) and by the European Research Council (ERC).

2 EU Member States Associated Countries Find out about all the free services EURAXESS provides to researchers and employers. You can save time and money by using more than 500 EURAXESS Centres and contact points around Europe to help you with a range of issues including visa requirements, work regulations, taxation and social security.


National EURAXESS Portals The latest information on open calls for national grants and fellowships in the 40 member countries of the EURAXESS network can be accessed on the respective national EURAXESS portals: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Macedonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK.

AUSTRIA - Institute of Science and Technology (IST) PhD programme (Incoming) WHO ? Open to highly qualified students from all disciplines of the natural sciences, mathematics, computer sciences and any related interdisciplinary areas.

The IST Scholar programme is partially funded by the European Commission. Top-ranked students who fulfil the mobility criteria will also be Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellows.

Applicants from all countries are welcome, although IIASA gives priority to citizens or residents of NMO countries, including Brazil and Mexico

Currently active fields of research include biology, neuroscience, physics, mathematics, data science & computation and computer science. Applicants must hold a Master's or Bachelor's degree or anticipate the completion of the degree before September 2017. Participating students are expected to be proficient in written and oral English. Deadline: 8 January 2018

AUSTRIA - Young Scientists Summer Programme at IIASA (Incoming) The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis IIASA's annual 3month Young Scientists Summer Programme (YSSP) in Austria offers research opportunities to talented PhD students whose interests correspond with IIASA's ongoing research on issues of global environmental, economic and social change. The programme offers a wide range of scientific events, including both social and natural sciences, often with important policy dimensions.

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EURAXESS CELAC From June through August accepted participants work within the Institute’s research programs under the guidance of IIASA scientific staff. Deadline: January 2018 (exact date to be confirmed – TBC).

AUSTRIA – Marietta Blau PhD Grant (Outgoing)

Looking for scholarships or research grants in Austria? Check

The Marietta Blau Grant offers financial support for carrying out the abroad part (6-12 months) of a doctoral programme at Austrian universities: the grant enables scientific research worldwide in the following fields:      


Natural Sciences Technical Sciences Human Medicine, Health Sciences Agricultural Sciences Social Sciences Humanities 

Monthly grants of 1500 Euros are given under this programme. The next application deadlines are 1 February & 1 September 2018.

ESTONIA - Archimedes Foundation Scholarships for international students (Incoming) For short-term study and research activities of foreign students (Brazilians and Mexicans included) visiting Estonian universities. -

scholarships for undergraduate studies in the fields related to Estonian language and culture; scholarships for MA and PhD studies; scholarships for participation in summer and winter schools; mobility grants for researchers and academic staff.

Deadlines vary for each host institution (Estonian universities and Higher Educations institutions). More details here

FINLAND – Finish Foundations’ (Outgoing) Post Doc Pool The Säätiöiden post doc-pool covers all expenses of a research period abroad for at least one academic year. The pool grants are intended only for sending post-doctoral researchers abroad from Finland. Open to applicants of any nationality based in Finland whose doctoral degree was preferably completed no more than four years previously. Two application rounds per year. Next deadline: 15 January 2018

FRANCE - Institut Pasteur – Paris University International Doctoral Programme WHO? Applicants holding a Master degree in science, medicine or related fields from a non-French university and are fluent in English. WHAT? stipend to cover the successful students’ living expenses and health insurance during the duration of the contract (three years). Students conduct their research in one of the 120 laboratories of the Institut Pasteur offering cutting edge training in a large variety of topics covering Molecular and cellular biology, Genetics, Immunology, Microbiology, Genomics,

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EURAXESS CELAC Bioinformatics, Structural biology, Enzymology and metabolism, Biological chemistry, Virology, Parasitology, Medical mycology, Epidemiology, Infectiology, Imaging, Neurosciences, Developmental biology and Systems biology. Candidates should first contact the laboratory (the sooner the better). Deadline: 13 November 2017

FRANCE - ATIP-AVENIR 2018 programme CNRSInserm (Incoming) WHO? open to young scientists of all nationalities, who have defended their PhD (or equivalent doctoral degree) within the last 10 years WHAT? 3-year grant. Can be extended for an additional 2 years. Projects must relate to Life Sciences or Health. Interdisciplinary projects allying biology to mathematics, physics, informatics, chemistry, public health will be examined with a particular attention. Deadline: 16 November 2017 (call opening 17 October 2017)

GERMANY - PhD at Berlin Mathematical School (Incoming) The Berlin Mathematical School offers a fast-track doctoral program in the rapidly developing scientific landscape of Berlin presenting an exciting variety of possibilities both for mathematical research and graduate education. As a BMS student, you will join a diverse community of fellow graduate students coming from over 50 countries around the world of which around 30% are women. The Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) is a joint graduate school of the mathematics departments of the three major Berlin universities: Freie Universität (FU), Humboldt-Universität (HU) and Technische Universität (TU). The BMS has been funded under the German “Excellence Initiative” since October 2006.

BMS offers:       

A broad range of courses Pure and applied mathematics Full course program in English Scholarships Funding for conferences and summer schools Mentoring program and soft skills training Funding for students with children

BMS accepts applications for admission from talented students completing their Bachelor's degree or above. Deadlines: 1 December 2017 (for applications with scholarship request); Late application deadline (limited number of scholarships available): 1 April 2018.

GERMANY – Humboldt Foundation International Climate Protection Fellowship for young climate experts from developing countries (Incoming) Spend a year working with a host of your choice in Germany on a researchbased project you have developed yourself in the field of climate protection and climate-related resource conservation CLICK ON BLUE TITLES FOR MORE INFORMATION


20 fellowships for future leaders from a non-European transition or developing country, including Brazil and several other CELAC countries.

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Researchers active in any of the following areas: scientific, engineering-based, legal, economic, health-related or social aspects of climate change


a monthly fellowship of between €2150 and €2650, depending on your qualifications individual mentoring during your stay in Germany additional financial support for items such as family members accompanying you, travel expenses or a German language course a three-week introductory phase, during which you will have the opportunity to make contact with other climate protection fellows and visit companies, research institutions and cultural events in Germany extensive alumni sponsorship, particularly to help you sustain contact with collaborative partners in Germany during your entire professional career

Deadline: 1 March 2018

GERMANY Immunology






The ZIBI Graduate School Berlin, an international doctoral programme for research in infection biology and immunology, is looking for highly motivated PhD candidates of all nationalities.

All doctoral researchers of the ZIBI Graduate School are given financial support for at least three years through their respective group leader.

The ZIBI Graduate School offers a structured educational programme to doctoral students of university and non-university research institutes in Berlin. PhD students at the ZIBI Graduate School address research problems in infection biology and immunology. Deadline: 8 October 2017

GERMANY- Rosa Luxemburg Foundation PhD Scholarships on Global Social Rights (Incoming) The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung will award two Ph.D. scholarships on Global Social Rights (GSR) starting 1 April 2018 for a duration of two years (with scope for two 6-month extensions) as part of the cooperative doctoral research group on Social Human Rights at the Universities of Kassel and Fulda. Developing a discourse on Global Social Rights and implementing social and democratic human rights around the world is a priority of the work carried out by the Centre for International Dialogue and Cooperation, the international division of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.

Funding: monthly basic grant of EUR 1350.00 and EUR 100.00 as a lump sum for research expenses Eligibility: Master’s degree (Magisterabschluss) marked with at least ‘good’; for state examinations in law marked with at least ‘satisfactory’; the thesis may be written in German or English. Deadline: 15 October 2017

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EURAXESS CELAC GERMANY - Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants (Incoming) The travel grants are meant to improve the career opportunities for humanities and social science academics in their qualification phase. The scientists conduct a self-chosen research project in at least two and at most three host countries which are home to MWS institutes and branches or at the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History. The total term of funding shall not exceed three months. Placements (at most one month per host country, shorter stays are possible) are to be used for research, especially in libraries and archives. Academics are expected to produce transnational and transregional studies, providing research with new and original ideas. Once a year, supported by the Peters Beer Foundation, part of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Donors' Association for the Promotion of Humanities and Sciences in Germany), the Max Weber Foundation (MWS) confers Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants to young academics with an international focus.

Funding -

documented travel costs for travel to the foreign institute and back (least expensive route); daily rates between € 27 and € 58 depending on the host country; lodging in one of the institute’s inexpensive guest rooms depending on the host country chosen and on availability.

Countries and regions China, Egypt, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Poland, Russia, Senegal, Turkey, USA Eligibility Applications may be filed by highly qualified humanities and social science academics of any nationality (highest degree must be at least a Master, M.A., state examination or German Diplom) who have already published in acknowledged scientific journals and can present a research plan. Deadline: 13 October 2017

GERMANY/ FRANCE - Make Our Planet Great Again – Franco-German Fellowship Programme (Incoming) Germany and France are inviting researchers from all over the world to cooperate with German and French partners to advance sustainability research in the following fields: -

Research on climate change Research for the energy transition Research to understand the Earth system.

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EURAXESS CELAC Fellows of the programme will be given the opportunity to set up their own research group at a German university or research institution for a period of four years. What and who will be funded? Funding will be provided for the establishment of research groups in the designated research areas under the leadership of the successful applicants. Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) MOPGA-GRI stands for „Make Our Planet Great Again – German Research Initiative“.

Junior researchers will receive up to 1 million euros and senior researchers up to 1.5 million euros for 4 years (combined value of contributions from the DAAD and the German host institution) The funding provided will cover staff expenditure (including the position of the applicant him- or herself, post-docs, doctoral students and/or technicians), as well as expenditures for materials and consumables). Duration: The duration of a project may not exceed 48 months. Who can apply? Both junior and senior researchers of all nationalities who have not resided in Germany in the last two years can apply. Junior researchers must have completed their doctorate with distinction at least two years prior to the application deadline of the programme. Note: The deadline for the French part of this call has now passed. Deadline: 13 October 2017

IRELAND - EDGE Fellowships in ICT and Materials (Incoming)

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie (COFUND) grant agreement No. 713567. In total, 71 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships in Ireland will be offered by the project.

EDGE Fellowships are for experienced researchers seeking a prestigious career development fellowship based in one of ten of Ireland’s third-level institutes. EDGE aims to form the next generation of thought leaders in ICT and develop their skill set to actively interact, collaborate and engage with industry. EDGE fellows will be researchers wanting to relocate to Ireland and who are technically strong in their own discipline and capable of performing high-value, interdisciplinary research. The fellowships will provide researchers with the opportunity to work closely with their choice of academic and industry partners relevant to their research, training and professional career development objectives. Eligibility: experienced researchers of any nationality and residing worldwide. Ranging from Candidates with less than 4 years post-PhD (or equivalent) experience to more than 6 years post-PhD experience. Duration: 24 months Research areas:   

Advanced Materials & BioEngineering Digital Content & Media Technologies Future Networks & Communications

Deadline: 31 January 2018

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EURAXESS CELAC NETHERLANDS - ‘All eyes on the Amazon’ PhD positions at ISS (Incoming and on the field in the Amazon) ISS and Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) seek to fill several fullyfunded PhD positions to join an exciting and dynamic multidisciplinary group conducting research on the political ecology and ecological economics of deforestation in the Amazon in Brazil, Ecuador and Peru. All eyes on the Amazon’ project, which brings together 11 institutions from Europe, North America and South America to work towards the goal of combatting deforestation in the Amazon. Consortium partners include Greenpeace, Hivos, World Resources Institute, Digital Democracy, Witness, University of Maryland, and COICA. Within this consortium, ISS is chiefly responsible for monitoring and evaluating the impact of anti-deforestation strategies both in terms of concrete outcomes as well as through the assessment of socioeconomic and environmental institutions.

Successful candidates will be expected to develop and pursue their individual PhD research while contributing to a project carried out by an international consortium of academics, activists and non-governmental organisations. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the broader project, candidates with an interdisciplinary background as well as willingness to conduct long‐term participatory field research in the Amazon will be particularly focused on. The selected candidates will pursue their degrees as part of the ISS PhD in Development Studies. While the academic home of PhD researchers will be the International Institute of Social Studies – Erasmus University Rotterdam, it is expected that their individual projects will require them to spend extensive periods in one (or a combination) of the three countries. Willingness to engage with local communities, social organizations and a range of stakeholders is required Funding: Full PhD fee waiver, a monthly stipend, equipment (laptop and smartphone); fieldwork expenses Eligibility: Master’s degree in economics, geography, anthropology, ecology, environmental science or other cognate fields; strong command of both English as well as Spanish or Portuguese. Previous research experience in Latin America would be an advantage. Deadline: 30 October 2017

NETHERLANDS - International Heineken Prizes Call for Nominations The international Heineken Prizes, worth $ 200,000 each, reward outstanding achievement in the fields of:

These prizes are offered by the Dr H.P. Heineken Foundation and the Alfred Heineken Fondsen Foundation. The selection of the prizes is entrusted by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.


Biochemistry and Biophysics Cognitive Science Environmental Sciences History Medicine

They are intended explicitly for international scientists and scholars who are currently active in their field and whose research still holds considerable promise for future innovative discoveries. International juries will select the winners. Deadline: 15 October 2017

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EURAXESS CELAC SPAIN – P-SPHERE postdoctoral Fellowships

The European P-SPHERE project is coordinated by the UAB (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) and with participation of UAB-CIE member centres. It received funding from the European Commission MSCA COFUND-2014 call.

The project offers fellowships to fellows from all over the world which will have the opportunity to develop their researcher’s careers in an excellent environment. The P-SPHERE programme is articulated around five multidisciplinary domains, including transversal technologies: Food, Health, Smart and Sustainable Cities, Cultural Heritage and Materials & Energy. The last P-Sphere Call offers 4 positions in Animal Health, Micro/Nanotechnologies and Policies in Education and 27 months postdoctoral fellowship to 4 experienced researchers who are invited to propose their own project plan based around the research lines of one of the participant research programs. Deadline: 6 October 2017

SPAIN – CDTI Programme for International Cooperation on Research and Development List of all countries eligible under CDTI Unilateral Programme SPAIN Programme for International Cooperation on Industrial R&D: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, Pakistan, Peru, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, The Philippines, Tunisia, United States, Vietnam.

The spirit of this programme is to promote cooperation between international companies, by means of promoting and providing funding support for industrydriven and close to market R&D Projects between Spanish companies in collaboration with entities (companies, research centers, universities, other R&D-performing organizations) of third countries, including Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru*. Selection Criteria: The project should be innovative aiming to lead to a new or substantial improvement of a product, process or service with clear commercial potential. The project must have equivalence of effort of R&D activities and resources on both countries. Duration : Projects will be from 1 to a maximum of 3 years. The application will be strengthened by the participation of academic and institutional researchers as a component of the R&D project. Minimum Eligibility Criteria: one qualified partner from each country (1 Spanish Company + 1 foreign entity (company/research institution/university or other R&D-performing organisation-). In 2017 there are 2 Submission Dates for Full Application Form / Proposal under the Unilateral Programme: Next Deadline: 23 October 2017

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EURAXESS CELAC SPAIN - BIST Post-doctoral Fellowship Programme (Incoming) PROBIST is a post-doctoral fellowship Program lead by the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology. All together, 61 fellowships will be awarded and implemented in top research in the Barcelona and Tarragona area (Spain) . In the Career Development section of the EURAXESS Spain portal, you can now find: • Research career paths in Spain, including the currently ongoing funding options for the different stages • The recruitment opportunities expected at our national research excellence institutions for 2017 and 2018 • A review of the ongoing MSCA COFUND programmes in Spain • The recruitment opportunities expected in public research performing organizations for 2017 and 2018

BIST brings closer together seven independent Catalan internationally recognised research centres. The centres participating in the PROBIST program are: -

The Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona)

Also affiliated to BIST are: -

Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)

The fellowships are granted for 3 years including:


An annual gross salary of 36.252,82€ plus a single payment of 1504,89€ relocation support (Spanish tax and social security deductions apply), Close mentoring and supervision through prestigious Senior Researchers, A personalized career development plan,


A training program for scientific and transferable skills.



Eligibility Applicants from all nationalities are accepted and must be in possession of a PhD degree at the time of the call deadline. BIST has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 754510

Deadline: 1 November 2017

SWITZERLAND - CERN Non-Member Postdoc Fellowship Programme (Incoming)


Two post-doc positions for young scientists in Theoretical Physics from NonMember States. Applicants should have a maximum of 10 years of research experience after the degree which gives access to doctoral programmes and must NOT be a national from a CERN Member state. Deadline: 15 October 2017

UK - Imperial College President’s PhD Scholarships (Incoming) Receive full tuition fees and a generous stipend for a PhD place at Imperial College London. The President’s PhD Scholarships aims to provide up to 50 research students with great potential the opportunity to work within their chosen research field with the support of an excellent supervisor. Funding (up to 3.5 years):

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Full funding for tuition fees A stipend of £20,800 per annum to assist with living costs A consumables fund of £2,000 per annum for the first 3 years of study A programme of bespoke opportunities and events delivered by the Graduate School

Applications open to CELAC researchers: talented candidates from Imperial College London, the UK and worldwide. There are no restrictions on nationality. Candidates must be among the highest achievers in their undergraduate or Masters degree cohort, and in receipt of, or due to receive a first class UK degree or equivalent. Deadline: TBC – call opening in October

UK - Eight Fellowships at Warwick University's Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) (Incoming) WIRL-COFUND fellows will be expected to undertake research in an area that is linked to one of the Warwick Global Research Priorities. Each fellow will participate in the IAS Academic Careers and Leadership (AcCaLd) programme, an extensive training programme aimed at building an independent research profile and establishing a research career.

The IAS WIRL-COFUND project has received funding the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions COFUND scheme

Applicants of all nationalities and all disciplines are eligible to apply but must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the United Kingdom for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to 7th May 2018. Applicants should also be in possession of a PhD or 4 years equivalent research experience. The programme aims to help postdoctoral researchers at an early stage in their research career to develop an independent research profile and establish themselves as a future research leader. Deadline 30 November 2017

UK - Newton Fund Researcher Links Biodiversity Travel Grants (Latin America, both incoming and outgoing) WHAT ? financial support for early career researchers based in the countries from the list below to visit an institution in the UK or vice versa. Research visits should last between 2 (Brazil) /4 (other countries) to 12 weeks. Partner countries : Argentina, Brazil (from the State of São Paulo only), Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru. Priority areas : - Understanding habitats and species - Biodiversity for sustainable livelihoods and bio-economy - Global Climate Change, Biodiversity and ecosystems - Maintaining and restoring natural capital Multidisciplinary proposals are welcome, and may include Social Sciences and Arts and Humanities. WHO ? The call is open to early and established career researchers based either in the UK, or in one of the partner countries. Applicants must be affiliated with a recognised publicly funded research establishment or public or private Higher Education and Research Institution.

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EURAXESS CELAC Deadline : 13 October 2017

UK - Newton Fund Researcher Links Regional Biodiversity Workshops (Latin America) In addition to the travel grants, the Newton Fund and its Latin american partners support regional workshops in the same priority areas. The workshops bring together early-career researchers from the UK and Latin American countries listed above to allow them to make international connections that can improve the quality of their research. WHO? Joint applications are made by senior researchers from UK and Argentina, Brazil (from the State of São Paulo only), Chile, Colombia, Mexico, or Peru who lead the workshop. Once funded, grants are available to the institutions of early-career researchers in the UK and the partner countries to attend and participate. Deadline : 13 October 2017

UK - Peru Newton Fund Researcher Links Travel Grants Researchers that reside in the UK can apply for funding to visit a university or research institution in Peru, and those residing in Peru can apply for funding to come to the UK. Duration of visit: 4-12 weeks depending on the country Priority areas : -

Water Health Biodiversity

Multidisciplinary proposals are welcome, and may include Social Sciences and Arts and Humanities. Eligibility : Applicants must be based either in the UK or Peru and must be an employee affiliated with a recognised publicly funded research establishment or public or private Higher Education Institution. For-profit organisations are not eligible to receive any grant funds. Deadline : 25 Ocotber 2017

UK – Chevening scholarships (master’s level) (Incoming) Chevening Scholarships are awarded to outstanding emerging leaders to pursue a one-year Master's degree programme at any UK university. They provide a unique opportunity for future leaders, influencers and decision-makers from all over the world to develop professionally and academically, network extensively, experience UK culture and build lasting positive relationships with the UK. A Chevening award offers financial support along with the opportunity of becoming part of the highly regarded and influential Chevening global network. Applicants from CELAC can choose any course of study at any UK higher education institution, when selecting your field of study please refer to the UK priorities in your country. Deadline: 7 November 2017

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EURAXESS CELAC UK (University of Cambridge) - Gates Cambridge Scholarship Gates Cambridge Scholarships are highly competitive, full-cost scholarships. They are awarded to outstanding applicants from countries outside of the UK, including from Brazil, to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge. Deadline: Dependent on your course - either 6 December 2017 or 4 January 2018 *All these Wellcome trust opportunities and many others are available on EURAXESS funding database

UK - Wellcome Trust awards and fellowships Doctoral studentships (Incoming) This scheme enables researchers to undertake humanities or social science doctoral degrees in any area of health. Applicants must have sponsorship from an eligible host organisation in the UK, Republic of Ireland or a low, middle-income or upper-middle- income country and hold, or expect to hold, a relevant Master's degree Deadline : 29 March 2018

Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowships (Outgoing) This scheme offers recently qualified postdoctoral researchers the opportunity to start independent research careers, working in some of the best research environments in the world. Applicants should have a relevant connection to the EEA and be in the final year of doctoral studies or have no more than 2 years' postdoctoral experience. Next Deadline: 16 October 2017

Investigator Award Funding for world-class researchers and clinicians with a compelling long-term vision for their research. Provides a flexible package of funding that is driven by the requirements of the proposed research. Awards may be small or large, typically up to £3 million, and lasting up to seven years. Next deadline : 27 November 2017

Seed Awards in Humanities and Social Science What? Small, one-time grants - of up to £100,000 for up to two years - to help researchers develop original and innovative ideas on the theme of sexuality and health. Next Deadline: 12 March 2018

UK - The Royal Society International Exchanges 2017 Standard Programme (Incoming and outgoing) Objective The International Exchanges Scheme is designed to offer a flexible platform for UK based scientists to interact with the best scientists around the world and stimulate new collaborations. Funds for a contribution towards travel, subsistence and research expenses can be requested for either a one-off short

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EURAXESS CELAC visit to explore opportunities for building lasting networks or for bilateral visits to strengthen emerging collaborations. Subjects covered All activities must be on a subject within the natural sciences, including: physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, engineering, agricultural, biological and medical research, geography and experimental psychology. The Royal Society does not cover social science, clinical or patient-oriented research. Eligibility: Applicants must have a PhD or equivalent research experience and hold a permanent or fixed-term contract in an eligible university or research institute, which must span the duration of the project. Duration: Awards are available for either up to 3 months, 1 year or 2 years. Funding: £3,000 - £12,000 dependent upon the length of the visit. The International Exchanges scheme accepts applications for collaborations with all countries outside of the UK. A collaborative programme is currently in place in partnership with Brazil (CONFAP), China (NSFC), Mexico (Mexican Academy of Sciences), South Africa (NRF), Turkey (TUBITAK), Malaysia (ASM and MIGHT) and Thailand (OHEC) as part of the Newton Fund. Special collaborative cost-share programmes are currently in place with Ireland (RIA), Russia (RFBR), Argentina (CONICET), France (CNRS), China (NSFC), Taiwan (MOST) and Japan (JSPS). Deadline: 17 October 2017

International - IARC Senior Visiting Scientist Award for Cancer Research For a qualified and experienced senior investigator who wishes to spend from six to twelve months at the IARC working on a collaborative project in a research area related to the Agency’s programmes. Deadline for application: 30 November 2017.

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3 Calls still open (Click on the blue links or see previous newsletters for more details)

European Union ERC Starting Grants: For researchers of any nationality with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD; up to € 1.5 million funding; all scientific fields; up to 5 years; Research must be conducted in a public or private research organisation located in one of the EU Member States or Associated Countries. Deadline: 17 October 2017 Jean Monnet Postdoctoral Fellowships: one or two-year fellowships at the European University Intitute (EUI) for postdocs of all nationalities in Integration, Governance and Democracy;Regulating Markets and Governing Money; 21st Century World Politics and Europe. Deadline: 25 October 2017 European Southen Observatory Postdoctoral Fellowships for outstanding earlycareer scientists; develop independent research programmes with close contact to the activities and staff at ESO. Duration: 3-4 years.Deadline: 15 October 2017. European Southen Observatory ESO Studentship Programme : for students enrolled in a university Ph.D. programme, preferentially but not necessarily in an ESO member state in astronomy or related fields.Deadlines: 15 November 2017; 31 May 2018 Brazil is one of ESO member states.

Read our guide on how Brazilian researchers, organisations and staffs can benefit from MSCA here

Erasmus+ Joint Master Degrees (JMD) are offered by an international consortium of higher education institutions. Students from anywhere in the world at master's level can apply for these degrees and one of the approx. 15 student and 4 guest lecturers scholarships. Deadlines: various (depending on each consortium’s rules for application. Most consortia will require applications to be submitted between October and January, for courses starting the following academic year.) European Respiratory Society (ERS) Short-Term Research Training Fellowships (Incoming): allow young scientists and clinicians to visit a host institution in Europe. Short term stays of 1-3 months are supported. All nationalities. Next deadlines: 1 April 2018 EMBO Long-Term Fellowships. Long- term fellowships for up to 2 years to support post-doctoral research visits to laboratories throughout Europe and the world. Deadline: now accepted throughout the year. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis IIASA Postdoctoral Research programme offers up to 2 years positions. Applications are accepted continually, Upcoming review dates: 1 April 2018.

EMBO offers the largest number of life science events in Europe. EMBO Courses & Workshops funds approximately 90 events attracting more than 11,000 participants every year.

The Erwin Schrödinger programme is co-funded by the European Union.

EU Member States and Associated Countries AUSTRIA - Institute of Science and Technology call for professors for internationally accomplished scientists in all areas. Deadlines: On-going for Professor applications. AUSTRIA - Lise Meitner Programme for Scientists from Abroad. WHO: Highly qualified scientists of any discipline with an invitation from an Austrian research institution. No deadline. AUSTRIA – Erwin Schrödinger Outgoing Fellowship (Outgoing) including a return phase. Post-doctoral fellowships at leading foreign research institutions for young and especially highly qualified post-doc scientists of any discipline. Applications accepted continuously, no application deadlines.

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EURAXESS CELAC BELGIUM – FWO outgoing mobility opportunities. international contacts between research groups. -

Grants supporting

Travel Grants for Short Stays Abroad (Max. 1 month, outgoing) Grant for participation in a conference abroad Grant for participation in a workshop or course abroad

Deadline for all grants: no later than 3 months prior to the departure date. BELGIUM (Wallonie-Bruxelles) - Ulysse incoming Mobility (Incoming) For a highly qualified researcher to lead a research team at Wallonie-Bruxelles Federation (WBF) university. Employment contract for 3 years. Deadline: rolling basis. BELGIUM (Wallonie-Bruxelles) – Incoming and outgoing doctoral and postdoctoral scholarship for Excellence IN.WBI & WBI.World*.Open to foreigners from any nationality. Fields: Transport and logistics; Mechanical engineering; Life sciences; Agro-industry; Aviation-space; Environmental technologies. 1 to 3 months to 1 year. Deadline: for long term stays, the deadline in 2017 has passed. Next cut-off date for short-term stays: 1 October 2017 BELGIUM (Wallonie-Bruxelles) - F.R.S.-FNRS Post-doctoral temporary incoming fellowship* (up to 3 years) for a non-Belgian PhD holder (with maximum 6 years of experience). Deadline: rolling basis BELGIUM – FWO Travel Grants for Long Stays Abroad (5 weeks to 12 months) for researchers affiliated with a university in the Flemish community or belong to the scientific staff (of the Dutch-speaking community) of a federal or Flemish scientific institute. Submission deadline: no later than 3 months before departure. BELGIUM (Flanders) – Scholarships for incoming Master . Full scholarships funded by VLIR-UOS to follow a training or Master programme at a Flemish university or university college. Applicants must apply to the master programme of their choice, mentioning they also apply for a scholarship. Open to national and resident of one of the 54 eligible countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Deadline: depends on the Master programme. DENMARK – Industrial PhD and post doc Programmes (Incoming):: three-year industrially focused PhD project where the student is hired by a company and enrolled at a university at the same time; all research fields; Candidates of any nationality, holding or expecting to hold soon a master’s degree with excellent records may apply.Deadlines for Public sector Industrial Researcher projects: 9 October 2017 ESTONIA - Mobilitas Pluss Support for study visits and training abroad for 100 researchers to attend international training events of both ETAg and its partners abroad. Deadline: Continuous ESTONIA – Dora Plus programme (incoming / outgoing). Outgoing: Support to short-term study mobility for Master’s students and doctoral students from higher education institutions in Estonia. Incoming: Foreign Master’s students and doctoral students for short-term teaching and research work in Estonia (110 months). Applications: On-going FINLAND - CIMO Fellowships. WHO? Young doctoral level students and researchers from all countries and from all academic fields. No application deadline.

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EURAXESS CELAC FRANCE (Grenoble) – Lanef PhD Programme 2017 (Incoming): three year PhD programme to support PhD training of excellent students; open to any nationality. Students from different backgrounds (biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, mathematics) who can demonstrate a strong interest in the fields of LANEF are welcome; must have master’s degree and be fluent in English Deadline: 5 October 2017 FRANCE - Lanef PhD program QuEnG:three-year interdisciplinary PhD programme "Quantum Engineering Grenoble" (QuEnG);high-level research at the interface between physics, mathematics, computer sciences, social sciences, humanities, or with industrial coaching. Deadline: 5 October 2017 FRANCE - Lanef PhD program GreQuE:25 PhD projects spread over 4 calls in 2017 and 2018. The PhD projects will be hosted in Grenoble research Institutes and each student will benefit from a 2 to 6 months placement in a European company. Deadline: 5 October 2017 The Grenoble Quantum Engineering (GreQue) doctoral programme has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 754303. It will provide the laureates with a double training involving fundamental research in toplevel laboratories and strong industrial exposure through internships within our network of industrial partners.

FRANCE – INRIA The "Internships" Programme (Incoming): Research training experience for students from all over the world; Undergraduate, masters or PhD students come and spend a few months in an Inria research team; 2-6 months with fixed renumeration around 500€ per month. Deadline: check on website FRANCE – 15 Postdoctoral Fellowships on Biology and Information Technologies open to all nationalities at the French Atomic and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA). No specific application deadline: The positions are open until they are filled by appropriate candidates. FRANCE – Pasteur incoming study grants scientific staff from RIIP. No application deadline. FRANCE – AgreenSkills+ incoming/outgoing postdoctoral fellowships; 12 to 36 months for fellows coming to France and from 6 to 24 months for outgoing fellows, in the fields of agriculture, food, nutrition, environment, animal health and veterinary public health. For PhDs with less than 10 years of postdoctoral research experience. Next Deadline: 13 October 2017 FRANCE - PRESTIGE Postdoc programme. Three mobility schemes aimed at fostering the international mobility of post-doc researchers complying with the Marie Curie Actions mobility rules. Call open all year long with four cut-off dates. The next ones are: 31 December 2017, 31 March 2018, 30 June 2018, 30 September 2018

Check out the DAAD funding database here! Here you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for foreign students, graduates and postdocs as well as on funding offered by other selected organisations

GERMANY – DAAD Postgraduate scholarships in Arts (Incoming): Scholarships for postgraduate courses at public or recognised German colleges in Performing Arts / Dance, Fine Arts / Cinema / Design and Music. Open to students in their last year of graduation, recent graduates with a bachelor's degree or a master's degree. Deadlines: Performing Arts / Dance: 31 October 2017; Music: 31 October 2017; Arts / Film / Design: 30 November 2017 GERMANY – Development-Related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS) - DAAD: Scholarships for foreign graduates from all disciplines and with at least two years' professional experience to take a postgraduate or Master's degree at a state or state-recognised German university; Duration: 12 to 36 months.Deadline: dependent on study programme, details here ) GERMANY – DLR-DAAD Research Fellowship Programme; For highlyqualified foreign doctoral, postdoctoral students and senior scientists in Aeronautics, Space, Transportation, Energy; 1 – 36 months. Deadline: Usually once position filled or depending on current fellowships conditions, more details available here

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EURAXESS CELAC GERMANY - Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Awards of EUR 45,000 and up to one year cooperating on a long-term research project with specialist colleagues at a research institution in Germany by the Humboldt Foundation. Rolling call for applications with two reviews panels per year. In spring and autumn. GERMANY – Incoming Emmy Noether Programme*. WHO? Outstanding postdocs/junior researchers with 2 to 4 years postdoctoral experience. No application deadlines. GERMANY – Gerda Henkel Foundation post-doctoral 1 to 24 months Research Scholarships in humanities to carry out an independent research project alone. Applications are welcome at any time. GERMANY- DAAD Reintegration of German scientists* with the goal of reintegrating into the German scientific community after having spent at least 1 year abroad. Deadline depends on current offers

The current offers are published under DLR-DAAD Fellowships - Current offers

GERMANY - DLR-DAAD Research Incoming Fellowships* in the fields of Space, Aeronautics, Energy and Transportation Research open to foreign doctoral and postdoctoral students as well as senior scientists. Deadlines depend on the current offers. GERMANY - Humboldt INCOMING Fellowships* for researchers at different stages in their careers: - Humboldt Incoming Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers (6-24 months) for researchers from abroad who have completed their doctorate in the last four years; - Humboldt INCOMING Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers (6-18 months research projects) for Assistant Professors or Junior Research Group Leaders from abroad who completed their doctorate less than twelve years ago; Georg Forster Research Fellowship (HERMES) for Postdoctoral Researchers (6−24 months research project) for postdoctoral or experienced researchers from developing or transition countries who have completed their doctorate in the last 4 (post-doc)/12 years (experienced researchers). Deadline: any time during the year. GERMANY - Doctoral scholarships from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (Incoming). Scholarships for socially engaged doctoral students of any nationality, in all disciplines and of any age. Maximum stipend of 1,000 euros per month + other benefits; one-year; Deadline: 31 October 2017 IRELAND – Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Industry fellowship Programme 2017 (Incoming and outgoing) to facilitate exchanges between academia and industry for academic researchers wishing to spend time in industry worldwide and to individuals from industry anywhere in the world.1 and 12 months in duration if full time or 2 to 24 months if part time. Max.Industry Fellowship award amount: EUR 100,000. Next deadline: 23 November 2017 IRELAND – SFI incoming Research Professorship* open to researchers in academia or industry. Applications on a rolling basis. ITALY - Calls for the Admission to 2017/18 PhD Programmes - Sant' Anna School of Advanced Studies;68 positions for Ph.Ds. Non-Italian residents must have completed a MSc degree by 31 Oct 2017.Deadlines : varying depending on the topics. Click on the “annex to the call” link on the right-hand column here LUXEMBOURG – ATTRACT Call 2018 (Incoming): for junior researchers to set up their own research team within one of the country’s research institutions; between 2 and 8 years after their PhD; 5 years projects; up to EUR 2 000 000. Deadline: 15 November 2017 LUXEMBOURG – 2017 PEARL Call for proposals for leading researchers from abroad: Recruiting 3 renowned scientists to Luxembourg; 3-4 M EUR to

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EURAXESS CELAC implement the research programme at the host institution; five year projects.Deadline : 16 October 2017 NETHERLANDS (KNAW) - Evert Willem Beth Foundation: funding for research and symposiums: Research and symposiums in: modern logic, philosophy of science, history of logic, history of the philosophy of science and scientific philosophy in general. Students as well as researchers can apply. Continuous application. NETHERLANDS - The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW): Visiting Professors Programme (VPP): for outstanding foreign researchers to spend time working in the Netherlands.Next deadline: 1 November 2017 NETHERLANDS – NWO ASPASIA Programme linked to Innovational Research Incentives Scheme Vidi and Vici. Aspasia is a grant linked to the Vidi and Vici competitive grant scheme. The highest performing female candidates in the NOW’s Vidi and Vici rounds will be approached by NWO after the round if they are not yet an associate professor (in case of Vidi) or full professor (in case of Vici). The Aspasia programme does not have a deadline or an application form. NETHERLANDS – NWO visitor’s travel grant* for foreign senior researchers to stay in the Netherlands for a maximum of 4 months. Continuous application. NORWAY – The Research Council of Norway: Personal Visiting Researcher Grant for international researchers with qualifications at the professor level. Deadline: on-going. POLAND (Foundation for Polish Science) - IDEAS FOR POLAND for Winners of the “ERC Starting Grants” competition who intend to pursue scientific research in Poland. Rolling basis. PORTUGAL - Grants for Sabbatical Leave (outgoing) for PhD holders to carrying out research at foreign universities. All research fields and nationalities are eligible. The call is permanently open. SLOVAKIA – National Incoming and Outgoing Scholarships: study/research/teaching/artistic mobility of foreign students, PhD students, university teachers, researchers and artists at higher education institutions and research organisations in Slovakia. 1-2 semester (students), 1-10 months (researchers, teachers, artists). Deadline: 31 October 2017. SPAIN - Extensive list of national, regional and private sector recruitment and funding opportunities: Looking for a research job or funding to carry out research in Spain? Check the list of opportunities compiled by FECYT here. SWEDEN – Postdoctoral Scholarship Programme in Mathematics (incoming / outgoing): -

Nomination of guest professors Postdoctoral Scholarship Program in Mathematics for researchers from outside Sweden Postdoctoral Scholarship Program in Mathematics for researchers with a Swedish doctors degree

Deadline: 5 October 2017 SWITZERLAND – Swiss Government Excellence scholarships for foreign scholars 2018-2019 (Incoming)

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EURAXESS CELAC PhD / Post-doctoral / research stay from all academic fields at one of the 10 Swiss cantonal universities, the two Swiss federal institutes of technology or public teaching and research institutes 3 years max.; Master required: More information on study or research opportunities at Swiss institutions can be found at the following websites: http://www.swissuniversities.c h/en/ http://www.studyinginswitzerla


PHD Scholarships Postdoctoral Scholarships Research scholarships

Deadlines: 31 October 2017 SWITZERLAND – ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowships Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers at the ETH Zurich; Applications have to be made jointly by the candidate and their host who must be an ETH Zurich Professor and who will act as a mentor of the fellow; two years; Next deadline: 1 March 2018 SWITZERLAND – Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Ambizione (incoming) : Open to researchers from abroad to lead an independent project at a Swiss higher education institution; salary and project funds for a maximum of four years. Deadline: 1 November 2017 SWITZERLAND (Swiss National Science Foundation - SNSF) – outgoing fellowships for Swiss nationals or permanent residents: International Short Visits, fund incoming / outgoing short term mobility and small joint research project. Continuous application TURKEY - TÜBİTAK ‟2221” Fellowships for Visiting Scientists and Scientists on Sabbatical Leave who would like to give workshops/conferences/lectures, or conduct R&D activities in Turkey. Three types of visits are granted within this programme: Short-term (up to 1 month), Long-term (up to 12 months) and Sabbatical Leave (from 3 months to 12 months). All types of grants cover monthly stipend and travel costs. Deadline : rolling basis. UK - Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professorships: for UK institutions that wish to invite an eminent researcher from overseas; all subject areas with the exception of clinical and pharmaceutical research;maintenance, travel expenses and research costs. 3 to 12 months. Deadline: 12 October 2017 UK - Wellcome Intermediate Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine. For high-calibre, mid-career researchers from low- and middleincome countries, to establish an independent research programme.Research should be aimed at understanding and improving public health and tropical medicine of local, national and global relevance. Deadline: 30 November 2017

EURAXESS Centres To better plan and organise their stay in a foreign European country, researchers and their families can also benefit from the free and personalised assistance offered by the EURAXESS Centres, a network of more than 250 centres located in 40 different European countries.


ERC Consolidator Grant: Expected call launch 24 October 2017; Expected deadline: 5 February 2018 ERC Proof of Concept grant: Expected call launch 6 November 2017; Expected deadlines: 16 January 2018; 18 April 2018; 11 November 2018 Ernst Mach Incoming grant in Austria: expected call launch October 2017

About EURAXESS CELAC EURAXESS Celac is a networking tool for European researchers active/seeking activity in Latin America and Caribbean states and for Celac researchers wishing to collaborate with and/or pursue a career in Europe.

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EURAXESS CELAC EURAXESS CELAC provides information about research in Europe, European research policy, opportunities for research funding, for EU-Celac and international collaboration and for trans-national mobility. Membership is free. Visit us at and click on the Join the community button. EURAXESS Worldwide networks have thus far been launched in North America (USA & Canada) Japan, China, India, the ASEAN hub (encompassing Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam) and CELAC.

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